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File: 345 KB, 1754x1241, Espanol.-Translation-Spanish.-Language-hand-drawn-doodles-and-lettering.-1087621188_7013x4954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16265843 No.16265843 [Reply] [Original]

Is Spanish truly the most /lit/ language?

Why or why not?

>> No.16265857
File: 790 KB, 1187x1000, dunkinpeg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's especially müy suited for precoital arguments

>> No.16266251

yes , its a nice language, unfortunatelly the people that speaks it give it a mediocre image, its now basically the language of the low level worker and gangs... I'm hispanic, I dont live i the US but I unsderstand why it never "catch up" by itself... the only way is becoming wide spread is not by way of its virtue but by way of sheer numbers of low level workers

>> No.16266253

No, it's russian.

>> No.16266264
File: 44 KB, 438x606, 1584525337771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Por supuesto que sí

>> No.16266288

stop posting this thot

>> No.16266369

Cervantes, Borges and Marquez are enough to consider it the most beautiful and based.

>> No.16266747

yes anon and Coelho too!

>> No.16266773
File: 38 KB, 678x525, 13947857857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good observation

>> No.16266837
File: 822 KB, 600x366, ah wtf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not accepting the beautiful languague in OHYOS

>> No.16267189

I'm thinking one of the biggest qualities its has is that it has gender for example "la mar" is dificult to translate (impossible even?), it can be very compact if needed, the biggest quality is that is directly related to Latin and for some reason it also keeps a lot of meaning even back to the P.i.E root this is a very interesting curiosity that many times the germanic side do not have... unfortunatelly we are so mediocre that no ones takes the oportunity to learn latin and it was abandoned by the church in the lithurgy in the 60s so now we don't even have that and if re-introduced in the classroom is gonna be seen as a sign of "opression", too "patriarcal" too "eclesiastical"... oh that so progressive "progresism"...so backwards

in my opinion the best accent is castellano (from spain) (for some reason it sounds similar to modern greek...) the spanish from mexico in general sounds bad only the upper class speaks it nice (example ex-president Vicente Fox), I like the argentinian accent, in general the accent from peru is one of the most neutral and "nice"; here in chile is just meh it can sound wierd I can admit that, and kinda "low life" LOL

BTW I think theres is some sort of a renaissance of Latin, for example the argentinian writer Patricio Lons is actively pushing to learn it and theres also a increse in interest in the latin lithurgy,

>> No.16267226

Did u study latin? I'm thinking learn it to read the Romans and some untranslated shit. No really interested in its eclesiastical aspect tho.

>> No.16267278

Simontas la chancla, carnal. Viva la piedra, banda.

>> No.16267313

>the spanish from mexico in general sounds bad
>here in chile is just meh
aren't you ceviche niggers constantly made fun off by every other country over your shitty accent and overall way to speak?

>> No.16267350

mas que cringe da asco, nunca vuelvas a este lugar

>> No.16267445

Castellano is the official name of... castellano.
What you meant is that the Spanish speak spanish the best. I agree as long as it's only Castilla and León.

>> No.16267488

>"la mar"
Is not "la mar" is "el mar"
>is dificult to translate
The ocean

>> No.16267626

is not "shitty", thats just a preconception based on ignorance

overall we use way more slang than any other Hispanic countries, but the accent itself isnt bad in fact it's quite interesting

starting with the indistinctive use of the voseo and the tuteo depending on the degree of formality until the conjugation of the verbs in the second person singular (with the ending ai and i)

also the use of quite uncommon phonemes in Latin America like /ts/ , /ð/ and /ʒ/

A very interesting fact is that Chilean men usually speak in a tone of voice much more acute than the rest of the Latinos, between 120 and 190 decibels (in Argentina for example fluctuates between 80 and 160

>> No.16267637

wrong, la/el mar -> the sea
el océano -> the ocean

>> No.16267646

to the conjug:*****

>> No.16268402

>"la mar" is "el mar"
You can use any of them as you please.
"La mar" sounds more poetic and soft, "el mar" is the regular use and sounds plain.

