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16282190 No.16282190 [Reply] [Original]

wait so dialectical materialism is just... class tensions forming social development? i thought this was supposed to be the left's heavy hitter, what happened?

>> No.16282230
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>the left

>> No.16282338

The 19th century was when the ideological left of today was "born", and it was also coincidentally, the century that the modern day left completely shit the bed philosophically. Their ideology was about tearing down systems, tearing down inherent meaning, tearing down morality, and basically complete self-destruction, and we know now the reason why, because when you take god out of the equation it only creates a person filled with anger and misery. This is because humans are naturally religious and so they cling to the ideology that drives them, that being far leftism which hasn't taught them to build or be responsible or be rationale but to be angry and to destroy. So in a sense, the modern left created Satan.

Carl Jung was smart enough to realize this, partly why the left hates him.

>> No.16282361

guess you ain't heard of power, huh, lil tookie?

>> No.16282375

I have. The sun has power over you since you rely on it to heat our planet and grow our crops. You going to go jump into the sun and liberate us from it you stupid piece of shit?

>> No.16282411

EDITORS NOTE: I do not mean God strictly in the literal sense but also the metaphorical. The sense of something greater than us, the idea of personal purpose for which we are unique and separate from the collective of humanity. I'm not saying humanity needs a literal God, as Taoist belief has no central belief in God, but rather that the concept of "God" can be stretched to be something more akin to a universal energy that we all share and take part in.

>> No.16282424

LMFAO fuck off to your cuck shed and reflect on your life holy shit hahahaha

>> No.16282433

That's what I thought, soiboi, go back to raising your limp arm in the air and lighting garbage piles on fire you worthless scum.

>> No.16282445

hope your cuck shed has a Mau-Mau closet and it's sturdy cuz we wilin

>> No.16282460

woah put this one on a watchlist hope your social credit real tall

>> No.16282467

>This is the power of the dark enlightenment
how come Dr. Yakub put so many bulbs on dimmer switches?

>> No.16282551

The lower classes and their frivolities

>> No.16282596

It's not a heavy hitter by any means. It's an ideological almost religious document which attracts a cult like following. It's a time full of pretty opulent language, obvious uninteresting truths, and some bullshit mixed with speculations. It's basically Dianetics, and is popular for the same reason.

>> No.16282617

>be OP
>finally open book for more than 10 seconds
>learn something
>immediately stop reading to post what was learned on 4chan's literature board

>> No.16283267
File: 125 KB, 601x1024, marx was a failure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16283287

This is a bad pol bait thread and yet I'm replying. Why does everyone that complains about marx not understand marx? Kapital's utility grew from the analytical framework of dialectical materialism. Historical analysis of power structures and the like is a useful tool in deciding how society is shaped and how it subsequently should be shaped.

>> No.16283299


How the fuck could he think that the historical march of society was determined materially, when his retarded ideology seems to have single-handedly changed the world for the worse by itself?

Marxism proves itself wrong.

>> No.16283302

>Historical analysis of power structures and the like is a useful tool in deciding how society is shaped and how it subsequently should be shaped.
that's the narrative of the secular humanists

>> No.16283303

Wow, got me, friend. Guess I better just pack up and go kill myself.

>> No.16283312

Why do /pol/fags hate Marxism so much? Under capitalism, jews always win

>> No.16283315

>Wow, got me, friend. Guess I better just pack up and go kill myself.

I mean, unless you can resolve the contradiction, by all means get necked.

>> No.16283316

Cope as much as your little Marxist brain wants to cope, but Russell was right here:


In your heart, you know he was right. It sounds very simple, but he is correct.
I believe Aristotle would probably have agreed.

Russell's description of his encounter with Lenin is also worth listening to:


>> No.16283325

>changed the world for the worse by itself
How so? Russia was better off under Soviet rule. Hell even America was better off with the Soviets around, neolibs didn’t become so blatantly evil until afterwards

>> No.16283328


>> No.16283334

Marxism is secular jewish religion, retard. You make it seem like the only alternative to capitalism is communism. It's not.

