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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 760 KB, 1600x2560, Book Cover Design.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16255778 No.16255778 [Reply] [Original]

Wrote a book explaining the meaning of life and our existence. Read it on amazon and save your depression: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08H184FYZ

>> No.16255947

Can you go over some main points and arguments? The cover looks like shit.

>> No.16255970

what do you mean the cover looks like shit?

>> No.16255994
File: 1.06 MB, 1600x2549, 1598880547525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, for example.

>> No.16255995

It's a tract, 5000 words, it has all the points in it. I'll put it for free for a couple of days, the main point is as i said, it explains life.

>> No.16256003

Bro that cover is fire

>> No.16256062
File: 229 KB, 1200x1920, wg2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This tract is dense and shocking and for its size it took a lot of pain and suffering in order to come to be on the publisher shelves.
Anon, you're begging on Amazon, nobody is going to buy your schizo shit for $12. There are 50K novels that sell for less than that. Your description doesn't tell me anything about your book, save for the fact that it's written by a narcissist.

>> No.16256159

My description claims that i had figured out the meaning of life, if you are too dense to get that i can't help you.

>> No.16256171

and also it's 9.99 not 12 i don't know who's the delusional one here. Tbh if somebody were selling the book to the meaning of life for 9.99$ is not a bad price.

>> No.16256182

Those 50k piles of dogshit were probably shitty sex romances written by women.

>> No.16256183

>implying there is a meaning
>implying life needs explaining
Though it's amazing to ask 10 bucks for 5k words. Did anyone who isn't friend or family fall for it yet?

>> No.16256198

Kek, reminds me of
>Y'all think it's bougie, I'm like, it's fine
>But I'm tryin' to give you a million dollars worth of game for $9.99
Although unlike Jay-Z there is no reason for anyone to take you seriously.

>> No.16256214

It's your loss square, somebody else would read it. I'm putting it for free in a couple of hours for a buncha days.

>> No.16256217

Fuck friends and family though. This is for those who want to be enlightened by Prometheus.

>> No.16256237

>implying life needs explaining
Don't you think that pentagram implies more to the whole story?

>> No.16256269

Indeed, it implies the author would take stuff like that seriously, which lowers the already minuscule chance he could offers us anything.

>> No.16256276

you wouldn't know square.

>> No.16256309

And I'm not the one selling a book about it. Since you do, you could do a better job convincing people you know what you're talking about it.

>> No.16256311

I'll offer a sneak peek: In the book i talk about how women are worthless trash but usable objects and how society right now is rotten to the core. But i do this with cutting edge rationale so its not just emotional hate spewing and i also discovered a secret technique that unlocks your ultra-instinct.

>> No.16256340

So you want people to pay you 10 bucks to read /r9k/ bitching? Pretty based.

>> No.16256343

What is this? A Dragon Ball /r9k/ fanfic?

>> No.16256348

No i said i do it with cutting edge rationale, so there's a conclusion to it, it ain't bitching square.

>> No.16256350

This is real life cuh.

>> No.16256421

Then act like it is.

>> No.16256449

I'm too advanced for you bruh, you operate on a 2 dimensional plane, meanwhile i'm on the fifth.

>> No.16256464

And yet you can't use this to convince anyone to take you and your r9k circlejerk seriously. Doesn't it make you think?

>> No.16256480

I don't need to convince nobody, i'm no simp, i'm straight Pimping.

>> No.16256486

Circlejerk? You haven't even read it lmao.

>> No.16256525

I read the Preface. I do not say this to be mean, but you are delusional and should seek help.
On a more constructive note, you will have stronger writing if you remove "i think" or "i guess" from pretty much everywhere. Lines such as "But i think we have reached a point in human history..." probably express your meaning more if you just assert "We have reached a point in human history...". It's also just redundant to include these kinds of phrases in an essay-like format, since as the reader we assume that everything the author is writing they also think. Personally I am not a fan of phrases such as "If you had money back in the day..." since this is vague and informal. Maybe this thought could be rephrased as something similar to "Prior to the Information Age, knowledge and the ability to experience other cultures was achievable only to those with the means to afford it" which is a little more mature. Or you could do a comparison on how the Internet has done "1000x more for the spread of information than even Gutenberg's printing press" (to ground yourself with a historical reference). You might find more engaging writing if you present ideas that the reader might hold / respect and shoot them down. I.e. Nietzsche says "God is dead" and it's very provocative. Or if you want you could use a rhetorical question to explore your topic. Your cover is also a bit of a mess, it is painful to look at red on top of a pattern that uses shades of red/orange. Looking at the cover from my kindle (where there is just shades of black/white) actually makes it look a bit better. I think a solid color like black with the pentagram in the foreground would be simpler and easier to look at. Additionally, the title might be easier to look at if it was on top of a box with a different background, since right now it blends into the bg.

>> No.16256560

The cover is meant to look extravagant, i want it to shine and i don't like the idea of turning simple phrases like i can't into "i'm unable to can" just to look like i can write or some weird shit. It's not about the writing in this tract, its about what i have discovered and my true genuine thoughts, because i think everybody is fake nowadays, trying to make everything florid and pointless, i like to write something as raw as possible which is the point of my work.

