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1626280 No.1626280 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me /lit/, what's your philosophy of life?

>> No.1626286

stay safe.

>> No.1626287

Life's a bitch and then you die

>> No.1626289

Stupid question is stupid.

What the Buddha would call "a question wrongly asked."

>> No.1626293

Live long, make babies.

>> No.1626299

care to tell me how to ask it correctly then?

>> No.1626300
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>> No.1626302
File: 599 KB, 1024x718, 297233549_0c6b4fee82_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Know the difference between happiness and pleasure.
Everything (well not everything) in moderation.
Religion is a hoax
The revolution isn't over.

...Stuff like that.

>> No.1626304

My goals in life:

- Flip the world upside down with my revolutionary ideas
- To be considered one of the top influential men ever
- Cover of Time magazine
- Have a biopic movie about me. Many maybe. Books also.
- To spread my genes, I want lots of children, I don't mind taking care of all of them with love and money, I also don't mind if I don't get to know all of them, I just want children with my blood. Preferably with different women, so I can get more variation.
- Become president of something, like a country
- Be rich as fuck
- Fuck many women
- Drink, smoke, party, enjoy myself

In short, my philosophy of life is:

a) Create, destroy, transform
b) Enjoy myself while I do it

I want to go beyond and at the same time don't get cold about life.

>> No.1626306

drink plenty...
do drugs sparingly...

make love often...
love rarely...

always remember it could be worse...
never remember when it was...

>> No.1626308
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If the Buddha actually said that he's an ass.

There are no stupid questions, ONLY STUPID ANSWERS.

>> No.1626311
File: 42 KB, 370x505, You stink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lemme guess; Bukowski.

>> No.1626313

good luck lol

>> No.1626317

I'm just drunk and I made that shit up on the spot.
Thanks though.

>> No.1626319

i agree with this with the caveat that sometimes the answer is actually "this is a stupid question"
but asking it is okay, only once though.

>> No.1626323

Thank you for your wishes, I am doing my best and I have the best life possible already. I reached a maturity level where I can fight for all that with all my strenght and at the same time don't get frustrated if I don't succeed, so I know everything will be fine.

>> No.1626328

if it doesn't hurt anybody, whatever works

>> No.1626329

nazi occultist (actually nazbol, but you all probably dont know what this is)

>> No.1626330

I'm Zen Buddhist.

>> No.1626332

I don't know...or have always known...I just am...from one moment to the next...

>> No.1626334
File: 52 KB, 620x360, woody_allen_bananas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your wishes, I am doing my best and I have the best life possible already. I reached a maturity level where I can fight for all that with all my strenght and at the same time don't get frustrated if I don't succeed, so I know everything will be fine.

Me pictured. Sorry can't delete last post

>> No.1626335
File: 11 KB, 300x377, I am?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1626336

Actual guy here. What? Did Allen said something similar? I can't get that reference, what movie is that?

>> No.1626337

good luck

>> No.1626341

So life isn't really all that important, but its pointlessness doesn't mean you should be a dick to everyone. It also doesn't mean you should fake being nice just for some great reward after you kick the bucket.

My view is, I do what I enjoy doing, as long as it doesn't get in the way of others doing what they enjoy doing.

>> No.1626350

im cynic

and that is all you need to know

>> No.1626353

I live only for the attainment of pleasure, yet I'm too insecure to seek out those pleasure out.
It may sound bad, but it keeps me in check, and life, so far, is pretty good.

>> No.1626358

It can't be understood or figured out and while we are bound by our will to try to, it is an endless endeavor beyond our reach.

>> No.1626359


Used to have one that was sort of like following questions is important but don't anymore because there is no future in it. I'm not smart enough to be good at that. I went from my philosophy degree (which I did well at) to msc finance. Finance is comparison is hilariously simple and I will have nice lifestlye out of it, by which I mean I will have all creature comforts and will read books by people more brilliant than I could ever be in my spare time and probably make the world a worse place. So selling out is what you do when you can't do what you would love to do

>> No.1626360

Shit happens, be happy with what you have.

>> No.1626362

why aren't you a hobo then?

>> No.1626382

This is sadder than the cynic.

Never give up.

>> No.1626398

I actually stopped giving a fuck a long time ago. I think it's stupid, wish I had never been born, but since I am here I might as well enjoy all the porn the internet has to offer, smoke a lot of weed, and read good books. It's not really a philosophy so much as a defense mechanism really.

>> No.1626405

I'm ok with it anon, compromise is inevitable and its not like I have tumor and will be dead in six months. I'll be pretty well compensated. Only thing I'm worried about is destroying a pension fund. That would be some dark shit.

>> No.1626409

>defense mechanism
Not a very good one I'd say.

You know your internets and porn are in danger of being compromised... Well, you'll probably just pay the extra subscriber fees I guess... If you have a job.

>> No.1626428

Life is hard enough. Cut people slack.

>> No.1626452

I am atheist in my theology, but catholic in my morality.

>> No.1626462

That's a fucked up morality you got there bro.

>> No.1626503

Disregard females, acquire currency.

>> No.1626508

das wassup me too

>> No.1626530

i am, i occasionaly go to internet

>> No.1626559



>> No.1626569

I think it's called hedonism.