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16293572 No.16293572 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any other books that explain *why* Europeans were so evil?

>> No.16293579
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>> No.16293738

turns out it just overdeveloped itself lol

>> No.16293917

Colonization and slavery were mistakes.

>> No.16293925
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>an Asian is anti-American

Absolutely no surprise. When will there be more pogroms against Asians?

>> No.16293980
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Europe will become summer homes for African tourists

>> No.16294004

>Fuck First Amendment rights
>I got yer Second Amendment right here
IDpol, go back

>> No.16294015

stop posting this thot

>> No.16294105

Letting non-Europeans stay alive was a mistake

>> No.16294139

Idk any books but I know sciencetific theory that says that blacks are on average 20-50 IQ points below whites and around 50-70 below asians

>> No.16294156
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>I agree, the colonization should have continued.

>> No.16294186

Do you want books on the ideologies of the colonial actors? Or works on capital's need for endless expansion?

>> No.16294212
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Only dogmatic brainlets will deny this

>> No.16294216

Off topic, but negroes are actually one of the smarter races. Lots of circumstantial but solid evidence. Their native board games are abstract strategy games, somewhere between checkers and chess in complexity, but not dice rolling/gambling games. Their native music is certainly not Bach, but still moderately complex and polyphonic; think vocal trance instead of gangsta rap. They are good verbally, as evidenced by multilingualism and scrabble championships, etc. (American negroes read significantly more than Mexicans.)

No, their utter inability to form or maintain civilization is entirely due to their degenerate mating and child-rearing practices.

This is the bitterest, final red pill: your 'high IQ' genes won't save you. Once you stepped on the path of feminism and homosexuality and promiscuity there is no more saving the white race, it must then fall even lower than the blackest bush negro.

>> No.16294231

You sound like you have a 60 IQ yourself.

>> No.16294289

>but negroes are actually one of the smarter races.

Compared to whom ? abos ? cmon there are better ways to defend the black man than say this stupid shit.

>> No.16294301

unironically wondering why. always assumed that there had to be an essential evil considered in the european stock, because otherwise we would have to consider everything that whites did as a natural consequence of circumstance and would have to treat them as any other group.

>> No.16294304
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>IQ is science tific

>> No.16294383

nice bait Tyrone

>> No.16294405

>no argument
As expected

>> No.16294425

Jared Diamond who let you leave reddit?

>> No.16294428

You never gave one.

>> No.16294447

I wasn’t the guy who posted about iq, but the scores are self evident. IQ is a poor measure between similar people and beyond the high and low ends of the spectrum but anyone who denies that broad differences of great size display truth is coping

>> No.16294469

> Tyrone
> muh IQ
Like I said, 'muh IQ' won't save you from turning into another nigger race, same as 'muh dick' won't save joggers from assimilation into la abominable creatura.

>> No.16294490

> expecting joggers to take tests
These are a third-world people raised by several generations of crack-smokin' babby mommas. Come on.

>> No.16294493

>Can’t see the argument
Not surprised

>> No.16294508

Polyphonic, wanna explain how you can have thats when they dont have any instruments with pitch? Fuckin retards bangin on drums like chimpanzees.
O yeah i know about the marimba and kalimba and shit like that but most of it is fuckin D R U M S

>> No.16294515

>the scores are self evident.
If they are self evident, then it's not a theory.

>> No.16294526

Different drums have different pitch, my deaf retard.

>> No.16294546

god stfu, get a job you frumpy pig

>> No.16294566


But OP that literally doesn't even happen in the book you posted. Rodney just provides a historical materialist analysis of colonial and postcolonial development in Africa.

Did you just not read it or are you schizophrenic?

>> No.16294640

>Their native music is certainly not Bach, but still moderately complex and polyphonic
Rhythmically complex perhaps but not harmonically/melodically, it's all some form of pentatonic

>> No.16294648

Is the premise that 'had Europeans never shown up Africa would be more developed'? So left to be Muslim slaves is the better option for Africa?

>> No.16294666

The Chinese are about to one up the europoors in fucking over Africa and no one in the west will give a shit

>> No.16294671


No, literally the entire first chapter is explaining precolonial African development and he's pretty objective about it and the fact that they were more or less only entering early stages of feudalism in some places by the time Europeans arrived. Read more books and less /pol/

>> No.16294850
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Are there any other books that explain *why* Non-European cultures were SO morally bankrupt and rotten that the Western conquests were practically inevitable?