>> No.16283340


Nigga, I'm just trying to point out that Marx changing the world through pure ideology negates the idea that material conditions are the sole determinant of "history".

If Marx's contentions were true, he wouldn't have been able to influence history with his ideology in the first place.

>> No.16283343


>> No.16283345

It's not a contradiction. The materialist analysis analyzes material conditions, as opposed to the way Hegel would resolve real phenomena as an essence or a platonic form. He spent a good chunk of capital expanding upon what we now see as the modern idea of ideology. It's not like he was saying ideas do nothing. God damn it, read Kapital. Read Wikipedia. Read a cliff notes. Jesus christ read anything that'll make you stop strawmanning and shitposting.

>> No.16283347

It is?
Also fascism is just capitalism on steroids

>> No.16283349
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It's third position or a scorched earth.

The commie vanguard would have to defeat capitalism (everything is capitalism) and reactionaries (any opposition is reactionary) across the entire world before it magically disappears and forms the commie utopia. It's a fairtyale for mouthbreathers.

>> No.16283352

Facism is just capitalism with a better control of aesthetics.

>> No.16283353

So deluded lmao, Marxism is the only counter to kike liberalism. Continue being a useful idiot

>> No.16283357

What did he write on ideology in capital besides commodity fetishism?

>> No.16283358

Yes, exactly. One of the most famous mathematicians of the 20th century, the great friend of Einstein, T.S. Eliot, Joseph Conrad, Whitehead and Kurt Godel. The man whom Borges considered one of his favorite authors. Also a Lord, a knight, and an important political, intellectual, and public figure, besides being a best-selling author, a polyglot and a Nobel Prize winner.


>> No.16283360

Your an idiot.
Marx said that philsoophers have only interpreted the word and now he is going to change it. Marx would be incredibly happy that his ideology is still alive and influenced major countries

>> No.16283366

>He spent a good chunk of capital expanding upon what we now see as the modern idea of ideology.

With an ideology that conveniently avoids defining itself as an ideology by defining ideology as something that excludes its own definition.

Marx is one big pile of self-referencing bullshit.

>> No.16283367

Yes, he was a retarded faggot

>> No.16283369

Why do I have to spoon feed you wikipedia articles
>In the Marxist base and superstructure model of society, base denotes the relations of production and modes of production, and superstructure denotes the dominant ideology (i.e. religious, legal, political systems). The economic base of production determines the political superstructure of a society. Ruling class-interests determine the superstructure and the nature of the justifying ideology—actions feasible because the ruling class control the means of production. For example, in a feudal mode of production, religious ideology is the most prominent aspect of the superstructure, while in capitalist formations, ideologies such as liberalism and social democracy dominate. Hence the great importance of the ideology justifying a society; it politically confuses the alienated groups of society via false consciousness.

>> No.16283372

No it's not. Both communism and capitalism are inherently materialist, fascism isn't.

Then why are most communists jews You're the useful idiot for big capital, retard.

>> No.16283376

As far as I remember he didn't use the term superstructure in Capital. Have you even read it?

>> No.16283392

I think you are a retard who still thinks liberals are communists.

>> No.16283397

Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field?

A college degree? In that field?

Then your arguments are invalid.

No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.

>> No.16283400

Nope I know the difference, now answer the question: if marxism is the only counter to kike liberalism, why are most marxists kikes?

>> No.16283407

Oh, so that's your problem with Russell.
I suppose that T.S. Eliot, Albert Einstein, John Dewey, Whitehead, Joseph Conrad, Jean Paul Sartre, Jorge Luis Borges, George Steiner, Nassim Taleb, were all admirers of a ''retarded faggot'', then.

Meanwhile, you, the Mighty Anon, is certainly immune to falling into such traps!

