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16255646 No.16255646 [Reply] [Original]

Any architecture enthusiasts on /lit/?

I'm just getting started. Trying to read The ten books of architecture but it just feels like im reading a bunch of useless stuff to just say 'lmao they really thought this shit' and i'm not really getting anywhere.

Also read Towards a new architecture and ended thinking LeCorbusier was just a lazy faggot that who could'nt come up with roof ideas so he just said fuck it.

>> No.16255674

Read Critical Regionalism: Six Points for an Architecture of Resistance.

>> No.16255747
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>*crosses your path*
I know of no architect who has not read it, she understood her demographic.
In terms of architecture non-fiction, I just bought a compilation of an obscure canadian who has some good modern/brutalist stuff.

>> No.16255770
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Follow some based trad architecture twitter accounts

>> No.16255793

>follow a bunch of these
>100% passive aggressive nostalgia posting and occasionally the guy liking anti-Semitic posts or hot takes from racist burner accounts
I don’t mind either of these things but at this point these Western aesthetics ‘promoters’ seem to be more damage to their message than anybody else

>> No.16255819

They're all retards that don't know a lick about the discipline. They do provide some amusement though when real architects stumble upon their retarded threads and proceed to school them

>> No.16255872
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>disease of modernism
Yeah, modernism is the disease...

>> No.16255889

Any good books on traditional architecture? All architectural trends post-WW2 are sickening.

>> No.16255944

See >>16255770
Basically, all you gotta know is that there's 2 schools of architecture: traditionalism, which was invented by the ancient greeks, and is based and good; and modernism, which was invented by the jews, and is cringe and bad. To make a building traditional, you have to add greek columns and gothic spires to it. The more columns and spires a building has, the more trad and based and good it is.

>> No.16255969

>To make a building traditional, you have to add greek columns and gothic spires to it. The more columns and spires a building has, the more trad and based and good it is.
Lmao, how can one answer be so subtle and correct, yet also disgusting and loud.

>> No.16255976

fuck off
your picture doesn't even come close to represent what modern architecture has done to europe and the usa but also china and so forth.

everything looks the same. everything is just big cubes with some windows. skyscrapers dont Impress anyone anymore. the whole architecture of cities and streets is a manifestatfion of the modern fascistic global-economic jewery.

>> No.16255979

>just a lazy faggot that who could'nt come up with roof ideas so he just said fuck it.
Try Death and Life of Great American Cities as antidote. Also get Frampton's Modern Architecture

>> No.16255989

Strangely accurate.

>> No.16256031

>constrews modernism with consumerism
Every goddamn time, just go be a good goy and draw neoclassical or build a walmart

>> No.16256088
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You mean there's more to architecture than plain concrete blocks and flat roofs ?
Have I been lied to all along my three years studying architecture?

>> No.16256117

You don't need to read books, unless it's to learn history of architecture. The best advice I can think of is to study floorplans and how they flow.

But also read From Bauhaus to Our House just for kicks.

>> No.16256128

In Praise of Shadow is fantastic.

It's not really the fault of architects. Sure, there's autistic weirdos who suck Le Corbusier's cock, but architects only design what they're paid to design. They don't really get a choice. If the guy paying the architect wants a large overpriced steel and glass rectangle so he can sell a lucrative series of repair contracts to whatever dumbass buys it from him, its not the architect's fault for making the overpriced steel and glass rectangle. Ultimately, the fault lies in Liberalism's prevention of political homeostasis. There are no cities, just urban economic zones. There are no communities, just clusters of Machines For Living.

The redditors in this thread are just reactionary retards and can safely be ignored, even they don't actually like Donald Trump: The Architecture, they just want to earn upcummies for holding the Right Opinions.

>> No.16256160
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>Ultimately, the fault lies in Liberalism's prevention of political homeostasis

>> No.16256948
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Lack of taste coming from clients is the thing. You can't really blame a rich cunt for wanting a house that looks as pristine as his tesla car, at the end of the day we've forgotten the sublime by replacing it with "elegancy" and in the cases where the sublime wants to be present they just resort to see who can build the highest mirror possible.

>> No.16257126

See I have no problem with architecture, be it byzantine, gothic, or brutal, it just has to be monumental and do interesting things with light and proportion. It's almost as if decadence can lead to the deterioration of sublimity. The Maya used to make pyramids whose shadows and light were of advanced mathematical proportion and astrological significance, now we have tin facades with mismanaged windows. If architecture reflects the state of the mytic in a society, then we are almost devoid of it.

>> No.16257149
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>casually mogs all other buildings ever
nothing personnel kid

>> No.16257225
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Anyone read Thermal Delight in Architecture by Lisa Heschong? I was interested in architectural elements for HVAC and my professor recommended me this book.

Also, post modernism/brutalism/current trends in architecture

>> No.16257236

>it just feels like im reading a bunch of useless stuff to just say 'lmao they really thought this shit' and i'm not really getting anywhere
seems like a fair assessment

>> No.16257240

this was supposed to be an epic own, but nothing you said was wrong

>> No.16257265

Architecture dropout here: architects are just a bunch of circle jerking fags who jack off if a window is triangular shaped instead of rectangular but they are getting paid for building cheapest and ugliest solutions. They blow off Zaha Hadid while build Lego-style buildings. You mentioned LeCorbusier: his "masterpiece" (Ville Savoye) had many building flaws and owners were pissed because they couldn't live in it.
Architecture is just "beautiful" engeneering (who btw make all the hard work making those damn building stand).
Nature and ancient buildings made with local materials are what is truly beautiful imho.

