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16261293 No.16261293[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Logic is a social construct.

>> No.16261302
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>> No.16261307

Size of that cunts heed man!

>> No.16261473

>social constructs are social constructs

>> No.16261651

If logic is a social construct, why do people from around the world usually arrive at the same, or almost the same conclusions during their logical and scientific endeavors? Race and ethnicity are the real social constructs.

>> No.16261662

Everything that separates us from the chimps is a social construct. What's your point?

>> No.16261665
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Logic is a very well organized language

>> No.16261692

Human universals

>> No.16261704

why do people think they're being smart when they point out something is a social construct? money is a social construct, does that mean you still won't go to work or apply for neetbux?
social construct =/= not real

>> No.16261732


The phrase "social construct" has to be one of the most elaborate ways of just saying that something is a lie
Anyway logic is clearly not a social construct pure logic is easily demonstrated by a computer which is in no way could be called a social construct

>> No.16261737

>The phrase "social construct" has to be one of the most elaborate ways of just saying that something is a lie
social construct doesn't imply "a lie"

>> No.16261739

π proves that mathematics are not social constructs since every new digit of it has to be discovered

also, if the three laws of logic are "social constructs", does that mean they are not real? I don't understand what you mean by "social construct" my dude, I hope you don't mean to deny the law of identity

>> No.16261747

>people gather materials from all over the place, socially
>other people assemble the computer, a construct, using highly advanced, socially shared tech
>not a social construct
come on dude

>> No.16261754


It does though
The whole point of a social construct is that it doesn't reflect reality at all but is merely treated as part of reality purely for the convenience of humanity
In other words it's a lie, a falsehood, an untruth, an illusion if it wasn't there would be no need to call it anything other than the simple truth

>> No.16261770

>logical and scientific endeavors
>around the world

>> No.16261773

social construct = anything that cannot exist outside of social relationships
that is literally all it implies, it is not a lie, not a falsehood nor an illusion, it is very much real in the ways in shapes our lives.
the only reason to call it a social construct is to point out that it is not a fixed natural ideal, but one born from human relations, and thus it can be criticized and changed depending on the values a society holds in a certain time/place.

>> No.16261776

All concepts are social constructs. What is you point?

>> No.16261808

Still presupposing logic, like always. You'll never escape it.

>> No.16261812

Reality is a social construction

>> No.16261816

even if you recognize logic itself as a construct there is no way you can escape it in the same way you cannot escape language.

>> No.16261818

So is literature. Social construct not related to your post.

>> No.16261837

Any possible model of the social always already has a logical structure. You can't get logically prior to logic, there is no behind or beneath it. You can avoid presupposing language in that you can easily imagine a world without it, e.g. ours prior to us, whereas you simply can't do this with logic.

>> No.16261852


Nothing you're saying serves to dissuade me
It seems to me you're so caught up in human thought you've just lost touch with what it means for something to actually be real
I mean you literally just said it yourself "a social construct is anything that can't exist outside social relationships" that qualifier to me is a clear indication of something that is not real
I mean would you say that morality is real? Because I wouldn't certainly it's a social construct, perhaps the king of them all, but it is purely an illusion it doesn't actually exist and it's obvious it doesn't exist because it's entirely up to the individual to choose whether they adhere to it or not and that's not how reality works you don't get to choose whether gravity applies to you or not it exists in spite of you and that's what makes it real

>> No.16261859

>If logic is a social construct, why do people from around the world usually arrive at the same, or almost the same conclusions during their logical and scientific endeavors?
they don't