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16258403 No.16258403 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16258706
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>> No.16258780

I wish I could feel things as strongly as I could 5 or 6 years ago. Everything kind of blends into everything else now without a real impression. It's like I've gone from living a hundred themes a year to one that varies slightly

>> No.16259145

Bump limit doesn't matter on a board as slow as this you worthless threadwhore.

>> No.16259153


>> No.16259216
File: 12 KB, 209x241, 298739873982738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started reading the New Testament today and I must say, the verse where a widow is giving the little money she has to whereas rich people are giving their "excess", was very moving. Don't get me wrong they both gave money and it's very commendable but there just is beauty in that verse..; I don't know how to describe it, it really resonated with me.

>> No.16259224

I wonder am I trapped myself in my own brain
I am so brainwashed about all of this nofap think so I make myself believe and act that I cannot actually do something productive if I fapped that day
Maybe I even make excuses to avoid responsibilities?
I want to live free of this negative mind loops but it seems like it is impossible to avoid...?

>> No.16259315
File: 204 KB, 1024x628, fall-of-rome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dumb social unrest in the US really bothers me. People are hellbent on interpreting everything in an all or nothing, us versus them tribalistic sense. It's all misplaced too. If there should be any factions it should be the populace versus the oligarchs. These protests and riots are a sideshow to distract a mesmerized society while a few dozen men collect hundreds of billions of dollars and wield total power.
We're divided along imaginary party lines and superficial identity categories. It feels like we're going to war over nothing. This is picture perfect divide and conquer strategy.
Worst of all, I feel like I'm one of the few people who sees what's actually happening. It's crushingly alienating as I see the swelling monstrosity of ignorance grow in momentum every day. I'm seeing it unfold as I predicted and it drives me mad that there's nothing I can do about it. Fuck this country.

>> No.16259439

Why is it that everyone who claims to be a leftist online (they're mostly just retarded neoliberals) is a fucking tranny? What in the fuck. I cannot go to any anarchist place on the Internet without a tranny going, 'what will [American politician] do for me because [other American politician] wants to see me in a concentration camp and will deny me my hormone pills!!!' It's getting seriously tiresome to see. This idpolitics shit is just tying everything else up. Same with the liberals who are saying shit like 'sex work'. Is that really what people want to be okay with? Really? Is there not any sort of self-awareness that selling your body as a commodity is demeaning and objectifying?

Blows my fucking mind and makes leftist areas insufferable. Of course, I say that as an unironic leftist. It wasn't like this years ago.

>> No.16259541

I want to try find Christ but I am afraid it is not how it should be. I have no spiritual experience at all. Where can I start?

>> No.16259677

How old are you? I'm going to assume you are in your 20s. If so, that's just called aging. I won't lie, I miss the whims of youth, but I am a lot happier overall now that I have my shit together.

>> No.16259801

Everyone I've ever met has told me I'm one of the smartest people they've ever met. But I don't believe it. If I were so smart, I would have something to show for it. I would be able to exert my will on the world. I wouldn't be a community college dropout working a minimum wage job. I put much more faith in the anonymous 4chan posters who call me retarded.

>> No.16259840

I should quit 4chan for good. However, there are still some interesting, funny, insightful things. But it seems like it is not worth, I become worse as a person

>> No.16259854

How quickly the buttercunt fandom thread got pruned.

>> No.16259963

A good corollary to 'go with the flow' is 'stop and smell the roses.' Another reminder to slow the mind, enjoy the moment, and appreciate the world's beauty. There's a pleasure with no name in watching plants be plants, animals be animals, the heavens revolving around it all. Calm observation makes perfect appreciation. Stillness, non-contemplation, moved to no action. To see, hear, and feel without knowing.

Prize nothing, venerate nothing, put nothing on a pedestal. Let everything be as God has ordered it.

>> No.16259968

Cry more you little bitch. No one's going to miss the thousandth marx or philosphy thread. And more to the point, sometimes people post things that need replies.

>> No.16261097

I'm increasingly convinced that the government, media, and other experts are all conspiring to try and extend this lockdown as long as possible. But why? What do politicians and other elites have to gain by keeping so much of society shut down and robbing people of their livelihoods like this indefinitely?

>> No.16261156

I don't care much about celebrities but this whole african americans getting mad at Adele while Jamaicans, Brits and other Africans don't find her post offensive goes to how Americans are being insufferable as fuck. They're becoming what the saudis are to the rest of the middle east.

>> No.16261171

I'm trying to decide between learning Spanish or French. I have a fondness for both languages, however, I am much more passionate about French, but I feel like I'll definitely use Spanish more. This dilemma is a bit difficult, and I cannot take on both because I intend to become fluent in one prior to moving to the other. I guess the biggest impediment to deciding which one to learn is, deciding which is more a more important criterion for choosing a language to learn, passion or intended usage.

>> No.16261175

more of an important criterion*

>> No.16261183

Most the site is alright, for the most part, except for /pol/ and /b/. Limit your daily /b/ consumption, and only go to /pol/ for memes. Most people on /pol/ are unironic brainlets, except for a handful of people who actually know what they're talking about (these people more than likely browse this board and others, and don't shape their worldview off of the things posted on this site).

>> No.16261316

Passion>>>>Indented use

t.had similar dilemma with spanish/japanese

>> No.16261323

This reminded me of when the governor of Virginia had a scandal after people discovered pictures of him in blackface from college. There was a lot of outrage and people called on him to resign. I remember seeing a poll of whether he should resign or not. The majority of whites said he should, but only a tiny percentage (somewhere in the teens) of blacks said the same. POC didn't give a shit. The real problem behind these faux scandals are progressive whites. Thanks to social media they have become self-appointed benefactors of racial justice when in fact they are only inventing racism where it doesn't exist and dragging us all down into meaningless self-invented scandals.

>> No.16261343

itself a hilarious construct of white people

>> No.16261523

Never heard the phrase spoken in bongland, just makes me think of pocky 2bh

>> No.16261534

>The real problem behind these faux scandals are progressive whites. Thanks to social media they have become self-appointed benefactors of racial justice when in fact they are only inventing racism where it doesn't exist and dragging us all down into meaningless self-invented scandals.
The sad part is, there has been people in the past who've called out in these progressive whites or progressive people (at this point they're getting more consolidated thanks to social media) decades back as well (especially in things like post colonial studies). It's also kinda funny how they accuse others of being racist and then act as a hero to protect people from said racist like as if foreigners need to be smothered and protected but never understood. Not understanding how patronising it is. If the 'poc' dares to think and act that doesn't align with their views, they became just as vitriol as the enemies they are fighting against. Being in a even more minority in the so called POC community, it's really embarrassing to see people just jumping the gun without context.

That's true. It's a sort of catch word that is meant for people of different ethnicities that ironically groups them into one single entity. It's basically the same as calling all of Asia the oreints.

>> No.16261541

True, a construct that leaves out Asians and Indians whenever their inclusion is inconvenient

>> No.16261559

I feel the same anon, I really do

>> No.16261560

Fuck these faggot mods for "warning me" for speaking my true and honest thoughts. Is 4chan becoming reddit? What a bunch of fucking cockroaches. I'm the best poster on this board or at least I would be if I namefagged so that my posts were traceable to a single identity. I'm holding this board up. Show some respect.

>> No.16261674

hello, based department? yeah, i'd like to report a based post

>> No.16261693
File: 155 KB, 1080x1343, 01AD9D35-F88B-47BD-8BB0-9D11CAE4468E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think to truly conquer myself I need to accept that I dont need sex in order to be happy, Im not sure where this brainwashing came from but I realized everything I did was for women or sex, Working out, studying/working in general to get money, browsing instagram for hours on end following them in the hopes they follow me back, making profiles on tinder and badoo not with serious intentions but just to see my options. The validation from that last one got really addicting. I never truly stepped back to love myself which i feel like im doing now, when before i was fueled by willpower and self hatred, this time i feel different and at peace. I think this realization came after actually talking to several women online for longer than a week, i never interacted with any in high school and kept quiet all the time, but i went on no fap for 3 months and got really horny, took some good pictures and actually talked to them, and I realized that they arent that special, when previously I think i put them on a pedestal. As for orgasms thats just conquering basic pleasure habits, Its almost kind of freeing to not care as much as before. I feel motivated again but im not sure why, maybe its the stattera I started, maybe its starting no fap again, maybe its reading meditations, maybe since im productive again, maybe from reading the bible? Maybe adopting stoicism. Whatever the case It feels nice to take each day by day with no pressure to get things done, its not the end of the world If i miss a workout, or if i cant leave my city, life can still be enjoyed regardless.

>> No.16261706

Eat shit.

>> No.16261725

>at least I would be if I namefagged so that my posts were traceable to a single identity
the fact that you'd need to namefag for your posts to be recognized shows how much of a bad poster you are.
/lit/ peaked with the Pessoa anon, no one will ever reach such heights

>> No.16261850

My sexual drive is non-existant in real life situations. If i'd see a naked chick irl there wouldnt be anything but the same view in the picture would give me a semi-chub. Imagining really plays a big part in my life.

>> No.16261867

>Imagine thinking the main appeal of sexual situation irl is about the visuals.