>> No.16283410

Literally only Trotskyists are jews and they are liberals

>> No.16283411

Fascism in theory interests me as one of the only non-materialist directions for a 21st century nation to possibly take, but it's always exclusively supported by absolutely retarded /pol/acks and worthless white trash

>> No.16283415

>why are most marxists kikes?
Loaded question and untrue.
China doesnt have any jews and still have marxist leninism as their ideology

>> No.16283420

It’s pretty hilarious that you put Talib in that list unironically

>> No.16283424

You should look into how Stalin pretty much permanently fixed that problem lol

>> No.16283434

Might want to read some more on the history of the ideology before you post nonsense.

In the west, retard. Also chinese aren't marxists. Why are most marxists/communists in Europe and the US jews?

Stalin wasn't a Marxist either and although I don't agree with him he was pretty based.

>> No.16283443

Those are larpers, there are many normal ones out there.

>> No.16283447

It's written ''Taleb''.

''You changed the way I view the world'' - Daniel Kahneman, the most respected modern psychologist (a thousand miles more important than Freud), to Taleb, during a talk they had a few years ago

>> No.16283449

Time to embrace hyperfacism.
Or make up your own category, its what all the cool kids do.

>> No.16283451

Jews being overrepresented in academia means every ideology's theory is disproportionately authored by Jews. Every Jewish communist has a Dennis Prager counterbalancing them to say communism is the greatest evil imaginable.

>> No.16283452
File: 372 KB, 281x288, slavloss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trotsky was a Marxist
>Stalin wasn't a Marxist

>> No.16283462

Are you actually him lol

>> No.16283464

Except for fascism. Which makes fascism the only viable alternative to 'kike liberalism'. Communism and capitalism are two sides of the same shekel.

>> No.16283465

That's why I alternate wildly between Strasserism and anarchoprimitivism depending on my mood and the last book I read

>> No.16283473

Fascism is literally just replacing Jewish capitalists with desirable capitalists and then saying job done like the capitalists won’t just act like jews

>> No.16283474

No one actually wanted to talk about Marx, they just wanted a thread jannies wouldn’t delete to have a safe space to talk about fascism instead of literature.

>> No.16283478

Commie propaganda. Don't speak if you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.16283480

Fascists aren't out writing theory at all anymore, that's why. The closest you can get is shit like Dugin. I've heard James Mason is either Jewish or fetishizes them, if you'd consider Siege anything comparabke to fascist theory.

>> No.16283498

No you're just not aware of it. The closest you get is third position, not fourth. James Mason is a glowie if there ever was one.

>> No.16283499

So where is the fascist theory?

>> No.16283508

Not in academia or regular bookstores, obviously. Also there's not as much need for new 'theory' because the old still suffices, as opposed to communism which can't ever keep up with the times.

>> No.16283509


>> No.16283519

No, that quote is on YouTube. The talk was filmed. It's actually very interesting. You should watch it.

>> No.16283524

Mencius "New State will be a Jew State" Moldbug who actually proposes the most extreme neoliberalism possible with full privatization?

>> No.16283544


>> No.16283546

>''You changed the way I view the world'' - Daniel Kahneman, the most respected modern psychologist (a thousand miles more important than Freud), to Taleb, during a talk they had a few years ago
if taleb changed his life, he was a hugely braindead intellectual to begin with. No wonder you like him

>> No.16283559

>China still rocking communism
>Germany and Italy btfo’d and anons still can’t believe it 80 years later

>> No.16283581

Has fully embraced capitalism
>Germany and Italy
Could only be taken down by the combined forces of capitalism and communism while being themselves autarchic.
Try again, faggot.

>> No.16283602

Still taken down tho lol

>> No.16283618

What they were able to achieve in mere years has never again been replicated.
And China (and about every other communist state) still ended up capitalist.

>> No.16283655

It’s their fault they let capitalism and subsequently neoliberalism win

>> No.16283886

You really think materialism materials as physical stuff?? Lmaooo

>> No.16284022

>The 19th century was when the ideological left of today was "born"
>neoconservative pretends that the enlightenment has nothing to do with it
Cringe, the universalist egalitarian humanism first expressed in liberalism was established long before the communist leftists