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File: 242 KB, 961x662, WomenLiberated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16262905 No.16262905[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Should women be allowed to read?

>> No.16262928

girls on the right are having more fun than you will in your entire romanceless life. have sex incel

>> No.16262942


>> No.16262959


>> No.16262965

which one is it

>> No.16262968

All women must fucking hang

>> No.16262973

The Bell Jar isn't supposed to be a romanticisation of any brand of femininity. It is a book about the psychological discomfort of women living in patriarchal societies and having to conform to the roles enforced on them by men. The "man-hating", to the extent it exists, is just depicting the indignation of women at the men who mistreat them. Sure, it is not rational to hate all men for sexism, but the enraged human heart is hardly ever rational; and it is a novel, not an essay, so it doesn't have to be rational.
Also, the Bell Jar is not at all the "upper crust of women's artistic output". It is a mediocre book, at best. Read the good female novelists if you want the upper crust: Jane Austen, Brontes, George Eliot, Woolf (her essay A Room of One's Own pertains to this subject), Mary Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, etc.

>> No.16262979

women are based

>> No.16262984

I don't know, pissing while being photoed ain't that fun.

>> No.16262985
File: 37 KB, 660x716, 1547176941928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you frens have so much hate for your women frens, black frens, and trans frens?

>> No.16262988

Creator of Sex here, I can confirm it is indeed "Cringe".

>> No.16262991

>an australian government initiative
Knew it. They just had to be aussie girls

>> No.16262994

daaam where can I find women like that in the west???

>> No.16262997


>> No.16263005

com'on man, I'm a fucking bulldog, what else is there for me in life?

>> No.16263014

This image is obviously dishonest, since the majority of women do not act that way, but I'll respond to the point it's trying to convey.
The difference is that in Islamic countries women do not have a choice as to what clothes they want to wear. In the west, if a woman wants to dress modestly, she can; if she wants to dress immodestly, she also can. This is why women are considered liberated in the west and subjugated in the east: NOT because they do immodest things, but because they have a choice whether to do them or not.

>> No.16263018

why so bitter?

>> No.16263022

The picture on the right shows why they shouldn't have a choice.

>> No.16263023

Not all of us do anon, some of us love all our frens, some people here are just very bitter and they know they can come here and say horrible things with no consequence because they are cowards

>> No.16263024

This is literally retarded. I could put a pic of a bad Muslim woman and a good western woman and do the opposite image. This is just dumb cherry picking which you have to do because obviously it's shit being a Muslim woman.

>> No.16263031

being a virgin past a certain point can be a bad thing

>> No.16263033

Nice to see some non-retards here
It's because people like this guy >>16263022
just want to control women, because of a lack of agency in his own sad life

>> No.16263034

Public urination and nudity is already illegal, you fucking retard. They would be arrested for that in the west and in the east.

>> No.16263041
File: 25 KB, 224x250, comment_bkasWq22HZOcOqNyDuySLueXcfweBzLA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just have social anxiety disorder

>> No.16263045

Ok simp

>> No.16263050

>Never been a boy scout

>> No.16263053

You see the women in the pic? Great, if you don't like that, don't fuck them, don't be friends with them either, simple as. What would they do if all men despised their behaviour? I imagine most of them would try to change or at worst, die lonely.
Men need to simply pick up on the new gender dynamic and control their cock better so they don't breed with even the lowest common denominator among women.

>> No.16263055

>the cherrypick on the right proves my confirmation bias

>> No.16263066

yeah because men have never acted like filthy degenerates and pissed on public property before ever.

>> No.16263078

A man wouldn't take a photo of him and his mates pissing up a wall and then willingly upload it to social media

>> No.16263087

Objectively wrong but you're just fishing for replies.

>> No.16263093

You don't believe this?

>> No.16263095

Why are so many asshurt roasties posting today?

>> No.16263103

Don't worry I'm a woman hating incel. I just felt like changing things up a bit today.

>> No.16263111


>> No.16263118
File: 240 KB, 1200x1600, 2B2C2A28-9466-4418-80BF-C0DC04EAB24A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16263126

imagine the smell

>> No.16263135

Clearly this means men should not be allowed to read

>> No.16263144

how would you enforce that lmao i alone a dyel can probably kill 20 roasties with my bare hands without breaking a sweat you are subhuman weaklings men strength is like demigod for you

>> No.16263146
File: 90 KB, 640x960, ADA3CDF5-023A-4174-95D6-EF3D924A00DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed. They can mot be trusted to not make degenerate decisions. They are like huge disgusting babies. I don‘t know who still allows them to walk around freely.

>> No.16263154

fucking based truthposter

>> No.16263155

that is clearly a picture taken by someone else not the man itself unlike roasties taking undignified pictures of themselves

>> No.16263157

I'm not a woman mate

>> No.16263171

Well if it's really about honoring the woman's choice what's the difference between not allowing a woman to wear revealing clothing and not allowing a woman to urinate in the streets? You should be honoring their choices in either case

>> No.16263176

Why is it always us? State of Britain.

>> No.16263180
File: 12 KB, 236x316, 2DD706D7-B40E-4DD3-AFCA-9087F6AB6D02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16263188

Binge culture mate

>> No.16263193

Does Britain have an entire class of men that's just retarded and always high/drunk or something?

>> No.16263199
File: 45 KB, 375x500, 4463E5CE-6369-42E2-B2FE-6C1FB166C0C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16263204

Yes. A large portion of the working class and students are like this.

>> No.16263225
File: 52 KB, 500x375, DDEF81F4-0C8A-49CC-8822-B2FD4CAD34AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold the glory of men who never make an undignified choice.

