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/lit/ - Literature

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16253294 No.16253294 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ edition
>previous thread

>> No.16253299
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>> No.16253300
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>> No.16253308
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>> No.16253311 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16253313
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>> No.16253317
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>> No.16253325
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unexpected basedness of the secrets of Asian success

>> No.16253327 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16253336
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ok now fuck off back to /h/

>> No.16253338
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>> No.16253343

Despite the ramblings of philosophers, many of whom were unable to find love and create families, the future must be ensured by successful breeding.

>> No.16253344 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16253346
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>> No.16253355
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have your (you)s faggot

>> No.16253362
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>> No.16253385

The thought of Nagatoro lubing her hands up to jerk me off is exhilarating.

>> No.16253393

That wouldn't have saved her. She really needed a more coherent way to soul search.

>> No.16253423

I haven't seen this one before, /lit/.

>> No.16253432 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16253439

Right on time. I was about to shoot my goo to something.

>> No.16253613
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>> No.16253667


>> No.16253674

Has happened to me before, believe it or not.

>> No.16253712
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>> No.16253717

I won't

>> No.16254003

lost, but I stand by it

>> No.16254048

based baudrillard

>> No.16254051
File: 73 KB, 750x518, epic_starwars_book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16254074

lmao yeah whatever nerd

Uh, okay guys, I thought this was supposed to be funny, but this just about a bunch of dead faggots no one even knows lol, where's the jokes? Post something funny, like a stand-up clip or some memes lmaoo, you ain't never getting a pussy wet with this whiteass dead poet bullshit

>> No.16254108

You won't grow a brain or any range to your thought, troll. Go jump in a manhole and rid us of yourself.

>> No.16254112

A christcuck friend of mine once handed me a book about the Bible. It was some self proclaimed academic analysis of it, and while on first glance it was kind of interesting the interpretations began getting more and more bizarre. I check the bibliography, and literally the only sources other than the Bible were other books by the same author. I flipped through the pages and he talked about divine mysteries, and the author stated that if you wanted elucidation on the topic you’d have to buy his work.
My friend said not worry, and handed me the other book. I immediately checked the bibliography, and again, was met with the Bible and the author as the only sources. In fact, both the books he had referenced each other. It was nuts. There’s a legitimate market out there for people who are willing to take advantage of dumbfucks like this

>> No.16254119

Makes sense, especially for Christcucks. Aphorisms that sound nice are words to live by, doesn't matter that they are uttered by "Anonymous."

>> No.16254244

Based and true.

>> No.16254698

>He says about Marxists that "as they move towards power they always tend to become Weberians."
Wew lass, cunt never KAPD, POUM, CWCGB, NFL.

>> No.16254722
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>> No.16254723

fpbp checked and kecked

>> No.16254732

greentext the story

>> No.16254990


>> No.16255757
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>> No.16255912
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>> No.16256651
File: 3.07 MB, 1506x2000, kandjs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does it mean??

>> No.16256677


>> No.16256749

i read that

>> No.16256914

Wait, I'm confused how is Gold is a yellow metal not an analytical truth? Yellow metal is contained within the meaning of Gold?

>> No.16256931

I would be left girl but with Kafka.
He would probably be horrified desu.

>> No.16256963
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>> No.16258148

>I was reading a book when he sucked my dick

>> No.16258230

based peter singer is such a fucking faggot

>> No.16259735

They really should have said “hydroplane”

>> No.16260217

what a based quote

>> No.16260824


>> No.16260867

Where do these FB memes come from

>> No.16261565


>> No.16261907
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>> No.16261913
File: 136 KB, 900x1142, tomboys or fags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16261923
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>> No.16261927

by kek, that is too much shit in just one post

>> No.16261931
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>> No.16261935
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>> No.16261951

where is this from?

>> No.16261969

This is just child’s humour. “Look mum I said a naughty word!” Literally South Park tier.

>> No.16261982

also, the effort that OP took to write three pages of such dull text. Autist-tier
For me it could be about "onions" or "horses"

>> No.16261988

I think the joke is more on the author. We laugh about him being ridiculously obsessed with his view of a certain group of people. It's funny that he is dedicated enough to write a whole book about it, although he is obviously a mad man, a bad writer, and on the verge of becoming self-conscious. A Cervantian figure one might say.

>> No.16261990

ok negroid

>> No.16262123
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>> No.16262126
File: 7 KB, 184x217, bestiality lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16262130
File: 128 KB, 935x360, anon reads a book on how to make friends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16263282

fucking welsh

>> No.16263321


>> No.16264332

Better writer than you, nigger

>> No.16264338

In no way the advice given in that book can be identified with a 40 year old man from the 1930s, unless of course, you too have read the book

>> No.16264474

very kafkaesque

>> No.16264604
File: 66 KB, 614x960, 117973142_600771727266312_3885495737743411901_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16265401

state trooperly, plump buck mulligan and stayvuhn dedalus

>> No.16265485
File: 86 KB, 698x339, 1583494138439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16265500

It's from the Go! Go! Nippon! ~My First Trip to Japan~ 2015 Novelization.

>> No.16265508

delet this

>> No.16265645

that means you're not reading the book

>> No.16266244

unironically like this

>> No.16266355

>tmw I have the emily wilson translation
Should I burn it?

>> No.16267179
