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16293790 No.16293790 [Reply] [Original]

What does the 1% read? What are the reading habits and preferred titles of the wealthiest families in the world?

>> No.16293828

This is the most anti-poor movies I’ve ever seen. Wealthy people are superior in every imaginable way

>> No.16293847

Today's bourgeoisie cant even be arsed to patronize the arts anymore they just consume the same crap as everybody else.

>> No.16293850

they don't read, they get high off their ass on pills
t. trust fund baby

>> No.16293852

>the movie is meant to represent everyone rather than being a specific story/situation
pleb interpretation

>> No.16293875

I know I just woke up and had to get the idiotic edge out of my system before I start reading and writing

>> No.16293876

I don't think they read, at least not with any purpose. Reading as a lay pursuit was a middle class innovation.

>> No.16293881

> Reading as a lay pursuit was a middle class innovation.
No. Aristocrats read for pleasure before that.

>> No.16293883

This. Reading is for bourgeois women

>> No.16293887

They dont read, they're not good looking, they're fucking weird people. Not happy. Living in fantasyland is not good for your mind or body.
The aspirational percentiles below them down to relatively high payed professionals who make up the skeletal remnants of the self sufficient middle class are a large group so too hard to generalize, but if I had to make a guess it would be people who either read whatever magazine articles, pop psych and pop sci, and self help shit they need to keep up with the liberal narrative flavor of the day, and people who read shit like /lit/ recommends as catharsis cause occupying that position is distressful for anyone with a modicum of class consciousness (from personal experience)

>> No.16293909

It depends on the culture. In the US, the reading habits of the ruling class don't differ significantly from those of the PMC tier of the proletariat.

>> No.16293918


he believes in class consciousness

>> No.16293929

Well, all it takes is to believe. Same with the racial consciousness. See what happened.

>> No.16293943

>the 1%
According to the Credit Suisse report on global wealth in 2019 you only need 1 million in asset to be in the 1%. This means that a successful dentist near retirement with a nice appartment in downtown new york, a nice house somewhere in the countryside, a nice car and some savings is already in the 1%. Do you think that such a guy really need to be that well-read, or have eccentric reading habits?

>wealthiest families in the world
You're talking the 0.01% then. I doubt anyone has any remote contact with them so good luck figuring out what they read.

Quite the opposite, the movie shows how easy it is for poor people to look like rich people. Iirc the director said everyone in the movie is a parasite (the rich leech off a system that creates huge imbalances in wealth distributions, and the poor leech off those rich in turn).

>> No.16293944

You dont believe in being aware of your class?

>> No.16293968

self-help and similar gimmicky new york times bestsellers

nah the 1% don't read outside of their education. they got other things to do like controlling the world and raping kids. you know how better the world would be if they just read some novels or something, some emotional development and reflection. emotionally they're spoilt children with a ridiculously stupid (childlike) view of the world. this comes out more today when they fuck up the carefully crafted personas they have the media make.

>> No.16293976

Everyone posting here is guessing. None of us are within five handshakes of these people.

>> No.16293987

this site is open to everyone and has millions of users you retard. granted, it attracts certain kinds of people that yes do not fall under the topic.

>> No.16293989


OP asked such a pleb question, most of the 1% are just people concerned with bullshit, not eccentric genius readers.

>> No.16293993

I taught English Literature to the richest children in a foreign country. They're in the 0.01% worldwide. These kids live in private compounds with government special police armed with carbines as guards. They blow my monthly salary on designer clothes every week many times over. They read American common core shit because they have to and it's torture to get through. Fuck America.

>> No.16293994

I used to work for a company which manages the vacation homes of some one percenters.

>> No.16293995

That you even think it's a remote possibility shows that you're a gullible retard. Probably a zoomer with zero life experience. Hush.

>> No.16293998

The system doesn’t create, it just doesn’t restrict

>> No.16294014

So i think he’s a fag but rapture has shown that he’s got 40 million +, so I’m going to shill his stupid reading lists for him in order to answer your question, because, yes, it is by definition what the 1% reads:


If I’m being entirely honest they are actually really good reading lists and makes it seem like the 1% actually do have some knowledge above memes

>> No.16294016


The rich leach off nothing in the movies ystem and then the loser father kills the fucking guy. The father is a complete loser and fails to raise his kids well, teaches them sneaky defeatist ideology. Korea has the most superficial culture (or non-culture) of the modern world, retarded faggots like you embrace this because you have no inner voice.

>> No.16294021

You're spiraling into a schizo-hole. Pull out now.

>> No.16294025

Seems like a fair description of teenagers in that environment, I remember reading a book by a former studentofo the Ecole Alsacienne in Paris (one of the poshest high school in the city) and he said most conversations were orbiting around relationships (who was hooking with whom), clothes, and vacations spots.

However this is for run-of-the-mill teenagers (wealthy but temperamentally and intellectually run-of-the-mill). What about the bright one once they start getting responsabilities? What about guys like Bill Gates or whoever is running the Rothschild financial empire?

>> No.16294029

What? I don’t know what you mean by that.

>> No.16294035

Then it may be too late for you. Read your last post back to yourself, for chrissakes.

>> No.16294036

That's the same thing, do you believe massive wealth imbalances are possible in a pre-money village centered economic system? You're thinking of the legal system here, but below that there is the economic system, and it does create those imbalances. Without globally traded currencies, modern communication technology, sophisticated finance, globalized trade and the post-1980 monetary system those imbalances wouldn't have room to exist.

>> No.16294044

My grandfather shook hands with my country's president in the 1980s.

>> No.16294047

Rapture is a special case, he seems to be basically a book nerd that inherited a lot of money. If anything it shows the uppermost classes still have room for a diversity of tastes and behaviors.