>> No.16261873
File: 273 KB, 1200x538, 820371-44484-qhytewjats-1477913809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hindu mythology is fascinating. According to Hindu cosmology at a certain point in the cosmic cycle mankind becomes disobedient and scornful of its role in the order of things. Humanity engages in sin and cruelty and selfishness. Certain powerful demons (which control the grotesque emotions and passions which have enslaved humanity) have taken root in the world. Thus the gods summon Kali, a horrific avatar of destruction. Who is incidentally the wife and other half of Shiva, whose god essence expressed the forces of creation and positivity. Kali proceeds to wreak having upon the world, killing mortals and the demons that enslaved them with abandon. Ultimately, however, Shiva decides she is going too far, and decides to stop her once the quantity of retributive destruction has been fulfilled. He transforms himself into a "block of wood" which blocks Kali's path and is the only object in the world she can't destroy at will. She then realizes this piece of wood is her husband, the force of creation, and stops her cosmic genocide.

>> No.16261879

The gods here by the way are limited in their powers and are only playing part of a role. They themselves are unable to stop Kali besides Shiva, her husband, which relates back to the whole creation and destruction circle archetype. Shiva and Kali are both aspects of a plane of mortality and only that mortal existence can reconcile itself. The higher forces of the gods can only set the initial process in motion.

>> No.16261900

It's interesting also that buddhism is a hindu heresy, and the whole concept of karma and Maya (veil of mortal illusion and reincarnation) are directly derived from the concept of Samsara in hinduism which wast this Shiva-Kali live-death cycle .

>> No.16261911

Delicate female hands wrote this.

>> No.16261929

Cum soiled male hands wrote this.

>> No.16261932





>> No.16261945

>buddhism is a hindu heresy
Buddhism is not a Hindu heresy, it is a Post-Vedic religion that predates Buddhism. Hinduism is a Post-Buddhist religion that returned to and reaffirmed the Vedas that Buddhism claimed to no longer be constrained by.

Think of it like this, Rabbinic Judaism was formulated after the foundation of Christianity despite the OT being the forerunner to the NT.

>> No.16261950

Robust and powerful tranny hands wrote this.

>> No.16261953

Feeble and papery incel hands wrote this.

>> No.16261960

I saw a group of sparrows bathing in a puddle in the park today. Their tiny chirps and little splashes really stirred something in me. Curious how it's life's smallest pleasures that often have some of the biggest impacts on ones soul.

>> No.16261968

>Jesus said that it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.
A decision isn't really a decision if you aren't losing anything in making it. This is why rich people cannot go to heaven. People will say But Abraham But David, but that's the point. Unless you become God's pet project for Biblical parables, and are an active part of miracles, you just aren't gonna make it. The real problem is: the effectiveness with which you can help the poor is totally a function of how much money you have. So if your real intention is making it into the kingdom of God: the longer you wait, the better you can help the poor because wealth accelerates. But one of the many doorstops is that nobody really believes they will die, or rather, expects their mortal coil to be shed anytime soon, which is why they believe in the first place. Even if you have the best intentions, you've already loaded the function greedily against maximizing the effectiveness of your philanthropy. You have failed the poor by virtue of being rich. You wait as long as possible, and then when you die, you just say: haha, aw damnit, I waited too long! Congrats, you've booked a first-class ticket straight to the 4th circle.

I'm totally talking out of my ass here

>> No.16261975

Fascinatingly, there is another being in Hindu mythology called Kali. This is demon at the center of the period of the cosmic cycle called the Kali Yuga. In which strife is the dominant aspect in the karmic universe. The mass of people not only did harm but intended harm, and thus brought Kali's wrath upon both them and the demons (Asuras) which vied for power and domination over the gods through them.
This Kali, although considered separately from the canon of the godess Kali, shares strong similarities. And this is because in the hindu trinity Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma stood on equal footing. Vishnu's final incarnation is the same Kali as his counterpart Shiva's wife, Kali, though they differ in their outward properties with Vishnu's Kali being a beastial masculine element hungering for blood and death and Kali being a more morally righteous element.

>> No.16262031

The problem is that intelligence has so many layers that, to the average person, you probably look like a genius. I'm the same way. I'm from the Midwest and compared to any of them I'm literally 2 standard deviations above. My brain is clocking at twice the rate, I'm what they think AI will be. If my voice came from the sky they would think it God. But the reality is that I, and probably you, are so ridiculously far removed from people that are actually deserving of being called intelligent. People that these normal idiots can't even see as existing because there's no communicative channel between layers of intelligence that far apart. We can see, though, because we sit in a smack-dab middle stratum that allows us to look above and below without squinting too hard. Because I, ostensibly we, understand these people we can appropriate our vectors accordingly and assume a similar pretense of intelligence. To the total idiot, we may actually seem MORE intelligent, because the total idiot disregards what it doesn't understand. To the total idiot, real intelligence looks like incredibly warped spacetime, light just curves around it, intellectual gravitational lensing. It sucks, but at the same time, it's kind of nice, being able to see and understand both above and below. Being a midwit has its advantages in that regard

>> No.16262103

>Be incel
>Believe in the wall and fetishise teenage girls
>Lose my virginity earlier this year
>Immediately do a 180 and start fetishising women in their 30's
Girls my age are just so unfathomably boring with no social skills or hobbies. Don't get me wrong i'd still fuck a prime teenager but going on dates with them is such a pain.

>> No.16262188

It is for me.

>> No.16262289
File: 2.83 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20200901_115742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here read this translation of TKB? Don't think I've ever seen it mentioned in all the countless Dostoevsky translation threads so I was just wondering what other people think of it.

>> No.16262291

Fair enough but i pity you nonetheless.

>> No.16262335

man i love her, on one hand i want her to leave so she (and i) can be free, on another i want her to stay here with me forever, if it was not for the distance (and her boyfriend who only has her in light of being in the right place at the right time) she would be mine, seeing that in her eyes and knowing full well this is not gonna work out makes me nauseous, i hate being in love, but i had to try, as i would not be able to live with myself if had not. Love makes me feel vertigo, when i think that this person (a unique person, someone that i will not find again ever). This too will pass and she will still be my editor, and I'm happy that I'm not desperate like before, when i would spiral into self hate, not being able to explain why this is so, not knowing that sometimes shit doesn't work out and its not my fault, but those moments at the beach, you reading to me, me reading to you, the sea between your legs, your hand around my waist, your finger intertwined with mine that is something i wont forget. In Islam, an evil jin is giving to everyone at birth, and it is hard to not think that my zodiac is such a jin, at times likes this. I love you and Ill stop this Monday or the other, and you'll be happy and maybe I will too.

>> No.16262464

Good morning my friends. I am very tired. I hope you have a lovely day if you are reading this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0vrsO3_HpU

>> No.16262500

Why would you pity me?

>> No.16262503

Top of the morning to ya
and thanks for the plant music

>> No.16262512

Because you‘re missing out on what sex is actually about. But it‘s ok, most people do. It‘s just such a precious thing to go over one‘s head it‘s hard to not say anything.

>> No.16262570

I've noticed that I have really bad "idea guy" syndrome in my writing. Whenever inspiration strikes me, it's usually in the form of a raw concept or moment between characters, but when I sit down to write down a story I find myself losing motivation between points interest. This is severely compounded if I have to go back and do any major editing because my words stop feeling like they've been born in a single moment and everything becomes a tangled mess until I reach the next stable draft.

The best way I've found to counter this, aside from just biting the bullet and powering through it, is to write narratives that have back to back moments of personal interest to me, or at the very least follow a consistent mood or theme that comes naturally to me.

>> No.16262584

I say sex work but that's because I think insta thots should know I'm grouping them with the whores. In Germany, the working in a brothel sex workers prefer to be called whores because they think prostitute sounds bureaucratic. I think learning German might be your option here.

>> No.16262599

Oh okay. Maybe its because im not normal hence i miss that thing and sex altogether.

>> No.16262635

>I cannot take on both because I intend to become fluent in one prior to moving to the other.
You can learn both. You can also pick up Catalan easier with both. Also, there's no point at which you stop learning a language. There are always new words and contexts to learn, so waiting until you're fluent doesn't really happen. Competence happens, but I'm ESL and know more English words than most my friends raised with English as their only language. They don't stop being native speakers just because I know what a williwaw or bodkin or servante is and they don't.

>> No.16263637


>> No.16263648

Men are fucking pathetic and disgusting.

>> No.16263805
File: 96 KB, 750x750, FCF0C208-DE27-4669-B763-5022DFB80633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that the sky and the earth and the wind are silent
and the wild creatures and the birds are reined in sleep,
Night leads its starry chariot in its round,
and the sea without a wave lies in its bed,

I look, think, burn, weep: and she who destroys me
is always before my eyes to my sweet distress:
war is my state, filled with grief and anger,
and only in thinking of her do I find peace.

So from one pure living fountain
flow the sweet and bitter which I drink:
one hand alone heals me and pierces me:

and so that my ordeal may not reach haven,
I am born and die a thousand times a day,
I am so far from my salvation.

>> No.16264063

>It's also kinda funny how they accuse others of being racist and then act as a hero to protect people from said racist like as if foreigners need to be smothered and protected but never understood. Not understanding how patronising it is.
They're basically bullies who have identified a subculture which is easy to take over. One of the reasons it's easy to take over is because they know that the group is already marginalized. The same thing happens with LGTB and feminism but also right wing groups- the implication of being outside the group is that you lose all its protection, in much the same way that abusive relationship are maintained - I might beat you, but if you leave me, not only will I beat you harder but others won't believe you or support you and you will be a known whore, so choose the frying pan over the fire.

>> No.16264187

Signed up for a book club that is tonight a month ago. Knew from the start it was unlikely that I was going to go. I read the book nevertheless, I enjoyed it, but it's one minute to the meet-up and I'm sitting at home in pants ripped at the butt.

>> No.16264199

I hope you sent your apologies for not attending.