>> No.16256573

>You might find more engaging writing if you present ideas that the reader might hold / respect and shoot them down. I.e. Nietzsche says "God is dead" and it's very provocative.

I'm not trying to be provocative or anything else, and i don't care to make anything the way anyone likes it, this is just my whole life philosophy into one tract, think of it what you will senpai.

>> No.16256588

a pentagram is supposed to look red.

>> No.16256589
File: 37 KB, 398x376, 1595192133848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In this tract i elaborate and summarize the meaning of our existence, using discoveries i have made through much peril i offer never before seen or read perspectives on the grand scheme of humanity.

>> No.16256604
File: 21 KB, 600x315, 1595539737401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The book is just a collection of /r9k/ screenshots

>> No.16256624

The book was written by an Ubermensch.

>> No.16256674

I understand a pentagram is supposed to look red. I am saying that similar colors on top of each other is not very pleasant on my eyes. I am not very good at graphic design though so feel free to ignore my opinion.

I am not saying to turn simple phrases into complicated ones. I am saying to trim the superfluous statements like "i think" from your writing so we can get more directly TO what you think. I am saying to avoid vague/cliche phrases without giving them more substance.

If you're writing for yourself then that is fine. I am only trying to offer you a perspective that you cannot have: as a reader who does not know anything going on in your head other than the words you give me. I had assumed that if you were writing then you were wanting other people to understand/engage your work. I wanted to let you know that your work was not very interesting just because you say "everyone before me is dumb, i have the answers!"

>> No.16256692

Starting tomorrow its free, lets see you talk trash then.

>> No.16256712

Why has no one done it yet? Should be easy to fill a novel with incel ramblings. One could sell it as unfiltered insight into the minds of young white males.

>> No.16256714

Well obviously the whole book cannot be concluded based on just a preface, the fun starts afterwards. The tract is short, and its meant to be taken in one gulp in order to make sense wholly.
> I am saying to trim the superfluous statements like "i think" from your writing so we can get more directly TO what you think.
the whole book is not filled with those, i would say most of the book is rather direct.

>> No.16256730

This is the most based book in existence, i don't know about these incels but you can get an unfiltered insight into my mind.

>> No.16256764

I like how people can fall for scamfags like that LondonReal guy and donate thousands of dollars on the promise that he builds a free of censorship broadcasting website like Youtube, but they are extremely skeptical of a guy claiming he wrote a book explaining the meaning of existence and he's selling that for a fair price of 9.99$.

>> No.16256809

Scamming ain't easy. The scammer has to establish a persona one can trust.

>> No.16256821

I ain't a persona, i'm real like my book that actually exists and is for sale and will be in print for a few days, meanwhile that fag sold an "idea" begged for donations like a bum.

>> No.16256826

Looking forward to unlocking my ultra-instinct.

>> No.16256846

yeah senpai u'r covered for life.

>> No.16256860

12:00 AM, PDT

>> No.16256888

>i talk about how women are worthless trash but usable objects and how society right now is rotten to the core
awww, sweatie, self-awareness isn't your strong suit, is it?

>> No.16256912

>I'm not trying to be provocative or anything else

>The cover is meant to look extravagant, i want it to shine

>> No.16256966

Shut up bitch.

>> No.16256975

Your book cover has to look enticing, that is what its purpose is, as regards to the text i wanna be as genuine as possible, try again.

>> No.16257022

Looks like it isn't. This is easy!

>> No.16257031

Since when did squares have taste?

>> No.16257300

Where's your self-published 5k word schizo post then, anon?

>> No.16257353

Criticizing something you haven't read, ain't that a sight. Sounds like the voice in your head is giving you presumptions.

>> No.16257485

>i talk about how women are worthless trash but usable objects and how society right now is rotten to the core
ain't that a sight. Sounds like the voice in your head is giving you retarded ideas.

>> No.16257494

>implying OP even has an inner voice
Ain't that a sight.

>> No.16257509

i don't know who's clueless to the simp epidemic here, me or you?

>> No.16257517

inner voices are for fags.

>> No.16257686

Does your tract delve into your idea of an ideal or, at least, improved society? Or do you stick to detailing its failures and how the individual can improve himself within the system?
If you've cut your thoughts on this from the tract to keep it brief, would you mind writing about it here?

>> No.16258224

It does delve within an ideal and towards an improved society as a whole. But the focus is, instead of improving the society, its entirely on the individual. By discovering a certain state of mind on my own i have realized that the benefits we will get as a whole, if we were all to practice it would be extremely immense. The second part too, its about how the individual can improve within the system and the system itself as a consequence, for the system is just an abstract, in essence its a bunch of individuals working together.

>> No.16258351

You're a fucking moron and your complete lack of self awareness suggests extreme mental illness. No intelligent person would ever take this bullshit seriously.

>> No.16258375

implying you are intelligent.

>> No.16258386

my snot has more character than you