You can't really be sure that there is no richfag posting here. You can find richfags in all kinds of places, just look at a madman like John McAffee.

>> No.16294084

the 1% checks tiktok while they engage in recreational drugs and checks if any worthwhile vacation countries eleviate border control covid policies for bitchy instagram pictures and poorly faked smiles

>> No.16294091

>special case

I actually agree with this. Trolling him is easy af but what he’s doing seems valuable and different from whatever your average uberwealthfag shils on twitter or whatever.

I want to know what his endgame is, or what 1%-ers like him are actually doing. Are all those books just sitting there? Is there more of an idea behind it? Where is it heading? Seen glimpses of it for years, one of the only things about the 1% I’m envious of.

>> No.16294107

>The rich leach off nothing in the movies ystem
Leech off is a strong word, but there is nothing that shows they deserve what they get. It just seem like a fact of nature, and yet in their interaction with poorer people they don't come off as particularly dignified (once you get past the polite veneer, so perhaps one third into the movie). The poor are cheaters but that's because the landscape is so patently dominated by the rich that there the only options are 1. becoming rich by the same means 2. living in their shadows 3. stealing from them. The poorfags in the movie are dishonest but not unressourceful, so why must they rely on the rich to get by, and with is this so much more profitable a strategy than just working hard? That's the issue the movie is concerned with, that much is pretty clear.

> then the loser father kills the fucking guy
And everything is done to make us understand where he's coming from. There's an almost organic disdain seeping through the rich family's behavior (it's not obvious at first because the poor family manages to present itself as not-poor). Parasite is no great movie, I think it's merely nice, but it is more nuanced than you make it out to be.

>retarded faggots like you embrace this because you have no inner voice
Not sure where this assumption is coming from, that strikes me as the comment of someone who takes /lit/ memespeak and reasoning too seriously. Are you one of those who think he can tell whether someone has a soul just from the last book they read? You sure sound like it.

>> No.16294138

>or what 1%-ers like him are actually doing.
1%-ers aren't that rich, with 40 millions Rapture is probably already in the top 0.1%. And the answer is uncertain, but probably: whatever they feel like doing. Some will chill and spend their wealth, some will do thing out of a sense of responsibility, self-righteousness, or simply out of curiosity. At this scale of wealth personal character and familial environment must play a pretty big role since financial constraints are almost nonexistent.

>> No.16294291

First, there are different sets of percentages. If we're just going by straight up monetary wealth, then on the whole the read the same typical bestsellers that everyone else does, largely because most of the 1% are new money, and are within one generation of being middle or upper-middle class. They know what it is like, or remember what it is like, to rely on a job or career for income.

Among the true old-money upper/aristocratic classes, though (i.e. those who have lived their entire lives without needing to work, and who have been raised by those who have not needed to work), tastes are much wider, and actually come to resemble the diversity of the various NEETs who post here (or used to post here). Often there will be some particular interest that the man will delve into to the point of obsession, though he'll only regard it as his own particular eccentricity. Many also don't read much, and instead find some other great interest to occupy their time (sport, arborculture, antiques, etc).

I'd actually wager to say that neets have more in common with the old-money aristocracy than the middle-class (up to and including much of the so-called '1%'), with the exception of the aesthetics of how they live their lives (obviously old money can afford nicer things).

>> No.16294371
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>> No.16294373

Park So Dam needs me

>> No.16294414

>you only need 1 million in asset to be in the 1%
The expression is not meant literally, you retard.

>> No.16294446

Then it's very badly picked expression. Choke on a dick, I'm not responsible for OP's bad choice of words.

>> No.16294530

Do you suffer from autism? "The 1%" means the ruling class.

>> No.16294547

>Bach and before, Ives and after
>Steve Reich and Philip Glass are the most patrician now

>> No.16294606

>you don't like to use harebrained expression therefore you must be autistic
This meme has to stop. How can you even talk about the rich (a quantitative notion measured with money or assets) when you can't get even a vaguely correct idea of the category you're talking about?

A millionaire dentist is closer to me than he is to a billionaire, yet both are lumped in the 1%, but I'm supposed to understand, when you say 1%, that you only mean billionaires? Even tough "the 1%" is often mentioned in contexts that involve dentists more than billionaires?

How about you stop being a sloppy ass nigga and use less handwavy terms? It's not that hard, I don't ask for a confidence interval.

Same with "the ruling class". It's not really about money, a senator is ruling class but he isn't necessarily rich. So what is it? Billionaires? People with big political power? Dentists? All of them? This changes the conversation in every case.

If we keep talking in memetic terms we are never going to get anything else than memes.

>> No.16294619

Imagine being this autistic and ignorant.

>> No.16294641
File: 631 KB, 1650x2400, Global Power Elite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So what is it? Billionaires? People with big political power? Dentists?

>So, who does rule America?
>A: The owners and managers of large income-producing properties; i.e., the owners of corporations, banks, other financial institutions, and agri-businesses.

See pic related for names and addresses.

>> No.16294676

This is mostly accurate. The children are usually like this and so they read nothing outside of class. In non-america the parents are usually criminal adjecent and too stupid or too busy to care about books. That said, if they do read then its pretty standard pleb-tier mass market stuff to do with politics.