>> No.16264356

I've been working remotely in a city for like six months now, and my boss is still fixated on us all going back to the office one day, but at this point, it's hard to imagine doing that. I get all my work done in a couple hours a day like this. Only rarely do I have to work eight hours anymore, and I still meet all expectations. The extra free time has been great for mental health and projects I want to do for myself. Maybe I should find work that's perma-remote, and move somewhere quiet and rural.

>> No.16264625

thinking years of mental illness might have turned me into a fag. not a gay fag, just a weak person, self-centered and whiny. I want to blame someone but there's no one really. at 29 feeling doubt as to whether or not I'll become a viable person. I think one of the reasons my mental health issues started is I was pretty damn alone, even though there was family around me. To this day.. I'm ashamed to say, but I don't feel a lot around my family. I don't feel a lot around them at all. I guess when I learned to cope with the world they were not a part of that. I'm like that with people in general. I don't really try to forge real bonds, I want to stay at a middling distance. I have a romantic view of "community" but no real inclination. Loneliness is an ever present threat.

I guess what I'm saying is: I feel very strongly that I am maladjusted to human life. this is probably one of the most normal human feelings.

Another thing I've thought recently is it's fairly likely that I will never have sex again. My life-plan has been about taking my broken background and trying to scrape together a life where I could be a viable father. But if I'm honest that probably will not happen, though God knows best. If I am not trying for that, then I gotta wonder what to do with my life. The whole idea of establishing financial stability is so that I can be a father. Without that who knows what the fuck I'm doing. To explain: I'd probably be financially viable at 32 at the earliest, which would mark the 10 year anniversary of my last sexual encounter, and I am fucking weird around women after having spent years and years in a mental health incubator. I dunno it's just sometihng I've been thinking lately.

>> No.16264978
File: 46 KB, 310x390, The_Kali_Yuga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correction, when I was drunkposting last night about Hindu mythology, the demon Kali is not the 10th and final avatar of Vishnu, who is Kalki. You can understand why I mixed it up.

Anyway, there is an aura of awe around hindo mythology that blows other pagan religions out of the water. It combines deep philosophical concepts and each God is a representation of some facet of the cosmos. It's not like Greek or Norse mythology which strikes me as shallower.

There is an intriguing scene in the Bhagavata Purana in which an Emperor was setting off to battle the evils of the world. On his journey he encountered a sudra (a type of supernatural being) with a club abusing a sacred cow. This cow was no typical bovine, however, it was the embodiment of the Dharma, the cycle of being and moral order of the universe, and the sudra was none other than the demon Kali, the great gambler and lord of sin. Kali had smashed three of the cows legs, austerity, cleanliness, mercy" yet only truthfulness remained. Thus, he advanced his aims to destroy the moral order of the world and create his reign of evil. Yet he could not destroy truthfulness, despite his corrupting influence of the other virtues. And thus truth remained even in a time of great evil, holding up the world.

The emperor, who was powerful, raised his sword to strike down Kali. But Kali begged him to spare his life and used his powers of deception. The emperor decreed that Kali would be spared, on condition that he remained confined to gambling houses, in taverns, in women and men of unchaste lives, in slaughtering places and in gold.
Thus the Lord of Vice was contained to these domains of unclean habits and motives.
When the emperor died of a snakebite, Kali broke his oath and contract and proceeded to spread about the world eagerly, promoting decadence and ushering in the Kali Yuga.

>> No.16265017

>When the emperor died of a snakebite, Kali broke his oath and contract and proceeded to spread about the world eagerly, promoting decadence and ushering in the Kali Yuga.
is there an idea that this fulfills the machinations of a main God (Vishnu or someone)? been listening to the Silmarillion before bedtime lately, it's pretty neat there that it's clear that what the lesser gods are doing is part of a greater machination of Illu-Battar, even the evil, but they can not see it even though he has told them.

>> No.16265035

and that what they are making is unspeakably good

>> No.16265160
File: 51 KB, 450x236, Sacred_cow2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In another version of the tale, when the emperor decrees that Kali may only be confined to gold, Kali manipulates this rule by entering into the emperor's golden crown. Thus Kali entered into the thoughts of the emperor, corrupting his empire from within, and leading ultimately to the emperor's death.

Kali was created from incestuous monsters that spawned on the back of the All-Being, Brahma. Brahma intended Kali to be a force of corrosion and change, to allow the cosmic cycle (kalpa) to proceed to the next stage.
Ultimately however, two thirds through this stage, Vishnu intervenes by incarnating into his 10th and final avatar, Kalkli. Kalkli grows up as a regular mortal but is trained by the Vishnu's 6th avatar, Parashurama, to become skilled in martial arts and warfare to ultimately do battle with Kali and end the Kali Yuga.

By this time Kali had had many foul offspring who became his minions , and his forces are bolstered by many evil kings and their armies.

Kali's forces are ultimately defeated by Kalkli and his generals, and in the final battle between the two, Kalkli is aided by the Dharma itself and the Satya Yuga, the Age of Truth itself. Kali is routed, his chariot shattered and his war banner trampled. He flees humiliated on a donkey , a symbol of lowliness. His wounds however prove fatal, and he either dies, or enters his "unmanifested years." Meaning that he enters a dimensional rift and continues to the next kalpa in the next universe, to continue the cycle for eternity.

>> No.16265176

This other post answers your question. Vishnu's ultimate purpose--although he has many-- is to vanquish Kali and reset the cosmic cycle. He does this by fragmenting his aspects into several avatars over the aeons. His 6th and 10th and final avatar ultimately collaborate in overthrowing Kali's reign of terror.

>> No.16265182

audiobooks, not even once
it's Illuvatar

>> No.16265228

Most internet leftists are actually, as you point out, just left-wing liberals who fetishize the aesthetics of revolution without any actual understanding of what leftist sociology advocates, at least in my experience

I avoid them like the plague, there's a handful of good ones but for the most part you can safely ignore them and lose absolutely nothing of value

>> No.16265242

I wish I had bought more Apple stock when I was in college. Since I bought it it has gone up and up and split and split and split. Now I have over a thousand shares, but it's not enough to do anything with. And the idea of cashing out makes me anxious. I wish I had bought more so I could sell and stop working. But realistically even if I had bought more, I wouldn't stop working. I have nothing else to do.

>> No.16265272

ids bredy gomfy tho

>> No.16265290


>> No.16265324

fuckin weeaboo

>> No.16265493

I knowingly pass up opportunities to get to know people while still lamenting my being lonely.

>> No.16265497

I wish i knew. Maybe because their animalistic sexuality is too strong and always takes over their weak characters.

>> No.16265502

I know way too many people and none of them is worth it. Good riddance i‘d say.

>> No.16265541

Couldn't making an effort be worth it though? I've been completely friendless for 8 years now, but whenever an opportunity presents itself I just can't bring myself to do shit about it. And for some periods I'm at peace with that, and I convince myself that it's fine, and that if I'm ever sad it's because of some other nebulous reason.

>> No.16265556

Humans need connection and intimacy to not feel like something‘s wrong. The issue is that there are almost no people worth connecting with or being intimate with. It‘s a fucking tragedy. Best you can do is find a person half worth it and help them become someone actually worth spending time with. It will never be the same though since what you‘re looking for is someone to help you grow and the tactic i presented might at best result in someone not weighting you down.

>> No.16265564

There are no riots, just peaceful protesting. There are some riots, but they're being instigated by white nationalists. No, the National Guard cannot come in to stop these riots, which are Trump's fault. There are no riots. Just look at this picture of a peaceful part of the city. Wow, these nationalist groups are really rioting downtown. Mostly peaceful protests have escalated into...No the city is not dead, here is Jerry Seinfeld to tell you why. Where is he writing from? Oh. Yes, some of your colleagues are moving out of the city. It's ok. They weren't real New Yorkers anyway. When they move out, artists will move in.

>> No.16265573

i am on day 6 of nofap and oh my god i cannot stop thinking about cooming it occupies my every thought every experience is tinged with arousal my dick feels like it's about to explode, like it's constantly one adjustment away from nutting. i hate this, i can't stand cooming i can't stand thinking about cooming every time i see a woman i want to punch her in the face for making my body feel like this, all i want to do is leave these disgusting desires behind me and be free from them, i'm sick of being trapped in this body with its impulses and lusts and torments and hungers, please god just let it stop

>> No.16265592

>is at complete mercy of his dick
>blames women
Weaklings are so predictable.

>> No.16265593

idk man, when they say loneliness is as bad as smoking I figure even superficial social connections are beneficial.

>> No.16265621

it's not their fault that they have arousing bodies, it's their fault that they dress like whores and parade around in a manner indistinguishable from softcore porn. or, at least, it would be, if they had the agency to make decisions. in reality, women only ever do what men let them, so it's their fault again that women are like this
in any case i am not at the mercy of my dick, because if i was then i wouldn't be doing nofap at all, would i? not that a woman would know anything about restraining their natural urges with willpower, i imagine the concept is quite foreign to them

>> No.16265652

It is your fault you have trained your body to link your sexuality to whorish behavior by poisoning yourself with porn. If you were a sane being, only a dignified woman would catch your attention and only an intimate and appropriate moment with her would cause your cock to react. You have trained yourself like pavlov trained his dogs. You‘re already salivating at the ring of a bell. Truly disgusting indeed. Like a brain dead animal.

>> No.16265666

Superficial social connections actually deepen the feeling of loneliness. That‘s like starting to smoke crack to stop smoking cigarettes. Better no connections at all than superficial ones that will only do one thing, make you lose hope in humanity even more.

>> No.16265672

what made you this bitter?

>> No.16265682

I‘m not bitter at all. I’m realistic and not willing to waste my time on useless things.

