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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 535 KB, 750x1251, capitalism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16272823 No.16272823[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Now that capitalism has been sufficiently explained, why do right-wingers want to protect it?

>> No.16272836

Cause they love money

>> No.16272845

Teen Vogue is my favorite radical journal.

>> No.16272849
File: 59 KB, 948x711, jillettepenn1-81e334093ba9acddf11b01e1a23f44d5a05dd61b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Teen Vogue

>> No.16272858


Capitalism / liberalism is just a wing of leftist materialism, individualism, and somaticism (cooming, consumption, petty comfort)

>> No.16272863

Capitalism is the political economic reality

>> No.16273006

Teen Vogue
hmm I wonder who is behind this?

>> No.16273212

I prefer socialism but that won't stop me from starting my own company and seeking venture capitalists to fund me. And making money.

Still though I prefer communism.

>> No.16273480
File: 480 KB, 1145x1462, 1594794057170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think that if rich people were taxed less, they'd donate more money for philanthropic causes?
Take this example: a child knows he has to do his homework. But if you constantly remind him, if you make threats like, "you're not going to get off that chair until you're done", then he's going to hate doing homework. It's as if you don't even trust him to be able to do it on his own, and you have to check at every step. What might've been a pleasure turns into an insufferable duty. He'll definitely try to find ways to get around your overbearing authority. Instead, if you trusted him to do the right thing, then he most likely would, not out of coercion, but out of spontaneous will.

>> No.16273684

The problem with your analogy is that they have a massive amount of resources to throw at said homework. Everyone has homework and the inequality of that wealth hoarding creates the philanthropic causes they would potentially donate to. It is inefficient and the rich and more importantly the system that enables them should be swallowed whole like your mom did last night.

>> No.16274068

>lets just make everyone a millionaire lol
perhaps you should consider moving to Venezuela or Zimbabwe

>> No.16274155

>want to protect capitalism

>> No.16274192

TeenVogue you say?

>> No.16274208
File: 14 KB, 236x381, 5b5c1ba963af1c0ec1b737327eff6739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My analogy with homework may have been a bit misleading. It was just to highlight the fact that if you want to condition someone to do something, constant supervision or forcing your hand will have the opposite effect.
It goes without saying that this is under the very naive assumption that capital and politics don't go hand in hand, that richfags wouldn't use legal loopholes to avoid paying taxes if they were lower, and that they'd spontaneously give back to the community instead of hoarding money for themselves. But the fact America has private prisons speaks volumes about how they see money and people...

>> No.16274209

Do they cite Sowell?

>> No.16274230
File: 15 KB, 300x165, freedom-cannot-be-granted-52650-13563-300x165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The State, the Capitalist ideologues, and the proselytizing haunted "socialist" Individuals are all my enemy.

>> No.16274301

Leftism is all about tyrannically engineered equality and collectivist pathology, the complete antithesis of individualism and free market capitalism.

>> No.16274364

thus we run into the insufficiency of "left-right" dichotomy
"far" left and "far" right are both ideologically collectivist

>> No.16275200

<-- Liberty (anarchy) --------------------------------- Tyranny (statism) -->

<-- Left (reformism) ------------------------------ Right (conservatism) -->

- Completely independant spectrums
- Where one lands on the former is morally axiomatic, while on the latter, entirely dependant on the level of contentment with the current state of affairs
- The majority of reformists tend to advocate for bigger government, and has thus resulted in the conflation of left-wing ideology with statism
- In reality, any combination of these ideological positions are logically coherent

>> No.16275300

>/lit/ - Literature
didn't even put anything like 'books for this feel'

>> No.16275322

/lit/ is ostensibly worksafe /pol/. Are you new?

>> No.16275335

there are literally not enough resources to make everyone a millionaire. if the worlds resources were evenly distributed, everyone would have like maybe $50,000 each. then they would spend that money and it would go back directly to the people who had it in the first place (after enough time).

>> No.16275365

I'd love 50k.

>> No.16275369

Wow, you are all kinds of confused.

>> No.16275373
File: 408 KB, 1232x628, f3eb69d3b3640648fc09d3ae8edd8c6297c59a83[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See pic rel

>> No.16275377

More like /leftpol/. Go back.

>> No.16275446

Based and Sloterdijk pilled.

>> No.16275450
File: 265 KB, 600x600, Lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teen vogue

>> No.16275455

The hicks from Alabammer can probably intuitively grasp (correctly) that government "help" isn't actually going to help them, though they aren't able to articulate it well.

>> No.16275463

this is a board for discussing literature

>> No.16275472

I wish they didn't donate to philanthropic causes and just built ostentatious buildings or be patrons of the arts instead. What you get when rich people do "philanthropy" is the Ford Foundation, MacKenzie Bezos pledging billions for left-wing activism, the CEO of Twitter pledging 10 million to Ibram X. Kendi's Antiracist Research Center, which advocates for a government Department of Antiracism and so on. A beautiful building, or commissioned work of music or art, can bring joy to people forever. Philanthropy gets co-opted by leftists and only brings misery.