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File: 3 KB, 500x500, semicolon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16258042 No.16258042 [Reply] [Original]

I hope none of my fellow /lit/izens consort with the Orthographic Jew

>> No.16258259
File: 60 KB, 450x302, Marisa spaghetti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Orthographic Jew
The what now?

>> No.16258285

The perfidious, currency-debasing, talmudic sorcerer of the arcane markings we term writing: the semicolon.

>> No.16258290


>> No.16258292

oh, you use semicolons? is that because you like to get semi-hard in another man's colon?

>> No.16258304

i like it and use it a lot; its just like /, but lit

>> No.16258341

You are the very wretch I had in mind, your uncapitalized initial word and omitted period feigning nonchalant indiscretion, already a horrid creature, your pretension is only further underscored by the addition of the disgusting and pointless semicolon. Already I see your beetlelike mind creeping its beady beetlelike thoughts, 'heh maybe I will repost his sentence but with a semicolon' no! No you will not.

>> No.16258543

>thinks reading 40k made him a good writer
Maybe you shouldn't give other anons writing advice.

>> No.16258663
File: 187 KB, 1200x1200, 1598458930572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the semicolon is literally the gigachad of punctuation marks

>> No.16258671

I don't know what 40k is but I'm just shitposting

>> No.16258683


>> No.16259042
File: 102 KB, 1080x1331, OFJy8yiZ6GoqKSLnBvozq3sJBGLyGNIoTTMbHqYkRTQ[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so I'm pretty well read and I've been composing a manuscript for a while now and just yesterday i went to read McCarthy's Vanity Fair interview and there's a quip about semicolons so I dug a little deeper and found this.

"Americans have long regarded the semi-colon with suspicion, as a genteel, self-conscious, neither-one-thing-nor-the other sort of punctuation mark, with neither the butchness of a full colon nor the flighty promiscuity of the comma. Hemingway, Chandler and Stephen King wouldn’t be seen dead in a ditch with a semi-colon (though Truman Capote might). Real men, goes the unwritten rule of American punctuation, don’t use semi-colons."[16] In his book titled A Man Without a Country, Kurt Vonnegut writes: "Semicolons are transvestite hermaphrodites representing absolutely nothing. All they do is show you've been to college."

Right on the fucking wikipedia article for semicolon. I knew that the great American writers tended to eschew punctuation in general but I had no idea that semicolons were so sacrilegious. I also thought they were kino but now I have to go and replace all of those those virgin semicolons with chad conjunctions.

>> No.16259265

memes aside look at this use of the semicolon and colon:
Neither out of doors could aught of him be seen or heard; he had vanished in the thickets, in the dusk; the Orchard-gate stood quietly closed: the Stranger was gone once and always.

>> No.16259912

Semicolons are based and cute; I love Semicolons!

>> No.16259935


>> No.16260141

However, you could use semi-colons sparingly. Isn't; that; right; Jack.

>> No.16260172

You blithering fags — we all know what supreme sentence severer is.

>> No.16260192
File: 108 KB, 715x895, DB048A2D-7AA6-42E6-9A98-5D5BC5C066FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes; I love semi-colons; how could you tell?
Based and redpilled

>> No.16260205


>> No.16260244

I once had an English teacher mark every single semicolon I used in a paper as being incorrect, but never explained to me the correct usage of it.

>> No.16260251

i have no idea how to use a semi-colon so i always put it into my writing under the assumption no one else knows how to use it. and i hope, when they see how i use them,they think i know what im doing,and they learn to use them incorrectly.

>> No.16260566

The only time I consider using them is in lists with commas in the members. Otherwise it just feels unnecessary.

>> No.16260633

Reminder that the only people who hate semicolons are the people too stupid to use them correctly.

>> No.16260665

You seem to have made an error; there is no correct way to use a semicolon because they are pointless.

>> No.16260688

You use them to link two related sentences
>I can't use it; I don't know how.
Or to separate lists where it could otherwise be confusing
>The train stops in Paris, and in Lyon, in France; in Brussels, in Belgium; in Rotterdam, and, in Amsterdam, in the Netherlands.

>> No.16260712

I use them daily

>> No.16260715

I draft with it

>> No.16261120

Is it ok if I use them just for note-taking in lectures especially in a STEM field

>> No.16261188

Actually, semicolons can give a sense for the breath/cadence/form of a sentence; and provide a clearer picture of a how sentence may be read; so as to optimize the potential a reader will have read the sentence in mind like the author intended. not that i dont just find them pleasing to use as well

>> No.16261203
File: 101 KB, 856x1172, Carlyle T..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously Op hasn't read Carlyle.

>> No.16261238

I literally quoted Carlyle in this thread you fag

>> No.16261799

>How hideous is the semicolon.
Beckett, Watt

>> No.16261805

Did you expect me to read every post in the thread? Nevertheless Carlyle's constant use of the semicolon and his ingenious working of punctuation blasts op's question out of any further consideration.

>> No.16262851

greeks use what you call a semicolon as a question mark and as a semicolon they use a single upper dot ·

why the based antisemitism;;;

>> No.16263056

>Who the fuck is Watt Beckett?

>> No.16263107

>virgin baby comma , vs GIGA CHAD BIG COMMA ;

>> No.16263809

Sorry, I cannot italicise on 4channel. / Retard.

>> No.16264177

Before the internet, in the long ago times, people would indicate italics by _using underscores either side of the italicized text_. You still see it sometimes on the internet, but most people don't remember the time of typewriters to know where it comes from. You can also use asterisks. If you want to indicate bold face, then you double the underscores or asterisks.

>> No.16264405

This; you're a beta, OP.

>> No.16264430

Right. Thank. It's only not a very common practice, here, to treat (to-be-italicised) book titles thus.