>> No.16265701

this guy >>16265682 is making a degree of sense. I think going it totally alone in a modern society isn't viable though, and that superficial probably beats complete loneliness. But there is a dreadful fucking hopelessness in finding you have surrounded yourself with people you don't care about, and who don't care about you

>> No.16265710

>I think going it totally alone in a modern society isn't viable though
your loneliness will stare you in your face that way. it will with superficial contacts too, but i think the latter is still slightly better

>> No.16265718

>that superficial probably beats complete loneliness
Give me one example to back this up.

>> No.16265721

My grandma just died
Even though I basically grew up at her house, I haven't seen her in 10 years
I feel nothing

>> No.16265726

the problem is you can't have complete loneliness in modern society. if you can live like a real hermit with no interactions then yes, absolutely, but you probably can't. if we're talking complete-I don't-try-to-relate-to-anyone loneliness

>> No.16265760

I don‘t mean you have to not say good morning to your coworkers. I mean, not pursue superficial interactions that you can cut out.

>> No.16265783

I tried this and it didn't work. granted, I started it on the second semester on a programme where I had been pretty social in the first semester. The problem is that you have a social context whether you like it or not, and it gets worse when you try to go Postal-protag relative to them. I mean if you have to completely lie about who you are to fit in, that's no good, but trying to avoid people who you clearly share some kind of identity with gets pretty weird imo. Idk, it might be a personality thing

>> No.16265790

and I think having people you hang out with beats having no one, if by no one we mean literally no one. you gotta have some kind of umbilical ot humanity. OR be a complete hermit

>> No.16265801

Can you give an example?
I mean, you can eat lunch with people if it doesn‘t kill you inside and have work/school related conversations. But this has nothing to do with real connection or intimacy. It‘s just convenience and necessity.

>> No.16265812

Felt very little when my grandpa died, but we were still fairly close. Pretty sure I won't feel much when grandma dies either. She's the nicest woman in the universe and I love her very much, but people handle these things differently, and if they've been sick and it was only a matter of time then it's not unreasonable that you're not overcome with emotions.

>> No.16265817

when I went autismo I went all the way baby. I'd walk past people I knew to actively sit alone, avoid all circumstances that could lead to conversations. what you're saying is basically what I mean too: that's some kind of a connection to mankind. I thought you meant some complete lone-wolf shit

>> No.16265842

I mean, it would be ideal but not everyone is strong enough to follow trough and go live in a cabin in the siberian woods. But calling those random encounters human connection seems inappropriate. That sounds like something someone would say who has never experienced genuine connection.

>> No.16265851

man where you think you are

>> No.16265859

I‘m aware. That‘s why i tried to set this straight by saying those do not ease loneliness in any way.

>> No.16265866

This is my issue, since I'm a freshman and I think I'm doing myself a disservice if I don't make an effort not to be left out, but I'm also an autist faggot who can't relate to normies.

>> No.16265876

maybe but they keep you from becoming frog people. they keep you from becoming animal

>> No.16266232


>> No.16266420

bruh if a girl brushes my arm I think about it for a week, so I think some human contact would do me well, even if it's all surface level

>> No.16266514

I wish i'd be more sensitive to beauty and music. Im so dull when it comes to it.

>> No.16266522

I have this, hoping to try ECT before the end of the year.

>> No.16266537

watch korean dramas

>> No.16266648

fuck I wish my head wasn't so backwards at interaction and intimacy
I know its a necessity but any time its not expected and planned like a handshake I just fucking panic and shake and can't stand it even from my family I can't hug my mother without getting tremors and feeling like a horrible person why do embraces instill fear even being too near people makes me sweat

>> No.16266655

first post i've seen on this site i believe a biological woman wrote

>> No.16266657

I hate women. I truly do. And I know it stems from a fox and the grapes kind of scenario. Almost like resentement.

But I hate women.

>> No.16266941

I get called intelligent all the time but I'm a retard compared to an acquaintance of mine who is co-chair of the university robotics club. There's also a guy I met in high school who was a god at academic trivia because he would go on Wikipedia binges all the time to learn and actually remembered it. Being able to recognize who is truly smart versus who's putting on airs is a mark of intelligence, though. Look up any great academic figure you admire and they will have likely expressed strong admiration for someone that came before them, incredulous at the depth of their talent. Being able to recognize that depth at all is a strength you should not undersell.

>> No.16267011

Fuck I hate smart phones. I would be content to be born anytime before the existence of smart phones. I literally can't just talk to people anymore, everyone is glued to their gay little screens. Screens screens screens. Look at a screen at work and then come home and look at a fucking screen, go to sleep looking at a screen and then start the process over again. People are so alienated now. Do people even go out anymore? Go to bars and shit? The days of the totally social normie are dead. I miss normies. No I don't want to look at memes, let's talk about the weather or something. No I don't want to discuss politics, can't we talk about your children? Maybe what you had for dinner? I actually find myself wishing people would put down their phones so they could watch TV with me, I desperately want people to put down a screen so they can look at another screen that's how bad it's gotten. Zoomers aren't even human anymore, the level of over-stimulation their brains have received from birth has totally scrambled their minds. The boomers are right about everything, they fucked it all up but they're right. The internet will be the death of society. Normies have been using it for roughly a decade and already everyone's gone completely insane. Why was I born now? I see people in abject poverty but they're happy because they have a community and a family. You can't be happy without community and family, the two things which died in the last few decades. Wooo, I love being a lonely wageslave, this is the fucking life. This is truly the peak of human civilisation. I'm so glad the industrial revolution happened because now everything is better! Oh yeah, Tinder is a monstrosity and needs to die immediately. I saw some teenagers doing tiktok dances as they walked down the street and I had to fight the urge to kick their teeth down their throats. I watched a documentary the other day and even a hunter-gatherer tribe in a fucking rain forest had smart phones. I will never ever ever escape those gay little rectangles.

>> No.16267281

Where's the anon that makes the crit thread?

I'm a literally obscured happenstance

I come up to a thought that validates

Not just its own relevance but as well

All others

The opening of Plato's cave

Descartes' I think therefore I am

If one of you says something about happenstance, I'm insulting your mom.

>> No.16267287

Incoherent & Schizopilled

>> No.16267289


In a literally obscured...

>> No.16267318

There are still places where not only is there no broadband, but no phone signal, and radio waves have trouble making it through. They won't be there for long, but you can still go out there. Your conversation with people will mostly start with them asking how to return to the signal though.
If you want to create your own, invest in a signal blocker.

>> No.16268430

one of his best poems

>> No.16268434

I only come to 4chan to reassure myself that murder is OK.

>> No.16268440

Hello antifa

>> No.16268448

You can go to twitter as well if you want that validation

>> No.16268455
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>Hello Antifa
Uhhh no I'm not a commiecel.

>> No.16268593

I wish I had friends who I could trust, that way I could share with them my ideas for my stories and get feedback on whether or not they are actually worth pursuing. I'm too scared shitless that someone will steal my ideas, so I always stay quiet about my writing.

>> No.16268599

Stealing ideas doesn't actually happen, executing them is too much work.

>> No.16268605

I know this, but I don't *internalize* it. I know my fear is irrational, but it's something that spooks me out too much to get over it.

>> No.16268638

Is my life some cruel joke? I look back on people in ancient times who have done everything to cope with or escape death. Then I look at myself, and see how I live in a time where there's this tiny glimmer of hope for immortality to become reality within my lifetime. I feel like this is some sick test, like I have to crawl across a field of broken glass for the possibility of food. I don't know if I'll live long enough, or if the solution to aging would be compatible with an aged body. I'm scared, bros.
christcucks fuck off

>> No.16268671

Requesting that "start with the bronze age" chart. Trying to figure out which Egyptian and Mesopotamian lit collection are best.

>> No.16268749

if you're good, the idea side of things really doesnt matter at all. ideas are basically worthless when it comes to writing, and dont constitute even the fart of an architect's blueprint for something. imagine telling someone the plot to infinite jest, how would anybody but dfw have made that book? what would that even mean? its literally his own, its his own blend of life experiences and inevitable thematic passions that could not have been created by anyone else

>> No.16269103

Why i am the way i am? Is it destiny?

>> No.16269117

Just finished Gravity's Rainbow. That might be the best final chapter I've ever read.

>> No.16269122

No it’s density.

>> No.16269133

Is buying a calendar to plan my future reading schedule a step too far? On the one hand it will make it easier to keep track, on the other hand it feels like crossing some kind of line.

>> No.16269135

You have already crossed that line by having a reading schedule. Buying a calendar isn‘t going to make it any worse.

>> No.16269138

Oh no

>> No.16269154

There aren't really rules so I don't think it's a step too far. If you truly want to finish certain books by certain times, sure, why not? As for me, I can't do it that way. I read what I'm interested in, sometimes more and sometimes less, I finish it whenever, and I log it when done.

>> No.16269155

It‘s ok. The issue with this is that a reading schedule isn‘t able to take into consideration your intuitive knowledge of what book to read next will benefit you the most at any given time. It‘s not about you but following some rigid idea of what you should read. It‘s a sign of lack of confidence in yourself.

>> No.16269176

It's mostly because I feel like certain books are "better" when read after or concurrently with certain other books. I do it more with non-fiction works but I've been increasingly reading novels that fit together with the non fiction works so it is beginning to be more rigid too.

calendars are probably pretty discounted now too

>> No.16269178

Sure, that is very true. You probably need to ask yourself what you‘re reading for.

True. Get one right now.

>> No.16269484

>realized something I passed up as a shitpost wasn't

>> No.16269589


>> No.16269991
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Ahhh, the world and I are the same. I feel it within me. To expand so much, to carry such weight...

