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/lit/ - Literature

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16261698 No.16261698 [Reply] [Original]

How do I write sex scenes in my fiction if I have never had sex in real life?

>> No.16261709

Either read a bunch of erotic literature and try to imitate that or just don't write them.

>> No.16261714

Just write it like a porno or gratuitous erotica and if anyone challenges you claim it was satire or a comment on today's commodification of sex or blah blah blah etc, you know, plausible deniability.

>> No.16261717

Why write sex scenes at all? Do you want to seem mature? "Woah watch out everybody, this book here has a SEX SCENE! A fucky fucky scene! Avert your eyes, children, this is for big boys only!"

>> No.16261722

Some of the greatest works of literature have sex scenes.

>> No.16261726

Name 5

>> No.16261728

>browsing /lit/
>see thread talking about sex in anyway
>hide thread

>> No.16261738

Ulysses by James Joyce
Lady Chatterly's Lover by DH Lawrence
Dracula by Bram Stoker
Garden Of Eden by Ernest Hemingway
The French Lieutenant's Woman by John Fowels

>> No.16261743

Use that. Be honest

>> No.16261746

>"Woah watch out everybody, this book here has a SEX SCENE! A fucky fucky scene! Avert your eyes, children, this is for big boys only!"
You have now entered the mind of an american.

>> No.16261779

You have some serious issues with your sexuality if this is how you think about it. Grow up.

>> No.16261784

>How do I write sex scenes in my fiction if I have never had sex in real life?
Write how you imagine sex is, that's going to be much more original and entertaining

>> No.16261786

Not only that, but the idiot asked me to list five pieces of literature that have sex scenes. Like, come on, dude. Writers have been writing about sex for a long fucking time.

>> No.16261814

It depends what your goal in that scene and overall tone of what you write is. If it‘s meant to be brutal and harsh, you can basically write whatever. The difficulty in sex scenes lies in not making them obscene, for example if it‘s between two people who share actual intimacy, not just lust. In that case, it would probably be better to only hint at it instead of going into detail. However, it is possible to write more details without it being obscene. Nabokov is pretty good at that. The scene where humbert fingers annabel is not written in an obscene way in my opinion, yet it is pretty detailed and it captures their innocent excitement and intimacy well.

> She trembled and twitched as I kissed the corner of her parted lips and the hot lobe of her ear. A cluster of stars palely glowed above us, between the silhouettes of long thin leaves; that vibrant sky seemed as naked as she was under her light frock. I saw her face in the sky, strangely distinct, as if it emitted a faint radiance of its own. Her legs, her lovely live legs, were not too close together, and when my hand located what it sought, a dreamy and eerie expression, half-pleasure, half-pain, came over those childish features. She sat a little higher than I, and whenever in her solitary ecstasy she was led to kiss me, her head would bend with a sleepy, soft, drooping movement that was almost woeful, and her bare knees caught and compressed my wrist, and slackened again; and her quivering mouth, distorted by the acridity of some mysterious potion, with a sibilant intake of breath came near to my face. She would try to relieve the pain of love by first roughly rubbing her dry lips against mine; then my darling would draw away with a nervous toss of her hair, and then again come darkly near and let me feed on her open mouth, while with a generosity that was ready to offer her everything, my heart, my throat, my entrails, I have her to hold in her awkward fist the scepter of my passion.

>> No.16261821

Only people who are ashamed of their own sexuality seriously dislike well written sex scenes in literature. I guess those should just be ignored.

>> No.16261825

>come darkly near and let me feed on her open mouth

This line is especially good. It‘s not an accumulation of overused cliche and if you have ever been in such a situation you know that he is damn good at observing and putting hard to capture things into words.

>> No.16261827
File: 122 KB, 190x290, soy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why write sex scenes at all? Do you want to seem mature? "Woah watch out everybody, this book here has a SEX SCENE! A fucky fucky scene! Avert your eyes, children, this is for big boys only!"

>> No.16261829

You can tell by OP‘s choice of picture that he‘s a virgin. Pretty entertaining.

>> No.16261914

have sex

>> No.16261933

>James Joyce
Thought you would include him, there are no "sex scenes" in Joyce, it is not sex it is experimentation with purposeful eschatology, saying Joyce ever wrote a "sex scene" is like saying the Aristocrats joke is a "sex scene"
You are fucking kidding me

>> No.16261970

name 11 without sex scenes with at least one from every other century starting from 300 A.D with appropriately diverse sexual and racial representation in the authors.