>> No.16294826

I've met a lot of people from old aristocratic families. Most of them are well-read, doesn't mean they're always smart though

>> No.16294867
File: 266 KB, 1210x1268, PECTuuI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here are the habits of people worth $3m+ (pic related). If you mean the 0.001%, the billionaires, then its split between new money and old money. In my research new money is primarily characterized by a lust for knowledge. Musk has read the entire encyclopedia twice, Gates has read it all once and had a household rule where he was forced to stop bringing his books with him to dinner. Bezos had a bookstore for crying out loud. Gates has had a book blog since the internet became a thing. There seems to be a trend where they preferred nonfiction over fiction which would later help in their business dealings, but I'd be surprised if they hadn't read the classics at least. Pretty much every billionaire is an avid reader which is hard for a lot of poorer people to imagine, probably because their only conception of rich people is Cardi B twerking on a yacht while her rapper boyfriend, Offset, is taking pictures of his $5m (1/3 net worth) necklace or another musician/actor dying of a drug overdose. Back to the topic, you can literally google "[billionaire] book recommendations" to see what books they recommend, since pretty much every billionaire has been asked this question. You might be disappointed to find that most of the books are just business/leadership classics and that there's no secret books, but that's the truth of it. It was just hard work. Of course there was some luck involved, with some luckier than others, but most just put the work in or inherited from people who did and it's pretty difficult to be a failure if you have such a love of knowledge.
Now for old money it's much less intense since they don't need to go above and beyond, just reach a baseline standard. Google around for textbooks/required readings at Harvard, Yale, etc and you'll see their books. It is much easier to be old money than to become new money.

>> No.16294874

>Here are the habits of people worth $3m+ (pic related).
Pocket change. Standard PMC wagecuck net worth.

>> No.16294877

Nice contribution to the conversation, my dear memelord.

This is much better. Saying top 300 most powerful american is really being explicit without being pedantic.

I feel like there is a cultural difference between old aristocracy and (even fairly old) bourgeois superrich. Of course it tends to fade over time. Some old French noble families have even drop the particle in order to blend in with the bourgeois.

>> No.16294894

I'm sure you're so much wealthier than them.

>> No.16294901
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>> No.16294904

The Bible

>> No.16294909

English 1% still read the classics

>> No.16294916

Idiotic chart.

>> No.16294925

>that 74 to 1 “parents taught daily habits” difference

>> No.16294926

>missing the point this badly

>> No.16294930

>You can't really be sure that there is no richfag posting here. You can find richfags in all kinds of places, just look at a madman like John McAffee.
I'm not sure where the 1% cutoff is, but so long as we're speaking figuratively of "the wealthiest people," "the ruling class," I assure you, they are not accessible to you, they are not talking to you, they are not interested in your thoughts and posts.

>> No.16294931

How can a chart be idiotic? It's a survey and the results.

>> No.16294932

I know one, he doesn't read just takes copious drugs.

>> No.16294936

if you're asking what Korean rich people read, it's mostly Nip lit in translation and domestic pulp romance.

Source: I married an import/export heiress while teaching English in Inchon.

>> No.16294937

>"avoid toxic people"
>86 to 1

>> No.16294944

It's statistically meaningless and unscientific, and it only compares two factions of the proletariat. Couldn't be more worthless.

>> No.16294948

t. Identifies most with the right-hand column

>> No.16294959

Yeah this one is the most jarring. It seems poor people really are used to their shitty lives. Anyway I'm probably going to join them soon.

>> No.16294964

It's pure propaganda -- the idea that "rich" and "poor" are separated by their habits and choices. Having a few million in savings does not make you "rich" in any relevant sense.

>> No.16294968

can't buy class

>> No.16294971

"live below your means rule" is a really strange way to title the pareto principle

>> No.16294972


These are really fascinating. Anyone have any more?

>> No.16294973


>> No.16294974

Everyone *wants* to avoid toxic people, especially when it's your boss. Only the fortunate few have the fuck-you money to make it happen.

>> No.16294977

>its pure propaganda that rich people and poor people have different habits and make different choices
You can't be serious, can you?

>> No.16294979

>t. brainwashed bootlicker

>> No.16294980

Not so sure about that. A lot of people willingly keep toxic friends and such because they don't want to be lonely. Here we are, posting with mostly toxic people.

>> No.16294981

That’s not what the question means. The question is about whether you cut out toxic friends or family. Also, good luck running a company without interacting with toxic people

>> No.16294994
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It's in the link.

>> No.16295000

Makes sense, so the difference here wouldn't be tolerance for toxic behavior but ability to avoid people. Still you'd think they would to it at least in their private lives.
So it's possible that on average the working class have no clear notion of toxic people because they are too busy dealing with the basic shit in their lifes, everything else they simply endure without giving much attention. Only people with enough time and financial autonomy would spend time categorizing people according to how much being around them benefits them.

>> No.16295005

It's exceedingly unlikely that there are no average differences between the upper and lower classes. I mean just think about it for a second, being stupid and impulsive will obviously sometimes lead to becoming broke, while being prudent and intelligent will sometimes lead to being rich. The fact that it doesn't always do so doesn't mean there won't be an overall trend like this. The children of the rich will inherit both money and intelligence. Lots of stupid rich people sure, but more stupid poor people.

>> No.16295006

Why would it be a matter of time? I would think it would more be reference points. A lot of people are born into toxic families and have very little experience with other ways of being. They just expect the behaviors we call toxic, it's normal to them. I see it all the time

>> No.16295008

>A lot of people willingly keep toxic friends and such because they don't want to be lonely.
>The question is about whether you cut out toxic friends or family.

The poor can't afford to burn bridges -- either at work or in their private life. They are stuck in place.

>> No.16295020

/care the thread is about what is read and your posts don't touch the surface

thee usual autist fixated on factoid tunnel vision rambling

>> No.16295025

Seems like something you're just saying because it sounds nice. Letting a relationship with a toxic person gently lapse is not burning a bridge. The idea that you need some dramatic blowout when you end a relationship is, itself, toxic thinking. Better metaphor is detaching your boat from a pier that's on fire. It's a benefit.

>> No.16295029


Lmao really? Thanks to cultural Marxism more like it. You fucking alt right losers are crying now for sure aren't you? Media has been compromised by and of the people.

