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16293824 No.16293824 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone read this garbage? How can reddit defend this

>> No.16293837

I thought it was very well written, in terms of prose, but the actual plot was mostly atrocious. The love interest was the most neckbeard shit ever and super annoying.

>> No.16293884
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what's reddish?

>> No.16293916

I enjoyed the first book alot. I thought he captured the essence of fae well. While Kvothe is a mary sue, he at least was his creative in his justification of it. The second book I didn't finish. You could tell he was browsing reddit and tumblr way too much and catering to his fan girls. My suspension of disbelief was shattered in the second book, which disappointed me because he did a very good job at holding it in the first book.

>> No.16293920
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i thought it said "The White Man's Fear"

>> No.16293952

What events shattered it? Or was it a chain of events that did it?

>> No.16293960

Chain of events. The warrior women were the final straw.

>> No.16294009

What is the justification for being all powerful and smarter than everyone?

>> No.16294095

For me it was the fairy sex fanfiction that took up like 100 pages.

>> No.16294111

It was a good book.

>> No.16294132

Go read the "The First Law" trilogy instead if you want good contemporary fantasy.

>> No.16294171

He just was; no kidding, his IQ was just that high.

>> No.16294220

>becomes god of sex
>has sex with every tavern wench
>goes and has sex with ninja village
so fucking cringe

>> No.16294254

Its been years since i read them but at least in the first book he wasnt great at everything. He was good at the runes (?) , music and the magic word thing. Everything else he was either ok at or he didnt talk about. Its in the second book where Rothfuss couldnt help but make him great at everything.

>> No.16294263

Do you think patrick hotfuzz has ever had sex? He seems to view it as something that instantly makes you a chad

>> No.16294270

The fairy sex scene was just calypso fanfic

>> No.16294298

The cuck passage at the end of the first book made me almost drop it.
Honestly, don't read it, I doubt the last book will ever come out.

>> No.16294335

It was so out of character, maybe if he thought it was Denna or something more intersting that a hot girl

>> No.16294338

I remember some guy coming up to his parents and telling them how their son "had a gift, and whatever career he chose to pursue, he'd be legendary in" and that "he'd become the wealthiest merchant in the land or the best music player of all time" if he focused on those areas. So yeah, even as a child he was made not for success, but to attain a legendary status.

>> No.16294344

He walked into a university classroom and dunked on the professor while the whole room clapped. This motherfucker was supposed to be a gypsy all his life.

>> No.16294351

I think Kvothe's father is meant to be a faerie or something, hence the eyes and hence the immense ability.

>> No.16294359

Just finished the first book. It was okay. Eventually I'll read the second.
My question is what would /lit/ think of a girl that told you this was her favorite series?

>> No.16294364

I read it when I was a teen. I liked it a lot, but I have no idea how I'd feel about it now; I'm sure I'd like it a lot less, but unconvinced if I would hate or even dislike it. I'm not in any hurry to reread it, anyway.

>> No.16294424

Sorry to break it to you bud but I read it last year and yeah hes nearly instantly the best ever at everything he touches. The music playing and university entrance exam were particularly egregious

>> No.16294507

I wonder why people like it so much. Though most of the people I have met that do are women. So I guess whole perfect man is the thing.

>> No.16294523

>that scene where he plays Wonderwall in the tavern and brings everyone to tears
my god

>> No.16294543

My brother also liked it a lot, but then again he was a kid when he read them and he's always liked his fantasy. I think that people like the magic system, and how small in scale the story is. It's not about an epic war to defeat the Evil Lord of Mount Holocaust, it's just following this guy around and there's magic and shit. I believe that people find it a comfy read, regardless of everything else.

>> No.16294551

With a broken lute, don't forget that part. Because he had learnt to play like that when he was a hobo.

>> No.16294620

IDK for all of its faults I thought that part was pretty cool + decently explained

>> No.16294651

People have really bad taste. It's something that needs to be developed.

>> No.16294680

I haven't been able to find the video but I swear to God that during a QnA I saw Patrick Rothfuss refuse to answer a question and tell a fan to leave the line because "there's too many white people asking questions".

>> No.16294711


It's wish fulfillment bullshit and perfect for people who think they're special/smarter than other people. You can tell a lot about Rothfuss himself just from his main character. Neckbeard wank fantasy.

>> No.16294787

I mean he cheated on the entrance exam to do so well. And he grew up playing music every day so he'd probably be pretty good.

>> No.16294834
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>It's wish fulfillment bullshit and perfect for people who think they're special/smarter than other people. You can tell a lot about Rothfuss himself just from his main character. Neckbeard wank fantasy.
>people who think they're special/smarter than other people
>mfw this describes my gf to the tee
>mfw she recommended this series to me
I read the first book and then put this one at the tail end of my reading list, and I keep putting things ahead of it. The first book was okay, it was more so when I caught on to it being pretty much wish fulfilment. And I read it as one would eat a fast food burger, excess this is the soggy oversalted fries of that. Kinda like the warhammer books, but at least those I have fun with.