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File: 540 KB, 1920x1080, MIA_marxist_introduction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16253506 No.16253506 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder to read Marx.
Marx BTFO'd Hegel. Marxism as a method of analysis is widely applicable.
Without reading Marx you won't be able to understand meme authors such as Nick Land and Zizek.

>> No.16253797
File: 41 KB, 719x541, AB3D86ED-1AB1-4998-B59A-BE026256B336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so fucked that the best explanation of commodity fetishism i've ever seen was written by the guy who voiced the t rex in toy story

>> No.16253815

Wittgenstein BTFO'd everyone. Not sure why faggots still suck Marx's cock.

>> No.16253831

OP couldn't explain Marx's hegelianism if xe was barred from dilating for a month, easy with the 'BTFO'.

>> No.16253840

Neoliberalism killed Marxism and is now making its corpse dance for the amusement of corporations. Fascists are at least able to admit they lost. Marxists remain delusional.

>> No.16253856

>fascists are able to admit they lost
>worldwide rejuvenated fascist movements

>> No.16253858

>suck Marx's cock

Wittgenstein was a self-described commie; not and outright Marx UwU cumslut but at least bi-curious.

>> No.16253859

What are you talking about? Trump is the last of the 2015-16 populists left.

>> No.16253867

Woderful reply, anon!
Please feel free to visit /his/, our undergraduate board, to contribute more responses of this calibre! There you can benefit from the sterling input and critical exegeses of our site's more "intellectual" denizens -- a neat little symposium that's open 24 hours, with none of /lit/'s apropositional nonsense to slow things down. Give it a whirl, eh? Oh, and don't forget to give those jannies a shout if you need anything! ;D


>> No.16253872

I did read Marx. Why do people keep telling me to read Marx. I did! Stop it

>> No.16253878

Did you become enlightened?

>> No.16253885

I've read the communist manifesto, where do I go from here?

>> No.16253890

Yes, I now have the ability to sneer at everyone using "Marxist" as a derogatory. It's like a superpower.

>> No.16253920
File: 899 KB, 720x2160, 16e9fcfabd29e3ab6f30853a7e487e52-imagepng(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends where you wanna go, philosophy, political economy or politics?
Capital is Marx his magnum opus but it's very long. Maybe read Value, Price and Profit or Socialism Utopian and Scientific

>> No.16253932

>won't be able to understand meme authors such as Nick Land
Wow, so I have to waste my time to waste my time?

>> No.16253934

Read Machajski. The Marxist intelligentsia is a hostile class itself.

>> No.16253935

Don't Bolsonaro and Modhi count?

>> No.16253961
File: 261 KB, 1200x1518, 83faa7e5fc2a01cdf4927c53963ff735-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marx completly misread him when he attributed plain idealism to Hegel. In fact, Hegel's 'idealism' is not at all idealist in the sense that ideas somehow presuppose matter. He simple states that geist is like reality moving in a dialetical process, therefore absolute reality can be grasped through geist. If /leftypol/ marxists would spend more time reading Hegel than just taking Marx's word for it, this would be common knowledge. Sadly most of them didn't even read Marx himself either, but through lenin and breadtube. I would like to think this is more due to laziness than inability to understand philosophical concepts, but even some self-described Hegel-experts I talked to on here have some fucking wild ideas. This is the reason Zizek tells you to first think, then act. He's fed up with a left that is unable to tackle any real situation because they are unable to analyse them due to insufficient philosophical understanding. I mean seriously, reading Stalin, Lenin, or that fucking brainlet Mao wont really get you anywhere if you haven't put the work in and read some fucking Hegel. Like, you got all this time you are wasting on this imageboard. That would have been more than enough to read phenomenology.

>> No.16253969

>Capital is Marx his magnum opus
>Not his adolescent love poems to Jenny
not gonna make it in the REAL world buddy

>> No.16253973
File: 122 KB, 734x346, ed7e84d893a004bb628e6119f09400e4-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine balding and then brushing your hair forward like that

>> No.16253974

Fair point. In any case, all three haven't established anything close to fascism (Modhi has been the closest)

>> No.16254002

i've conquered plenty of poon by citing marx in conversation with art hoes. is it rape to extol values i don't necessarily believe to get sex i don't necessarily want? it's addicting to seize the means of reproduction.