>> No.16295031

>It's exceedingly unlikely that there are no average differences between the upper and lower classes.
No shit, Sherlock. But a pseudoscientific "survey" by a motivational speaker is not going to uncover them.

>being prudent and intelligent will sometimes lead to being rich.
Almost never.

>Lots of stupid rich people sure, but more stupid poor people.
There is zero evidence of that.

>> No.16295043

one drop

>> No.16295053

If you are poor, you can't just move somewhere else. You are often forced to live in the same house as your "toxic" family members. You are stuck in the same neighborhood and thus in the same social circle as other toxic people. Poverty means your options are limited.

>> No.16295058

>I would think it would more be reference points.
Yes this too is important. As for time, it's not so much period of free time than perspective and the ability to take a minute to ask yourself 'is it beneficial to me to keep seeing this person?". But reference point conveys it better.

>> No.16295105

Ah I see what you're saying now. Yes, there is some truth to that. But it's also true that your interactions with people occur on a spectrum and moving away from shitheads is often at least partly in your power. No need to spend 4 hours a night throwing back beers with dad and watching the game, for example.

>> No.16295144
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>> No.16295148

Regardless, this whole conversation about different factions of the proletariat is a distraction. Yes, the ambitious proles who strive for greater material consoomsuption will have less concern for loyalty to their family and community, and a more sociopathic orientation. But whether you have $3k or $3m is ultimately irrelevant with respect to the exercise of power on a societal level. Nobody works their way into the ruling class.

>> No.16295194

>communist manifest that high

>> No.16295198

>Nobody works their way into the ruling class.
How do liberals coincide the two ideas that 1. Billionaires are the ones with all of the power and who control the government and 2. Nobody works their way into power. Do you genuinely believe that nobody can work their way into being a billionaire? You don't think that Bill Gates revolutionizing computers was from working hard?

>> No.16295203

What else did you expect from the USS?

>> No.16295208

>How do liberals coincide the two ideas
You mean anti-liberals, right?

>Billionaires are the ones with all of the power and who control the government and 2. Nobody works their way into power. Do you genuinely believe that nobody can work their way into being a billionaire?
The vast majority of wealth is inherited.

>> No.16295215
File: 35 KB, 600x539, 1594736269197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all entry-level /lit/ books
I read those in my first years of /lit/ try to keep up academicucks

>> No.16295218

I wouldn't put much stock in that data.

>> No.16295230

They read Ta-Nahesi Coates

If they're edgy/antifa they follow fat bearded German idealism man

>> No.16295234

>You don't think that Bill Gates revolutionizing computers was from working hard?
Gates came from a rich family that was ruling-class adjacent. Let him in and it looks like anyone can get in and keeps people passive.

>> No.16295244

But you couldn't have accomplished what he did. He was also much more well read than you at every point in his life.

>> No.16295255
File: 68 KB, 520x320, eattherichtfinal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Modest Proposal (inspo)
120 Days of Sodom (inspo)
1984 (instruction manual)
The Prince (self-help)
48 Laws of Power (self-help)

>> No.16295256

>But you couldn't have accomplished what he did.
He's a sociopath who lied and cheated his way into a monopoly.

>He was also much more well read than you at every point in his life.
Lol, no.

>> No.16295293

In one of his biographies it said Bill Gates would pull all nighters reading in the library as a teenager. I doubt you read nearly as much. He's more of a nerdy autistic savant than a sociopath (which you have no evidence for).

>> No.16295295

These lists are great, thanks. What’s his/rapture’s story? Seems like something interesting here.
40 million, private library, young guy with cancer—seems like something out of a novel.

>> No.16295304

There was an entire very popular book about this, The Bell Curve. The real upper class are kind of their own thing, but looking from the lower class up to upper-middle you see an obvious correlation with IQ.

>> No.16295336

Standard divide and conquer tactics. "This kind of prole is better than that kind of prole. Fight amongst yourselves and forget about us."

>> No.16295349
File: 64 KB, 312x236, 2Methods-Zagorsky00-RelationshipbetweenIQandWealth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the correlation of wealth and IQ.

>> No.16295369

Agreed. Not interested in the 1%, moreso the .01%. I'm quickly setting myself and my future family to be 1% with nothing but graft which shouldn't be possible in a neoliberal society (t. tech anon)

>> No.16295395

>you only need 1 million in asset to be in the 1%
Wow, only 1 million? That's barely 20 years of pre-tax pay! Who knew all it took was spending half your working life never buying anything, taking on debt, having a family or paying taxes!

>> No.16295409

I may be drunk/autistic but when I bring up ideas of jacques ellul to 5% / borderline 1% I know it makes them uncomfortable. I'd love to talk about it with a proper lit anon.

>> No.16295425

Anything on his technique discourse please discuss, or works from Rousseau I would love to talk about. 1% which I engage with don't like it

>> No.16295502

finally a fellow gentlesir

>> No.16295512

who said anything about fighting you braindead fucking idiot? pointing out objective differences is the first basic step in forming an effective team? why the fuck are you people so god damn fucking brain dead always?

>> No.16295521

nice aphorisms dick licker. put it on a background of a rose coming out of concrete in bold text and put it on the wall of Julia from psych 101.

>> No.16295562

>forced to read the Prince
Big yikes from me.

>> No.16295570

>>Steve Reich and Philip Glass are the most patrician now

That's only because they're Jewish.

>> No.16295650

The Kabbalah. The Talmud. Satanic grimoires. Probably unpublished knowledge, transmitted throught very rich families.

>> No.16295816

What the fuck are you even talking about, moron?

