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/lit/ - Literature

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16277029 No.16277029 [Reply] [Original]

Enjoying science and lit seems to be a universal coping mechanism for losers in denial, kinda like gaming or racism. But unlike them it’s also seen as a feminine hobby.

Obsessing over logical fallacies and antivaxxers is definitely not something the average guy does, much less chad.

>> No.16277037

This feels like an AI made this post to blend in on 4chan

What in saying is that if you’re human you’re an incredibly mediocre and unoriginal person

>> No.16277039
File: 306 KB, 1200x1607, AAAD7529-92D6-49AC-9E14-BA2CB4933780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on what one reads. I was on vacation with my extended family this summer and my mother, my sister and my brother‘s gf were all reading stuff like pic related. Idk how they can stomach doing something like this.
I guess it‘s seen as a feminine past time because the big heap of trashy lit that is mass produced is actually read by women.

>> No.16277071
File: 3.77 MB, 560x420, F41D8366-8CAF-4442-B703-D4531EFFB633.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’ll be posting on this loser website regardless of how original and witty you are white boy

>> No.16277081

Reading fiction was literally for women until not too long ago.

>> No.16277086

Until men became pussies to be precise.

>> No.16277092

Nice idea but entirely false and invented not too long ago.

>> No.16277105

Invented by pseud autistic bugmen too inhuman to value art

>> No.16277116

>Enjoying science and lit seems to be a universal coping mechanism for losers in denial, kinda like gaming or racism.
This is true for gaming not the others. I was a fairly left wing tolerant person with little interest in literature until I started having sex regularly, at which point I started to become far interested in literature and even eventually an ethnobationalist, plus I lost interest in vidya.

>> No.16277151

Did you lose your virginity before 20 tho? And are you normal in looks and personality?

I mean a guy can have sex but still be a loser after all, it’s just the bare minimum

>> No.16278523 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 1000x1000, Pepe Machiavelli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obsessing over logical fallacies and antivaxxers is definitely not something the average guy does, much less chad.
Theres you, theres a guy you think is a chad (and he himself might think so too).
But theres a guy above that dichotomy that looks at both of them in disgust - and yes, he reads... and yes, he's more powerful than both of them combined.
Educate yourself, stop looking for excuses.

>> No.16278527
File: 128 KB, 1000x1000, Pepe Machiavelli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obsessing over logical fallacies and antivaxxers is definitely not something the average guy does, much less chad.
Theres you & theres a guy you think is a chad (and he himself might think so too).
But theres a guy above that dichotomy that looks at both of them in disgust - and yes, he reads... and yes, he's more powerful than both of them combined.
Educate yourself, stop looking for excuses.

>> No.16278719
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>> No.16278760

I feel as though few people realize that there is no secret so sublime, and no wisdom so advanced that it can't be packaged as books. In recent years, a lot of people have come to view /lit/ as snake oil that is unequipped to solve actual problems. The true test of reading is knowing how to sort the useful from the nonuseful. Chads look at books and say "this shit is useless trash compared to going to the gym and making money", but he doesn't realize that books can increase efficiency in both these things, as well as in every aspect of your life. Until people learn what books to read they will forever think books are just feel good nonsense.

>> No.16278880

>average guy

You have the worldview of most losers, where the majority of society are winners and there is an minority of outsiders who are losers, when its the other way around, you and the majority of society are losers above them hoover a small group of the wealth, the smart, the beautiful, etc

You dont belong to that group.

If you want to know why I know you are a loser, let me point out that you can only be critical of people in speech, you have no power outside of that, you can and will not use direct or indirect violence to deal with these people you call losers.

>> No.16278894

Thats true of everything in life, the winner can start at any job, any hobby, any challenge and get gold, the loser can be given a million euro's, their own mansion, a top notch education and an easy well paying job at daddies office and they will still drink themselves to death.