>> No.16294866


No because the West colonized the rest of the world on the back of technological superiority not because of ethnonarcissistic /pol/ memes

>> No.16294868

For specific books, look up an cultural anthropology book written before the 2000's

>> No.16294872
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>Europe underdeveloped africa
US alone has put more than 50 Marshall plans worth of money into developing africa

>> No.16294882


Did it ever occur to you to read anything further than the title of the book before you start arguing with it?

>> No.16294891

I actually expect books content to match advertisement on cover

>> No.16294922


>I actually judge books by their cover

Wow boy do I feel stupid now, sitting here actually reading the books I'm arguing about...

>> No.16294938

>Wow boy do I feel stupid now
you should, you completely failed to interpret what was said

>> No.16294957


Care to continue enlightening me about how I'm an idiot for expecting people to have enough decency not to attack strawman arguments about books they've never fucking read a word of based on pictures of covers of reprints made decades after the book was originally released?

>> No.16294976

The guilt tripping ain't working, my country was colonized and oppressed for a millennia

>> No.16294978

It has to do with the shift away from feudalism. When English feudal lords began kicking out serfs from their lands to grow pastures on their land to get their wool sold overseas. Economic growth was possible at a rapid pace and the powerful tapped this potential to gain more power from it. Thus they started corporations, in collaboration with their government, and they forced themselves onto places where they could easily exploit others for more resources, wealth and power.

>> No.16294989


Are you alright dude? How am I guilt tripping you? What the fuck are you even talking about? The title of the book? What is there to feel guilty about? It's just history. Maybe actually read a fucking book every once and a while instead of getting triggered by titles thinking they're trying to guilt trip you instead of just describing objectively the content of the book.

I am not OP btw. I doubt OP has read the book either, because it's actually just a pretty dry history of African economic development.

>> No.16294999

>It's just history.
its not just a false premise, its a fucking lie

>> No.16295007


And you know this somehow without even knowing what any of the claims being made in the book are, or what support the author gives for them? Are you psychic?
Where can I learn these sith mind tricks so that I don't have to read any books in order to tell whether they contain truth or lies?

>> No.16295021

There is no argument to be had here, the book is based on false premise

>> No.16295036

This is still retarded since then we should assume Africa should be in late feudalism without Europeans. Arguably worse.

>> No.16295054

You are assuming there is no link between culture and technological progress which seems doubtful

>> No.16295073


You don't even know what premises the book is based on because you haven't fucking read any of it.


Who are you even arguing with? What are you even arguing against? You don't even seem to be arguing against claims being made in the book. If only there were some way to figure out what the author is actually arguing....

>> No.16295091


Technology, by definition, is a cultural artifact. Obviously, there is a connection between culture and technological development. I'm not saying that there isn't a link. What I am saying is that not producing atom bombs doesn't necessarily make people morally bankrupt. This should be obvious because, well, most people (regardless of what culture they come from) never invent anything, and yet we don't consider them all morally bankrupt, but whatever.

I'm curious now though, what exactly do you think it was culturally that lead to European technological superiority and progress? (I'm not trying to deny a connection I'm just curious what the story is in your head)

>> No.16295095

according to wikipedia the premise is exactly whats advertised on cover, I will not entertain false premise

>> No.16295104


>according to wikpedia
>I will not listen to an argument I already think is wrong

Why is it exactly that you look down on "niggers" again? It can't be because of your superior Aryan intellect...

>> No.16295117

>Why is it exactly that you look down on "niggers" again?
not only are you the only one who really thinks like this, you're the only one who has used the word 'nigger' outside of me quoting you

you're the only one who thinks africa couldn't become anything without white man propping them up

>> No.16295140
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>how europe underdeveloped africa
>are there any other books that explain WHY europeans were so evil

>> No.16295141


I'm not even trying to have a conversation about Africa I'm just trying to tell you to read books and pointing out that your kneejerk /pol/tard reactions to shit aren't relevant to the actual content of this particular book

I guess it's expecting too much to expect zoomers on the literature board to actually go read books anymore these days though. I'll admit I'm in the wrong here as far as that goes. Have a nice weekend being smug about being a wikipedia skimmer you stupid faggot.

>> No.16295155

read the first sentence and burst out laughing

>> No.16295159

Like I said, I have no intention of entertaining false premises

>> No.16295160

>literature board
>/pol/fags are incapable of reading past the first sentence

>> No.16295170
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>> No.16295177

Culture valuing study. Schools built everywhere and literacy being valued and purposefully massified. Scholars being respected and valued, in particular hy people holding political power. Scientific investigation for no other goal than curiosity or "getting closer to God" and such. And of course the whole cultural, political structure that holds society together and allow an efficiency that allows a portion of people to have the time to take up intellectual activities.