>> No.16295945

Business books, and books on entrepreneurship. The average millionaire has and average of like 11 sources of income or something. That plus less reading and more implementation on the business lessons learned. They read a lot. This is mostly for the self made rich person.

For people who inherited their money, don’t bother with what they read, and do not give them any respect at all. The idle rich are a lower class than the homeless and mentally ill, right above criminals.

>> No.16295957

The idle rich are the people who rule the world, unfortunately.

>> No.16295961

Specific books:
>Poor Charlie’s Almanac
>Money: Mastering the Game by Tony Robbins (disregard his motivational stuff, this book is legit)
>Zero to One by Peter Thiel - great crash course on entrepreneurship and startups if you are completely new to the concept.
>Naval Podcast episode: How to Get Rich
>Growth Mindset
>various biographies of people you admire most, especially business people, to get an idea of their mindsets and behaviors.

>> No.16295964

It simply doesn't make sense that dumb, impulsive people wouldn't end up poorer on average.

>> No.16295972

You sound like a bugman.

>> No.16295983


>> No.16295987


The higher you go up in the American class ladder the weirder, and uglier the people get. Rich people have bizarre and horrible dysgenic practices like the women waiting till 35 to have kids and letting maids raise your kid.

Do you know why they're lowering the test standards at elite universities? Because the elite's kids are too fucking dumb now to pass them

>> No.16295997

I have been close to filthy rich families due to strange circumstances through my entire life

The rich are fucking weird and insane. I've known rural trailer park dwellers who are happier and have more fun in life

>> No.16296008

I'm just asking you to think about it for a second, they're going to a)spend their money on retarded stuff, b)not be able to work many jobs that require intelligence, and c)more likely to commit crimes(and get caught) that fuck up their job prospects.

How is it logically possible for this group of people not to end up poorer on average?

>> No.16296010

I've seen the book collections of someone worth 10+ mil and someone worth 1+ bil and they both had Dean Koontz. In both cases the other books were similar garbage.

>> No.16296016

>Do you know why they're lowering the test standards at elite universities? Because the elite's kids are too fucking dumb now to pass them

Yes, that's why...

>> No.16296020

You're so obsessed with consooming material goods, it's sickening.

>> No.16296028

How does this even vaguely address what I wrote, Im poor and own basically nothing apart from a computer and some clothes and a phone.

>> No.16296044

Whether you are a materially poor or well-off prole, you're still a prole. It's in Capital's interest to create artificial divisions that don't matter.

>> No.16296046

Ok, that is still not what I said though.

>> No.16296053

pointing out differences isn't 'CREATING DIVIDE AND MAKING PIPO ATTACK EACH OTHER HURR DURR' u fucking braindead retard.

>> No.16296055

I work at a bookstore. Whenever an amex platinum or black taps the eftpos machine it's almost always paying for a pop-business book or the latest and greatest neoliberal propoganda pamphlet, like that white privilege one.

>> No.16296060

Yes, it was.

>> No.16296066

You're the dumbest sack of shit in this thread. Kill yourself immediately.

>> No.16296072

I outlined an argument about why people with lower intelligence and impulsive behaviors are likely to end up poorer, you didn't reply to this at all. It may be in the political interests of the working classes to align with the middle class but this doesn't change the dynamic i'm talking about.

>> No.16296082

>I outlined an argument about why people with lower intelligence and impulsive behaviors are likely to end up poorer, you didn't reply to this at all.
Yes, you keep showing how you are completely soulless bugman obsessed with material outcomes. No reply is needed since it is an irrelevant distraction.

>It may be in the political interests of the working classes to align with the middle class
The middle class is the working class, asshat. If you work for a paycheck, you are working class. The problem is capital, not other working people.

>> No.16296089

>11 sources of income

>> No.16296096

I'm not concerned with material outcomes at all, that's actually why I don't really care about the 'plight of the working class' or whatever, I just don't care about owning stuff very much. This is however not even relevant to the general argument, to which you have not even tried to address any rebuttal. The distinction between working class and middle class is not about whether you work for a living, it's just about what level of wealth you're at.

>> No.16296102
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Gotta hustle to get dat cash monay $$$ know what I'm saying

>> No.16296109

You're not making any sense.

>> No.16296114

stayed at a airbnb in san fran whose owner was apparently some rich tech start up guy. the bookshelves were completely saturated with self-help books. not a single classic novel or great work of science.

>> No.16296121

This is the result of the globohomo diseugenic welfare state

>> No.16296122

I think my point is pretty clear, and I think you understand it, but you just don't like it so you don't want to admit it.

>> No.16296123

The Torah

>> No.16296130

anon what have you done to these poor prefixes

>> No.16296132

The poorer working class does worker hard than the PMC proles, obviously. That's because the PMC's job is merely to suck capital's dick. It's a fairly cushy gig for the shameless.

>> No.16296134

You think they'd dismantle the elite university for poor shitskins on scholarships? No, they're dismantling elite universities for the elites

>> No.16296137

What's your point, exactly? That poor people deserve to be poor?

>> No.16296141

That the poor are likely to be on average dumber and more impulsive because these traits lead to poverty. These traits are also partially inheritable so those born in poverty may be more likely to have them in the first place, compounding the difficulties they face.

Nobody deserves anything really, and the poor undoubtedly get fucked by the rich in various ways.

>> No.16296153

I am honestly jealous of the work ethic of the 1%, but I don’t want to work for money my whole life. I’d love to steal their work ethic and use it for artistic / personal things.

>> No.16296158

I haven't see conclusive evidence for any of that, and it's not a topic I have any interest in regardless. Material outcomes have no relation to a person's inherent worth, nor should they. Looking at people atomistically is part of the problem.

>> No.16296162

"The 1%" have zero work ethic. Most have never worked a day in their life.

>> No.16296356

What country?

