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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 28 KB, 306x404, bros 4 life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1628573 No.1628573 [Reply] [Original]

What was your favorite book to have read to you as a child, /lit/?

Pic is unrelated. My favorite was actually "The Twits" by Roald Dahl.

>> No.1628581

the one about the mouse on the motorcycle was good

and the face on the milk carton was great

oh and you know that jerry spinelli or w/e

>> No.1628578

phantom motherfucking tollbooth represent

>> No.1628592

Goosebumps. I must have read every book in the series. I have no idea what my favorite would be, maybe Shocker on Shock Street. That's probably what got me into books that question reality.

>> No.1628598

favorite raeders better:

dad read hobbit in full i was at least 6 or 7 cuz my bro was 3 and we both have weird memories of scenes: golem and final battle esp.

mrs haas was one breathy lady. she made bridge to terrabithia spelling retreat into jack worthy stuff

pfenning colored history texts with pitch and delivery.

the experience maaaaaaaaaannnnnn.

+ sexiest thing i do as an adult
read the lady to sleep
+ creepiest thing i've done through my life
waiting for ladies to be asleep by reading to 'em

ladies are troublesome

>> No.1628617
File: 121 KB, 750x729, harry_potter_ugly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ralph S. Mouse terrified me. For some reason, there was something deeply disturbing about a sentient mouse and a magical motorcycle in an otherwise realistic world. Same went for Stuart Little. I couldn't shake the image of that slimy motherfucker slipping out of a human birth canal.

Maniac Magee was pretty good at the time. In retrospect, it seems a bit like fan-wankery to have the weird outcast kid be the hero that can do no wrong and becomes loved by everyone. But, hell, what is Harry Potter then?

>> No.1628623

Fucking Phantom Tollbooth.

>> No.1628899

The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe taught me to love reading.

>> No.1629214

Hate to break it to you, but Frog and Toad's relationship went a little deeper than bros

>> No.1629218


Hey look a 14 year old who just discovered psychoanalysis

>> No.1629251

Winnie the Pooh and The Wind in the Willows. Both are childrens classic for a damn good reason

>> No.1629277
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doctor dog

I read that shit myself man I was a bad motherfucker

>> No.1629293

I was a faggot so I liked good night moon

>> No.1629297
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The only book I remember being read to me was this WInd in the Willows.

I liked the coziness of all their homes and the warm detailed pictures.

>> No.1629305


we had wind in the willows on tape I didnt have to read that shit

>> No.1629321

You missed out on a lot than.

>> No.1629325


I was 5 i dont think i missed out on anything

>> No.1629341
File: 7 KB, 225x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hop on Pop.

& when my dad would finish it, I would say "ah-gain! ah-gain!" & he'd read it to me again.

I didn't realize until recently that that book is so fucking long. Like over sixty pages. My dad was so good to my punk ass.

>pic related; it was my favorite part of the book

>> No.1630842

Biker Mice From Mars

>> No.1630886
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Only found out later in life (15ish) that it was by Terry Jones when I saw it on a friends bookshelf at a house party.

Loved it so much. So terrifying and full of gut wrenching adventure. Actually thinking about it, I think I might have been studying the vikings at school at the time (live in North East England)