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/lit/ - Literature

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16263140 No.16263140 [Reply] [Original]

How do I deal with the fact that everyone I'll ever met will have basically no interest in literature/the arts? 90% of the people have no interest beyond the extremely popular stuff and will read YA or Sci fi novels and listen to top 40 pop/rap. The other 10% will be slightly better but still just read like Hemingway and listen to indie shit and have no interest beyond that. It makes me sad that I will likely have no one to ever share my interests with.

>> No.16263160

Embrace that you are superior. Don't ruin it by talking about it too much like it's a rule.

>> No.16263168

I already embrace it I'm just lonely

>> No.16263202

Most /lit/fags have shit taste too and only read memeshit

>> No.16263210

Never denied it

>> No.16263214

What country do you live in?

>> No.16263216

US but I heard it's basically the same in europe. More like 80/20 instead of 90/10.

>> No.16263276

Gift books to the people you know well according to their views and tastes, and try to get them into literature without being condescending about it. Most people simply haven't been exposed to actual writing outside of school curriculum. Of course there is about 50% of the population that is simply too stupid to ever care about literature, but people from the other 50% simply haven't yet found the book that will make them like reading.

>> No.16263325

Never gonna happen. Normie brain can't be changed. I think it has to do with IQ or something.

>> No.16263506
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somewhat in the same boat OP, but I'm not even that /lit/. I just actually read stuff that isn't YA, watch old films, and listen to somewhat niche music. Tired of being around complete plebs who just watch Netflix and read Harry potter, is that so much to ask for? I'm thinking of joining a political book club or something like that, something somewhat intellectual to meet people who aren't complete NPCs

>> No.16263628

I ghosted all my friends cause of this. All of them are heavy consumers. One of them reads a lot of fantasy novels but he's married now and his wife (also a friend) is one of the biggest consumers I've ever met.

Sigh. Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.16263755

Ok, but do you read in more than one language? There's all these Americans on this board who act superior because they read all these books in English. So yeah like 10% of people read non-meme books. But only 10% of the 10% read in a language that isn't English. Again for the Eurotards, I am talking about Americans. It's normal for a Euro to speak and read English. It's not normal for an American to read in a foreign language.

In other words, you're not cultured OP since you're an American monoglot.

>> No.16263916

>More like 80/20 instead of 90/10
I've literally never met anyone who read books that wasn't a teacher
t. europoor
>political book club
peak npc

>> No.16263933

>I'm thinking of joining a political book club or something like that
>>this week we'll be reading White People Bad

>> No.16264030

The books I see being discussed actually seem pretty good

>> No.16264082

what type of literature do you read? some niche philosopher in asooming

>> No.16264113

>some niche philosopher in asooming

>> No.16264130

its spelled nietzsche retard

>> No.16264133

if it's a "book club" that's publicly advertised, it's prob going to be fairly npc

>> No.16264137

how do I find a non npc book club then?

>> No.16264157

>how do I find
they find you

>> No.16264163
File: 1.99 MB, 500x278, D895C9F2-A880-4181-93CC-DECCD0B7EDD1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh get over your self. This is just another version of
>”You have to have a high IQ to understand Richard and Mortimer...”
Honestly anon go fuck yourself and get off your high horse. Your just some posturing retard looking for a reason as to why your lonely.

There are tons of people out there who actually care about the arts, and who read shit you’d never even heard of. But you don’t really know where to look because your a surface level hippopotamus who browses a British Balderdash Bakery Fourm

>> No.16264165

Your ancestors should have done better wog

>> No.16264184

>But you don’t really know where to look
Name one or we're going to discard everything you wrote

>> No.16264189


>> No.16264206

Literary markets, especially those that cater to chapbooks/small presses. People who legit care about literature/the arts cater the system top down. They support their local authors and writers, thanks to their love of both the industry, and the art of writing.

It’s not hard you fucking past date mango.

>> No.16264210

What the fuck is a literary market? You must not live in the US

>> No.16264257
File: 161 KB, 713x730, EF2AE3BE-8ED8-49C5-A0F3-E27784B99FF3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, literary market is just a catch all term. They can be called whatever you want them to be called. But they are events where small presses meet to sell chapbooks. And yes, they are in the United States. I literally found one in New York called NY/CUNY Chapbook Festival. This is a literary market.

Quit being dumb you freckled tree road.

>> No.16264284

Is there one for music?

>> No.16264355

Unsure if there is one for specifically music, but I’d bet there is. Otherwise you can often find some at these literary events as well which surprised me.

>> No.16264374

Actually to add onto that. Local concerts would probably be the place. If you find local/not well known artists your more likely to find those that care about music beyond the popular stuff

>> No.16264608

Same brother. Endurance is the virtue of our time.

>> No.16264643
File: 59 KB, 900x539, charles-ii-portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>College girl asks me at work the other day what my hobbies are
>I read
>"What? Omg! That's so weird that you read!"

>> No.16264704

learn to read bucko

>> No.16265059

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