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16265840 No.16265840[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that address male entitlement?

>> No.16265846

There are none because women do not need to be told about this, it‘s too obvious to see.

>> No.16265860

fuck off roastoid

>> No.16265862
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This board is for boys only, please leave

>> No.16265864

Behold the glory of male debating skills.

>> No.16265875

Imagine being so weak you need your save space to not kys.

>> No.16265877
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just be around men for like ten seconds haha sorry boys you know I'm right haha :P

>> No.16265885
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>> No.16265908

The men and women of each given generation get the counterparts they deserve. After all, similar forces shaped each. That said, I feel sorry for this generation of women. They've been sold a basket of lies.

>> No.16265920

Not like 99% of women have any significant ones to begin with.

>> No.16265928

>men‘s biggest achievement is coming to the conclusion that life is meaningless
>waaah women do not have meaningful goals
Do you ever listen to yourself dicklings?

>> No.16265943
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>> No.16265953

men‘s biggest achievement is coming to the conclusion that life is meaningless
Death to nihilistic fags.

>> No.16265958

>makes fun of a woman‘s logic by comparing her to a man, thinking he dis something to show how stupid women are.
Anon pls

>> No.16265965

Enjoy flipping burgers and bitching about capitalism while you fought for the "Right" to work.

>> No.16265969

>Death to nihilistic fags.
Indeed. Yet they still think they did something there. It would almost be cute if it wasn‘t so pathetic.

>> No.16265984

you've lost the battle entirely if you look for books in this way. the men and the women that talk about human connection in the way this thread is are all pseuds. the harsh reality is that the women who critique men are pathetic. and the men who critique women are pathetic.

>> No.16265996
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>> No.16266000

>the women who critique men are pathetic. and the men who critique women are pathetic.
I did not expect to find actual intelligence in this place. Impressive anon.

>> No.16266001
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>> No.16266005

i do not critique women, i abhor them. i don't blame them or want them to become better, i want them to not drag me down with them. i want nothing to do with them

>> No.16266027

Same for me with men. Can we just split the world down in half and give one half to men and the other to women? We could still do artificial insemination if we feel like keeping the human race alive and bring the boys over to the men to raise them and keep the girls to ourselves. Sounds like heaven.

>> No.16266037

You could probably find it in my edgepiece.


An over the top portrayal of the average pol posters life.

>> No.16266042

both of you are pathetic. and equally so. and both of yall will stay pathetic and blame it on each other. it isn't even original. i also know that both of you are ugly. it is only the most pathetic people-- mentally, spiritually, and physically-- that say these things

>> No.16266048

Think whatever you want.

>> No.16266054
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>> No.16266057

How old were you when you were raped?

>> No.16266069

>not an argument either

>> No.16266073

Funny how men think they are tragic in their loneliness when in truth they just watch their pedo porn and are disgusting monsters when nobody watches.

>> No.16266081

Men created meaning in the first place.

>> No.16266082

How old were you when you did not lose your virginity?

>> No.16266088

yes nothing like women who get to be disgusting monsters in broad daylight

>> No.16266095

how come women who hate men were almost always raped?

>> No.16266097

Ah yes. This board is brimming with men rejoicing in the meaning they have created in their life. Truly beautiful.

>> No.16266100

Our shortcomings create our ideals

>> No.16266107

The average woman have rape fantasies, but they don't want to be rape.

>> No.16266110

At least we are honest about it. That‘s more than any man can say about himself.

Because unlike men, women only hate something if they have good reason to do so.

>> No.16266118

Both just want an attractive and likeable person, it's that simple -- womens attractiveness is based on nature though, not hard work.

>> No.16266127

>have sex
Vry original

>> No.16266128

Women only have rape fantasies to not go insane. Men can only rape because their sexuality is so poisoned by porn, thus every sexual encounter with a man is rape. If women wouldn‘t have managed to find some kind of sick enjoyment in rape the human race would have gone extinct long ago. Not that i would not support that. Or that i think think is ok. Only idiot women have rape fetishes bit it explains how they came to the conclusion this would be a good coping method.

>> No.16266129

shit thread, saged

>> No.16266134

Interests and goals?
Name one.

>> No.16266148
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>> No.16266149

you retards surely are easily baited.

>> No.16266151

Lol, referring to historical creation of meaning, name one impactful female philosopher, who added to the lineage of meaning.

>> No.16266152

>announcing a sage
You came here yesterday, right?

>> No.16266158

>virgin talking point

As a result of being the victims of rape and sexual enslavement for most of human history a woman's psyche is malleable in order to prevent full-blown psychosis. She adapts to the sexual desires of what she thinks men want in order to survive.

>> No.16266163

Woman have no need to find meaning because unlike men they have never lost it.

>> No.16266168


pretty much.

if you want good evidence as to why it is important to focus on your own growth, read through this thread and see the miserable people attempting to defend their own inability to find meaningful connection.

