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/lit/ - Literature

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16253912 No.16253912 [Reply] [Original]

Does reading help with loneliness? What do you do when you're lonely?

>> No.16253930

"When I am attacked by gloomy thoughts, nothing helps me so much as running to my books. They quickly absorb me and banish the clouds from my mind." -Michel de Montagne

>> No.16253937
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It keeps your mind busy with something so that you don’t worry about your loneliness so much. But don’t neglect human interaction. Books aren’t actual friend substitutes

>> No.16253943
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Big pretentious books that /lit/ likes to circlejerk about and girlfriend audio roleplays on youtube always help me out, anon

>> No.16253948
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>What do you do when you're lonely
I read the bible, because Jesus is always my friend

>> No.16253951

yes it helps. when i am feeling bad i have to start reading a book because everything else doesn't do as good of a job of getting me in someone else's perspective. this >>16253930
montaigne is goat

>> No.16253966

Many try discounting de Montaigne just because he pissed off a few people, but the man was centuries ahead of his time. So based, red-pilled and underrated that few others match him.

>> No.16253983

This is not even /lit/.
I tried making friends but I just feel indifferent to it. Like it's boring and pointless. All you do is exchange greetings, talk about some topic then compliment(fake) each other.

>> No.16254057
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>> No.16254099

I wish I looked like that

>> No.16254118

How would it be like to exist as a bit of cheap line art?

>> No.16254120
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It reminds me of my own anxiety ridden youth. Hard to take, but very well done.

>> No.16254124

Is this by the same cunt that did "Oh Maidens in your Savage Season"?
I talk with friends, cuddle my dog, or exercise. A healthy mind and a healthy body go hand in hand.

>> No.16254145
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Doesn’t look like it. Why? Is it yuri?

>> No.16254155

I forget if the author herself was a dyke, but Oh Maidens in your Savage Season is about teen girls in a literary club (ironic) discovering their sexuality, and you have girls that are seemingly disgusted by it, others that are curious, and of course, you have a dyke in the mix as well.

>> No.16254795
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Sorry OP

>> No.16254814

I have a very weird anxious feeling when I'm alone so it's difficult to sit and read most of the time.
So I watch yt and play tf2, and shitpost here.

>> No.16255605

science books cuz science can't break my heart nor abandon me

>> No.16255619

>All you do is exchange greetings, talk about some topic then compliment(fake) each other.
There is so much more to friendship. This reduction strips away all the things that make it worth it and leaves nothing but a indifferent husk that doesn't represent the strength of social bonds.
You've thrown away the baby and kept the bathwater.

>> No.16255623

Come to /lit/ and pretend shitposting frog posters are my friends

>> No.16255650

Hire a couch

>> No.16255657


I remind my self how heartless and cold the world is, and praise Jesus that they leave me alone today.

>> No.16256241

>ind my self how heartless and cold the world is
It just seems that way when you spend too much time here

>> No.16256332

Hello shizoposter. I would like you to know that the real world is soft but full of deception.