>> No.16268406

Have to say Mexican Spanish accent can be very poetic

>> No.16268424
File: 75 KB, 960x928, 1534080560594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine thinking v*cente f*x sounds good lmao.

>> No.16268527

Read Augusto Roa Bastos, I speak and read Spanish and I still find it difficult to understand him

>> No.16268729

"la mar" it seems like a simple word and just the feminine use of "the sea" but the meaning is much more complex ,like others pointed out theres a poetic side, "la mar" is related to the sea as a womb, as a generator of life, "la mar" is the lady of the mariner...

gender is important, for example sophia is feminine because traditionaly the act of thought as contemplation symbolicaly is related to the feminine, thats also the reason for Agia-Sophia (saint sophia, "saint contemplation") on the other hand action is maculine so even within the mind theres this two symbolic categories, this two cases is why knights had a fascination with the symbolic femenine, it has notting to do with romantic love and a whole lot to do with metaphysics...

some time ago I watched an essay about the sea (in english) very good but the half an hour it lasted could be condensated in the word "la mar", the person speaking had to explain that it was considered feminine in some cultures, for an english speaker this was odd, in general the gender of words is odd for a non-gender language but gender posses a lot of significance, not for nothing greek and latin are "gendered"-languages

>> No.16268735

It is not the most literary language. It pales in comparison to its ancestor Latin. It has an unpleasant sonic impression on any non Iberean ear. It's cousins French and Italian are clearly superior languages. Luckily, there are some excellent Spanish writers. But Spanish, especially in the face of Middle English the true most literary language, is left wanting.

>> No.16268828

I'm sorry but it just reminds me of drug dealers and laborers. It's a shame because it sounds pleasant when spoken by a cultured and educated person.

>> No.16268872

Apart from Don Quixote and Hopscotch what /lit/ of value have spanish speaking countries even produced?
Also, French is the most /lit/ language, fag.

>> No.16268954

Am I the only person who finds all Romance languages to be too... formal-sounding? As an English speaker, I associate Latin-derived words with formality, so they all sound far too formal.

>> No.16269334


>> No.16269585


16th century Spain (mostly drama poetry and mystics):
Lope de Vega, Quevedo, Góngora, Tirso de Molina, María de Zayas, Santa Teresa de Jesús, San Juand e la Cruz, Fray Luis de León, Calderón dela Barca, Garcilaso de la Vega, Gracián, Ruiz de Alarcón and the great Cervantes.

20th century Spain (mostly poetry):
García Lorca, Juan Ramón Jimenez, Salinas, Unamuno, Eugenio d'Ors, Miguel Hernádez, Cernuda, Aleixandre, Guillén, Gerardo Diego, Alberti, Dámaso Alonso, León Felipe, Delibes, Pñio Baroja, Muñoz Seca.

Other Great Spanish writers:
Benito Pérez Galdós, Valle Inclán, Ortega y Gasset, Béquer, Espronceda, Emilia Pardo Bazán, Rosalía de Castro.

Latin American writers (mostly novels):
Gabriel García Marquez, Borges, Cortázar, Horacio Quiroga, Rubén Darío, Juan Rulfo, Octavio Paz, Neruda, Salvador Elizondo, Isabel Allende, Vargas Llosa, Onetti, Carpentier, Sábato, Ednodio Quintero, Bioy Casares, Gómez Dávila

This is just from memory, I know there are many more I'm missing.
You could spend the rest of your life learning the language and reading all those wonderful authors and not even scratch the surface of Spanish literary tradition, you dumb cunt.

>> No.16269729

Maybe, but nothing sounds better then Portuguese


>> No.16269896

Nope, Italian is better

>> No.16269940

>"la mar"
Good morning Mr Hemingway. More daikiry?

>> No.16269953

I got a couple of Spanish /lit/ charts. But in my PC, which I won't access until tonight. If you want them, bump this thread, or ask in the /int/ Spaniard general

>> No.16269987

Pero qué asco es tratar con una inmundicia como tu persona.

