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/lit/ - Literature

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16273109 No.16273109 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16273111

No, not at all.

>> No.16273117

Only if you're into larping

>> No.16273148


Revolt Against the Modern World is my favorite book and a must read for anyone who lacks meaning or crucial religious context in this current age.

>> No.16273186

Read Revolt against the Modern World for fun, but don't expect something substantial. Look to Nietzsche and Ernst Jünger for the real deal.

>> No.16273196

Ride the Tiger is good. RAMW is interesting but don’t take it too seriously

>> No.16273344

Only if you're a r*dditor. He is basically r*ddit incarnate.

>> No.16273668

Nietzsche was an angsty incel with syphilis. Evola was unironically way better. Storm of Steel is great though

>> No.16273675

Who gave him a black eye.

>> No.16273676

Other way around.

>> No.16273949

If you are an oversocialized pseud who falls for dissociation propaganda don't read him. He's associated with /pol/ and /pol/ is dumb so you will be dumb by proxy. I'm still surprised at how neurotically I see people dissociate from that dead board, it's as dated as being paranoid over /b/tards or gamergaters, or more accurately being mistaken as such.

Honestly anyone who should be reading him has little reason to other than to organize the already internalized beliefs of their spirit coherently into English. I personally really enjoyed Mystery of the grail, which i'm heard some Guenon types call boring. If the grail doesn't appeal to you I really don't think you should be reading traditionalist authors. At that point it's clearly a surrogate activity to play with ideas.