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16274171 No.16274171 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16274228
File: 71 KB, 549x665, 119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can non Irish compete?
By not having a snub-nosed, fetal alcohol syndrome-face phenotype

>> No.16274286

Is there any race more cucked than the Irish? Imagine being proud of fighting for 800 years without any progress of note whatsoever. They'll fight for 800 more with the intention to retain their status as is, as they have no other identity than being cucked by an insignificant empire.

>> No.16274303
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, 9D32BBA2-40CB-4C2E-B509-C4482A9585B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16274330

>no other identity than being cucked by an insignificant empire

What about potato?

>> No.16274540

And then the first thing they did with their freedom was adopt Anglo-corporate monoculture. Pathetic.

>> No.16274612
File: 197 KB, 1200x1577, Irish P(oo)M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fight for freedom from foreign settlement and dominance for 800 years
>upon gaining independence, promptly allow the settlement and dominance of peoples even more foreign, eventually even electing one of them to be your nation's leader
>see no contradiction in this
I will never understand Irish nationalism, nor any other form of left-wing "nationalism" that wants freedom from a closely related people, but loves membership in international organizations and mass third world immigraton.

>> No.16274677


>> No.16274690
File: 30 KB, 196x282, 41D7E4B4-FDBA-4C9C-8302-0AF9ECC44034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> How can non Irish compete?
They can‘t. Pic related.

>> No.16274796

Why are mutts so enamoured with the Irish? I know they fall in love with any minority in their country eventually but I can understand liking Italians at least, but not the Irish. Even the most famous Irish author ever moved away and declared that he didn’t want his remains returned after death.
>Irish gain freedom from the British
>less than a century later their ruler is the homosexual son of an immigrant
Lmao, what proud catholic nationalists
That was a direct result of getting cucked by the Anglos

>> No.16274813
File: 290 KB, 1200x819, Anglo-Portuguese II.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silence mick

>> No.16274826

>tfw three of my father's four grandparents were potato niggers
>his fourth grandparent was half potato nigger

>> No.16274855

Are you saying that this is why Americans idolise the Irish? Because you’re part Irish in the 56% mystery brew?

>> No.16274864
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>Americans idolise the Irish
no one does this

>> No.16274888

You celebrate an Irish national holiday for very little reason, you don’t celebrate St George’s day despite more English ancestry in America.
And it’s a widely accepted cultural phenomena that America likes the irish

>> No.16274925

>You celebrate an Irish national holiday for very little reason
I agree St. Patrick's day is cringe, but I wouldn't attach too much significance to it as it's little more than an excuse to get blackout drunk. Really more of a convenient exploitation of Irish stereotypes than a genuine celebration of the Irish people.

>> No.16274948

I would say that has more to do with English ancestry and history in America, including the founders and their assumptions being obviously English, being assimilated, ignored or denied as undermining another, historically and generally illiterate, "56%"-friendly, international liberal capitalist America

>> No.16274971

Where to start with Pearse?

>> No.16274973

Yes. Everyone will pipe up out of nowhere that they're Irish. Then when you ask how they change the subject. No one actually takes the time to research their ancestry (shitty DNA tests don't count, I can tell you the name and arrival date of every Irish immigrant in my family tree), no one cares about actually preserving any of that heritage (my grandmother was 100% potato nigger and my grandfather was 75%, but his half colonial father died shortly after his birth and he was raised in a 100% potato house; neither did anything to preserve Irish traditions among their children, other than being Catholic), and no one even wants to abandon the monoculture. It's just a cheap way to feel unique when we all know we're mutts, and most of that mutt is Anglo (basically all of my non-Irish ancestors were English settlers in the 17th and 18th centuries). Still better than fucking Ireland though, which, as the land of the Irish, is actively trying to destroy their heritage in the remains of their own country.

>> No.16275004

>Grow up thinking I'm half Irish, I don't really care but some of my relatives are big into the Irish thing
>My aunt does a genealogy, finds out that we are actually Ulster Scots
>We were the baddies the whole time

Some of my cousins are still in denial over it.

>> No.16275117

Were they the cringy Boston sort that donated money to "the cause"? That would make it extra funny.

>> No.16275562

No, thankfully. Still amazing even without that.