>> No.16270068

How do you know so many writers, anon?

>> No.16270106

Its an absolute nigger language and I hate hearing it.

>> No.16270179

es uno de los mejores idiomas que existen, y no la mierda de idioma que estoy obligado a escribir en este foro.
Arriba España!

>> No.16270367

One day I hope my name will show up in lists like these

>> No.16270496

Same here.

>> No.16270505

The only Spanish literature I give a fuck about is the menu at Taco Bell
And maybe DQ

>> No.16270657

I'm from Spain and I ahve been reading these people for most of my life.
They are not obscure authors either, a competent high school student should recognise at least 80% of them. It is only that outside of Spain/Latin America people don't read Spanish literature. All the pseud anglos know is Don Quixote (noot even the rest of Cervantes work) and Borges, they don't even realise the richness and beauty in our literary tradition.
The same things happens to Italy with Dante and Leopardi or Petrarca, but people respect Italy more because of the Renaissance and proficiency in other arts, which is bullshit because Spain excelled in them too, but whatever.

>> No.16270690

mexican and central american accent is, but España and south american and especially the southern cone (argentina, chile and uruguay) sound nothing like that.

>> No.16270819

Thanks, anon. I'm Hispanic with a Mexican heritage.

Sorry that a lot of people are still somehow salty about what you guys done to the Aztecs.

>> No.16271003

I'm a Slav and it sounds more Slavic than Romanian, which has like 15% Slavic vocab.

>> No.16271014

That's bullshit pushed by populist goverments in order to gloss over their mistakes and malpractice.
If someone would want to make a serious assesment of the problems in Latin America they would realise that the biggest culprit is the US, as they will never allow a united and powerful nation to thrive in their sphere of influence.

As far as I am concerned Spain and Latin America share a strong bond and should cooperate with each other and promote our shared culture.
Too bad both places are packed with incredibly ignorant and stupid people, but I believe this is a commmon sentiment among the more cultured people in both Spain and LA.

>> No.16271017

clearly you have never been to merida

>> No.16271073

the yucateco accent sounds nothing like spain or argentina

>> No.16271228

Merida in Spain, Mexico or Vnzla?

>> No.16271323

El bumpo para que dejes aquí esos gráficos.

>> No.16271328

In Brave.

>> No.16271445

Yes because my mom speaks it and she gives me food.

>> No.16271470

It's very based, and I shill for it as much as the next guy, but I wouldn't venture to call it THE most literary language.
I'd say it goes to either (God forgive me for saying this) French and its titanic tradition, or German and its advanced autism.

Latin is also a contender.
Non-European tongues need not apply.

>> No.16271515

Yeah Spanish is really a high level lit language, but it is true that there are greater literary traditions.
I would say French, Latin, Greek and maybe Russian are more lit, but I'm not sure about German.

>> No.16271536

look at this faggot and laugh.

>> No.16271574

Just the spanish golden century is more literally rich than both French and German "traditions".

>> No.16271585

>maybe Russian are more lit

>> No.16271904

Doesn't change the inherent ugliness of the Spanish language. It's deficient.

>> No.16272009

man, you're judging a language by the way some Central American illegals speak it.

it's like saying that english is horrible and only having as a reference African American Vernacular English

>> No.16272014

t. East E*ropean

>> No.16272790

Based free info fren

>> No.16272822

>it's like saying that english is horrible and only having as a reference African American Vernacular English

No, because that's some bastard language. Spanish is just ugly -- both in sound and sight.

>> No.16272895

>he thinks a Nobel laureate is on the same level as fucking Coelho
sudaca education, everyone.

>> No.16272909

>the spanish from mexico in general sounds bad only the upper class speaks it nice
I mean, that's true for most languages. Certainly English and French.

>> No.16272912

yeah it's good

>> No.16272921

it's pretty bad. chileans don't even pronounce the letter S most of the time. it's sounds annoying and niggerish. like puerto rican and cuban accents.

