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16253824 No.16253824 [Reply] [Original]

>Where'd you go?
>I miss you so,
>Seems like it's been forever,
>That you've been gone,
>Please come back home

>> No.16253829

He was recently arrested with Kat of paperbackdreams at a BLM protest

>> No.16253925


>> No.16253929

Does he actually support blm or was it just a meme?

>> No.16253971

have yet to see a single iota of worthwhile material from this person. utter bore

>> No.16254189

>Alas! Alas! why did Pythagoras hold
>Beans in such wondrous honour? Why, besides,
>Did he thus die among his choice companions?
>There was a field of beans; and so the sage,
>Died in the common road of Agrigentum,
>Rather than trample down his favourite beans.


>> No.16254489

>imagine thinking this guy isn't just a normie who wanted to fit in with teh 4chanz

>> No.16254576

>twisting the faxts
Pythagoras loved real beans but hated allegorical beans, aka men's genitals. The point of Stay Away From Beans is to stay away from homoerotic shit. Like gymnasia full of naked men, which was what he refused to pass through.

>> No.16254588

Hes scottish you fag

>> No.16254590

It was written by an ancient Greek about the passing of Pythagoras, he was obviously making a joke anon.

>> No.16254594

True love does exist after all.

>> No.16254780

he was relentlessly handsome

>> No.16254867

>imagine being a 4chanz autist in real life
We're all normies pretending to be retarded.

>> No.16254870

Go back

>> No.16255413

>imagine thinking your an inconoclast for browsing 4chan
Do you also think women don't watch porn?