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16276616 No.16276616 [Reply] [Original]

>dude, trust me, Eastern religions are evil! doing yoga? that's satanic! now if you excuse me, I gotta wolf a wheel of camembert
literature explaining this phenomenon

>> No.16276620

I dunno I like him, as dumb a thing as he can say sometimes.

>> No.16276686

>>dude, trust me, Eastern religions are evil!
Based kb. He's unironically right on this one

>> No.16276692

kant bot is not literature. he has never said anything of actual value and is just a twitter ironybro

>> No.16276746

He is the most entertaining man on twitter, at least

>> No.16276751

t. Kantbot

>> No.16276756

God willing, him having sex with a tranny will be the end of this infestation of /lit/. I'm tired of Twitter idiots coming here and ruining my book board.

>> No.16276757

Father Seraphim Rose

>> No.16276917


>> No.16276975

did he say this?

>> No.16277156

Kantbot is a grifting faggot. Fuck off.

His takes have been dumb as fuck ever that documentary and your attempts to pivot into a new, more palateable persona.

They used to be genuinely good, but now he sounds butthurt all the time.

>> No.16277691

>the catholic church is literally evil. i hate all of you worms with a passion. i'm going to kill myself.
>this is wendy's sir

>> No.16277719

Who is this fat fuck and why do you people know him.

>> No.16277792

>Rare ewok sighting

>> No.16277882

Seraphim Rose is the best critique of the "eastern religion is evil!" crowd, however.

The man was a gay prostitute who went out to a cave to smoke crack, drop acid, and get drunk all at once, because that's what "eastern religion" is all about. He did so, and had a bad trip. He then adopted Russian Orthodoxy.

So, right off the bad, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism, which we can say is a good representation of "Asian Religion", all disagree with the idea of homosexuality, prostitution, and homosexual prostitution. They also all disagree with the idea of smoking crack and dropping acid, and while they don't all agree that drinking is ALWAYS bad, they would all agree that drinking alone in a cave for pleasure is bad during the middle of the day is always bad. So, the actual experience that Seraphim Rose had to turn him away from eastern religion is actually an endorsement of the religions of the East. He did what they said not to do because it will be bad, and it was bad, so he proved them right.

Secondly, he never actually stopped chasing after "eastern religion", he just goes a little less far east. He still fetishized a foreign culture (Russian Orthodoxy) over some kind of native spirituality or whatever. He just finally picked one and actually engaged with it, something he did not do with Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, or Hinduism. This is a big critique actual Russians have of him: he's just a gay druggy who LARPed as a Siberian woodsman..

So yes, he's a great example of why fetishization of foreign cultures is bad, but he has absolutely nothing to say on actual religion and the engagement with religion.

>> No.16277912

lurk more newfag

>> No.16277946

>So yes, he's a great example of why fetishization of foreign cultures is bad, but he has absolutely nothing to say on actual religion and the engagement with religion.
i don't know why but until this sentence i thought you were telling us a parable, "there once was a man who was a gay prostitute who went out to a cave to smoke crack..."

>> No.16277977

His critiques of eastern traditions are embarrassingly bad, it’s basically just some boomer-tier “i-it makes me feel weird and muh satanic looking statues”. There was no real engagement with the ideas he is trying to criticize.