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/lit/ - Literature

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16266691 No.16266691[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Holy...fucking...shit...I just took the biggest redpill. Everything is political.

>> No.16266705

Politics is all, and all is vanity

>> No.16266712

I just want all the Edstroms dead and underground. That is all I ever fucking wanted. That fat fuck needs to die.

>> No.16266714

>Everything is political.
No it isn't lol

>> No.16266719

We should make a list of everyone who is going to leave their husband for sexy mr edstrom. That would be 5,000 names long. I bet Mrs. A yearns for him too.

>> No.16266721

Everything is vanity

>> No.16266724

Politics concerns who gets what, how much they deserve and for which reasons. The internal and transcendental experience is never political

>> No.16266725
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>Everything is political.
An idea of this sort could only be the product of the vile and crippled mind of the Judeo-American. I would implore you to stop watching the news. Stop reading pol. philos*phy. Pick up an anthology of poetry or drama, something of culture. Cure yourself already, you benighted buffoon, or crawl back into the depths below the depths that you miraculously came out of it.

>> No.16266726

uah and? you finally read aristotle?

>> No.16266728

Frau Vege likes Edstrom too. She says he's next Burt Reynolds.

>> No.16266739

In a sense, yes. Keep reading and stop blurting our your mundane epiphanies

>> No.16266743

I am telling the truuh. It is impossible to be Roses friend and not yearn for her sexy Franco Nero husband. IMPOSSIBLE!!!!

>> No.16266751

Anyone who says everything is about "one thing" is using it as a cope to bypass morality with the pretext that that action is justified
It says much more about you than about society

>> No.16266766
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Ideology permiates everything

>> No.16266768

Don't schizopost at me

>> No.16266780

Why do random people think they have political power? Like the retards who consider themselves 'activists', do they honestly not understand they're serfs

>> No.16266786

Everything being political paves room for state involvement in the political and thus a total state is born. Now it's a question of whether we should have a weak total state (liberal democracy) or a strong total state (totalitarianism)

>> No.16266787

>Why do random people think they have political power?
Get on my level, when I shitpost the US state department and the pentagon take notice

>> No.16267216

it literally is. anyone who cannot accept this simple fact is a confirmed pseud.

>> No.16267443

>doesn't have the IQ for Physics or Mathematics

>> No.16267448

The word I wrote was "anthology." But I wouldn't expect someone like you to be literate.

>> No.16267617

That is not true. The political is limited. It is the concretization of the abstract pole, which is the law. It applies to finite associations.

>> No.16267629

Hello, OP. I'm going to fix your book so that it's not blatantly off-topic garbage.
>George Orwell
>"All art is political"
>Oscar Wilde
>"All art is quite useless."
Who was in the wrong here?

There you go. Now you can shitpost about things unrelated to literature because you mentioned some authors.