>> No.16266172
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I'm 40% of the replies anon, she take my shipposting seriously.

>> No.16266189

Could that be flip flopped around? also, doesnt this post imply that that wasnt the state of evolution humanity was in since its conception? Is this an arguement from nature? like somehting went "wrong", whatever that means.

and what is that then?

>> No.16266233

>Could that be flip flopped around?

Are you implying tribal warfare and the mass rape-abduction of women was a result of their natural desire to be raped?

>> No.16266255

Incels and /pol/ push this narrative that women are supposed to obey men, but in most of the successful couples I met either both partners are on equal footing, support each other and so on, or the woman is the one who calls the shots.
I know this is anecdotal, and maybe for whatever reason I tend to notice those couples more, but all the same at the very least there are some women who can thrive without having a man tell them what to do, despite what wingnuts might say, and why would they want give up all their autonomy?

>> No.16266302

Seeing how rape is usually traumatizing I'm not sure that's how it works.

>> No.16266345

No, I was referring to the core causal element. "want" is not the begining of action in a evolutionary set, but is enviornmentally determined as well as the activity of the organism. of course the two are not always in agreement.
>but in most of the successful couples I met either both partners are on equal footing, support each other and so on, or the woman is the one who calls the shots.
Equal footing i get, but i think the apereance of the latter and not a male dominated one is because the male is usually more able to take the womens shit in my opinion. its less that its successful and its more that one partner doesnt sperg out as much. not to mention the current enviornment doesnt smile on a male dom relationship as much.
>re, but all the same at the very least there are some women who can thrive without having a man tell them what to do, despite what wingnuts might say, and why would they want give up all their autonomy?
Really? Ive always found those types to be much more neurotic hypersensitives. Catladies and Karens and such.

>> No.16266373

Women always have such interesting things to say about how people are/aren't popular or socially acceptable or "normal" or "fitting in." I value women and their contributions to discourse. I always want at least several women around to say things like "ummm that's not very cash money lol" or "wowww bet u get invited to lots of parties haha" or "lmaoooo it's weird that you care so much about trucks lollllll maybe u should put more effort into having cool hair." I WANT women to VOTE and TALK MORE! I WANT TO HEAR WHAT WOMEN HAVE TO SAY! WOMEN ARE CITIZENS AND MY equals and should vote and have a say in politics. I Can't wait to see what women have to say, today. I bet it will be something all-new and never before said by a woman.

>> No.16266474


>> No.16266523

hey man
t. borderline midget

>> No.16266542

please be careful with the incels, we don’t need anymore shootings.

>> No.16266550
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>haha just go against your nature and act like a man it'll be fine

>> No.16266557

Yeah that would be the implication which is obviously pretty funny, but about as grounded in logic as your argument.

>> No.16266603

They're never going to put two and two together, don't worry.

>> No.16266711

Have twelve (12) children

>> No.16266810

Wait, so in theory if we continue to rape women for long enough they will start to crave and desire rape. Any books that follow this premise?

>> No.16266830


>> No.16266840

I don't know why I bothered clicking on this thread in the first place

>> No.16266855

>What are some books that address male entitlement?
Oversized sextet

>> No.16266857

Funny how anyone thinks they are tragic when it is all a farce.

>> No.16266933

>The hedgehog's dilemma, or sometimes the porcupine dilemma, is a metaphor about the challenges of human intimacy. It describes a situation in which a group of hedgehogs seek to move close to one another to share heat during cold weather. They must remain apart, however, as they cannot avoid hurting one another with their sharp spines. Though they all share the intention of a close reciprocal relationship, this may not occur, for reasons they cannot avoid.

state of gender relations between bitter incels and bitter women

>> No.16266958

>Hey how about abandoning your personality, interests, friends, and goals to become a stoic, utility for me and a capital asset to the state that hates you
>I'll pass
>Modern men are just boys! Fucking manchildren! Men are so immature!

>> No.16266986

Can we actually talk about books? Is that too hard ask?

>> No.16266997

1. women are property
2. women can have their own hobbies, just don't fuck another man. It's not that hard.
3. Here's your (You). I hope you choke on it.

>> No.16267121

So you want to abandon your personality, all your interests and goals to become a soulless slave to the ever whim of your boss/the government until the day you die?
Okay, sweaty.....

>> No.16267168

>my image is so epic i need to put my twitter handle in it twice

>> No.16268114
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>> No.16268134

You largely have to forfeit many of those things in ANY intimate relationship. Women really fucking want their cake though

>> No.16268143

Would have been better if you kept the wojak voiceline and just changed him to have a jewface. Interracial stuff is too petty and smells of seethe.

>> No.16268231

I don't care about this discussion, but GEM Anscombe
Brought Thomism back from the dead and is one of the most impactful philosophers of the last century. Most people on here haven't heard of her, though, because they're pseuds whose only experience with philosophy is Wikipedia