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File: 64 KB, 437x597, darwin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16278370 No.16278370 [Reply] [Original]

>Origin of Species
>dude bird beaks lmao
>therefore we ape
The nerve of this guy.

>> No.16278389

anon there's already a thread where morons bitch about darwin
keep your nonsense in one place eh

>> No.16278405
File: 209 KB, 936x778, 71B902CC-FB78-406C-BCB7-7AF0388852CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he’s too proud to embrace monky
Very cringe, I bet you believe in tabula rasa and the possibility of racial harmony as well.

>> No.16278431
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Is he wrong?

>> No.16278460

Darwin actually used pigeons a lot more than finches to demonstrate the theory

>> No.16278746

Reading the Origin of Species right now, the book was last updated 150 years ago, so anyone using Darwin to attack the theory of evolution is literally insane.

>> No.16278757

What I found fascinating is that apparently many scientist at the time believed that the many varities of for example sheep or pigeon, originated not from a single stock, but from dozens of local breeds that where all independently domesticated!

>> No.16279863

>Mankind has bred dogs, cows, horses and chickens by manipulating evolution to suit their needs for thousands of years
>But no Darwin was the one who figured it out

>> No.16279892
File: 83 KB, 712x794, 25b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the virgin *ngloid evolutionist materialist proto-bugboi consoomer cope
>the CHAD Muslim MIT-graduate physicist Sophia Perennis Sufi: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mpMbnyRtHgA

>> No.16279908

Why is /lit/ so dumb about science? Not accepting evolution is as pseud as it gets.

>> No.16279922

What does evolution explain?

>> No.16279924

Theory of evolution lacks empiricism, so it is just a belief, not a fact.

>> No.16279931
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>> No.16279970

Evolution explains racially intrinsic behaviours, as shown here...

>> No.16280066
File: 349 KB, 800x600, img7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

irreducible complexity debunks evolution alone
not to mention the problem of increasing information in DNA with random mutations
just a THEORY and nothing else

>> No.16280075

Do you know what THEORY in a scientific context means?

>> No.16280276

>irreducible complexity debunks evolution alone
give an example of a part of the body that is "irreducibly complex"

>> No.16280278

Probably not, he's returning to monke

>> No.16280355
File: 49 KB, 604x499, Structure-of-the-prokaryotic-flagellum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bacterial flagellum

>> No.16280404
File: 180 KB, 1242x1571, 1591128016726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google "bacterial flagellum irreducible complexity"
>get dozens of results refuting the concept of irreducible complexity

>> No.16280457

basically scientists """refute""" it by saying that evolution works in mysterious ways not well known
big shit of a refutation

>> No.16280492
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>> No.16280506
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>> No.16280543
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He took Plato's argument about man being a featherless biped and added extra steps so that it was easier to follow for the average person.
Diogenes was a brainlet, and likely a cr*ationist too.

>> No.16280552
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>> No.16280555

Ridiculous. Diogenes would have jizzed into any creationist's face right alongside the faces of dualist dipshits like you

>> No.16281364
File: 32 KB, 448x545, blyat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't argue with trips. Where do I have to go to get jizzed by Diogenes?

>> No.16281415

Evolution works perfectly for 99.9% of life on earth. It falls apart when applied to humans, viruses, bacteria, parasites, octopus, cuttlefish, squid, jellyfish, and a couple others I can't recall right now.

>> No.16281513

>humans, viruses, bacteria, parasites, octopus, cuttlefish, squid, jellyfish,
Explain what you mean. How does on species of great apes, with many extinct relatives, not make evolutionary sense? What do you mean by parasites, which can range from a woodpecker to single celled eukaryote? How does it work for 99.9% of life but not bacteria, are you implying that bacteria doesn't make up most life on Earth?

>> No.16281525

unironically reddit. he is their patron saint.

>> No.16281578

>he believes in the shoddy theory that every redditor gushes over
Who's the real pseud here?

>> No.16281773




>> No.16281788

Instead of trying to answer your obvious attempt at gish gallop... Just prove with scientific studies how viruses evolved. It's just one question for you, it shouldn't be different, and I want peer reviewed studies.

If you cannot answer this single question, then the theory of evolution is incorrect.

>> No.16281840

Become an astral whore in the fields of elysium of course.

>> No.16281906

Imagine determining the truth or falsity of a theory based on your perception of social media.

You're the real pseud.

>> No.16282108

>It falls apart when applied to humans
This is what egalitarians actually believe

>> No.16282624

Fucking hell, /pol/ really did a number on this board. So this is what post-Trump /lit/ looks like, an anti-intellectual right-wing creationist shithole.

>> No.16282657

He also had to rely on Engles to keep him funded too

>> No.16283874

>If you cannot answer this single question, then the theory of evolution is incorrect.
wew, lad. even if you're correct, and evolutionary biologists haven't got an answer for ths question today, that is in no way shape or form a proof that the theory of evolution is incorrect. what kind of brainlet tier reasoning is that? jesus, this board is shit

>> No.16283941
File: 156 KB, 994x749, 2547861C-934A-4143-8250-8F51BE0ADC0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It falls apart when applied to humans
No it doesn’t, this is a cope for retards who want to believe all humans are created equally, in fact evolution is especially interesting when applied to humans, and the people that don’t want it applied are Jewish shills (Culture of Critique)
Redpilled, egalitarian creatiocucks seething

That video proves that even independent of what is true, Darwin was the Chad.” (Pic related).
>proving that anti-evolutionists are all sandnigger cultists
>demonstrates how it’s not irreducible complex by showing how the flagellum’s component proteins serve other functions that could have evolved into flagella
>shows that variation in the flagella and changes in structure proves that it is not irreducibly complex
>NOOO that doesn’t count
Absolute state
>If you cannot answer this single question, then the theory of evolution is incorrect.
This is not how natural philosophy works, this is how sophistry works. “We don’t know yet” is an acceptable answer for someone who seeks truth until the answer is located. Besides there are good ideas of how viruses came to be via gene displacement of replicatory genes.
Evolution is in fact more right wing than creationism, ideas of human universalism and true commonality between all races is a very Christian ideal, because Christianity is the foundation of humanism.

>> No.16283969

I’ve not heard about this, most of his funding as I knew it was from being rich.
It’s ironic if true considering that natural selection totally refutes Marxist egalitarianism. Marxists may say otherwise, but Darwin himself told Marx that they weren’t compatible; Marx accused Darwin of applying a “socially Victorian” model to nature, seemingly forgetting that competition between superior and inferior forms for a niche is the cornerstone of Darwinism. Marx was so desperate for more materialistic forms of naturalism that he didn’t bother understanding how the theory worked.