>> No.16269995

Are you pregnant?

>> No.16270021

Ah my friend, but you were so close!
"But souls which are pregnant—for there certainly are men who are more creative in their souls than in their bodies—conceive that which is proper for the soul to conceive or contain."

>> No.16270494

Why aren't more women aware that men can smell when they're on their period? Just got off the elevator with this girl I work with, and I could immediately tell.

Women are so conscious of everything else about themselves and men are usually the ones known for this kind of cluelessness, but I smell at least one period pussy a week on the elevator. Walking behind a girl on the stairs is the worst though.

>> No.16270781

my head is seriously not prepared for the new semester
I keep fucking things up left and right, constantly forgetting what I have to do

>> No.16270799

yeah, i really fucked up this time

>> No.16270809


Bro the world around is decaying. It used to be that humans had to mentally decay by themselves. Which is why we have so many great literature that are the equivalence of blood stains on an old prison wall from self torture. Ride the wave of the moment. Set realistic expectations and move towards them. We don't need another stagnant faggot crying about nothing.

>> No.16270971

I'm all alone inside my skull. It's okay though. So is everyone else. That makes me feel a little bit better. But not a lot though. I'm still alone. I need to connect with the others who are also alone, so I can feel less alone. But I feel different from everyone else. I am a void. I feel nothing. I have conversations but I'm not really there. I smile when I am supposed to smile. I understand your pain. But I do not connect to it. I will laugh along on queue. I will ask the right questions. But am I just not there. I am elsewhere. I'm playing along. I just don't want to be found out. That's what I fear. And also what I crave. Because then someone would really see me. And that would feel like connection. The thing is, though, I know I'm not different. I'm the same as everyone else. It's just my thoughts about my thoughts which makes me feel different. And I feel very trapped. And the fact that I'm not different makes the feeling that I'm different harder to process within myself. I can't accept it and it makes me angry. I really want to feel like everyone else. I want to connect with others. And I also want to be alone. I crave being completely alone in the universe. At least that would validate how I feel within myself. I see no reason to connect with others because it often just alienates me more. It reinforces my aloneness. I'm not sure I care that much either way. I just want to get through this life without killing myself. That will be my victory. HA. You fuckers. I did it. I didn't kill myself. I'm looking forward to that moment. And in that moment I will realise how pointless all my suffering was. And I will realise how I could have lived so much differently. If I just had accepted myself. But that's okay. I will nearly be dead. And I can take comfort in that.

>> No.16270981

They forced him into the passenger seat of the yellow taxicab next to an African American female driver. The two men got into the back giving him little mind. The woman started talking moved the vehicle along the busy street. Not listening to what she was saying he looked around wide eyed trying to make sense of recent events. The womans shrill voice got louder as he tried to focus on the road. Facing him she spoke louder and louder until he reluctantly turned to face her. Fully fixated on him speaking near gibberish he quickly turned away. A burning smell overcame him. Smoke. Maybe something to do with the engine or something but he could not concentrate with the woman shouting. She was speeding up. He glanced towards her and noticed smoke coming from the back of her head. Her curly hair was smoking. Doubtfully he turned away and weighed up his reality. Trying to resist the urge confirm his worry the smell got stronger and the heat intensified. Flames engulfed her entire head fully locked on him as she spoke louder and drove faster and gave no attention to the traffic in front. Eyes darting around the cab the two men stayed fixated on the road ahead.
Your head is on fire
The woman got even louder still and faster and swerved the car numerous times not looking at the road once.
Your head is on fucking fire
Smoke was filling the cab now and the smell of burnt hair and flesh was overwhelming.
'White oppression...privilege...empowerment'
She drove faster still and ploughed into a cyclist sending them flying over the bonnet.
Looking back into the street he could see no sign of the unfortunate person but quickly turned back to the driver whos skin was now falling off in black charred chunks with the roof starting to catch ablaze as well.
The men in the back immediately shot their gaze at him and the woman stopped talking with an angry look on her face. Her face was back to normal. No smoke filled the cab and no ceiling was ablaze. The speed was normal. The scratches from the bicycle vanished.
'He's not well' said one of the men in the back.

>> No.16271008

I think I realized the greatness of "do unto others" yesterday. like you I too tend to overthink social exchanges, and I become an unfeeling, disconnected robot. I figure the reason why is because I looked at social situations as problems to be optimised or solved. the thing is though if you think about, if you were the other person in this exchange, what would you want? In most situations you find that what you would want is for the other person to be basically chill, and anything beyond that is bonus. the problem of the problem with social interactions is that there is no problem, it's the simplest thing in the world. just imagine what kind of exchange is this, what is appropriate, and do that. What would I want from me if I was the other guy.

>> No.16271016

i'd love to see the shores of tripoli / but i'd much rather have electricity

>> No.16271027

I don't know if there's anything more cringeworthy than seeing white suburbanites using non-words like 'senpai'. Just really gets my goat to see that stuff. Like they're trying to be hip but are just overpaid IT guys trying to emulate black people on Twitter.

>> No.16271042


Thanks mate. That makes sense. I will try that. Thanks for your reply

>> No.16271059
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hope it helps, take care anon

>> No.16271115

I used to be a dweeb and still am but I've learned to consciously "ride the vibe" in social settings. And it operates like a fucking meme. This also lets us know the world is fucking full of idiots. I used to think people always knew more than me but they just play it off the bat. That's why societies that create expectations have a harder time thinking critically. They become accustomed to the repeating memes for comfort from the unknown. They become ignorant to the outside world that carries with it threats to the society's established expectations.
For example, you go about your day and you get in a conversation with a woman you kinda know. A few things are said and some things are taken as flirtatious. What would need to be the case for the interaction to be flirtatious? Both have to be sexually interested in the other (for the back and forth to be reaffirmed) and both have to take boring mundane everyday conversation you would have with say a co-worker and turn that conversation into an ancient call to bone. The emergence of sexual tension is evolutionary and the sexual passage through flirtation is aesthetics. Something from both parties edged the meaning of words more and more towards and ambiguity that strips both off social pretension and raw sexuality.
The thing with me is that I'm a legitimate idiot. I once flirted with a gay guy and got into a date without realizing it. I only realized a couple days later. It's rare, but now in the moment I can replay the moments that get a woman flustered. I'm flirting with one now and it's in the really early stages but it's has already moved on predictably. This time it feels like I have greater autonomy in the thing but in part because I've learned to take some things as inherently dangerous and unknowable. Rather than get into the analysis paralysis of the situation you pick whatever option first on a whim and see where it takes you and then when the trips is over, learn the lessons.

>> No.16271125

all glory is to God. every truly good thing that has happened in my life is the result of answered prayer. and so now I must glorify God, lest I would become ungrateful.

psalm 86:11-13
Teach me your way, Lord,
that I may rely on your faithfulness;
give me an undivided heart,
that I may fear your name.
I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart;
I will glorify your name forever.
For great is your love toward me;
you have delivered me from the depths,
from the realm of the dead.

Allahu akbar.

>> No.16271331

I just don't know anymore guys.

>> No.16271410


Make it up

>> No.16271495


>> No.16271534

Why bother?

>> No.16271564


The bother will persist.

>> No.16271592

I know that feel. If the sun takes out the electric grid, maybe we can talk again.

>> No.16271662
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Flightly soolish

Is there a book written completely or almost completely in spoonerisms?

>> No.16271670


>> No.16271686

I hope your interest in Schüttelreime was inspired by the beautiful poem i wrote for you.

>> No.16271733
File: 12 KB, 469x357, 721CA29D-1FB3-4B1C-9BD1-92712C45FF5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I was just thinking about some spoonerism poems I wrote down some years ago. Short and silly things like the skinks and slothsomes bit. Didn’t even know what a spoonerism was till recently.
Now I wonder if Joyce used them much. Probably.

>> No.16271748

Aw man you missed something.
You could write one yourself.

>> No.16272165
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In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

>> No.16272410

It corrected and I forgot about the replacement. It's 'f@m'.

>> No.16272473

I hate technology

>> No.16272527

why was john such a weirdo?

>> No.16272547
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I was initially gonna enroll in college this semester to study philosophy, but after reading all this shit about online classes and whatnot I'm not so sure anymore. College isn't expensive here, but I'd have to move to Frankfurt for college, which means that I'll have to pay my own rent, work a wagie job and do all the chores myself just to get in a zoom class. Should I wait for another one or two semesters until it's presumably back to normal again?
The thing is that I'm 20 y/o and it's already been a year and a half since I dropped out of my old college, since then I've been a part-time neet and a wagie. I'd feel a bit ashamed to wait another year desu, especially since my dad just told me today how proud he is of me for pursuing a goal instead of sitting on my ass like my brother.
What should I do?

>> No.16272601

>I'm 20 y/o and it's already been a year and a half since I dropped out of my old college
it's far too early to be freaking out imo. I don't know what you should do but you are probably younger than you think. wagie-life is good experience. maybe 25 is a reasonable time to start getting nervous. Again I don't know what you should do, but as a 29 year old who went back to college at 27: either way you're fine kid

>> No.16272617

I've been thinking about drinking coffee and making it part of my routine. For the morning, at least. I already follow no caffeine after 1600. Why not just do it, you ask? I don't do much without thinking about it first. This is routine changing. It took me a month to add a glass of orange juice to my breakfast.

I do enjoy coffee sometimes. I like it black. If it's not very good I'll add a tablespoon of sugar and some milk. Tough choices here.

>> No.16272631

I am laughing my ass of thinking about how you will go insane if you ever have a family.