>> No.16296377

I think the stat is 7 not 11. But it's from investing in several projects, renting out properties, some in stocks, maybe another business they have, etc

>> No.16296393

The wealthy don’t “take advantage” of the poor. It’s more often the opposite. If you take a bunch of wealthy people and put them in their own country you’ll get a paradise like Iceland.

>> No.16296394

>The Game

>> No.16296401

You aren't fooling anyone LARPlibrary. Get help.

>> No.16296408

Post physique and book stack, coward.

>> No.16296448

Most of the 1% are people which fluctuate in and out of it.

>> No.16296476

>Leech off is a strong word
It's two words and the name of the movie is Parasite.

>> No.16296687

>doctors, dentists, and other wage slaves have never worked in their life
Holy shit are leftists retarded.

>> No.16296727

"doctors, dentists, and other wage slaves" are not the ruling class, you pathetic fucking retard.

>> No.16296740

They are the 1%. The fact that you don't realize this shines a light on how little you know.

>> No.16296748

No they aren't, autist. "The 1%" is not the top 1% of income earners. The term refers to the capital class.

>> No.16296763

>literally changing the definitions of words to suit your arguments
The modern left everyone. Tell me, where exactly did the term "1%" come from? You may try to change the meaning of the term after the entire world laughed at Occupy Wall Street, but nobody has to accept that you can just change the definitions of terms at a whim.

>> No.16296773

Just apologize for not knowing basic vocabulary and exit the thread gracefully. Doubling down on ignorance makes you look like a retard.

>> No.16296786

>"the 1% doesn't refer to the 1% of anything, I'll explain later"
Nice cope. You're also using the term "retard" wrong, it refers to people who make posts like yours.

>> No.16296790

Clueless morons like you should be gassed.

>> No.16296817

"Moron" does not mean "dumb person". The term in our case refers to liberals. I'm not a moron. Learn your basic vocabulary.

>> No.16296825
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>b-but the Upper Ten Thousand doesn't have exactly 10,000 members

>> No.16296838

>the "Upper Ten Thousand" doesn't actually refer to 10,000 people!
>i only m-meant the top 100 people!

>> No.16296865

i love how americans are so not educated they do not even know liberalism and nationalism was mad up by the same bourgeois.

>> No.16297896

Theyre good with music, but other than that they are remarkably stupid and boring.

Turns out never facing adversity is not good for you.

>> No.16297956

I've actually spent a lot of time inside rich people houses. I got a job as the computer guy through nepotism, word spread around that I was trustworthy, and I now service several families.

They don't really read. Their libraries are eclectic nonsense: Tomes on criminal justice, marine biology and psychology sit back to back, unopened. The first time I saw one such library I got really excited and asked the owner about it. "I got this collection from this antiquarian, I got that collection for whatever sum of money". Books are props to them, collectibles.

What do they actually read? Mostly newspapers, they're always making a big deal on how they must keep up with the latest happenings. Some do read magazines, specially business related ones. A lot of women read decor/fashion magazines.

Oh, and 95% of the computers I have had to repair were completely trashed due to porn.

>> No.16298030

Stupid people deserve to be poor.

>> No.16298463

You lose, m8.

>> No.16298465

>It is much easier to be old money than to become new money.
Yes, but you also can't aspire to be old money; you either are or you aren't.

>> No.16299012

So you mean w/o human development?

Yes let us return to monke anon. Freedom and menial work on farms woo

>> No.16299023

I know most of the Congress persons from California. They don’t read a lot, they are very busy.

But when they do they read a lot of biographies and popscience. Not many sit down with literature as they are not looking for that.

They need summaries on how to lead and who to talk too.

Also they went to “Yale” and “Harvard” to quote them, so they feel like they have a grip on life.

>> No.16299033

Then say "the ruling class" next time; say what you mean.

>> No.16299040

A congressman is one of 435. Even moving up to the Senate is no great accomplishment (especially in a state like California where the main qualification is vetting by the DNC).

But you're not going to find the truly elite in Congress in an inherently democratic country like the United States. It would be too anathema to the general populace if everyone on Congress was an actual moneyed elite. Real power is more obscured than that, and often is behind the various competing interest groups that push for various political outcomes. The funny thing is that you often have the same person or group behind contrary/competing interest groups. Which you should probably stop and consider some time before fully jumping into any particular political position.

>> No.16299046

(Oh, forgot to add, I also know several of the reps from California, though I don't know a majority of them. They are in general no smarter or dumber than the average person).

>> No.16299134

>Leech off is a strong word
>that's two words
How can you be so mind numbingly hypocritical as to pull this kind of proofread on anon when he ignored the fact that you, (or) the prior anon, didn't even spell "Leech" right?

If you want a free system then why are the poor not free to do as they please? Why does survival of the fittest not apply when someone in a sweater vest is getting stabbed or stolen from? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, right?

>> No.16299505
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I come from a fairly well off family (top 1% US) and have experience with the über rich.

>the 1%
Most of them are nothing special. Those who are self made spend their lives chasing success/status and are too focused on only doing what has immediate value. Reads self-help/business books. Those born into some level of privilege are so comfortable they never really aspire to much and instead just chase pleasure. Rarely reads.

>New Money
The kids/grandkids of self made people tend to live under extreme pressure to be as successful as their parents. To them this isn't just finding a high income job but also making the same social gains and entering into polite "old money society". These people are obsessed with fitting in to that aesthetic and have massive complexes about being a pseudo intellectual. Normally they have read the most basic lit books but only really have read deeply into french lit, greek classics or some school of philosophy. Also religiously reads the New Yorker.

