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16260006 No.16260006 [Reply] [Original]

The opposite of a book recommendation thread. What’s the worse book you ever read and why

>> No.16260294
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Ebonics is massively unpleasent to read and honestly the story is just kinda dumb even detatched from the ebonics

>> No.16260456


>> No.16260642

House of Leaves was a huge disappointment. If the author had just included the parts about the house, it would have been equivalent to a long and relatively high-quality creepypasta, but the Johnny sections ruined the entire book. There was no point to them at all, just some stoner retard describing his gross sexual experiences and tripping out in the closet at work. I was told that it was one of the best horror novels of all time, what a joke.

>> No.16260667

The Pilgrims Progress

>> No.16260671

all the ebonics diversity shit i had to read in school
it was all garbage, i hated it
we should have picked our own fucking cotton

>> No.16260890
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Thought it would be cool. I don't know, maybe there'd be something more to the anecdotes you hear. There was nothing. It's just 500 extremely technical pages describing different ways he tortured dogs. Unpleasant. Almost unreadable. Learned nothing

>> No.16260919

Yeah I got it recently and stopped about 50 pages in. The formatting is a cute gimmick at best and you can feel how smart the author thinks he is through the pages.

>> No.16260967

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - Americanah

>> No.16260976

I remember really disliking Sula, Handmaid's tale, and The Scarlett Letter in High School.

>> No.16261105

Joseph Campbell Hero with a Thousand Faces

>> No.16261117

I liked it :(

>> No.16261147
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Both of the books (Perdido Street Station and The City and the City) by this guy. I was intrigued by the whole "weird scifi" concept, but the gay left wing politics and self-insert protagonists made me want to hurl.

>> No.16261667

Unironically, my textbook in my networking class at the moment. It's so poorly written, and has so few proper examples that help clarify the concepts. The professor seems to be so prideful of the book because he is one of the co-authors.

>> No.16261677

Probably not the worst ever, but I'll always remember how dreadful and annoying I found Soloalbum by Stuckrad-Barre. Although one could argue that this is exactly the point.

>> No.16262067

I remember I had to read one book where there was an entire chapter that was composed as if it was a diary entry written by the illiterate black character. Wish I remembered the name, because it was fucking retarded.

>> No.16262072

I recently revisited The Scarlet Letter. Much more enjoyable as an adult after spending years doing my own research into early puritan new england.

>> No.16262079

Had to read this in college alongside a book called Citizen: An American Lyric (for different classes). Very unpleasant reading experience, as the two books fed off of each others negative energy. There was like some psychic "uppity black bitch" resonance between them. I ended up throwing both books in separate trashcans, just to be safe.

>> No.16263166
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La princesse de Clèves.

Annoying and endless succession of "this noble no one gives a damn about was the most <insert hyperbolic positive adjective> man/woman the earth had ever seen" from beginning to middle (I didn't suffer to finish the thing).

>> No.16263208

This. It was just him jerking off to Hinduism and Buddhism.

>> No.16263642

>entire chapter that was composed as if it was a diary entry written by the illiterate black character
But when Faulkner does it, its based and canon-worthy, huh?

>> No.16263711

I have absolutely nothing against jews and no relationship at all with nazis, not even as meme
(Israel is a fake state tho)
But I remember reading Anne Frank and it was so tediously boring that I just couldn't finish it.
Maybe that's why I haven't read other books "related" to victims of nazi germany.

>> No.16264012

Even though I read it almost ten years ago every couple months I think about how much Microserfs fucking sucked and get irrationally pissed. Had this sentimental wistful tone running through the whole book. Book for Apple faggots. Silicon Valley should be glassed.

>> No.16264043

>when a talented artist does something its good
No shit buddy, it’s also daytime when the sun is out