>> No.16272933

It's very beautiful. Languages should be based in terms of their poetry and Spanish reaches high aesthetic steppes.

>> No.16272938

That right there makes Spanish a complicated language.

>> No.16272941

Maxi tira un saludito para los piratas que visitan nuestro hilo.

>> No.16272982

Spain is one of the least literate nations in the EU. majority of LatAm is also semi literate. No one should ever waste their time writing a book for a spanish speaking market

>> No.16273207

t. amerifat psued

>> No.16273294

its not niggerish at all, it high pitched in tone but we speak with quite a low volumen in comparisson with other latam countries.

also we dont change the R for an L wich is a typical central american characteristic.
as a matter of fact, it resembles more to a modern andalusian accent than to puerto rico one

>> No.16273305

meanwhile niggers tend to speak shouting and in a low pitched voice

>> No.16273336


chilean accent examples:

Cuban accent

andaluz accent

>> No.16273359

the second link shows it very nicely

>> No.16273589
File: 842 KB, 1036x1321, Quevedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aquí yace Misser de la Florida,
>y dicen que le hizo buen provecho
>a Satanás su vida.
>Ningún coño le vio jamás arrecho.
>De Herodes fue enemigo, y de sus gentes,
>no porque degolló los inocentes,
>mas porque, siendo niños, y tan bellos,
>los mando degollar, y no jodellos,
>pues tanto amó los niños, y de suerte
>(inmenso bujarrón hasta la muerte)
>que si él en Babilonia se hallara,
>por los tres niños en el horno entrara.

>¡Oh tú, cualquiera cosa que seas,
>pues por su sepultura te paseas,
>o niño o sabandija,
>o perro o lagartija,
>o mico o gallo o mulo,
>o sierpe o animal que tengas cosa
>que de mil leguas se parezca a culo:
>Guárdate del varón que aquí reposa,
>que tras un rabo, bujarrón profundo,
>si le dejan, vendrá del otro mundo!

>No en tormentos eternos
>condenaron su alma a los infiernos;
>mas los infiernos fueron condenados
>a que tengan su alma y sus pecados.
>Pero si honrar pretendes su memoria,
>di que goze de mierda, y no de gloria;
>y pues tanta lisonja se le hace,
>di: «Requiescat in culo, mas no in pace.»

Yep, i think it's based

>> No.16273622

>Vicente Fox

If anyone wants to know how the Latin American Standard Spanish TM sounds like--the same spoken in the center of Mexico by upper middle class and upper class--just watch the latin american dub of The Simpsons, or any latin american dub, really.

>> No.16273634

Coelho is a filthy macaco from the favelas. Why do every ill-read, ignorant fuck of lower middle class in Latin America thinks mentioning Coelho is so funny and a joke for 'well read people'. STFU.

>> No.16273647

Argentinian here, we had some of the best writers, but the vast majority speaks like shit

>> No.16273653
File: 12 KB, 249x202, neruda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sed de ti me acosa en las noches hambrientas.

>Trémula mano roja que hasta su vida se alza.

>Ebria de sed, loca sed, sed de selva en sequía.

>Sed de metal ardiendo, sed de raíces ávidas...

>Por eso eres la sed y lo que ha de saciarla.

>Cómo poder no amarte si he de amarte por eso.

>Si ésa es la amarra cómo poder cortarla, cómo.

>Cómo si hasta mis huesos tienen sed de tus huesos.

>Sed de ti, guirnalda atroz y dulce.

>Sed de ti que en las noches me muerde como un perro.

>Los ojos tienen sed, para qué están tus ojos.

>La boca tiene sed, para qué están tus besos.

>El alma está incendiada de estas brasas que te aman.

>El cuerpo incendio vivo que ha de quemar tu cuerpo.

>De sed. Sed infinita. Sed que busca tu sed.

>Y en ella se aniquila como el agua en el fuego

>> No.16273659

basado argento

>> No.16273662

>also we dont change the R for an L wich is a typical central american characteristic.
you're thinking japanese, chiloid.