>Old Money
Far more chill in terms of needing to prove themselves. Normally they have one really great talent they excel at (for guys some form of posh sport/hobby, for girls something artistic). Some of them are actually really well read (and an absolute treasure to speak to). They'll know most of your favorite books and even if they don't know it, they'll ask you about it and then make some connection to another book/historical context to show their genuine interest. Their favorite books tend to be some russian/post-modern classic that they have a personal connection with but it's far better to talk to them about their favorite authors/schools of philosphy.
Sadly like any sphere of society most of them aren't that into art and just become modern day Buchanans. They read some trashy book/article and tell all their sycophants it's gospel. Despite this they are normally extremely friendly and hard not to like.

Granted this is all purely anecdotal experience.

>> No.16299588

>This is the most anti-poor movies I’ve ever seen. Wealthy people are superior in every imaginable way

If you're fetishizing poverty and imbibing it with some sort of positive moral qualities you've probably never experienced it or seen it first hand. Being poor sucks away at your life in every imaginable way, and you've got to be the naivest motherfucker in the world to think otherwise.

Should they show the wealthy people as greedy evil jewish bankers constantly plotting to eat children while the noble and heroic proletariat fights them with the strength and virtue they've gained from their humble life? Stop stewing in slave morality and propaganda.

>> No.16299823

Even the kids of the 1% are more often than not spending their first 30 years of life having panic attacks over getting a B on some school project. Stop projecting your Calvinist slave morality on people, it makes you stand out not only as poor but also ignorant and bitter.

>> No.16299856

Something I liked is that the rich family are just oblivious about being poor. They're not bad people but they live in luxury while not giving the slightest shit about anyone beneath them.

>> No.16299861

Haha I’m in the blacker part, where there is more correlation. So I’m rich and smart.

>> No.16299877

Work is an inherently bourgeiosie concept. The real old money of America has only one real job and thats assuring that their massive property wealth stays as lowly taxed as possible.

>> No.16299938

I used to run the literature society in my country's most prestigious high school, and we pretty much read your usual classics. Lolita seems to be a common staple and a favorite. A friend of mine did do an extended essay on Ulysses, and I tryharded /lit/ core (Nabokov, DeLillo, Kafka, Bolano, Joyce, Calvino, Eco). That got you feeling like a well read person.

Granted, I am from the Nordics and the power distance is relatively minimal. We had students who came from single alcoholic mom families, and then someone whose father headed the PM's security.

>> No.16299952

Friendly reminder that Anthony Bourdain killed himself.

>> No.16299958

I started listening to Phillip Glass in middle school because he was in GTA IV and some pretty common movie soundtracks (Truman show has it at least). Incredible to think that such is enough to seem civilized.

>> No.16299969

Unironically Tim Ferris, Dale Carnegie, and Tony Robbins. Becoming rich isnt some magical scheme, you just need to pick a field and let it become your entire life.

>> No.16299978

Yeah. It's a really accurate portrayal of class. Right down to the dumb historic trophy wife and the constant lingering smell of poverty. Quite funny and well made, although the ending was kind of disappointing, heavy handed Asian values about education and wealth forced in despite conflicting with the rest of the movie and not making much sense given the situation.

>> No.16299980

I went to London School of Economics, probably the most single notorious yuppie/city finance school in Europe, and every single student had to read Marx during a shared common course.

>> No.16300000

There's been like a single opportunity to move into Senate in California in the last 20 years, and Harris snatched that. Feinstein has been incumbent since, what, '86? If Newson wanted to run, he wouldn't have a guaranteed position. Senate is the elite, especially in non-competive states were incumbency means an eternal career.

>> No.16300003

So what? Have you ever been poor or did you just LARP as it while you were going to university?

>> No.16300008

They listen to shitty audiobooks at 2X speed. The elite has been taken over by bugmen.

>> No.16300027
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>> No.16300067
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>> No.16300076

It's elite as far as representative positions go. My point was that being a senator doesn't imply actually being a member of the ruling/powerful class. Senators are out raising funds for their campaigns too. In terms of their qualifications (ie what do they read), they're not going to be particularly noteworthy. For the most part they are not old money. Most old money doesn't want to be so public in the first place (outside of pet causes and society/charity events where they're not going to be attacked by the hoi polloi for their policy positions).

>> No.16300088

In short, if you have the need to enter into politics, it's better to buy a few senators than it is to be one.

>> No.16300504

1% autist from a rich canadian family here

>19th century decadentism
>Hentai manga
That's it.

I just can't be bothered with reading about real life issues as they don't affect me nor I care for them. I'm a weeb des Esseintes in an expensive apartment in Kyoto who gets her groceries delivered. A rich hikikomori, basically.

I write poetry sometimes.

>> No.16300763

>write poetry
Why? You can't write good poetry if you don't feel or experience or do anything.

>> No.16301497

Are working in a gulf country?

>> No.16301522

they read the lists of their servants names and count you among the, you poor bastard

>> No.16301532

You sound pretty based and sexy desu. Post feet.

>> No.16301666

>>Hentai manga
Your favourites?

>> No.16302026

>Bach and before, Ives and after
I adore this stupid meme

>> No.16302071

My parents are in the 1% of Idaho and they just read John Grisham novels.

>> No.16302094

>muh materialism
imagine being this vapid and rudderless

>> No.16302107

What else would you expect? We aren't ruled by aristocrats. We are ruled by the plebeians who killed them.

>> No.16302115

I do feel. It's just not 'political' or the problems of 'normal people'. I'm not putting myself pretenciously on a pedestal, but saying that I am to detatched from a normal life that those things don't appeal much to me. A college girl diary like The Bell Jar or political movements are none of my interest. What I read and write about is pure aesthetic expression; l'art pour l'art.

>> No.16302168

Yuetsu. I kinda just like yaoi.

