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16287883 No.16287883 [Reply] [Original]



i thought it was a neat little story though it makes me wonder if like
if God meant for it all to end when it did and we have no freewill? like, when we look at stars we actually see stars a few millionish years ago, right? okay so, that means in the story the stars had to have ended eons ago and humans just now saw it, so idk

also makes me wonder, what would happen if everything went out at once
or millions of years of years ago
if the universe had ended millions of years ago, would we still be around? or would a god capable of ending everything just have it happen everywhere all at once? what if the universe is already over and we are the last bits of the universe, alone in a black void sucked up by blackholes before we were even born

>> No.16287944
File: 557 KB, 1024x1024, justpeg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah dude, what if they're robots too? Crazy.

>> No.16287967
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listen here jack im kind of retarded but im trying to start a discussion about a classic science fiction short story

so suck a fat donkey boner you kike piece of shit

>> No.16287973
File: 239 KB, 800x1233, 800px-Orion_Head_to_Toe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when we look at stars we actually see stars a few millionish years ago, right?
wrong. the closest star to earth is only 4 light years away i.e close enough that, if they had equipment sensitive enough to decode the signal, they could just be enjoying the last series of mad men. the stars in orion's belt are 1200-2000 light years away.
of course there are stars that are millions of years away, but the ones that are most familiar to us are closer than you think.
anyway nine billion names of god is probably my favourite sci fi short story. the bit that sticks with me most is that phrase just before the end, in brackets: (there is a last time for everything). i have thought about it many times since i first read the story when i was a kid.

>> No.16287981

stop posting this thot

>> No.16287986

wow look how quickly you go from wow isn't it all so spooky to grr i'm an angry shrieking child
learn to calm your mind

>> No.16287988

But why would God create it all to begin with if he was so capricious? It's hard for me to imagine a fundamental principle of creation itself that is so ugly

Wouldn't a God who creates a universe just to toy with it and snuff it out be miserable and alone?

>Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest.

>> No.16287990

Stop avatarfagging

>> No.16287994

Shut up fag, stop spamming your stupid egirl gimmick pictures in every thread. Nobody cares.

>> No.16287999

who do you think you're talking to
anyway enjoy your stupid thread. idiot.

>> No.16288022
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i'm not really mad idk ur just being shitty i guess

>> No.16288032

>there is a last time for everything

amen to that
there will be a time you post on 4chan for the last time

>Wouldn't a God who creates a universe just to toy with it and snuff it out be miserable and alone?

Unless after his name is figured out, his creation attains of a sort of godhood and can chill with him