>> No.16273693

The Portuguese language is very beautiful, but all Latin languages are very beautiful. Their advantage lies in the ease of learning (apart from French, this, together with Irish, is the most devilish - first you have to learn pronunciation, and then spelling, what the hell!)
By the way, we have a writer in Russia who masqueraded as a Spanish author, wrote several bestsellers under the name of Rodrigo Cortez, and his passion for Spain came precisely through his passion for Portuguese-language literature. Saramago, Amadu, that's all.

>> No.16273765


if you don't know that caribbean people change the r for an l you obviously don't know much about latino accents

>> No.16273826

I am in the process of learning real Spanish (from Spain) but some anon was saying German was much more intuitive for him coming from English, yet other anons call it a barbarian language. Can anyone who knows both but started with English weigh in?

>> No.16273902

>we have a writer in Russia who masqueraded as a Spanish author, wrote several bestsellers under the name of Rodrigo Cortez
Couldn't find him on Google.

>> No.16273953

You can start with either really. The only drawback, German is a lot more complex grammatically (cased based and three genders). Yet both share a good amount of vocabulary with English although its more indirect with Spanish since the French gave the bongs Latin words.

>> No.16274623

A german had to revive Spain's romantic tradition.
The dude was such a hardcore hispanophile he even married a spanish woman (granted, the way this article describes the woman I have a feeling not even 2d women could compete) but anyway, the literature of our language has been left derelict and it saddens me that this is so

>> No.16274790


"real Spanish", so I suppose you are from the UK and speak "real English", right?

>> No.16274795

don’t be butthurt beaner. your language is disgusting.

>> No.16274939

wena nido

>> No.16275013

said the *nglish speaker lol

>> No.16275086

The thing with spanish is it does not have cultural respect in the way a language like french does because of who it is associated to (lower class workers) so probably no one will think of it as the most literary language. It has a wonderful tradition though, 16th and 17th century Spanish lit is one of the best periods of european art in general imo. And even if Spanish art and lit starts to decay since the 18th century, they still have some great writers afterwards and specially Latin America starts to produce many high quality works, many still ignored, specially by Anglos.
>accent is castellano (from spain)
That's the worst one desu, in women it sounds ok but for reason it sounds hideous in men.
>the spanish from mexico in general sounds bad only the upper class speaks it nice
Which dialect of mexican spanish? There's at least 4 dialects which all sound vastly different, I assume you talk about the one used in Ciudad de México and yeah that one's shit. The northern accents are great though, Fox is from the north so that might be why you like it.
Too many spaniards desu, latin america has better writers since the 19th century. Still, good list.

>> No.16275157

>Spain's romantic tradition.

What happened to it?

>> No.16275202

No hay ninguna duda. El abanico de matices que el castellano permite desplegar es tan rico que alcanza a abarcar todas las categorías apolíneas y todas las profundidades dionisíacas de la mente humana

>> No.16275508


>> No.16275521

This, fucking hate Coelho, his writing sucks, yet the vast majority thinks he's some kind of genius. Fucking brazilian hackless talent. Just go and eat your fucking sopa do macaco and leaves us alone Coelho.

>> No.16275618


>> No.16276205

>reddit spacing
you have to go back

>> No.16276223

What did humanism do?

>> No.16276280

Tengo dos años que empece a escribir en español, pero siento que nadie nunca va leer mi mierda. ¿Deberia de cambiarme al ingles?

>> No.16276316

t. ESL
if what I was saying was wrong you likely wouldn't be seething via the English language

>> No.16276742

do both, yes it means more work but you basically double your chances of people reading you writings, translating books is actually part of the publishing bussines for that same reason,

don't look at translating your work as something bad or be discouraged by it, is just part of the way things are even the bible had to be translated into latin (original is in greek) this was an important step.