>> No.16272644

go away ted

>> No.16272889

each day I am closer

>> No.16272897

if someone gave you a lump of boiled egg-white and said "this is what aliens use to make the seats in their spaceships" you'd go "yea I get that"

>> No.16273062

you sleep in unboiled egg white for 9 months

>> No.16273655

My ego must have nine lives, I have been trying to kill it for years

>> No.16273730

I am mourning
All my soul
I have wasted
On your chest
I will live
But barely
If i could
I‘d take it back
But it is soiled
By your hands
I can turn it
Pure again
But you left me
Poor in heart
Here i‘m lying
To just give up

>> No.16273810

if white guilt is a stupid concept (which it is) then why do right-wingers try to make minorities feel guilty for things they have nothing to do with?
I've experienced on numerous occasions that people will try to make me feel bad for being a arab just because some other arab blew themselves up or some shit. I'm just trying to live my life as best as I can just like everyone else. Leave me alone

>> No.16273841

it's just tribalism, the rules aren't important

>> No.16273857

my acne very closely correlates to my living habits, whether I eat junk food, sleep alright, drink/do drugs, if I abstain from all this for a week or so I look like a doll with porcelain skin but I'm unable to do even that. I haven't read the picture of dorian grey but it feels applicable

>> No.16274036

>tfw no classics graduate student gf
Yes the feel is specific for a reason

>> No.16274190
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aight, in making this post my life has changed forever

>> No.16274217

>you know what would look hot?
>leaning against the wall and brushing your teeth naturally
>yeah like you always do
>but i never d...
>shut up and brush your teeth whore

>> No.16274532

my dad watches these “economic analysis” youtube videos from a literal multimillionaire that mostly consist of whining about muh taxes. it nauseates me to see him nodding along to a man who makes more than my fathers net worth in a year complain about how they want to increase his upper tax bracket 0.5%. Why do all boomers identify with the bourgeois irrespective of their actual economic status?

>> No.16274559

well, you know the saying about americans - “Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.”
he's probably thinking "yeah if i was that rich, i wouldn't want to pay so much in taxes either"

>> No.16274624

my back hurts and I suspect god has forsaken me (because I, I him)

>> No.16274646

Ok so here we this is why you don’t try to balance 5 consoomer hobbies at a time So I started watching this manga called Teppuu because some anon recommended it to me on a ryona thread because it’s about a girl who gets into MMA and I have a fetish for girls beating each other up, wether it’s boxing, wrestling MMA anything is good. So I read the first 5 chapters and it starts off decent, the art is a little on he weak side and it’s not very fanservicey as I hoped but oh well I’ll stick with it then I watched like 3 eps of this wackass show boogie pop phantom because people always say it’s similar to Lain and I love Lain and it’s weird af like you can’t even understand this shit but from what I could understand it’s about these mutants that represent the next step in human evolution that started appearing in Tokyo after a beat of light game out of a high school so there’s the guy who eats emotions in the form of bugs the girl who makes people remember their past with butterflies and there’s boogiepop who’s a shinigami who kills the mutants and it’s weird and cool like Lain urban fantasy but hard to understand then there’s Dark on Netflix it’s honestly the only half decent Netflix original out there it’s pretty interesting with good music and plot twists but the acting gets iffy at times the special effects are very unconvincing fortunately they use them sparingly and the plot in the 3rd season is getting convoluted then there’s the movie Wild Strawberries by Ingmar Bergman same guy that did The Seventh Seal with the game of chess with Death and I saw it about halfway it’s about this old guy who reminisces about his guy and how he wanted to fuck his housing but she married his brother it’s pretty good haven’t finished it yet and THEN there’s Lord of the Flies I’m reading up to chapter 5 so far it’s just been descriptions of the naked body of Ralph the little boys pooping diarrea and they make a fire but it goes out and the boat doesn’t see them my point is that when you are juggling so much information it the same time it fries your brain and messes up your thought patterns and yeah I know I sound like a consoomer bugman but my life is so fucking empty man I just got banned from al board for posting nazi porn Jesus Christ I’m 22 years old what am I doing with my life lol I need to live vicariously because I can’t fulfill my power process in industrial society

>> No.16274968
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Why the fuck do people initiate a conversation with me through text and when I reply they take 4-5 business days or even months to reply?
It's not like they're busy because I know for a fact they don't have jobs or they've quit their jobs and all they do is post stories of whatever movie/show they're watching. This shit mostly happens with girls but guy's are no exception here either. Instant messaging went from being able to converse immediately to treating it like a fucking snail mail.

>> No.16275170

821 positive covid cases reported at my university in the last week, following slightly less than 200 from the week prior. I tried to stay home this semester. They wouldn't let me. Arrived back on campus Monday and everything is going to shit.
America is a hellhole. I think I'll renounce my citizenship as soon as I can escape it.

>> No.16275441
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I only read 8 pages of prose and 3 of poetry today. I'm mad at myself. I also broke my semen retention streak of around a month and masturbated twice. I'm sad.

>> No.16275494

This is some great shit, thanks op.

>> No.16275647

She's getting the sun out of her eyes, you autist.

>> No.16275686

They are aware. They have all kinds of scented and odor neutralizing shit to hide nature and nature is still wins. What you're not aware of is that you can tell which ones are on hormonal birth control or not, any time of the month, and you also probably can tell which ones have orgasms from penetration. Humans are animals, and we let each other know what's good.

>> No.16275697

>I feel like this is some sick test, like I have to crawl across a field of broken glass for the possibility of food
I'd say your stunning lack of perspective makes your prediction not only unlikely but also likely to be something you would bitch about if you got it.

>> No.16275703

human services is a fucking exhausting field. nobody gives one single fuck that their mistakes cost lives, it’s all some fucking distant feel-good piece of shit thing for rich retards and whore secretaries to brag about doing while not knowing how to use data or best practices in any fucking way at all and the worst thing of all is that the system rewards these people. it’s decadent all the way down. it’s all fucking fake, no matter where you go. no matter what you do. thankless soul-sucking all-consuming vomit shit poopoo stink job. if people actually benefit from any human services intervention it is a product of luck and sheer coincidence. pure happenstance. diarrhea workplace

>> No.16275785


I have no talent for anything, so I have to actually try hard at something to finally have something worth while in life than just living and checking the boxes.

>> No.16275862

What the fuck is "Human Services," anyway? I'd heard the term before, but after reading your post I realized I didn't know what it meant.
The description on Wikipedia reads like a parody of bureaucratic jargon:
>Human services is an interdisciplinary field of study with the objective of meeting human needs through an applied knowledge base, focusing on prevention as well as remediation of problems, and maintaining a commitment to improving the overall quality of life of service populations. The process involves the study of social technologies (practice methods, models, and theories), service technologies (programs, organizations, and systems), and scientific innovations designed to ameliorate problems and enhance the quality of life of individuals, families and communities to improve the delivery of service with better coordination, accessibility and accountability.

>> No.16275874

>I'm totally talking out of my ass here

don't worry bro that's all we ever do

>> No.16275955

at least they're honest about it, unlike women

>> No.16276090
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Meine Mutter, die Hur,
Die mich umgebracht hat!
Mein Vater, der Schelm,
Der mich gessen hat!
Mein Schwesterlein klein,
Hub auf die Bein
An einem kühlen Ort -
Da ward ich ein schönes Waldvögelein,
Fliege fort, fliege fort!

>> No.16276365

I swear some of you fuckers in this site is addicted to getting (you)s and just bait for the heck of it.

>> No.16276568

I hate that food is the only thing that can calm my nerves

>> No.16277016

Wtf anon

>> No.16277020

Delete this

>> No.16277028

Adrian, i want to apologize.
I‘m sorry i wasn‘t mature enough to see.
I wish i could go back and just fucking hold you.
I wish i could know how you are today. This is an egoistical wish as it would help sooth my guilt knowing you‘re doing alright.
Sometimes i randomly remember you and it hurts every time.
I‘m sorry. There‘s also another part of me that hopes you‘re doing ok not for selfish reasons but because i care.

>> No.16277132

about 10 days into the semester I gotta tell you I really don't feel like I'm gonna make it. it's fully in Gods power of course, and there's really no way of knowing, but I'm already at a point where I just stare at text and absorb nothing. it's very possible that I put too high expectations on tho, and that I can get away with much less. but for now I can't work anymore, only shitpost

>> No.16277135


Watch online stuff?§

>> No.16277136

Probably better to take a break. Shit feeling but whenever i felt like this, in the end it turned out that they expected a LOT less from me than i did. You got this. One day at a time.

>> No.16277158

there are many related stories in islam, but I think of a particular sufi story about how if you are the king, and one single old woman goes to bed hungry one night in your kingdom, she will be allowed to testify against you on the Day of Judgement. I feel like that should be the mentality if you're doing human services.

>> No.16277163

Fuck. I‘ve been lethargic for a few years now but since four days, something feels different. Before, it felt like i could force myself out of it. Now that feeling is gone. I feel absolutely defenseless against the slow death that is closing in on me.

>> No.16277170

What if that woman is anorexic?

>> No.16277176

I‘m dizzy
From going

>> No.16277180

Maybe a shower will help. But i know it won‘t. Maybe a shower will help. But i know it won‘t. Maybe a shower will help. But i know it won‘t. Can‘t hurt to try. But it hurts to try. Can‘t hurt to try. But it hurts to try. What is going on. What is going down. I‘m going down and i don‘t want to come up again.

>> No.16277183

yea I'm gonna take a nap or something

>> No.16277186

Did you also just put Nair on your balls?
I did yesterday and it does not feel very good this morning.

>> No.16277199

your innocence shines trough
i saw it bright when i first met you
followed it‘s glow
willingly blind to the toxic
longing for the warmth
of your purity
there was the world inside of you
in your embrace it killed my own
last ray of soul

>> No.16277204

Yes. Shit move.

