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16259685 No.16259685 [Reply] [Original]

One of my favourite British fiction novels I've ever read. The ending rips my fucking heart out and the poetry that's included is absolutely astounding. I am actually pretty impressed at how A.S Byatt is able to replicate Browning and Dickinson's poetics so well. Hopefully someone here has read it. Won the Booker Prize in 1990, I believe.

>> No.16260096

And what makes it even better is that it's not a fluke: Dame Byatt usually kicks ass (I have all her work). Try The Children's Book and Angels & Insects.

>> No.16260337

I am reading The Virgin in the Garden right now and I am enjoying it. I have heard that the other novels in the quartet are better though, like Babel Tower. The Children's Book is third on my list (I want to read Midnight's Children by Salman Rushdie first after). Because you've also read it, did you feel the same as me about the ending?

>> No.16260448

Byatt really belongs to another age. Haven't read Possession but judging by her other shit, I probably don't want to until I have access to hard drugs to use after.

>> No.16260574

Why do you want hard drugs after? Possession: A Romance is amazing and I really do recommend it hardcore. Especially if you're a fan of Victorian literature and unearthing mysteries

>> No.16260602

Terrible things happen and the world is filled with awful people. I'd rather not talk about it. Very well written though. Fuck why are people so fucked?

>> No.16260609

You say, on this somali spear fishing forum.

>> No.16260629

They've only made me watch one guy's head get blown off.