>> No.16276804

I'm tryin to be objetive, few people will admit their own accent is shitty sounding compared to others, I'm admitting my own accent is shitty.
I'm not trying to be dismissive of the mexican accent I like it when its more neutral, I really don't know enough about each region tho, but I do remember Fox having a very nice pronunciation

>castellano (from spain)
> in women it sounds ok but for reason it sounds hideous in men.

look at spanish ducumentaries and you'll see that the spanish voice/accent goes really well with them, in general the accent is relly nice (although in series and movies I do agree it doesn't sound good for some reason )

>> No.16277122

ive never used reddit you absolute faggot. thats just a way of writing ando organizing paragraphs

>> No.16277413


>> No.16277507
File: 216 KB, 860x645, porqueanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itt: everyone ripping on my beautiful chilango accent

>> No.16277539


Well, are you from the UK and speak proper English or just the inferior mutt version?

>> No.16277734

Que si quiere bolsa

>> No.16278023


>> No.16278086

a lot of argies
some of them, like Arlt, you will never read

>> No.16278095


That's right. But it also happens to French, now (and for a while) associated mostly with North Africans.

>> No.16278517

Now I see, too much words for so little to say

>> No.16279107
File: 627 KB, 477x348, 1599069830738.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying to find a translation of Giovanni's Room in Spanish for a long time to no avail, can any anons help me out?

>> No.16279131

I was preparing myself to call you an uneducated nigger for this, but after careful consideration I think you might be on to something. Good work, nigger.

>> No.16279254

Gracias por la lista "basada". My humble addition:

Antonio Machado
Nicanor Parra
Jaime Gil de Biedma
Manuel Puig
Vicente Huidobro
César Vallejo
Augusto Monterroso
Mario Benedetti

In no particular order.

>> No.16279361

Sí, porque es evidente que tu español es pésimo

>> No.16279416

Jews were exiled from spain around the same time that the americas were founded, i doubt it was the real spaniards

>> No.16279788

>huidobro y parra

absolutamente basado

>> No.16279897

Damn how could I forget Machado and Huidobro, even Gil de Biedma. Now that I thibk about it the Goytisolo brothers, Sanchez Ferlosio and even Marias are missing.
We really need a good Spanish lit chart. Even better if there is a separate one for Latin America and another for poetry.

>> No.16279927

El español varía mucho de país a país (ten en cuenta que está esparcido por todo un continente). Deberías decidirte por una literatura específica, elegir un nicho, y encontrar tu voz ahí. De otro modo sonarás genérico, como si fueses el traductor de google. Y tendrás problemas manteniendo la coherencia de tu prosa.
Por ejemplo, para un peruano tu frase es gramaticalmente correcta, porque para ellos el verbo "tener" tiene otras connotaciones. Sin embargo, para otros muchos hispanohablantes estarías hablando "broken Spanish", y les haría ruido en los oídos. Ten cuidado con esto, pues específicamente los verbos varían mucho en su uso de país a país e, incluso, dentro de los mismos países. Acá mismo en Argentina, los habitantes del norte, por dar un ejemplo, asignan géneros diferentes a algunos sustantivos, siendo el caso más conocido que nominan en femenino a "calor" = "la calor".
En resumen, elige y estudia bien un dialecto específico, o tendrás problemas.

Hace unos días me puse a releer Los siete locos. La re concha de su madre, Arlt era un genio. El Astrólogo tiene que ser de los personajes más originales de nuestra literatura nacional.
Me apena que no se lo discuta acá. Estos anglófilos están muy encerrados en su burbuja. Aunque, para ser justos, no sé qué tanto llegaría la traducción en inglés. Algún día pienso leerla, pero tengo miedo de que al leerla pierda completamente la fe en las traducciones.

>> No.16279929

There's a pair that we made back in the /SpGt/ days
I remember one that was three great works from every country in the hispanosphere: I, a honduran, shared what I believe are our national classics.

And then there was one a list of the general thread's top fifteen books, there was like an entire of voting, discussing and shilling. The chart is very respectable.
Shame I don't have it on me anymore.

>> No.16280005

Fuuck I missed it, I will try to join to the next Spanish general threads

>> No.16280724

I think Machado is a hack.