>> No.16257272

>The more columns and spires a building has, the more trad and based and good it is.

>> No.16257346
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>> No.16257415
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You have only understood architecture the day you can see the beauty in brutalism. I recommend you to go at it with naivety. Visit the actual buildings instead of just pictures. Go with an open heart that is ready to see the beauty. Do not try to rationalize architecture, just see what gets to you and then find more of that.

>> No.16257430

I can see the beauty in it I just don't think it's that impressive. I really doubt that 1000 years from now brutalism will be remembered like the great religious architectural styles.The materials used are also not enduring like hard stone is.

>> No.16257438

Who is this aimed at?

>> No.16257455

need the third one where the american ZOGbot golem looks at Notre Dame and says "boring, needs diversity, too white, what does it even mean to be "french" anyways"

>> No.16257458

Does beauty always have to be built for eternity? To me, there‘s also beauty in fleetingness. Not to say that i do not find other architecture just as beautiful. I just find it sad what a bad rep brutalism always gets because it gets to me.

>> No.16257466
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>form and function should be separated

>> No.16257486

i like new and innovative Architecture

>> No.16257499

I fully agree.

>> No.16257512

No it doesn't, and I don't dislike all brutalism, for that matter nor do the common plebs. I find it a bit distasteful though when rich people mock the poor for not wanting to live in and around a giant concrete rectangles.

>> No.16257618

I am looking for books on Brutalism. I do not know much about architecture as a whole, but brutalist buildings for some reason are surprisingly filled with life to me (not all, of course, but many you would see in a series of photos aimed to highlight the style).

Which compilation was this?

>> No.16257762

If you are interested in learning about the history of architecture I would not recommend starting with treatises from Alberti, Palladio, Vitruvius and so on. Books on the history of architecture are more accessible in my opinion. A good place to start would be John Summerson's The Classical Language of Architecture, assuming you are interested in the development of western architecture.


He is quite effective at summarizing the trajectory of architecture thought and design in a way that reveals its continuity from the renaissance to the modern movement. The bibliography is a good resource. Peter Murray's Architecture of the Italian Renaissance and John Varriano's Italian Baroque and Rococo Architecture are potential follow-ups.

>> No.16257835

>Basically, all you gotta know is that there's 2 schools of architecture: traditionalism, which was invented by the ancient greeks, and is based and good; and modernism, which was invented by the jews, and is cringe and bad. To make a building traditional, you have to add greek columns and gothic spires to it. The more columns and spires a building has, the more trad and based and good it is.
Glorious. Dubs never lie. Anon you made me laugh, thank you.

I wish I could find something like that beautiful, it would make my life much better if I didn't hate any new building in my country built after 1950.

>They do provide some amusement though when real architects stumble upon their retarded threads and proceed to school them
Do you have a link for that?

>> No.16257947

Who are you quoting? I've said the opposite, maybe architects think that form and function should be separated (see Ville Savoye, beautiful but unfit for use)

>> No.16258012

Thanks dude definitely will be following this, aprecciated.

>> No.16258019

Architecture student here. First read read >>16257762

Then read Twenty Buildings Every Architecture Should Understand which is a great starting book for modern and contemporary architecture
Then read Kenneth Frampton's Modern Architecture

If you liked what you read, then you should read the classics like treatises because they are not easy or engaging reads.

>> No.16258301

>"disease of modernism"
>bunch of dystopian-looking concrete turds
Cringe and bugmanpilled.

>> No.16258587
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The architect is Arthur Erickson. This Brutal World is a good brutalist compilation.
I think you're right in some sense, that brutalism pales because it lacks the spiritual quality of other monumental architecture. However, in a non-spiritual age, brutalism is probably the best (not of "our time" because it's over) modernity has to offer.

>> No.16258600

Lol... That is modernism fucking retard. Reactionaries squealed and shit themselves in rage over the skyscrapers.

>> No.16258656

>the best (not of "our time" because it's over) modernity has to offer.
Gaudí tho. Plus art nouveau.

>> No.16258680

>art nouveau
A hole in what I said, can one man constitute a movement?

>> No.16258693

Yes. Manrique too.

>> No.16258705

>does it again
Whew lad, I'm literally shaking

>> No.16258727

You can calm it once they lift restrictions and spend a few months in Barca and the islands.

>> No.16258770
File: 84 KB, 425x448, Coffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will save some shots and a cigar for you fren

>> No.16258798

bon amic es simpatic

>> No.16258809

I like the aesthetic of brutalism but I don't think it is beautiful

>> No.16258835

>my rocks stayed up the longest

>> No.16259012

pic 1: globohomo capitalist bullshit PLUS enslavement to vehicles
pic 2: globohomo capitalist BS

desu it is a big improvement

>> No.16259021

>But also read From Bauhaus to Our House just for kicks.