>> No.16295179


What premise are you talking about? The conclusion of the book? Do you even know the difference between a premise and conclusion?
Maybe you would if you spent less time skimming wikipedia and more time actually reading fucking books.

>> No.16295183

jeez. just give us a quick run down then anon, no need to be such a bore about it
i've read david livingstone's diaries. the africa he describes was a brutal place. it's hard to imagine a place less developed. what else would the author have wanted europe to do?

>> No.16295195

If you do not present a valid premise to begin with you're negotiating in bad faith, the more I find out about the author more disturbing it becomes, the retards even pro-communist

>> No.16295260


Ok fair enough. Many other civilizations throughout history have had most if not all of these, but this isn't totally off.


You keep talking about "what did the author want Europe to do" as if the author is making some moral argument and not just writing a history. Rodney is a socialist scholar in the classical historical materialist tradition. He is just trying to analyze the concrete material conditions of world economic development throughout history, specifically as respects the condition of Africa.

Whether or not Africa was less developed and why (it was, and he provides a history explaining it) is irrelevant. Rodney characterizes Africa as "underdeveloped" rather than "developing" because "developing" is a bourgeois ideological category that implies that somehow Africa is just about to become part of the first world but hasn't quite gotten there yet. The point is that African nations are used for their resources and the wealth created by economic activity of international capitalism (which began in Europe and is still administered by the "first world" which is mostly European civilization) is syphoned out of Africa into the international markets by design. Rather than their condition being the result of their just being on the way to as advanced a stage of development as Europe or capitalist East Asia enjoy (he doesn't let Japan off the hook for this either) African lack of development is argued to be part of the way in which resources of less developed nations are exploited by more developed ones.

>don't be such a bore, just give me a quick run down so that I can go back to shitposting about this book I have never read and that I have no intention of reading

Pathetic. READ


You clearly don't even know what the word "bad faith" means. If a premise is false, then that's just proof that someone is wrong about something, not that they're arguing in "bad faith." You think like someone who has spent their entire life being extremely online.

>the retards even pro-communist

You realize this guy was alive during the cold war right? If you knew literally the first thing about cold war history you wouldn't have been even remotely surprised to find out that an African scholar was Marxist, but that would require actually educating yourself beyond Jordan Peterson and PragerU videos on youtube now wouldn't it?

You have to be 18 to post here kid. Maybe if you start reading more books you'll blend in better.

>> No.16295270

>You keep talking about
actually that was my first post in this thread. i was trying to engage you in discussion, rather than watch you turn into a bigger cunt with every post. never mind.

>> No.16295290


I meant the plural you, should've just said "y'all" I guess...

>> No.16295300

This book is the very meaning of bad faith and communists are the very definition of evil

>> No.16295309


Define "bad faith" RIGHT NOW because I literally have no fucking idea what you mean by that term

>> No.16295331
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>Bad faith (Latin: mala fides) is a sustained form of deception which consists of entertaining or pretending to entertain one set of feelings while acting as if influenced by another.[1] It is associated with hypocrisy, breach of contract, affectation and lip service.[2] It is not to be confused with heresy (supposedly false religious faith). It may involve intentional deceit of others, or self-deception.

>Some examples of bad faith include: Soldiers waving a white flag and then firing when their enemy approaches to take prisoners (cf. perfidy); a company representative who negotiates with union workers while having no intent of compromising;[3] a prosecutor who argues a legal position that he knows to be false;[4] an insurer who uses language and reasoning which are deliberately misleading in order to deny a claim.[5]

>> No.16295346


So you think everyone who is wrong is intentionally deceiving you?
You see why this is stupid right? What is he trying to deceive you about? How do you even KNOW THAT WITHOUT READING THE GOD DAMN FUCKING BOOK?!

>> No.16295359

>So you think everyone who is wrong is intentionally deceiving you?
Only thing I am asserting is the books premise is false and I am not going to take the premise at face value

>> No.16295371
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>this book i haven't read is bad faith
>muh communism
why do /pol/fags scapegoat ideas that differ from theirs as communist

>> No.16295373

>an entire sub stream of Marxism born from the resentment of a ricecel

>> No.16295384

>history is anti american
based /pol/

>> No.16295392


Why the fuck are you using the word "bad faith" then if that's not what you mean?
Are you using the word "bad faith" in "bad faith"?
A "bat faith" inception?

