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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 23 KB, 640x360, dFg5d79i4rVY_640x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16276765 No.16276765 [Reply] [Original]

For me, it's Keith Woods.

>> No.16276772

Better than Food is pretty good

>> No.16276785

Isn't this guy a national socialist? Cringe.

>> No.16276794


>> No.16276802
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>> No.16276807

>posting a "Basedjack" meme
Oof and yikes-pilled

>> No.16276809

Okay retarded subhuman

>> No.16276818

stop being so close-minded

>> No.16276839


Keith is based

>> No.16276845

Good old sage. I like the vibe.

>> No.16276850

my guilty pleasure is olly.
The book club is pretty good tho

>> No.16276896

I like the channels that take the SFW part at the beginning of pornos where the girls all dance around in bikinis.


>> No.16276929

keith is a highbrow pseud
Meaning he's highly intelligent but entirely derivative. No creativity to speak of at all.

>> No.16276932

>my opinion = good
>bad opinion = cringe onions wojak

>> No.16276937

I don't get the type. I think Americans get tricked into thinking Europeans are more intelligent than they are because of accents. Woods is going through a William Pierce phase that I hope he gets over soon. It's cringe to listen to

>> No.16276946


>> No.16276960
File: 5 KB, 100x98, kw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you guys hadn't mentioned national socialism and right wing literature and I saw pic related I would immediately assume he was some IFLS #bluewave #BLM redditor who responds to every single tweet Trump makes.

>> No.16276963


He's more of a socialist nationalist


>> No.16276986

I'd love some mainstream politician to describe themselves as a Social Nationalist.

>> No.16276995

Move to like Vietnam or something.

>> No.16277000

This. He was a Marxist who became disillusioned.

>> No.16277001

What's the difference?

>> No.16277040

These types of right wingers are as disconnected from the real world as the leftists they love to complain about. They still think it's 1920 instead of 2020

>> No.16277076
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Since we're talking about youtube channels, what do you guys think of Economics Explained?
Youtube is shilling him to me constantly. I've only watched part of a few videos and i have a suspicion he's a pseud. It isn't even that he's uncritcally orthodox (that's fine i guess), it's that he made some massive and bizzare errors even in the very little i've watched by him. He just seems to exemplify the worst stereotypes of Econ Majors. And also seems to wish he was a yank.

>> No.16277128

Please don't tell me you're a Libertarian in 2020.

>> No.16277168


>> No.16278828

Cuck Philosophy
Philosophy Tube

>> No.16278985

got shilled here once and I find this is the only acceptable /lit/ youtube channel style.

>> No.16279912

i never see my boy paperbird get mentioned on here

>> No.16279963

>one thing he thinks falls outside my incredibly narrow field of acceptable opinions, therefore he can have no legitimate opinions on anything
Why are these people even on /lit/ if they don't want to open their mind to new worldviews?

>> No.16279976
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Not a youtuber but I do enjoy watching Jonathan Bowden's speeches on the old jewtube. Keith is based too

>> No.16280706


>> No.16280725
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Fuck anglos

>> No.16280748
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>my opinion = good
>bad opinion = cringe onions wojak

>> No.16280783


>> No.16280800

Him and Cultured Thug are ok in my book.

>> No.16280835

Tales of Weird basically just reads Weird Fiction but he does it quite well. It's not some pretentious in depth study of a classic. Just some person who likes to read weird stories. And that's fine by me

>> No.16281076

Fuck Keith because more and more people become unironic fascists and hes a gateway to rising fascism among young men

>> No.16281103

Yes, that is what the comment implies. Do you have a point?

>> No.16281693

Keith is attractive, intelligent, and not autistic. I like him. I don't know if he qualifies as natsoc but he's definitely third position.

>> No.16281719

I like him for that reason

>> No.16281791


>> No.16281804
File: 28 KB, 480x360, baz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss this little queer like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.16282064

Matt Christman (only for the brave)

>> No.16282125

I don't think this video was supposed to be as funny as I found it

>> No.16282143



>> No.16282402

does anyone remember based /out/ anon, i cant seem to find his channel

>> No.16282409

Regarding Kaczynski and similar ecologist themes, Chad Haag is great

>> No.16282416

who dis?

>> No.16282453

it's called a sojak, monolingual newfag

>> No.16282485
File: 219 KB, 900x900, implicit political strategy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't he a full-on biden supporter like dicky spencer now?

>> No.16282492

lmao that's what he sounded like all this time?

>> No.16282499

No, and in fact he said to vote for Trump, not because he is a Jewish shill but because he's accelerationist in the sense that the left goes full mask off with him in the White House, and this in turn is the best bet for waking normies up

>> No.16282503

That’s a good thing

>> No.16282516
File: 136 KB, 512x998, trans-happy cosplayer dad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the girl in pic related, unironically

>> No.16282531

>capitalizing J

>> No.16282573

sorry bro

>> No.16282576


>> No.16282758


>> No.16282911

Joel Davis > Keith Woods
John David Ebert is pretty good
Really enjoying Hermetix atm

>> No.16283467

Very often the funniest things are those that were never supposed to be funny

>> No.16283592
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All young men should become fascists.