>> No.16254461

No, but it's manipulative

>> No.16254493
File: 97 KB, 703x703, lesser-spot-nosed-guenon-june-2019-update.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marxism is just satanic inversion of christian eschatology and as such is currently getting btfo by liberal negrohagiography

>> No.16254535

>he hasn't read based korean german Byung-Chul Han
Psychopolitics is way better

>> No.16254582
File: 2.65 MB, 642x800, 1583680823859.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hegel is a billion times better than Marx, and the latter has created nothing good but a critique of capitalism, and even in that was quite full of mistakes. Anything that Marx said, similar men of his time, Hegel, Feuerbach, Wagner, said better.

>"Property" has acquired an almost greater sacredness in our social conscience than religion: for offence against the latter there is lenience, for damage to the former no forgiveness. Since Property is deemed the base of all stability, the more's the pity that not all are owners, that in fact the greater proportion of Society comes disinherited into the world. Society is manifestly thus reduced by its own principle to such a perilous inquietude, that it is compelled to reckon all its laws for an impossible adjustment of this conflict; and protection of property—for which in its widest international sense the weaponed host is specially maintained—can truly mean no else than a defence of the possessors against the non-possessors. Many as are the earnest and sagacious brains that have applied themselves to this problem, its solution, such as that at last suggested of an equal division of all possessions, has not as yet been found amenable; and it seems as if the State's disposal of the apparently so simple idea [268] of Property had driven a beam into the body of mankind that dooms it to a lingering death of agony.
>Clever though be the many thoughts expressed by mouth or pen about the invention of money and its enormous value as a civiliser, against such praises should be set the curse to which it has always been doomed in song and legend. If gold here figures as the demon strangling manhood's innocence, our greatest poet shews at last the goblin's game of paper money. The Nibelung's fateful ring become a pocket-book, might well complete the eerie picture of the spectral world-controller. By the advocates of our Progressive Civilisation this rulership is indeed regarded as a spiritual, nay, a moral power; for vanished Faith is now replaced by "Credit," that fiction of our mutual honesty kept upright by the most elaborate safeguards against loss and trickery. What comes to pass beneath the benedictions of this Credit we now are witnessing, and seem inclined to lay all blame upon the Jews.

>> No.16254586

That's a garbage chart because it's soviet Lenin before Marx, that is a Leninist Marxism. It misses such central works to Marx's philosophy as Grundrisse.

>> No.16254621

you should really start with the Talmud if you want a good understanding of Marxism.

>> No.16254978

That work of Lenin is only 7 pages long and gives an overview of marx his thought.
Grundrisse isn't a beginners text, the chart is a beginners chart.

>> No.16255305

Abloo-bloo, it's a chart nonetheless.

>> No.16255354

>be worthless & lazy
>tardo say "read Mux, its rich ppls fault - you deserve big gibs conrade"

>> No.16255414

literal brainlet. get off the internet pal, there are enough fucktards already around

>> No.16256761

you recommend brushing hair side ways?

>> No.16256798

Why did Marx not criticize international banking? He thought his enemy was landlords and factory owners yet seems to ignore the elephant in the room.

>> No.16256800

what about bakunin? he critiqued marx. any anarchist here read him?

>> No.16256911

cool but we're talking about fascism

>> No.16257591

Bless you anon

>> No.16258195

Well the creation of money out of thin air wasn't an everyday thing when marx was alive. Let's not forget that partial reserve is a relatively new practice. So I suggest to further expand your question rather than marx specifically to the whole Marxist movement. The classical theory rarely discuss the effect of the banking industry, but some new Marxist do discuss sometimes about the never ending cycle of creation of money and the bubble. Old theories always adapt and change according to the circumstances. I read many articles on our banking system which were inspired by marxism

>> No.16258214

Read Finance Capital by Hilferding