>> No.16261987

>doesn't have sex
>can't even imagine what it's like to have sex

>> No.16261996

I have read the whole canon and not once have I encountered a sex scene. Of course there are plenty of referenences to sex, but never any explicit description unless you consider The Storynof the Eye to be a classic, which I wouldn’t. Sex is important in literature, but sex scenes are meaningless

>> No.16262002

Alright, I guess you want the actual act of sex and not something sexual. Cause Leopold Bloom masterbating to a sixteen year old girl and drinking piss out of a pot isn't sexual at all.

Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon
The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen
Brief Interviews With Hideous Men by David Foster Wallace
Birthday Letters by Ted Hughes
To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marville
Most of John Donne's poetry
May I feel said he by ee cummings

>> No.16262003

I have phimosis so it’s impossible for me to imagine coitus without feeling pain in my penis. I believe it feels good when your foreskin goes on and off the tip of the penis, but I have done that only twice in my life, and both times it hurt like hell

>> No.16262008

>Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon
>The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen
>Brief Interviews With Hideous Men by David Foster Wallace
>Birthday Letters by Ted Hughes
>To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marville
>Most of John Donne's poetry
>May I feel said he by ee cummings

>Greatest works of literature

>> No.16262011

"With a queer obedience, she lay down on the blanket. Then she felt the soft, groping, helplessly desirous hand touching her body, feeling for her face. The hand stroked her face softly, softly, with infinite soothing and assurance, and at last there was the soft touch of a kiss on her cheek.

"She lay quite still, in a sort of sleep, in a sort of dream. Then she quivered as she felt his hand groping softly, yet with queer thwarted clumsiness, among her clothing. Yet the hand knew, too, how to unclothe her where it wanted. He drew down the thin silk sheath, slowly, carefully, right down and over her feet. Then with a quiver of exquisite pleasure he touched the warm soft body, and touched her navel for a moment in a kiss. And he had to come in to her at once, to enter the peace on earth of her soft, quiescent body. It was the moment of pure peace for him, the entry into the body of the woman.

"She lay still, in a kind of sleep, always in a kind of sleep. The activity, the orgasm was his, all his; she could strive for herself no more. Even the tightness of his arms round her, even the intense movement of his body, and the springing of his seed in her, was a kind of sleep, from which she did not begin to rouse till he had finished and lay softly panting against her breast."

Guess you missed DH Lawrence

>> No.16262015

>I believe it feels good when your foreskin goes on and off the tip of the penis
i dont have phimosis and have a foreskin
i never take it off and it doesnt feel good when you try

>> No.16262019

I mean, if you don't consider Donne, Pynchon, Marville, Hughes, and Wallace great writers of literature, please enlighten me on the ones that are.

>> No.16262020

Shut the fuck up fag, dh lawrence is far from the greatest works of literature

>> No.16262025

>have sex
literally impossible.

>> No.16262027


>> No.16262033

All americans, so discarded. Ngl, iPhones are great, the grand achievement of american creativity, but their literature has always been average, and is only talked about because america is the most powerful country in the world

>> No.16262036

based retard

>> No.16262038

>seriously thinks something sexual isn‘t a sex scene
Bet you also think sex starts when the penis enters the vagina.

>> No.16262039

just be vague

>> No.16262041

Donne, Marville, and Hughes are American?

>> No.16262045

some random ancient apostate nobody ever heard of
so irrelevant not even wikipedia shows him up
some rando hollywood playboy
le epic meme man

you have one - pynchon - only 4 more to go

>> No.16262048

What the fuck is wrong with you? What do you mean sexual? ”He was aroused.” Is that a sex scene to you? ”She had a round bottom.” What about that? If those are sex scenes to you then you probably don’t know what a sex scene is

>> No.16262053

You must be the biggest fucking idiot in the world. John Donne and Andrew Marville are two of the greatest English poets and are consistently listed in anthologies and are canonized. Ted Hughes was a 20th century English poet that's known for his poetics in mythology, nature, and sex, and Wallace has sex scenes in that collection. So no, I gave you five, faggot.

>> No.16262056

They are definitely sexual, yes. I‘d say it is a sex scene if it involves more than one person, if not then it is a sexual scene. Which also can be written tastefully or obscene, so it‘s included in the op question.

>> No.16262060

>Death on the instalment plan
>The sailor who fell from grace with the sea
>The songs of Maldoror
I'mp pretty sure you're just a coomer or fourteen year old looking for books with sex scenes in it...

>> No.16262062

It is sexual you dumbass, but it's clearly tongue in cheek, it's the author trolling the audience, some kind of degeneracy spiralling for the fun of it, and it is fun and we've all done it, playing a game of seeing who is the dirtiest old man around, who does the most drugs, who masturbates to the nastiest, most taboo thing.

