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16252264 No.16252264 [Reply] [Original]

Ive noticed that a lot of people these days are looking for religious purpose in even it's most debased forms, now that major religions are in decline. You get BLM that has become something of a religion, youve got the QAnon protests in Germany that are just fucking bizarre, and youve got political polarisation all across the board. It's like an opiate of the masses (although communists organizations themselves are also just opiates of the masses, as is a god-like faith in revolution and kingdom come).

Are there any good books that delve into this? Also books on how to start your own religion, just curious. I know Spengler touches on it, but it's not really fleshed out.

>> No.16252270


>> No.16252272

Got a version without a paywall?

>> No.16252283

Adorno wrote a bit about this in The Stars Down to Earth but of course it's very biased against the right and he attributes it all to capitalism. I would say the essays are worth reading anyway though.

>> No.16252285

Turn off javascript or put it into one of those archive websites, 4chan blocks them

>> No.16252295

it's because people are no longer being taught science properly. like it or not, STEM is the greatest purpose provider that has ever graced humanity. when you take away a man's ability to understand and appreciate nature, what else does he have apart from bullshit?

>> No.16252310
File: 2.04 MB, 1280x720, Horton heaves a ho.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw modern day feminist "witches"
I want this phenomenon explained, and i want people to explain why i find it so much more disgusting than regular goths or wiccan retards. It actually makes me angry.

>> No.16252320

Simple. They want to be Hermione.

>> No.16252364

why would you want to be that cunt

>> No.16252387

It's stage 1 of the oncoming deliberalization and revitalization of the world.

>> No.16252364,1 [INTERNAL] 

There is only one source of all of this. Jews. They are behind all intellectual movements; they are behind all cults. Every single time.

>> No.16252387,1 [INTERNAL] 

No, it's the Jewification of Western culture. Jews are just enslaved to their genetic and cultural heritage with this crap, at the expense of white people. They are undermining the cohesion of whites and trying to debauch us. Cults are garbage. They must be smashed.

>> No.16253471
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they're girls having fun, like a spiritually rewarding tabletop game

>> No.16253476

Amusing Ourselves to Death

>> No.16253997

They're basic bitches that think they're a fucking Bene Gesserit for having read The Kybalion

>> No.16254741

yeah but they think theyre really sticking it to conservatives or the patriarchy, when what theyre doing is just mental masturbation

>> No.16254778
File: 42 KB, 600x331, Iiwia2V5IjoidXBsb2Fkcy9hcnRpY2xlL2hlcm9faW1hZ2UvMjY0Ni9KRVNVU19BTE1PU1RfQ0VSVEFJTkxZX1VTRURfQ0FOTkFCSVNfV0lERS5qcGciLCJlZGl0cyI6eyJyZXNpemUiOnsid2lkdGgiOjYwMCwiaGVpZ2h0IjozMzEsImZpdCI6ImNvdmVyIn19fQ==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people have questions and look for answers, comfy opiate answers. listen to people, and do sweet talk, faggot.

>> No.16254806
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The equating of political movements/ideologies to religion is lazy and superficial. One of the more annoying received ideas of late.

>> No.16254835

It's also a perfectly apt comparison that's more relevant to our times than it has ever been before. Sorry.

>> No.16254846

i wonder, since in the usa dozens of millions of irreligious exist in areas where catholicism is the only religion, if a 100 years from now on when there is a religious revival there will be a massive catholic usa

>> No.16254865

Read Carl Schmitt. I think you'll like his Political Theology.

>> No.16254938

This. The amount of retards in this board who dismiss, for example, Christian philosophy and the interchangeable influence between Greeks and Semites because "muh subservise joos" is ridiculous

>> No.16254943

Nietzsche talks about how people will try to cope with the death of God by inventing new ones

>> No.16254945

No this, it's apt af

>> No.16254950

I didnt do that, i just observed that
1. Political movements have behave more and more like degenerate cults, including saintliness and confessionals
2. "Spiritual" cults have started to take over as major religions have gone into decline.
I didn't even mention jews

>> No.16255392

how does it cover this?

>> No.16255632

bmup also interested

>> No.16255670

His main contention is that all modern-day political concepts are secularized versions of theological ones.
If you read The Concept of the Political, you'll also get why people are behaving so fanatically.

>> No.16255710

Literally just an Instagram phenomenon. I know one of these girls and she got into it from astrology. Unrelated but she's also obsessed with K-pop and wants to marry a millionaire to have an "open relationship".

>> No.16255712
File: 1.59 MB, 542x800, 1596481653891.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>An Anxious Age: The Post-Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of America - Joseph Bottum

This book explains why you're seeing the new Wokeism religion. I also recommend -

>The Price of Monotheism - Jan Assmann
>The Invention of Religion: Faith and Covenant in the Book of Exodus - Jan Assmann
>From Akhenaten to Moses: Ancient Egypt and Religious Change - Jan Assmann

>> No.16255730

Try Evola and/or Guenon if you want to explore the metaphysical aspect.

