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16277928 No.16277928 [Reply] [Original]

>bring not forth ye the rude caricature, good grace would us rather posit arguments with propriety, brightly do the moving forms of Firmament signal us thusly - that Reason may be found not on petty remarks or oddly sketched figures, mouth wide open teeth displayed, effete, effeminate. Would I rather pauper claims incensed than such images and silence

>> No.16278051
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>Therefore, ye go and sleep, perchance to dream more dreams of vivid eternal angels. Thou glances of the very nuanced tapestry of life is hereby voutsafe, by me the promised seed shall all be salvaged from these seditious perversions - the conclusion is henceforth, and no death hitherto shall eclipse my love; no petty and waxed remarks shall destroy the compassion and will I have provided for you. Thus, the moving lights and signals exhibited of strange men and barbaric women shall be forgotten: I shall remember their vices and sins no more.

>> No.16278228
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>Have those thine eyes read the annals thine own? Can they if thusly demanded call for thy hand to produce such record? Or would rather be of a reasonable man the disposition such that, lacking evidence or means to proof he would still allow himself to proclaim "Hear me, hear me, of Truth herald, de verum custodem

>> No.16278315

The firmament is a spook.