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16278058 No.16278058 [Reply] [Original]

What did Malcolm X read to be so articulate?

>> No.16278077

Probably books

>> No.16278177


When did /lit/ get so smart?

>> No.16278185

When i started to frequent the board. I accept thank you donations.

>> No.16278186


The Bible and the Koran. But actually.

>> No.16278190

wasn't it just history? if you aren't a retarded revisionist, then you can come to significant conclusions simply by reading history, because at the core of it it explains the mindset/reason of why people do things. malcolm was quite well-read in terms of US politics and history.
segregation for eg was one of his unabashed conclusions. not out of racism, but because he understands that people get along with their own kind.
malcolm just understood that whites don't want to get along with blacks, which was fine, but then it's also fair to ask for states they could be segregated in, because they were no longer african either (culturally speaking). forcing diversity is unironically toxic because it leads to retarded shit like george floyd (where a legal incidents get misconstrued as racial incidents) and also 'what's the correlation between %13 and %50?' (where very obvious racial incidents get misconstrued as sociopolitical incidents).

>> No.16278378

SIEGE by James Mason.

>> No.16278597

his writing is fucking awful which isn't surprising given that he only learned to read as an adult. its like reading something by a grade schooler who's been told he's smart a few too many times.

>> No.16278615 [SPOILER] 
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He was a male prostitute, so he doubtless learned a lot from the men he serviced.

>> No.16278638


>> No.16279546

Alex haley did all the writing. He had a white man help him write his book.

Douglass is the only good black writer.

>> No.16279792

DuBois is a great scholar, historian, essayist, memoirist, etc.

>> No.16279810

>and also 'what's the correlation between %13 and %50?' (where very obvious racial incidents get misconstrued as sociopolitical incidents
What do you mean by this?

>> No.16279815

(Familiar with the stat, not sure what you mean in the parenthesis though).

>> No.16279841

Nietzsche, Kant, Schopenhauer, various books on genetics, history books on black people in America, Quran and various Nation of Islam shit.

>> No.16280058

>the absolute state of this board
for one thing, malcolm left his ideas of segregation after becoming muslim, because he viewed islam as a solution to racism - it is a religion that places emphasis on the equality of people. when he started to pray, and performed hajj, and saw rows of people of all backgrounds praying and eating and being together, he unironically accepted diversity and left segregation.
for another thing, the george floyd case was just an extremely graphic example of a problem millions of americans recognize and want to see changed. "legal incidents misconstrued as racial incidents", lol

>> No.16280093

>it is a religion that places emphasis on the equality of p̶e̶o̶p̶l̶e̶ muslims

>> No.16280119

>a problem millions of americans recognize and want to see changed
375,000,000 interactions a year. Unarmed black men killed by cops: 9. Propaganda played you anon, but more importantly, you played yourself.

>> No.16280134

Muslims will obviously prefer the company of our own, and we do not marry non-Muslims, but that doesn't mean they aren't seen as equal in their rights and honor. The Shariah treats a Muslim and a non-Muslim the same, and might even be said to give preference to non-Muslims because they get to live under their own religious rulings - they can buy, sell, and drink alcohol, and other things that are illegal for Muslims. You can't make the claim that the Shariah doesn't give equal rights to non-Muslims.

>> No.16280171


>> No.16280178
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>implying religious people do what their holy books tell them to do
>implying the base mob mentality wouldn't take over enlightened teachings

>> No.16280193

Well, true enough, but the question was about the religion itself, and not the practitioners. I'll be the first to agree that Muslims rarely live up to the teachings, and it seems to be getting worse by the year.

>> No.16280217

why does everyone treat malcom x like a leftist intellectual when most of his life was supporting racial segregation, criticizing jews, and collaborating with actual white supremacists just like marcus garvey

>> No.16280234

i'm pretty sure leftists are allowed to be racist, you're thinking of liberals

>> No.16280547
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>> No.16280617

there's a part in his autobiography where he talks about all the books he read, he literally started from the ground up and read anything he could get his hands on
this isnt the full version

>> No.16280637
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As for 9, fuck you can track that by following national news. Shit's a statistical blip. If you need to be spoon fed:
>The police fatally shot nine unarmed blacks and 19 unarmed whites in 2019, according to a Washington Post database

Also keep in mind unarmed != non-dangerous.