>I am not going to take the premise at face value which is why I am judging the book by its cover

Ok you win you got me. I got trolled here. Honestly thought that had gone out of style. Good one anon.

>> No.16295401

non whites and non europeans are thousands of times more evil. they just don't have the capabilities europeans have. it's unbelievable this drivel is spread in mainstream academia. these people pushing anti european narratives are literally evil and should be hanged after a fair trial, we're not savages.

>> No.16295434

only troll here is op and communists are truly inhuman monsters

>> No.16295442

Because raping and abusing a young boy is that evil.

>> No.16295444


Funny, my definition of "inhuman monster" is much more inclusive, and also encompasses people without minds of their own who get triggered by book covers and then flock to wikipedia skimming to defend their ignorant views about shit they have no intention of learning about or reading...

>> No.16295504

>“White racist notions are so deep-rooted within capitalist society that the failure of African agriculture to advance was put down to the inherent inferiority of the African. It would be much truer to say that it was due to the white intruders
Like I said, its weapons grade bullshit

>> No.16295714


>pre colonialism
>no problems providing the means of their own subsistence
>post colonialism
>everything is broken and Europeans make tons of money off half of Africa constantly being failed states

yeah just "weapons grade bullshit" there's no argument here case closed

>> No.16295739

angola, zimbabwe, cambodia and china are cases of communists doing themselves in in droves

>> No.16295742
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how could I forget soviet union?

>> No.16295763

>and Europeans make tons of money off half of Africa constantly being failed states
did you miss the part where US alone has put more than 50 Marshall plans worth of money into Africa? 50 times the money it took to rebuild Europe after WWII. US alone has put that much money into Africa

>> No.16295817

Sheesh, I just asked a question. What did I say that was even /pol/?
>How Europe underdeveloped Africa
That can be read as Africa was developed then Europeans came along and made it worse. You could've just explained the book like here, >>16295260. No one has time to read every dumb book posted on /lit/.

So it seems to be saying Europeans could've done a better job developing Africa. Yeah sure, obviously. Alternatively Africa can fight the Europeans off and solve their own problems.

>> No.16295843


>> No.16295857

Is the meme true about Africans never inventing the sail?

>> No.16295858

You have proof that communism was the reason it failed?

>> No.16295887

the reason they failed agriculture is because they couldn't farm and they killed or dispossessed everyone who knew how to, then if you examine the example of soviet union they even started sending people to gulags for being new in their job and not knowing how to use the confiscated machines, not very conductive environment for success

>> No.16295917
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>Black African IQ


>> No.16295919


What are you even trying to prove? Sony paying warlords to use child soldiers to mine coltan to put in PS2's is supposed to turn the Congo into Luxembourg or something? You can throw money at problems and make them worse (mumblesomethingfreefoodoverpopulationmumblesomethingsomething). It happens all the time. None of that changes the fact that almost none of the wealth produced by the extraction of African natural resources stays in Africa. This is by design. I don't even know why the fuck you are trying to argue with me about this.

This isn't a /pol/ thread. You are on /lit/ in a thread about a book you haven't read. You have to go back.

>> No.16295924

communists murdered tens of thousands of my countrymen who were just seeking a better life in the soviet union, I am not going to believe a word they say

>> No.16295928

>ctr+f ‘/pol/‘
>8 results

You are obsessed. /pol/ lives in your head rent-free.

>> No.16295947

sounds more like an education problem

>> No.16296003


Yeah because the CIA never murdered anybody...

>> No.16296021

once again

>> No.16296152

nope, those farms, trains and factories worked just fine before communists took over
CIA kills communists, communists also kill communists

>> No.16296239

thanks for png'ing this before it was too late, saved

>> No.16297109


>the CIA / US military never killed anyone who didn't have it coming

I miss when people used to laugh glowies out of every thread. You kids these days are so fucking pwned it's pathetic. Please, I beg of you, read a god damn fucking book..

>> No.16297119

The author is a racist piece of shit commie

>> No.16297132

France and Belgium never made a profit from their african colonies

>> No.16297189
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>> No.16297203

Nice loaded question OP

>> No.16297206

If IQ was a meaningless metric it wouldn't align with life outcomes and also wouldn't be able to predict outcomes on other tests. All the arguments against IQ are unironically skeptical regression sophisms and anecdotes. IQ isn't a perfect metric but saying it means nothing is embarrassing. It having any level of predictive power automatically validates it lmao

>> No.16298204

African feet > Europoor extremities