>> No.16283611

you shouldn't watch youtube

>> No.16283689

Yeah, Keith is good.

>> No.16283705

So sensitive

>> No.16284010

I really love this video of his. Perfect explanation for why right wing libertarianism is idiotic.

>> No.16284107


Proverbs 22:5
Thorns and snares are in the way of the perverse;
He who guards himself will be far from them.

This is the problem with young men being stuck in a trap of defeatism; not being virtuous. The problem is it is getting harder and harder to resist temptation due to the current rate of decay.
Youtubers (keith woods prime eg) are temptation; endless ruminations lined with despair though self satisfying and congratulating in ones own intellect. It is some kind of sadomasochism. They are of the same cloth to whom they lament.

>> No.16284195

Is the video in OP meant to be representative? because he doesn't sound intelligent to me at all.

>> No.16284209

That was his critique of moldbug

>> No.16284265

That's because you're stupid.

>> No.16284302
File: 393 KB, 1048x1494, Screenshot_20200904-072308_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had several videos that dissect the purpose and origins of mythology
>explains how anthropology is heavily connected with mythology and has several book recommendations for viewers to do their own research
>doesn't confuse mythology with fantasy
>lapsed star wars fan that has grown tired of the current state of sci fi and fantasy
>currently working on an epic that has taken decades in the making and could save /lit/
>has videos for Linux users too

Yup, I'm thinking he's kino


>> No.16284331

>t. mythologos

>> No.16284863


Yeah, paperbird is great. Wish he had more content, but he's caught in the paradox. Read books faster to get more content or read books slower to get more out of it personally. The fact that he has less content makes him more legit for me.

>> No.16284871


Yeah, he's not bad. Better than the majority of booktubers who just read YA.

>> No.16285323

Keith is extremely based and Tradpilled. He has opened my eyes to Neoplatonism and Traditionalism as way for me to contend with the death of God and escape the materialist hell hole we live in

>> No.16285428

Moldbug is pretty open about being nothing but a guy who Reads Old Books and repeats what they say. He'll gladly list off everything he's read if you let him. I don't see this as a critique of someone unless they're actually unaware that they're being derivative, which Moldbug isn't. I don't think Western society is really in a place to allow anyone to be anything but derivative, however (as BAP says, we cannot own space, which means we cannot create), so the vice of being "derivative" isn't just regurgitating things, but being ignorant of what you're doing.

I disagree with some of the other points Keith makes in the video you're referencing, but I don't think Keith is a bad person or anything for making those critiques. Many of them are valid-in-tone, even if he's factually wrong at a few points.

>> No.16285431

He sounds dumb at first because he’s a mick
Stop shilling your channel bro

>> No.16285531

Moldbug is not worth reading or worth listening to. He exists solely to muddy the waters and confuse people. Not to mention that he sounds so annoying that it's actually impossible to listen to him. Fuck him and his Peter Thiel funded ass.

>> No.16285555

I'm was pointing out his hypocrisy.

>> No.16285566

Keith is just another retarded dugincuck satanist larping as a christian traditionalist.

>> No.16285587


>> No.16285603

Why are Europeans obsessed with American politics?

>> No.16285612

Has he ever made a video about Christianity?

>> No.16285633
File: 874 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20200904-184123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Book Club for me. Used to fuck with people like that when they would start with their ,,theories" just send them his videos now. Thanks, based q

>> No.16285652

Anyone ever notice how similar the online far left and the far right’s aesthetic sense is? I feel like there’s a much greater connection between the two than either side would care to admit.
>I’m a bad ass who has a beard/five o’clock shadow and smokes cigarettes and gets by in a degenerated urban hellscape
>Whoa dude, I like ‘80s retro stuff but I also make references to books and artists from the 19th century

>> No.16285687

That's just a consequence of them coming out of the same spaces (SA and the chins).

>> No.16285718

Because USA has political and cultural hegemony. All the cultural and political issues are imported from America, more specifically from Jews in NY. This is why you see people in European countries that are 99% White protesting and chanting "BLACK LIVES MATTER."

>> No.16285759

You have no idea how angry I get when I hear Euros say "The President", when referring to the President of the United States.

We're all just recycling the same goy-feed. The US needs to balkanize into a hundred little countries so everyone can fuck off and get what they want. The breakupof the US as a single polity is the only real solution to what amounts to every problem on the planet.

>> No.16285792

>The US needs to balkanize
enjoy paying tribute to mongoloids

>> No.16286147

Kino related but im going to be moving into literature soon: https://youtu.be/-6SXau5BDn0

>> No.16286156

This fag is to /lit/ what Fantano was to /mu/ 7 years ago. Complete trash

>> No.16286168

lefties just copied it, but it's still cringe regardless.

>> No.16286171

was. Nigger overplayed his hand too quickly.

>> No.16286203

No he seems more like a catholic third positionist. I guess closest thing to him irl would be the integralists maybe?

>> No.16286222

China would collapse if the US Balkanized.