More fun stats:
>Of non-homicide black/white crimes, 85% black perp
>Blacks kill 2 times as many whites as whites kill blacks
93% of black homicide committed by other blacks
>Blacks kill more blacks in a year than the KKK did in its entire history
>Harvard study (conducted by a black man) showed cops more reluctant to use deadly force against blacks

>> No.16281217

Yes, and there is nothing wrong with this.

>> No.16281225
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Read history. Western secularist liberals are a plague on humanity.

>> No.16281300

>This is what BLM is protesting
No, it isn't.

>> No.16281817

>thinking books make you articulate
This is a low IQ cope. Trying being born intelligent, OP.

>> No.16282161

>alex haley
you dumb as fuck

>> No.16282173

>example of a problem millions of americans recognize and want to see changed
you know when people are fat and happy you can make them believe basically anything, right?

>> No.16282174

>malcolm left his ideas of segregation


>> No.16282239

he reported that, when incarcerated, he realized he had no idea how to compose a letter to Elijah Muhammad (much less speak properly.) so not only did he start reading everything he could get his hands on, but he copied the entire dictionary by hand.

>> No.16283113

violent crime committed by blacks is an inherently racial issue, but because everyone is uncomfortable with this fact, they don't like to admit it, so they instead cop-out by making it appear to be something else (i.e. 'oh it's actually a social issue because of systematic white racism' or 'oh it's actually a political issue because inherent systematic racism ensures blacks stay poor and uneducated').
refusing to acknowledge the truth because it makes you uncomfortable ensures you can never reach a solution. people like malcolm were well aware of this.
retard cope. it's obvious you havent read a single book of his and instead just watched some youtubne clips. the only thing that changed for malcolm i nterms of islam was leaving the Nation of Islam jabornies after Hajj. afterwards he became less openly racist to whites but at no point did he stop being 'radical (he constantly called out blacks for being retards and playing the victim card as much as he criticized the inherent social rejection whites had for blacks).

>> No.16283385
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Criticizing jews IS fighting racism.

>> No.16283495

To be clear, by saying “inherently” you mean that it’s engraved in the DNA of blacks to be violent? How do you back this? any empirical evidence that suggests this and not that it’s structural?

>> No.16283506

He was a light-skinned black so he had white blood, which explains it. Same goes for Obama.

>> No.16283507

I don't think anyone says he's a leftist, it's just that in America you're allowed to be rp on the jq if you're black

>> No.16283513

What about Asians or Hispanics? Are they allowed, too?

>> No.16283520
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>implying Malcolm X was black

>> No.16283688

no, by inherently i mean the stats are inseparable from the fact that it's perpetrators are black. and in trying to figure out 'why?' i wouldn't ever give a DNA based answer. there's a sociopolitical answer for sure.

>> No.16283764

I did a brief scan of this thread and surprised I didn't see the legitimate answer.
He read a lot when he was in prison. As some anons have said, he was embarrassed to write a letter to Elijah Muhammad, and as a result of this and his contact with him he began to read.
He was moved to an experimental prison that was focused on reform (irrc this was the prison that inspired Shutter Island) that had a really good library. He started by reading a dictionary cover to cover, then read widely from the extensive prison collection. According to the autobiography, he started wearing glasses because he strained his eyesight by reading by moonlight after lights out.
He's one of my favorite American historical figures because he was a largely self-disciplined autodidact and wasn't afraid to change his mind if he felt he wasn't following the truth.

>> No.16283779

>Alex haley

>> No.16283804
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This is actually the only peaceful solution for the American racial problem, yet no one is talking about it.

>> No.16283810

He became an intergretionalist after his hajj.

>> No.16283812

American Blacks culturally are inclined to wordplay and verbal erudition

>> No.16283815

They do. That and being around people who are articulate. Ever wondered why kids from aristocratic families speak eloquently with a natural ease? Hint : it's not because they're naturally smarter.

>> No.16283819

Thanks you.