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16257395 No.16257395 [Reply] [Original]

In your opinion, what is the most beautiful book in the Bible?

>> No.16257404

the one with the violence and stuff

>> No.16257407
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Romans. It brings to end the nonsense that is human autonomous will.

>> No.16257410

I'm a big fan of acts or Romans.

Both center around Paul. Paul is the equivalent of James Bond during biblical times. He was ship wrecked, imprisoned, bucked off of a horse, on the run and even converted ((them)).

He was most likely a Chad with his charisma and athleticism. Romans could get a little long winded since he reiterates so much but I guess it helps people who are forgetful.

I'm about to start Genesis.

>> No.16257419

>when zoomers review old books

>> No.16257422


>> No.16257445
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The psalms all day every day. But only in the 1534 luther translation.

By far my Favorite part is this one:
>Ob bey uns ist der sünden vil,
bey Got ist vil mer gnaden.

>> No.16257470

>being on 4chan older than generation zoom.

Buy a home millennial.

>> No.16257475

No excuse to be on 4chan if you're over 22

>> No.16257510

>using a picture for a bible cover
This makes me irrationally angry.

>> No.16257708

Why? This edition looks more like it’s for literary/academic interest than religious.

>> No.16257788
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Chronicles 1&2

>> No.16257810
File: 113 KB, 600x498, Job.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It should be said that almost all biblical poetry, because it is formally based in part on semantic parallelism, is driven to search for synonyms. No other biblical poet, however, exhibits the virtuosity in the command of rich synonymity that is displayed by the Job poet. He compounds the primary term hoshekh, “darkness,” with tsalmawet, “death’s shadow,” ʿananah, “cloud-mass,” the unique kimrirey yom, “day-gloom” (or, perhaps, “eclipse”), ʾofel, “murk,” and a series of verbs that indicate a befouling, obscuring, or shutting down of light. The extraordinary breadth of the Job poet’s vocabulary is one of the traits that has led some scholars to imagine a foreign source for the poem, but this is a rather silly inference. There are poets in many literary traditions whose imagination and relation to language lead them to stretch the lexical limits of their medium—one might think of Shakespeare, Mallarmé, and Wallace Stevens—and the writer who fashioned the poetry of Job was clearly such a poet. This is another reason for his being drawn to tap Aramaic, as a resource that enables him to extend the reach of his vocabulary (the just cited kimrirey is the first instance in the poem of an Aramaic root Hebraized in order to enrich the poet’s lexicon).

>The English reader should be warned that this dazzling lexical abundance has created problems first for the ancient scribes and then for all who have attempted to translate this book. Scribes in general are uneasy about transcribing words with which they are unfamiliar, and as a result they tend to substitute terms they know or otherwise to introduce some graphic stutter in copying the text. This is at least one principal reason that the text of Job has come down to us at many points quite garbled, making interpretation a matter of guesswork and repeatedly inviting emendation. But when a whole line or sequence of lines of poetry has been completely mangled in transmission, efforts to recover the original formulation through emendation are bound to be highly conjectural. The present translation therefore for the most part limits itself to relatively minor emendations of the received text—changes of single letters, reversals of consonants, alterations of the vowel-points that indicate the vocalization of words—and these changes are undertaken with a somewhat greater measure of confidence when they are warranted by a variant Hebrew manuscript or by one of the ancient translations. Moreover, even when the integrity of the text appears not to have been compromised, the precise meaning of a rare term can remain in doubt, as is the case for kimrirey in Job’s initial poem. In these instances, a struggling translator can rely only on context, common sense, an awareness of analogous forms and usages in biblical Hebrew and sometimes in rabbinic Hebrew, and the background of other Semitic languages, with Aramaic obviously being by far the most relevant.

>> No.16257878

I like to fuck edgy ugly socially isolated young men who are 20 years old.

>> No.16257881

Paul was a repellent shyster who was always bitching about not being treated fairly by the original followers of Jesus. He was a parasite that glommed on the early Christian movement and tried to make it about himself. Worst character ever.

>> No.16257888
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>romans 2

>> No.16257890

>He was most likely a Chad
Paul was literally a deformed mutant. He compared himself to an abortion.

>> No.16257894

I'm only on Chronicles 2 at the moment, but I think I'd pick Judges as my favorite book so far.

>> No.16257916

I'd love to see the Wordsworth Classics version. A depiction of Noah drunk and naked with his son would be kino.

>> No.16257950

The Psalms

>> No.16257962

4 Ezra (aka 2 Esdras)

>> No.16257972

Wisdom of Solomon.
Reveals the truth.

>> No.16258182
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They already made one, anon

>> No.16258264

First Samuel, Micah, or Job.

>> No.16258431

Psalms, Ecclesiastes, Job, Proverbs, The Gospels, Revelations

Psalms specifically is gorgeous

>> No.16258619

John because it features the 'I am's

>> No.16258676
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Matthew because it is the most significant book in the New Testament.