He's a Third Positionist but it's pretty clear he's on the Socialist spectrum of NatSoc. You can cloak that in whatever you like, but he's pretty clearly not an integralist. I'm fairly certain I've heard him mock Adrian Vermeule before, so he's clearly not part of "that crowd".

>> No.16286250

Myth of the 20the century is a podcast I like
Settlers Lament
Oswald Spengler (the channel’s name)

Mouthy Buddha is more /x/

Vagrant Holiday

>> No.16286520

That tweet is what made me realize hes not stupid but he’s definitely young and naive

>> No.16286691

why do so many tradcaths sounds so fucking homosexua

>> No.16286801

Theres a decen review hidden underneath the zoomer editing but its apparent that you put a lot of effort and heart into this so I'll give you a (you) and a hurrah. Keep doing more.

>> No.16287182


>> No.16287374

I agree with everything said here. Also, it rings true with me because I see myself as someone who's just reading old books and repeating/melding the interesting things inside them. There is a reoccurring theme in a lot of the stuff I read that the knowledge being presented isn't "newly invented" so much as "rediscovered".

>> No.16287648

>Settlers Lament
I can't listen to that guy. Easily the most faggy voice on youtube. Makes me want to put a cinder block through his head

>> No.16287799
File: 320 KB, 900x1200, kantbot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*BTFOes alt right retards and produces the best podcast in your path*

>> No.16287915
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>> No.16287919

this guy has no value outside that one video he made about trump being a kantian.

>> No.16288202

I dislike these kinds of youtube channels so I don't watch any of them. I'd rather read something

>> No.16288234

>is literally a huge faggot in your path

>> No.16288403

>BAPfaggots still seething

>> No.16288409

kb is literally a faggot and is literally huge tho

>> No.16288426

Kantbot isn't the one encouraging his late teen male followers to take shirtless pictures of themselves and send them to him

Fuck off BAP

>> No.16288446

kb is gay bro

>> No.16288475

You must have a big brain and a huge dick!
t. femanon

>> No.16288525


>> No.16288533

Keith is a midwit just like his buddy Spencer. Kantbot triggered these clowns so hard and Keith is still can't define "white civilization" lmfao what a joke

>> No.16288536

digits speak the truth. Kantbot MOGS

>> No.16288548

he is fat and gay and has a very unhealthy obsession with masculinity and hate for women

>> No.16288580


>> No.16288606

Except that he has a girlfriend unlike the BAP capos

>> No.16288611

post girlfriend fatbot

>> No.16288651

when BAP posts his own physique

>> No.16289638

The Worthy House - excellent book reviews for the politicaly conservative or peeps on the right

>> No.16290046

All lefty garbage

>> No.16290156
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>> No.16290227

I need more based orthodox christian or enviromental youtube channels or podcasts. also ascetic channels.

Think John Michael Greer, Linkola, Branwell, Hermetix, Seraphim Rose, etc etc

>> No.16290259

Please stop spamming the fat beard man with a sissification fetish

>> No.16290363
File: 756 KB, 320x236, 1594764203976.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna personally thank you sir, I had no idea this existed

>> No.16290401
File: 67 KB, 946x511, lithermit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forest anon

>> No.16290406

why the question mark?

>> No.16290413

>and this in turn is the best bet for waking normies up
wakig people up when it's too late is a poor strategy tho

>> No.16290591

His cabin survived the fires. He posted an update on YouTube one hour ago.

>> No.16291468

The original is better.


>> No.16291607

Thanks for this.

>> No.16291683

What’s his channel? I couldn’t find it.

>> No.16291883

It's unfortunate really.
Good ideas but almost impossible to listen to.

>> No.16292776

search "branwell" in youtube

>> No.16292822

This is just you flailing at feeling inadequate. Even if what you said is true, not every educational figure needs to be original, especially in his case where the knowledge he's compiling is not going to found in academia. If you watch his older podcasts with the radix guys he consistently brought innovative ideological thought to the table.

>> No.16292867

I'm surprised that nobody has posted the book club before.
Just watch these two videos in that order and then stop:
The other videos weren't that interesting desu and I feel bad for his family, being online in these cringe videos.

Either way just read more and don't spend your time on Youtube looking for good literature channels, even /lit/ is better than that.

Good answer, but do you have a link to his channel? The last time I was there months ago, it seemed that most videos were not listed and only accessible by having the link.

>> No.16292876


>> No.16293025

I discovered Keith through this podcast with Eric Striker back even he had a hundred subscribers. Highly recommended.

>> No.16293052

>Eric striker
Probably one of the lowest IQ nazis today.

>> No.16293710

You're too dumb to understand his genius.

>> No.16293882

here is his channel

>> No.16293965
File: 191 KB, 1600x1200, 1550432834662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Michael Pierce.


>> No.16294214

thank you anon

>> No.16294218


>> No.16294433



>> No.16295795


>> No.16295963

For me, it's the Distributist and G.C. McKay

>> No.16295992

Based Autist brit living in Finnland


>> No.16297473

based taste