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16267546 No.16267546 [Reply] [Original]

is it actually scary? is it good? whats the scariest book ever?

>> No.16267598
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>> No.16267624

It's a pretty good haunted house story, but the ending is a HUGE disappointment. Irritated tf out of me.

Shirley Jackson, The Haunting of Hill House is a top-tier haunted house story, superior to the Matheson.

Henry James, Turn of the Screw, still packs a wallop.

Once upon a time, I thought Pet Sematary was the scariest book ever.

The Exorcist is pretty scary. Hostage to the Devil by Malachi Martin, allegedly non-fiction, scared the shit out of me... made me genuinely nervous to turn off the lights.

The Too Much Horror Fiction blog is a good resource for tips to quench your horror-fiction-reading needs.

>> No.16267643

if i hadnt extended it, youd be complainin that it wasnt justified

>> No.16267683
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fastest good response poster on the whole wild board

>> No.16267725
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ive come to the conclusion that books cannot be scary. I have read many of the horror classics, 20th century horror, and contemporary horror novels in search of something genuinely frightening and have been disappointed every time. if you want to feel fear then watch a scary movie. they are more visceral and appeal to a more primal part of your psyche. although after awhile you will find that even horror movies aren't scary. once you figure out the formula that horror movie directors use you will be able to predict every scare. I can watch a movie I've never seen before and tell you the exact moment a jump scare will happen down to the fucking nanosecond. and all those "slowburn atmospheric" horror films that are allegedly superior to mainstream movies are simply not scary. anyways the point is: stop reading genre fiction.

>> No.16267834

Let's Go Play at the Adams

>> No.16267930

i turned to books because ive seen all the good horror movies. i really wanted to relive that feeling of watching alien when i was 6. ive read some that were disturbing and definitely watched a lot thats disturbing but i wanted scary not disturbing. but im not gonna give up because yesterday i read a scary greentext that renewed my faith that i can be scared. and along the way i found some that were at least interesting.

jumpsacres are never scary to me, only startling, and usualy not even that. the slowburn a24 hate is a stupid /tv/ meme i think. if a movies gonna be even slightly scary, it has to create an atmosphere or suspense or something. some of those movies are pretentious whatever movies but some are good just bcuz theyre interesting.

>stop reading genre fiction
deriving pleasure from being scared is the pinnacle of human aesthetic appreciation. if i have to delve into filthy genre fiction land, then i must

>> No.16267947

>Let's Go Play at the Adams
that sounds very similar to the girl next door

>> No.16268027

The Bell Curve

>> No.16268062

my mom bought this shit for me when i was like 14 and i never read it. thought richard matheson was some total quack author she found on a YA shelf, turns out she was the patrician all along

>> No.16268078

Before this book I honestly believed that IQ was evenly distributed among racial groups. I wish I could go back to my ignorant bliss.

>> No.16268081

yes everybody knows ashkenazi jews are the highest iq ethnic group in the world

>> No.16268998

>ashkenazi jews
sounds like an oxymoron to me heheheh. no but i had a math teacher by that last name and she was kinda hot even though im not into older ladies but she was a bad teacher and she wasnt very generous when it came to grading papers. she gave me a puzzle book once. wonder where i put it...

>> No.16269050

well you seem determined to seek out spookiness. godspeed, anon.

>> No.16269143

Certainly when they test themselves it is, but not when anyone else tests them curiously.

Israel's IQ is sadly quite low, particularly considering it's the most heavily subsidised nation in history. Europeans who've worked in Israel often report their level of motivation, organisation and intelligence to be roughly equivalent to Turks or south Italians.

>> No.16269397

that i am

>> No.16269422

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

>> No.16270176


>> No.16270515

So you like the A24 thing? What about Mike Flanagan's films (and Haunting of Hill House)? His early film Absentia is often overlooked.

For reading--have you tried Lovecraft, or more modern works in that style? Ligotti used to be recommended here constantly, and I found him really worthwhile.

>> No.16271631

The bible.
Especially the Old Testament.
It's all a fucking joke.

>> No.16272050

hes cute. oculus and hush were good but werent that scary. doctor sleep was almost good but bad. geralds game came the closest to scaring me and was the best.

i like lovecraft as a sci-fi author and ive read almost everything except at the mountains. ive heard all liggoti stories are the same. whats his best story?

book of rev was actually scary, and i read the lego version. read like the cthulhu prophecy

>> No.16272099

>Shirley Jackson, The Haunting of Hill House


>Henry James, Turn of the Screw

Also meh.

OP, have you read The Monk by Matthew Lewis yet?