>> No.16256314

literally reduces everyrhing to quantity and hedonic utility. Its precisely the reason this is happening.
The rise in religiosity is because people, a their core, feel the pull of the Divine. Islam is still the largest growing religion in the world because its essentially the closest to the Truth and the greatest vehicle and the straightest path to God, may Their name be praised.

If you haven't I dare you to read the Quran OP. Dawood's translation is fine imo.

>> No.16256319

I'll second Guenon (pbuh). Evola was still too hylic imo.
Also me >>16256314

>> No.16256333


>> No.16256394

>Are there any good books that delve into this?
Literally Nietzsche.
>how to start your own religion
A guy did this by setting up a newspaper ad, and wrote a book on how it worked well enough he had to come up with practices for his new devotees. It's called Join Me by Danny Wallace. It's a comfy airport reading pop culture kind of book. Jon Ronson also has a few books on people who believe weird conspiracies and have far too much cultural cachet. They're also good pop culture reading level, if Nietzsche is too flowery and allusive for you.

>> No.16256405

Just stuff that dummies like, it's an extension of astrology and crystal healing bullshit.

>> No.16256414

Also >>16252264
Can you tell us how the elephant is doing that?

>> No.16256426

>literally reduces everyrhing to quantity and hedonic utility. Its precisely the reason this is happening.
No it isn't. Not at all, in fact.

There's a really weird intersection between the US and Catholicism, in that the US is simultaneously the perfect place for Catholicism yet absolutely hates it. The WASPs preferred to breed with Jews over Catholics, yet the Vatican would fit perfectly into the US's semi-transparent "free society where associations are what matters". Konstantin Pobodonostsev (the grey eminence behind the last 3-4 Russian Czars) prognosticated that the US would convert to Catholicism. In a way, the US is converting the Vatican to Americanism. But, if it succeeds, and embraces the Vatican, his prediction will be correct, he was just wrong about how it would occur.

It's interesting that in the minds of the Jewish elites who craft America's media, there are two sorts of Christianity: the first is a radically ignorant Bible thumping pseudo-paganism devoid of any intellectualism, concerned solely with grift and power, and the second is a sort of stately idealized Catholicism.

>> No.16256503

This guy is wrong. Dont listen to him.

>> No.16256574

How so?

>> No.16256666
File: 77 KB, 265x397, pol as relg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here OP, have an actual answer.

>> No.16256672

He's vaping

>> No.16256738

Read Reign of Quantity and Signs of the Times.

>> No.16256757

But there is no vape device.

>> No.16256758
File: 294 KB, 1595x2401, 81TQWNCh6kL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read this

>> No.16257399

the trunk is nature's vaping device

>> No.16257519

jews hate catholics more than protestants
they view protestants as dumb but moldable but view catholics as a threat

>> No.16258267

How is Jung regarded nowadays? Does this book still hold up?

>> No.16258677

But where liquid cartridge?

>> No.16258741
File: 2.89 MB, 480x480, zandatsu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a secret

>> No.16259044


Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

>> No.16259877

Have you actually read it?
I have.

>> No.16259907

The True Believer, maybe.

>> No.16260703

It's how ideas fucking work mate. It's true of ideologies, religions, recipes, math, martial arts; it is not some unique similarity between only the first two. That's just how ideas spread. By spreading. Sometimes they're bought and other times resisted.


>> No.16260823

Traditional Catholicism is not in decline, at all

>> No.16261803

what's in it

>> No.16261824

Carl Jung’s The Undiscovered Self is almost entirely about this concept

>> No.16261828

Still highly relevant. He is still brilliant.

>> No.16261851

Well, I don't know about you; but for me wicca has always seemed like some kind of nega-relgion. Even the most primitive kind of pagan cult seemed to have some sense of longing and reaching out to an other, something that's not you. even if it was only to placate your god and try to get it to do things for you. Wicca just seems to hold up their phoney baloney Goddess as some kind of magic mirror in which the witch can magnify her image so that she can see herself as important as she wishes she was.

>> No.16262242

It says a lot about an epistemological cycle inferred from Spengler's philosophy of history though. We began with medieval religious mysticism, then through rationalism human reason begins to creep in, God disppears with empiricism, and finally through idealism man ended up believing he had become God. The materialism of the 19th century was the consequence. By the 20th century there was total confusion, lack of direction and purpose, a century of the most destructive genocidal wars in modern history. Materialism bred physicalism which bred nihilism. Now we are at the end of the cycle, we are no longer rationalists, or empiricists or idealists, but mystics. Nobody has faith in human reason anymore, only faith in what they believe

>> No.16262455

Correct: it's completely dead

>> No.16262580

Try the bible

>> No.16263085

is that why it is growing so much?