>> No.16277220

Literacy should't be compulsory.

>> No.16277242

The whore has ghosted me! After all I've done for her! The other whore isn't too enthusiastic about texting me either. I used to be a fucking sex god. What's happening?

>> No.16277255

The older you get, the more dignity people your age get. You should probably try to catch up.

>> No.16277278

But why is there an obligation to help the poor in the first place ? Doesn't anyone have the power within to generate wealth, especially now since we do not live in a zero sum game anymore ?

>> No.16277284

Helping the poor doesn’t help them at all. It just makes them more depending and helpless. Charity only massages the ego of the charitable.

>> No.16277388

Du Wurm. Und trotzdem und deswegen kann ich dich nicht vergessen. In Erniedrigung fandest du Befriedigung und der Erniedrigung gab ich genug. Ich wusste nicht das hinter dem die Einsamkeit sich frass. Ich schau zurück und sehe dich. Alleine stehst du dort. Die Hand streckst du nach mir aus und ich, ich schlage sie. Du hast mich angefleht und ich hab beigegeben ohne nach zu fragen. Ich hab dich nicht genossen und ebensowenig mich. Nicht weil es nichts zu geniessen gab, weil ich nicht wusste wie. Du und ich wir waren nie dafür gedacht und zu hören und trotzdem waren wir da, gleich unter der Oberfläche. Die undurchdringbar war.
Wir kämpften gegeneinander und töteten uns selbst.

>> No.16277407 [DELETED] 

It's Faust. Just came to my mind for some reason when I posted it

>> No.16277409

It's from Faust. Just came to my mind for some reason when I posted it

>> No.16277434

Und trotzdem
Könne wir es nicht lassen
Wir finden uns
Und fassen uns an
Und schreien und jammern vor Schmerz
Komm lass und das Gift abwaschen
Damit unsere Berührung
Nicht mehr schmerzen muss

>> No.16277436

What a disgusting incest cunnaiseur.

>> No.16277721

You carry no fault
Yet i can‘t forgive

>> No.16277776


>> No.16278002

Almost my dude. Almost.

>> No.16279078

get better friends

>> No.16279258

A guy killed himself live on stream and it's hard for me to remember that it means nothing when people mock him or make light of it. I know that someone's essential dignity has to do with their soul and not with whether they are the unlucky person who was turned into a meme gif on 4chan for a week. If dignity were that fragile, nothing would matter anyway because the world would be a joke.

But it still hurts me that I can't protect him from it. It doesn't feel fair that I can't somehow transfer my desire to protect people from things like that to them. It just sits inside me, wells up, then has to fizzle out over time or get buried somewhere, while the world continues to be an ugly irrational place. Goodness should naturally create more goodness, or create a natural forcefield around itself, or something. Instead goodness is so rare and fragile, and it can be smashed or swept aside by meaninglessness so easily.

I know on some level that there has to be more to it than this, but all my cynical instincts torment me with the thought that this really is just a badly designed system, that goodness takes a thousand years to build up and then it can all be eroded or undermined by one moment of laxity, one moment of humanity's real ugliness shining through.

The feeling you get when you look at some smiling kid's photograph and know he's going to kill himself some day and you can't protect him or his mother or the other thousands of people going through the same things right now is just too much sometimes. All that desire and it means nothing. The whole world is just a big ugly meatgrinder for breaking the hearts of moms.

>> No.16279285

You guys ever get told you're wrong in an argument by a ton of people, think it through, and still come away believing you were right all along?

>> No.16279464

People are such shit and they in turn make me a shit person. Is the ultimate fuck you being kind in response?

I can't wait till I don't have to answer phones all day long. Can't come soon enough

>> No.16279494

Ah yes, the skin in the game parable.

>> No.16279556

This Be The Worst
By Adrian Mitchell
(After hearing that some sweet innocent thought that Philip Larkin had written "they tuck you up, your Mum and Dad")

They tuck you up, your Mum and Dad
They read you Peter Rabbit, too.
They give you all the treats they had
And add some extra, just for you.

They were tucked up when they were small,
(Pink perfume, blue tobacco-smoke),
By those whose kiss healed any fall,
Whose laughter doubled any joke.

Man hands on happiness to man.
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
So love your parents all you can
And have some cheerful kids yourself.

Posted by Old Oligarch on 2/27/2004 11:32:00 AM | link

>> No.16279565

Look up the Vox Day video entitled "Gamma Male" to begin learning about yourself and changing your behavior

>> No.16279614

>Rich people cannot go to heaven
>Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high-minded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy
>That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate
>Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life

>> No.16279628 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16280259

People are at their best when nonstimulated. I post to 4chan like a message in a bottle, I send it out, I never come back to look at replies, there are no PMs or DMs, it's really ideal. Almost everyone I meet is an information addict. The stims of news or politics or red icons showing New messages. They try to drag me into it. But I won't go. I'm very calm.

>> No.16280392

>There is a savage beast in every man, and when you hand that man an anonymous website and send him forth to shitpost, the beast stirs.

I know of which suicide you refer. First off you should remind yourselves that people mock and make fun of things as a coping mechanism. Dark humor is based on that reaction. Second of all, committing suicide in a life stream is a dishonorable and shameful act, and infinitely more so to do it in front of friends and family who were trying to talk sense into you. He might as well have committed mass murder, in terms of the emotional damage he wrought. If you livestream something, you must accept the consequences. Human empathy is a limited thing, and it is normally reserved for whoever falls within your circle. And it's not as if this mockery means anything in the scheme of things. Would it be better for others if this asshole's horrible conduct spread psychic damage further, beyond just his friends and family? There is a layer of hell reserved for such people.

>> No.16280692

So its better to kill yourself alone?

>> No.16281117

I’ve been suffering a lot recently, but I’ve become more symp/empathetic, compassionate and measured. Maybe this suffering taught me something, maybe I’m just trying to justify it.

>> No.16281167
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Been part of a pretty small discord group for a few months.

Know everyone there by name and voice, know their life stories, and real life locations of most. Went through a lot of big life changes with them. Lots of mutual advice, and honest conversations

Banned today with no warning, and no one I contact replies.

Goddamn, this really fucking hurts.

>> No.16281206

one of the gayer things ive read here. I hope you are not older than 16

>> No.16281238

literally don't have anyone to talk to, that I don't work for, or pay to be around. No one to share things with.

I grew up in a really tight knit religious community, and had to leave because I found that one of the leaders was spying on me and secretly trying to get me to incriminate myself.

90% of the people I knew stopped talking to me. I have 29 aunts and uncles and dozens of cousins, not to mention everyone I grew up with, family friends, classmates, coworkers. Only three contacted me after I left the church.

Did most of my socialization online because of COVID, best friend ghosted me. We knew each others real life names and addresses, and were going to meet up. Ghosted

found that discord group. ghosted

now i literally don't have anyone to talk to except anons on 4chan, my boss on skype, and my landlord.

im only 24, and i'm ready to be done. not having kids, missed out on a career because i was fundie homeschooled, never had gf/bf, or anyone who really cared about me. even my mom doesn't talk much to me anymore, said the only reason i exist is to show off god's wrath and test her faith.

i don't have the writing ability to get across how much pain i'm in right now

>> No.16281271

c's pronunciation should be changed from see to six, and b's pronunciation should be changed from bee to twenty. So when you say "abc," a common shorthand of the full alphabet, it sounds like "a twenty six." This way you can immediately know the Latin alphabet consists of a set of twenty six letters.

>> No.16281294


>> No.16281298

Actually yeah. I mean you could argue it's better to not kill yourself at all, but if you absolutely feel a need to do it, then do it discreetly and without flair. And I don't mean killing yourself in the sense of euthanasia, if you're going to die anyway by all means do it in a way that comes to terms emotionally and meaningfully with those you care about. I'm talking about you just can't bear to live because your hatred of life has reached a searing boiling point.

Then yes, kill yourself alone, leave a note or recording explaining your reasons, and go off into the the woods and watch your final sunset before doing it. That's how to renounce your life honorably.

>> No.16281437

here did my suic
idal thoughts go to

>> No.16281731

i.e basically they do nothing other than pretend to care about people's problems, but we really really really had to come up with some bullshit convoluted explanation to justify our jobs.

>> No.16281856

Sounds lame af. Blowing myself up in a hospital and scarring some people emotionally sounds much cooler desu. And to be real they'll probably eventually as a result do the same and the cycle will be complete

>> No.16281897

I feel this
the world is very demoralising

>> No.16281992

Start a niche sport. I picked up fencing and made a decent social circle from scratch just from that.

>> No.16282014

Helping the sick doesn't help them at all it only makes them more sick. This retarded leper with sores all over wouldn't shut up with all the begging and I had to lean down and explain to him like a child that medical treatment would actually make his condition worse.

It's really amazing the mental hoops lepers will jump through to make themselves to believe that their leprosy isn't a result of their laziness and lack of motivation.

>> No.16282266

It's no secret to me that I am addicted, horribly dependant, on thinking. I don't know exactly how this started, but as I grew older, I began to live more and more in my head than in reality. And how could you blame me? In the infinitude of the cortex, there are no limits, no rules; you can be anything or anybody you want to be. A king one second and a gangster the next.

Perhaps then, my addiction to videogames was actually the consciousness' attempt to find real world attachment to reside within- but that's a thought for another time.