Is OP going to write a "sex scene" for that purpose??? In 2020??? Because then he is a tryhard, there is nothing edgy about it anymore, he will be taking a piss at what??? I am willing to bet that if OP were to be trying to write a sex scene, he'd be doing it unironically because his brain has melted after overexposure to cheap Hollywood spectacle which is just tittilating for the sake if the Brave New World citizens that need their fucking feelies. Trying to say "James Joyce also did sex scenes guys, so the Hollywood film structure of action-sex-action-minor advancement of plot-action is okay :^)" is your own rationalization for being a coombrain subhuman

>> No.16262063

Holy fuck you are stupid. By your standards every work ever in literature involves a sex scene. You are probably one of those guys that think masturbation equals to having sex

>> No.16262066

>Andrew Marville
he is so fucken irrelevant not even google registers him on search
but keep coping
>John Donne
but wow, this one actually registers on google search so he is at least not totally unknown to everyone on the planet except niche english reformation era historians
>Ted Hughes was a 20th century English poet that's known for his poetics in mythology, nature, and sex
again, i have to repeat, literally who
>Wallace has sex scenes in that collection
wallace is le epic meme man pop culture pleb trash

>> No.16262068

No but a lot of them.
Masturbation is not sex but it is definitely sexual. What‘s your point?

>> No.16262069

Just cause you're such a fucking retard, and clearly don't read because you have to google fucking John Donne, doesn't mean that I am wrong with my choices.

>> No.16262078

So what if it’s sexual? We were never talking about things sexual in nature, because basically everything one way or another is. OP asked specifically about a sex scene, which is totally different from what you are talking about when referring to a ”sexual” scene. All the dancing scenes in War and Peace are sexual, yes, but that’s not what we are talking about here

>> No.16262082

if you want to count something as greatest worlds work of literature im pretty sure it has to be at least well known to general public
you are not wrong with your choices and i respect that you have your literature tastes, but they are far from being as acnowledged as you think them to be

>> No.16262087

If you go into any English literature class every single student will know who John Donne is. Andrew Marvelle, yes, is a bit more obscure because he only had a handful of poems published in his life time, but they are still canonized and most of my classmates and students have memorized his poem To His Coy Mistress.

>> No.16262093

if you go to any croatian literature class every single student know who Antun Gustav Matoš and Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić are
your point being?

>> No.16262097

Like that guy's face

>> No.16262109

Then do not write at all. Introverted libido is the opposite of creativity and your work will just suck. It will be absolute neurotic mess written only for self-healing. Repress your sexuality all you want but eventually you'll turn into a monster because of it. See: Catholic priests systematically abusing boys in the most sadistic and awful ways.

>> No.16262113

This. Same goes for philosophy, painting, sculpture, classical music etc. Leave high art to the big boys (i.e. us Europeans)

>> No.16262114
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>See: Catholic priests systematically abusing boys in the most sadistic and awful ways.
literally doesnt happen and disproved scientifically
>Introverted libido is the opposite of creativity
is that why the classics are so bad and psotmodern literature so high quality

>> No.16262121

Lol okay

>> No.16262193
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use your imagination, most people don't pay that much attention to their orgasm stuff

>> No.16262215

Right I forgot that emotion plays no role in art whatsoever.

>> No.16262249

Just watch a pornhub video and write down what you see, who gives a fuck?

>> No.16262254

>who gives a fuck?

not OP

>> No.16262288

>Repress your sexuality all you want but eventually you'll turn into a monster because of it.
Kek, this reminds me of the the whole "you have to masturbate weekly otherwise you get anal cancer by 30" debacle, it's pretty funny. If anything the older you are the more natural it is to care less and less about sex, not even talking repression just casual disinterest. Bringing up corrupt Catholic priest as an example is the cherry on top.

>> No.16262295

all pseuds

>> No.16262300

Many Catholic priests are repressed homosexuals who became priests to avoid facing their homosexual tendencies

>> No.16262448

Deep analysis bro

>> No.16262562

>not touching her feet

>> No.16262586


>> No.16262634

Use allusion and euphemisms. Nothing remotely pornographic. If any word denoting the genitals appears in your story other than the word genitals, crotch, etc. then you're writing pornography. Don't even try to show the genitals or depict the act of sex.

>> No.16263001

Write what you know. In your case, that would be jerking it to trap porn.

>> No.16263218

>you have one - pynchon
you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.16263654

have sex
this time unironically