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16284671 No.16284671 [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ have any Scholastic Book Fair stories?

>> No.16284681

Those were the best parts of going to school

>> No.16284731

Fuuuck, I miss the Scholastic Book Fair
I used to be so excited when we got the catalogs, I used to spend the entire day reading all the blurbs and circling the books I wanted.

>> No.16284837

SeaQuest DSV novel, I remember sneaking away into the auditorium to read it alone and after awhile one of the most popular girls in school came in there and sat in a chair idly, not noticing me, I was so embarrassed to be reading that novel I stood up and ran out of the room

>> No.16284861

My teachers would make "wish lists" of the books that they wanted, and the students could buy those books for them

>> No.16285724

Zoom zoom zoom.

>> No.16285737

I got my first shonenjump there :3

>> No.16285803
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We always had ours during parent teacher conferences. My parents would get me a few things if my grades were good enough. Good times. Wish I could go back.

>> No.16285827

yo what the fuck

>> No.16285836

Is this real? If I recall correctly, pretty much every book was meant for <12 year olds..?

>> No.16285847

No man should be embarrassed by seaquest, Roy Scheider was a God. Proof that girls will never understand man's love of the ocean.

>> No.16285858

This happened all the time at my school (every single teacher I had did this), not sure why >>16285827 and >>16285836 are so shocked.

>> No.16285894

They could put the books in the classroom and everyone could share them, you selfish fucks

>> No.16285900

who, what, where, when, and why?

>> No.16285923

That's super fucked up. Teachers buy books from teacher's catalogs. Where the fuck did you go to school? I went to school in Michigan and a shitty school in Cali, and no-one did this.

>> No.16285933

you dumbshit, that's a teacher's job. imagine living in such a defunded shithole that the students had to buy communal books, and thinking that's normal.

>> No.16285940

That is normal in America dawg

>> No.16285968

Gotta give our dollars to aiding Israel and bailing out cooperations, anon.

>> No.16285970

Teachers already pay out of pocket for classroom supplies. Children and their parents could help teachers or offset expenses

>> No.16285997

In Elementary school I selected a book at the Library Book Fair that both made me a reader and fully determined my future life. That's all I'm saying.

>> No.16286010

I went to a pretty good school in the SF Bay. You're blowing my mind rn, this was literally the way teacher's classroom bookshelves were stocked.

>> No.16286055

You're not tripping. I went to the best two Chicago Public Schools (lul) and they all did this. Once my parents ponied up 25k to go private it stopped.

>> No.16286057

>Teachers already pay out of pocket for classroom supplies.
that's entirely unreasonable, and insane, and proof how fucked up the education system is in america

>> No.16286065

>Chicago Public Schools

What the hell's wrong with that district? Lmao

>> No.16286132

Lol it's crazy to me that this apparently isn't normal. I (same poster as >>16286010) remember that before the start of every year, we would get a letter from our soon-to-be teacher, telling us what to buy for the class. We'd end up buying reams of copy paper, pens, pencils, crayons etc, and all would be "donated" (it was mandatory) to the teacher, and that's where the class would get its supplies for the year. If we ran out (we normally did around Feb-April), the teachers would ask for more donations. It's just the way the classroom was supplied. (Yes it was a public school). It stopped in middle and high school, but my younger siblings had the same experience in elementary, and they did it when I was in high school, so I guess things are the same.

>> No.16286239

In the private school I went to every student got a list of art supplies and made an "art box" of colored pencils, crayons, markers, scissors, glue, etc. But that was all for the individual student. All mass supplies were provided for by the school.

>> No.16286261

Yeah, we had those too, but we also provided the classroom supplies. To be honest, I think it was the best they could do; they were cancelling classes like Music, PE due to funding issues, so classroom supplies were not a priority on the funding side.

One time in high school I went to a board meeting as part of a Civics assignment. I remember them showing a financial statement regarding a new tax that was going to be placed on the area to fund the school district. Parents were unhappy, but it turned out the district only had enough money to keep the lights on for 60 more days (it was November), so there wasn't really a choice.

>> No.16287176

I once saw a little Hispanic girl wanting to buy a Pokemon book but her mother insisted that Pokemon was for boys and to avoid it.

The girl didn't cry.

>> No.16288317


>> No.16288834

stuff like that is why Latinas are GOAT wifes

>> No.16288888

Only that where I live, schools and school boards are starting to say no to Scholastic book fairs. Something to do with "equity", not all families can afford to buy books so it's unjust to have them blah blah blah.

>> No.16288943

Private school was the comfiest as a kid. I remember going to art class and getting to make stuff out of clay to have fired in a kiln. There was also another school near me that had blacksmithing classes, but by that point i was going to public schools where we never got to do anything cool

>> No.16288977

Too poor to afford anything during those. Shit sucked and I wanted to die knowing I couldn't acquire those cool pencils, erasers and captain underpants novels.

>> No.16289001

>be me
>like 8 years old
>school combines book fair and barbecue
>run outside to find mom's car
>find car
>open door
>breastfeeding mother
>not mom
>mom in the car behind that one
>don't close the door
>give my mom the books I bought
>drive away

>> No.16289111

I feel you, man.