As I lived more and more in my head, and relegated complete control of my body over to the subconscious, two things happened. Firstly, my very own subconscious began to resent me in its isolation. The two spheres of consciousness separated over time, and I lost any sense of self. I look at my body these days like a disgusting stranger- it's not mine, this body built more through neglect than any conscious effort. This I feel is also the reason for my fascination when looking at the mirror- I ask myself, is that me? And cannot truthfully say yes. My real self has always dwelt in my head, so my current body is not my own, just stale clay.

The second more horrifying effect of the separation of body and mind was that I've lost touch with all feeling, and now when I do feel its because this tsunami has risen up from the deep subconscious to drown me, and I am momentarily at its mercy. The regular ups and downs still exist, but so distantly.

>> No.16282286

In the past month or so, the subconscious made me aware that until now, the dreamworld that I've lived in my entire life was not real, and therefore, neither am I. What I do feel right now is a restless desire to prove once more that I exist, and so to bring my mind back into the present.

Meditation is so interesting to me since I would describe it as a brief recombination of the conscious and subconscious, and its funny that my conscious seems to resist it with every ounce of its being, desperately trying to return back to its non-reality.

>> No.16282494

What are we even striving towards? What is there even to hope for? It's hard to keep yourself together when you have nothing to look forward to.
I wish I were the same, but it makes me all the more disagreeable.

>> No.16283007

Just spent reading about the Elisa Lam mystery all over again. That video just creeps me the hell out, and just the thought of her climbing into the water tank and drowning makes me almost cry. Even though I believe that it was an accident and she's having a manic episode in the elevator video it makes me so deeply unsettled it still leaves me shaken up.

>> No.16283293

synchronicities synchronicities synchronicities

all of the time

everything i think corresponds to memories of people dug into my brain like water through mud. the river grows and grows and I see these faces everywhere. the eternal audience for which i owe my anxiety.

>> No.16283336

tomorrow is a new day, bro. you've got the freedom to decide what to do with your life

>> No.16283437

I shaved my pube beard to check if im still fugly without it.
Yeah, im still fugly clean shaven. Being chinlet and jawlet is such a misery.

>> No.16283549

Just read about Cantor's theorem. Was set theory a mistake?

>> No.16283742

higher studies are insanely boring

>> No.16283816

Dear God
Please let me get this job
I would really appreciate it
I want to be a functioning member of society again
Please God
Praise jesus
That's what people say right
I believe
I'm a believer
Please let me get this job
Thank you eternal one
Keep doing what you're doing
Kind regards,
Your faithful servant

>> No.16283818

good luck

>> No.16283824

youll get it you just need to get on your knees and say stuff like this to yourself every night and really try to believe

>> No.16284045

bless you anon

>> No.16284088
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>all this cowardice and just going along the path of least resistance
>there are fags here insecure about being the least different from the norm

Instead of living, you want to avoid death and suffering, and you arrive at the foolish understanding that this is life. What the fuck is even the reason for why you are alive? To do what is expected of you?
Everyone in here always pretends to be such a contrarian and counter-culture, that they are somehow above society - but at the end of the day, you are constantly looking behind your back, as if there was somebody constantly looking at how you live and judging it. Boo-fucking-hoo, at the end of the day every single one of you wants to be an identical normie.

Have the courage to be an individual, please. Don't let culture and the environment shape you, live in your own world, by your own rules. Be shameless enough so your legs will stop shaking, and you will be able to walk.

>> No.16284124


Thank you anons :) I appreciate your support. Peace + love

>> No.16284141


>> No.16284199

Last night I dreamt that I was in a time loop, where violent things would happen- a path with a low wooden fence, a body of water to one side. A building at the top- things would happen, and I'd loop back randomly- I'm not really remembering things that happened, but they were violent, as they always are.

I knew, intrinsically, that other people were experiencing the same thing, but they were happening parallel to my experiences.

And then I became aware, intellectually, that everything that was happening was impossible. People couldn't go back in time. It just didn't happen. There were no such things as monsters, magic rings didn't exist, growing from the ground like weeds. Demons didn't roam the forests, people weren't trying to kill me-

and I fucking freaked out, because it was happening, it was actually happening to me, but it must be a delusion, right? How deep could a delusion go, that everything I was feeling, seeing, hearing, was wrong? How could I get out? What was I really doing? Was I living a completely different life, divorced from my body? Was I hurting people? How could I possibly escape? Did I even want to?

And then a woman in a dark red suit appeared, hands clasped, smiling at me, and told me I was a subject of a psychological study, were they put me in a VR set, with a group of army guys and other people, but when I went in, the HUD disappeared, and the guys just turned a corner and vanished by the time I caught up. I forgot I was in VR.

But there was something ominous about the woman, as if she was lying. Was she trying to trick me? How could VR do something like that?

>> No.16284207

Do you think it's weird to date a girl who has recently ended a kinda long relationship?

>> No.16284449

>What the fuck is even the reason for why you are alive?
I honestly dont know. It all seems like a cruel destinys joke. I couldnt even tell to myself what kind of person i am.

>> No.16284456

Depends on how long it's been since they broke up.

>> No.16284463

It's weird to court a girl who has had another man period.

>> No.16284559

>I couldnt even tell to myself what kind of person i am.
That requires a lot of self reflection, and willingness to listen to other's feedback, even if you think it's wrong, or even offensive.

>> No.16284629

I can agree with whatever other person is saying as long as its negative. As for introspection, im not sure im doing it right.

>> No.16284685

~1 month

>> No.16284695

>As for introspection, im not sure im doing it right.
That depends on how you're doing it. Before anything else, you should try to figure out why you do things.

For example: I would piss off all my friends because I'd insist on picking all the music and I'd get mad when they wouldn't let me. I realized it was because I'm afraid of loss of control, and that I feel helpless if I think people are denying me my ability to decide things.

Which of course, I realized came from a moment in my childhood where I was separated from my mother, and realized that no matter how much I screamed, I couldn't do anything about it.

So, to combat my behavior, I say at the beginning what songs I can't stand and then let them choose. It helped a lot

>> No.16284708

I sense potential in this post, because it feels the start of a cyclical stream-of-consciousness yarn. If you lure the reader into chasing the tempting chain of questions, they'll end up reading the whole thing almost in a trance.

Depends on whether the opportunity was more for your own gain than hers. If she prompted it, that's within her self-agency.

>> No.16284712

>I sense potential in this post, because it feels the start of a cyclical stream-of-consciousness yarn. If you lure the reader into chasing the tempting chain of questions, they'll end up reading the whole thing almost in a trance.
thank you very much, but it's not a story

>> No.16284795

Even so, do consider stream-of-consciousness prose writing, even as a lark. Could be a hidden talent.


There was an old Kickstarter project I donated to known as Net Gain. One of the hidden threats in its technologically advanced setting was Synaptic Separation Syndrome, where its victims would completely lose their awareness to the physical world and effectively become veggies that forget how to breathe (and thus asphyxiate).

Then I remembered an old anime known as Re:Creators, where fictional characters appear in real life and seek out their creators.

I shudder to think about how fictional diseases conjured in flights of fancy would wreak chaos if they also "became real". Right up there with GUILT from Trauma Center and Oripathy from Arknights.

>> No.16284810

Cantor's great. Most of the people who are any good with anything involving circles are fucking nuts.

>> No.16284939

I guess that makes sense. Introspection really helped me with crossdressing - once i realized that it was an act of being something else than me, i just dropped it completely. However it doesnt help with core personality issues as not knowing who i am.

>> No.16284975
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Belle Delphine is the perfect definition of a succubus. I saw some of her videos earlier this week and that motivated me to chase some pussy this weekend. Gosh, I wish I was rich so I could fuck her.

>> No.16285016

Yes I want to kill myself everyday.

>> No.16285957

Christ is most perfect form of both Logic and the Greek Ideals. Living an ascetic lifestyle he could conceptualize the world truthfully and see true societal problems.

The past experiences of the Jews, as well as the future desires of the poor and broken-hearted were the core of his Christ Consciousness.

With that understanding he was willing to give himself to the cause through self determination, limiting himself by the cross, just as we are limited by mortality, just as we are limited to the correct procedure to solve a problem.

This is all in Plato's Republic as well.

>> No.16286133

>Depends on whether the opportunity was more for your own gain than hers. If she prompted it, that's within her self-agency.
That's sane advice.
I was the one initiating it and I like the girl. It's more weird for her than for me anyway..

>> No.16286210

If you are the type to go on a month s.r., you should drop this thinking.
'It's ok to fail' is important to know. People who get over addiction and bad behaviour are ones who tolerate their losses and don't relapse on their first stumble.

>> No.16286288

Haven't had a good nights sleep the past three nights. I exercise and read a good amount before bed to relax me. What am I doing wrong bros?

>> No.16286403

why yes I do love making a good first impression then gradually disappointing and losing touch with potential long term friends

>> No.16286754

delete this right fucking now

>> No.16286767

i don't remember making this post

>> No.16286886

>I found that one of the leaders was spying on me and secretly trying to get me to incriminate myself.
You can't just write something like that then proceed to not give the slightest detail about it.

>> No.16286897

I'm currently reading a biography of Isaac Newton. I'm 35 and have accomplished nothing, I feel really inadequate.

>> No.16286908

you think this is bad? I'm 36

>> No.16287197

Im only 28 yet im past the point of no return.

>> No.16287439

Thanks God I haven't reached that point yet.

>> No.16287578

I'll write about it in the next thread

>> No.16287694

Next thread could be in like a week.
I might be dead by then.

>> No.16287877

The best paring knife is saved for my flesh only

>> No.16288031

99% percent of people are not like isaac newton. stop crying and finally do something that really fulfills you.

>> No.16288091


>> No.16288643

>1% of people are like Isaac Newton
Anon, I...