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16296979 No.16296979 [Reply] [Original]

What horror stories have actually made you feel scared?

>> No.16297005

The Great God Pan by Arthur Machen. I don't know but that one really made my skin crawl.
Dreams in the Witch House by Lovecraft too, more so than his other stories because the eldritch horrors visit the protagonist IN HIS BEDROOM instead of the MC seeking them in the remotest corners of the Earth.

>> No.16297025

The diamond brothers series by Anthony horowitz. This was when I was 12 or so

>> No.16297030

When I was young some weird obscure creepypasta made me to scared to shower with the door close, because of the window in the shower. I don't remember the story because I was like 7, but as I aged I guess I've become desensitized, I don't get scared, but I enjoy the fuck out of spooky rural county horror, like the Dunwich Horror. The feelings of mystery and bizarre happenings, gives me an almost sexual excitation, makes me want to move out into an old trailer in the boondocks of the Appalachians or some shit like that. The scariest writings are shit like psychoanalysis, theory's on the "unreality"of the "Post-modern condition", anything about greek pederasty, and works by Nietzsche.

>> No.16297059

The only story that has ever scared me was a creepypasta. I don’t remember what it was called but it was about a guy who saw these creatures scuttling around out of the corner of his eye but they would disappear when he tried to look at them directly. It scared me pretty bad when I was 14 or so.

>> No.16297063
File: 33 KB, 258x386, The_Curse_of_the_Gloamglozer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its been years since I read it, but there was a portion in the middle of the book that struck me with fear. The two main characters have to travel inside this floating rock that the city they live in was built on. The rock has a bunch of holes that they have to navigate through. As they go deeper, it becomes apparent that theres something evil living inside of it, and the writing coupled with the excellent illustrations made me feel like I was going to be jump scared on the next page turn.

>> No.16297069


Stephen King's 1408

It's a masterclass in the use of language techniques, unfinished sentences and framwork, non-sequtur and other tricks to truly create a feeling of disorientation and chaos.

shame about the movie - the effect is fragile and dissipates if you can't stop yourself from picturing john Cusack ever 2 seconds

>> No.16297070

I think I've listened to that one, I think he becomes able to see them later on? Idk there's millions of way to similar creepypastas, I can't be to sure i know what story you're talking about.

>> No.16297087

crash space by bakker

>> No.16297094

>listened to that one,
are these all in audiobooks?

>> No.16297111

Eh not all but there's tons of them on YouTube, I like to listen to them to bed, then I get into them and can't sleep.

>> No.16297128

I didn't know, I've liked creepypastas forever, I feel like they are like an entire new artform, even the way they're almost written like long-form poetry in separate lines. Would be interesting to hear a vocalized version of it.

/x/ often has really good threads about creepypasta btw, basically just anons posting old collections, sometimes they have pastebins or megas, you should check it out from time to time if you like them

>> No.16297161

I definitely will check it out, and you should definitely check out all the audiobooks on YouTube, but I do warn you, a metric shit ton on YouTube are utter mass produced garbage made simply for view whoring.

>> No.16297316
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THIS fucker in Stormchaser scared the hell out of 11 year old me. I always read late at night with most of the lights out, and one night while I was reading I turned the page and this spooky looking dude was staring right at me. It’s burned into my memory.

Crichton’s “Lost World” scared me when I read it as a young teenager, he’s awfully good at describing the terrifying situations the protagonists are in. It’s hard to find any books these days that can genuinely scare me. I’ll take some suggestions from this thread and hopefully find some good scares.

>> No.16297406
File: 56 KB, 360x450, Sepianightwandering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That guy's friend who's doomed to look for him forever was pretty sad.

>> No.16297542

Ringu by Koji Suzuki.

>> No.16298707
File: 346 KB, 487x700, gilman_s_room_by_heizel87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dreams in the Witch House
The creepiest for me.
The Haunter in the dark is scary for me, probably because i am scared of full darkness.
I never sleep in a completely dark room.
Also "From beyond" made me realise that "monsters" could be just next to us hidden in other dimensions which our senses cannot perceive.

>> No.16299506
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>What horror stories have actually made you feel scared?
I rarely feel anything that can be described as actual fear when reading, I think one of the closest was in Forever War; from here on be spoilers on the training mission on the planetoid Charon, the author manages to invoke some base existential dread by describing the environment the troops are being trained in, where in near absolute zero temperature mere physical contact of your equipment with the exotic terrain can result in fatal consequences

>> No.16299514

Listening to creepypastas has made me feel scared before, but reading has never had the same effect

>> No.16299566
File: 33 KB, 350x400, monkeys-paw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Monkey's Paw
The fall of the House of Usher
Anything by M.R. James

>> No.16300152

>The Monkey's Paw

Second that. The Audible recording is a superb reading (I've never been able to find it on youtube or anywhere else).

The Stephen King story The Raft scared me when I read it. (As you get older, stories don't scare you anymore.)

>> No.16300154

my autobiography desu

>> No.16300219
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>The Audible recording
nothing scared the shit out of little me than the goosebumps audio book the haunted mask

speaking of goosebumps, the books that scared me the most as a kid were both from RL stein. That trilogy of that girl that gets chosen to go on a reality tv show, and then she just gets her shit fucked with until she loses her mind.

And, of course, this book. God, just look at the cover.

>> No.16300238

That one about the rats and the 3 guys trapped in the lighthouse

>> No.16300699

Are you talking about Three Skeleton Key?
I've read that one. It was entertaining but I didn't think it was very scary.

>> No.16300878

Creepypastas work on me, but only when I'm alone at night and I binge on them for about three hours, then they start creeping me out.

>> No.16300985

In my opinion horror is the one and only genre where audio books are superior. Every other genre lose something when recorded in audio book form but horror tends to be far better when you're listening to it as opposed to reading it.

>> No.16301070

The creepypasta "the other watcher" scared me pretty badly

>> No.16301503

For me this has to be Algernon Blackwood's "The Wendigo".
Idky, but something about it really struck a nerve for me

>> No.16301508

Your diary desu.

>> No.16301515

The Masque of the Red Death

>> No.16301568

Only if there's a fire crackling in the background and forest noises so you can roleplay as someone listening to spooky stories around a campfire

>> No.16301660

Nietsche didn't intend to write a horror story but the Gay Science was a big scare for me.

>> No.16301690


>> No.16301693

Jinn by Matthew B. J. Daleney (title was Dämon in German, much better)
frightened me as a teenager, the yellow eyes...
I didn'r really get the last 150 pages fully, the translation was a bit faulty I think.

>> No.16301713

the shitposting that those larping schizos make on /x/

>> No.16302359

im rarely scared but

the box by jack ketchum

>> No.16302402

The Book of Revelations. It terrorised me well into my early adolescence

>> No.16302619

The movie is very creepy as well. I watched it a little too young and it really stuck with me. I strongly dislike nightmarish scenarios that either mind f*ck the person who's in them or is seemingly endless.. It's what I imagine hell is like.

>> No.16304168

Dracula, unironically. Also the case of charles dexter ward