>> No.16263231

even your mother?

>> No.16263232

These pics are a completely different context. These are pics taken of unaware drunken people. Not whores laughing about pissing on property with each other and then uploading it because she thinks it's hilarious. It's not the first time I've seen it either

>> No.16263233

What's the deal? The only ones I've seen come close in terms of sheer retardation are Russians, but that's a much larger pool of people to be drawn from.

>> No.16263235


>> No.16263237
File: 66 KB, 375x500, 1A835014-B5BE-4F41-9927-C2268B6C8602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gift that keeps on giving.

>> No.16263262

based retard

>> No.16263270

Lmao what a retard

>> No.16263271
File: 7 KB, 260x194, D3777C61-BD99-4BBB-B6C2-668C142371F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There‘s enough inside houses which implies people who know those men have taken the pics. How do you know the girls in the op pic consented to having their pic taken? Chances are some dumb idiot friend just took them and found it funny. Kind of like this pic. >>16263180
Ofc that doesn‘t excuse deciding to get so wasted you end up in such situations but my point is this isn‘t a question of one‘s gender but one‘s dignity. There‘s plenty of undignified women but there‘s just as many undignified men. Saying it‘s just the women is simply hypocritical as fuck.

>> No.16263273

No. But neither should men.

>> No.16263274
File: 58 KB, 667x441, 206465BA-0F0A-45A5-87D5-03B8709228E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16263275
File: 472 KB, 480x280, 73C4F59F-254D-459F-A199-3AC7B4908AB7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of them don’t like reading either way so idk why all the woman respecting nerds are so butthurt itt

>> No.16263280

God I want those girls to piss in my mouth

>> No.16263289

Guy on the left has nice shoes.

>> No.16263290

based same

>> No.16263291
File: 7 KB, 227x222, BF6C96DC-D8B0-4161-90FD-9B15A975607A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same with the women in the op pic. Itms just the bottom end of females that does this. Saying this is how all women are is like saying all men are degenerates since all men are the same as those in the pics itt.

>> No.16263292

First post infinitely best post.
Seethe, cope, dilate, stop posting bluepill cringe and have sex incels.

>> No.16263294

>Commit more crime
>Rape more
>Sexually assault more
>Murder more
>Cheat more
>Drink more
>Smoke more
>Are more violent
>Commit more domestic abuse
>Are more likely to be pedophiles
>Have destroyed the environment
>Have been the orchestrators of innumerable historical evils
But yes, it's women who shouldn't be allowed to read.

>> No.16263306
File: 158 KB, 1200x630, party-upset-stomach-result-featured.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16263327

All I have to say is based cope cringe onions chad dilate seethe redpill bluepill incel have sex ((())) virgin and that's it, lol.

>> No.16263339
File: 62 KB, 539x827, Ij1y9KTJJUditP0ScNGazQiYR9b9bs3FUCzW3jkSTK0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16263342

That‘s an accident. It happens. It probably happened because the shitface next to her forced her to do anal before leaving since all men have completely disgusting sexuality, soiled by their porn abuse since they are 12.

>> No.16263345
File: 2.84 MB, 440x250, 5A6F099E-F272-4235-9EC7-0AC4EB9B5FC9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misogyny on 4chan is the least of your problems dude

You’ll be the same lit posting no lifer regardless of how many women you respect online

>> No.16263351

Is your point that men are based?

>> No.16263397

Women should only be allowed to read the following:
>the bible
>grade school level textbooks
>cook books
>inoffensive periodicals that deal with cooking, local fluff pieces, family matters etc.

>> No.16263405

Men should only be allowed to read the following:
>their death sentence

>> No.16263410

>>Commit more crime
Men are more capable and thus succeed more on this than women
>>Rape more
Women are so weak they cannot pin down and rape like a chad man
>>Sexually assault more
same answer
>>Murder more
same as above
>>Cheat more
statistically proved wrong
>>Drink more
men higher intellect is constantly dealing with question that women cannot fathom alcohol helps to bear the enormous iq and mental toll
>>Smoke more
Same as before
>>Are more violent
>>Commit more domestic abuse
Based and that just means women are pathetic and weak
>>Are more likely to be pedophiles
Statistically proved wrong
>>Have destroyed the environment
Lmao, this statement shows how inferior and pathetic you are
>>Have been the orchestrators of innumerable historical evils
That'll be women, historically and mythologically speaking women have always acted evil due to their inferior intellect and their constant and pathetic fear of being threatened by anything due to being weak and pathetic
Lmao what again proving how inferior you are
>But yes, it's women who shouldn't be allowed to read.

>> No.16263432

Hi Butterfly

>> No.16263479
File: 166 KB, 625x682, 696E6371-D770-4B9A-98D6-06CEB86D61EA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hi butterfly

>> No.16263489
File: 535 KB, 602x599, 1598908105177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're poating in a lot of threads and getting very few bites, so here's a pity reply.

>> No.16263490

OP it doesn’t really matter since most of the time when they read its books that provide no value. When a book is actually important women won’t approach it, and if they do, they generally won’t understand it

>> No.16263504

You ok anon?

>> No.16263512

women are cringe but here's the thing, most men are cringe too. you only think women are more cringe because they won't fuck you. this is undeniable.

>> No.16263514
File: 7 KB, 176x286, ED78B224-3E51-4381-BE3F-CD5245B8D748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> OP it doesn’t really matter since most of the time when they read its books that provide no value. When a book is actually important women won’t approach it, and if they do, they generally won’t understand it

>> No.16263519

Yed, wgy do you ask?