>> No.16302205

Whenever I lose an argument or otherwise feel stupid, I'm always comforted on this board by the existence of someone stupider than me.
If that is the way you understood that movie, you should not be reading children's books, let alone whatever the 1% read.

>> No.16302209

Unrelated but these threads fill me with an incredible amount if rage. I think I'm gonna go take a walk to calm down.

>> No.16302210

gates and obama have published their reading lists before, it's usually pop-sci and pop-self help nonfiction garbage

gates was once said to be a Shakespeare aficionado, but you wouldn't know it reading his recommended books

>> No.16302213

Actual 1%-er here
Zoomers don't read, boomers read history books about WW2, and middle-aged people read bad YA novels.
In other words, we read pretty similar stuff to the rest of the population.

>> No.16302222


>> No.16302230

They're noveaux riches invested on their careers, but that doesn't mean they were raised or have the culture and taste of someone born in a wealthy enviorment. Look at Donald Trump or any other successful and wealthy american; they all lack taste.

New money, though? Or from any other state than Massachussets?

>> No.16302232

anywho, most great works came from a class of poets via literary patronage; you just need a small group of the really rich to help sustain serious artists with an income

i can't think of really rich literary writers through history, outside of the occasional baron/upper class kid with a passion for reading

>> No.16302248

Extremely new money. LA new money, as in, most of the rich people I know are either Asian or Jewish.

>> No.16302299

Cope more midwit. The middle class is literally the midwit meme all you read is some glossy cover self help book or some twitter post about "working smarter not harder".

You are in the caste you are for a reason. Everyone deserves to be in the place they are. 1%ers deserve to be in the 1% because that is their destiny. Dharma. Similarily a person in the lower caste was destined to be there

>> No.16302361

how do you know this?

>> No.16302362

>What does the 1% read?
the 1% are just lower class larpers
real wealth begins with the top 0.01%

>> No.16302372

I was just hanging out with another such family. Again, US president in the woodpile. Roughtly speaking, Boston Brahmins. The family patriarch, two generations before the president, helped build out the country during the industrial revolution. Patriarch remarried into a European royal family. Most of the wealth is in real estate, especially large swathes of forest and undeveloped shoreline land, which is held in insanely complicated and time consuming trusts to avoid land tax. The family is relatively large; multiple scions, all of which control pieces of land and which are fairly friendly towards the other sections of the families. Other families, somewhat related over the years, own nearby giant swathes of land. You'd literally never know talking to them that they had vast wealth, though they all went to Harvard and did various fairly impressive career things with which they support their own lifestyles -doctor, lawyer, etc. Most of their lives are taken up by conservation efforts; Sierra Club style conservation (which of course is a huge tax dodge), family wealth preservation, etc, etc. Some of them have taken up genteel alcoholism. All are acutely aware of what is going on in America: Salo level woke about everything from the media to the JQ. Kind of funny as their tatemae political face is the sort of soft left PBS Sierra Club BS you see in most upper middle class nitwits.

They literally live like European landed aristocracy, which they apparently occasionally crossbreed with; complete with peasants and giant pieces of land. Because they're not engaged in buying and selling, like modern Parvenu tech and sheeny types, and their time is so wrapped up in dealing with the legal complications of owning large amounts of land, they're unlikely to become a political force outside of conservation efforts (which again, is sort of a tax dodge for them, but a heartfelt one).

Family is obviously important to these people; just as it is with Jews and other powerful groups. They're no longer tastemakers though. Imagine what would have happened to the people at the parties of the Great Gatsby: those society people's families are still out there, they have their own social registers and circles and are unimaginably wealthy in some sense. They're just obsolete. It's funny, they're not billionaires, though the resources controlled by the families in toto through trusts and so on are probably many billions worth. Most of it is kind of frozen in amber. I think to become politically powerful, such families would have to burn the patrimony by selling or exploiting the land, and they're not willing to do it.

FWIIW Richard Spencer comes from this Milieu also. Though his amusingly and appropriately own some sharecropper land in the south.

>> No.16302389

hey now i realize that guy in the center is in the kdrama im watching right now
pretty good the kdrama (my mister) but it feels like it doesn't deliver

>> No.16302404

Generally they only read motivational crap and some Jordan Peterson-tier literature.
Keep in mind this is because they are generally self-absorbed in their reality, where "hard work" has led them to be succesful.

There are also some very well read 1%-ers but they are definitely the minority nowadays.

>> No.16302416


>> No.16302428

this so much

my stepmom's nice, slightly uptight family in Irvine, CA is not /lit/ by any means.

reading cannot and will not replace the golden combination of credentials, nepotism, and having tangible white-collar skills that the labor market demands.

>> No.16302439
File: 38 KB, 522x456, wooden books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One time I stayed with a very rich family for a while in one of their summer houses, it was a mansion.
They had a gigantic set of bookshelves, almost a mini library inside their house. I went to grab a few and realized they were all wooden (pic related).
It was all fake. The only real book in the entire mansion was a commented copy of "The art of war". I have never been more disgusted my entire life.

>> No.16302446

i get what you're saying but the amount of Machiavellian schmoozing you have to do to get into a seat in Congress is incomprehensible to you and me. every ambitious kid in DC would actually kill someone to get there.

>> No.16302481

It's not at all incomprehensible to me, but that's because I've worked in big-city local and state politics for the last 15 years (as a bureaucrat though, not as an elected). The scheming/manipulation/schmoozing pretty quickly becomes second nature for those doing it. It does make it harder to have open and honest conversations about anything though, even when you remove yourself from that context and are among friends, there's always a sense of what is and is not impolitic to say.

Whereas while old money is polite, it also doesn't need to worry about horrible career consequences from saying not quite the right thing to the wrong person at the wrong time. It's insulated from real meaningful blowback.