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16251740 No.16251740[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever told a girl this is your favourite book or that you like this book? How did she react?
Is there really a ''code'' among women of viewing men who loved this book as red flag like twitter says?

>> No.16251759
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Like this

>> No.16251760

nah Lolita is way above the reading level of the girls I bang. I tell them my favorite is Winnie the Pooh ; )

>> No.16251765

There's definitely a code. Liking Lolita is a BIG red flag because it's better for women to just assume the man's too dumb to understand the book, and he likes it for... creepy reasons. You just need to convince her you actually know what you're talking about and that you're not some sort of sex pervert.

>> No.16251768

Are you speaking from experience or just assumption?

>> No.16251773

When talking to a woman content is not important, the only important thing is confidence when talking.

>> No.16251790

My ex loved that book. My reaction was "well, it could've been a lot worse. At least he's not into boring urban fantasy"
A lot of girls love Lolita too btw

>> No.16251799

Pathetic board and thread desu

>> No.16251807

I'm a girl that's been on a few dates and in my experience, a man's values are VERY easily affected by the books they read and other media they consume. They seem to have a tendency to idolize cool antihero type characters without realizing it. Think Patrick Bateman.

I do really love Lolita though. It's a wonderful book. It's just hard to trust most people's motives. Hopefully you can help her understand your motives for liking the book.

>> No.16251814

post your
>green flags
>red flags

>> No.16251821

Why the hell would this be your favorite book?

>> No.16251828

This book is so bad. Some of the worst writing I have read.

>> No.16251831

Well usually after I pick her up from her middle school we usually just fuck she doesn’t do much talking, she’s really shy

>> No.16251832

how does it affect you psychically that between your legs you hold something so valuable probably half the population of earth would want it, if only for 10 minutes and then they would discard you?
Do you sometimes hate your vagina? like some sort of envy?

>> No.16251837

I don't think about it. I'm considering monasticism instead.

>> No.16251853

like personal monasticism or institutional?

>> No.16251900
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Tell me this, if a guy likes it for the wrong reasons, why would he say it out loud? Isn't it common sense that he'd rather hide it? A paedophile wouldn't go around saying he likes a book about molesting young girls, you know.

>> No.16251902

We probably shouldn't have an unrelated conversation in this thread but uh. I haven't really decided yet. I suppose it depends on how much I hate my job in a few years.

>> No.16251903
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>a few

>> No.16251906

The only people I know in real life who have read Lolita are women. Nobody cares
>favourite book
It’s not even Nabokov’s best

>> No.16251920

that's a good point. But I don't think it matters to most women. A lot of women have weird codes like this because they've had a lot of bad experiences with men that made them paranoid. They're not thinking about it that deeply.

>> No.16251929

I'm a cunnybro and I work an unexpected angle by openly saying I like the books exploration of a relationship between a predatory man and a young girl. Being a copelord and saying you like the prose is going to get more heat on you then being up front.

>> No.16251935

why would a pedophile like this book tho? The guy ends up in jail after being cucked and the little girl acts like an ice cube the whole book, being nothing more than a fleshlight with a pulse.

>> No.16251946

this is not reddit, nobody gives a shit what we talk about in a thread.

>> No.16251956

Good point

>> No.16251983

How can it not be a code? Why would this book ever be anyones favourite? It either means theyre a pseud who isnt well read and just beelined this book (obviously to fit into some superficial pedo intellectual aesthetic they think is cool) or they have pedestrian and shallow taste (fancy wording and not much besides and thats their favourite book ever?) which then just loops back around to why this book was picked. If you want to tell people you like it, there is some fundamental posturing and an attempt to appear a certain way, which is likely typical pedo narcissism. Nobody gives a fuck about the stylish little cultured nonce look you are cultivating.

>> No.16251990

A onions boy I know had this book and only a handful of others and he barely reads and this was one of the books he got rid of in his purge of "problematic" books. I guarantee his pea brain did not understand the book.

>> No.16251998

You underestimate how stupid pedophiles are emotionally. They think they are master manipulators ands its always blatant. It would be something to them like
>ill just drop this little subtle hint the normies wont get but that will leave the door open to exploration
when everyone else sees some creep bringing up his pedo book for no reason

>> No.16252002

In future use the word nonce earlier so I can stop reading your retarded bong shit.
>pedos are bad unless they are brown then they can gangrape every ten year old in my city

>> No.16252012

Yes anon pedophiles are certainly very stupid. That is why almost every single banker, lawyer and politician that rules over you only got to where they are by accident.

>> No.16252019

>defensive seething that cant adress anything I said in a rational way
based offended pedo!

>> No.16252023

>a bong talking about pedos
lol unless they are brown right? get the fuck out of here you spineless faggot.

>> No.16252027

I said emotionally stupid, try not to get all insecure on me. And they are. The only reason bankers dont get caught is because rich kikes are above the law. Why do you think these people can only manipulate children, aka retards?

>> No.16252029

What other books and media most influenced their personality in a bad way?

>> No.16252033

It does have descriptions of...you know. That'd appeal to a pedo.

>> No.16252036

Read up on the Dutroux affair. They manipulate a lot more than children.

>> No.16252042 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16252040

>but the british police did this!!!
yeah and it was terrible, try not deflecting for once midwit lmao. Regardless, why would you give a shit what those pakis did? I thought being a pedo was based?

>> No.16252048
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you're a copelord. seething about how much you hate pedos but when they are running right through little girls in your city you pretend not to see it. spineless little bitch

>> No.16252049

I know about this shit, and operation cathedral, and pete skully and whatever else, that thing with the oprhans in berlin. They are never being smart in these cases. Murdering 11 witnesses is not intelligent at all, they are powerful and scary thugs, that is not intelligence.

>> No.16252052

Not at all, but that’s coming from a fan of Bataille. So there’s that!

>> No.16252054

Why can't prose style be a reason for liking a book?

>> No.16252058

>a whole country is responsible for something that was actively covered up
>mfw this same shit will happen wherever you live too
>mfw you seethe about pedos being insulted and only brought up this autistic diversion to deflect, you dont care about the abuse they suffered
>mfw projecting your own weakness in self control onto me

>> No.16252062

>Murdering 11 witnesses is not intelligent at all
It is when you know any evidence of murder will be
And then what's left? No case.

>> No.16252070

>using the word "cunny" while trying to fake sympathy for children
You people literally can't help but dehumanise them lmao

>> No.16252071

sO eDgY

>> No.16252072

All of you, leave this board and read the Greeks

>> No.16252078

Are you pretending mafia 101 is some 4d chess move? Murdering people who will testify and burning evidence is the conclusion a literal ape would come to straight away. The ones that strategically pay people off or have their own proxies in courts to avoid stuff ever going to press are the smart ones, the cases you actually hear about are retards

>> No.16252079

Basically any pedowood capeshit media. "Adult cartoons" like Rick and Morty. Anything Quentin Tarantino. And from my Christian perspective, anything that could lead to nihilism. Lots of fascist lit. Nietzsche is the biggest one.
You see a lot of trad men fall for extremely un Christian ideas because of the stuff they read.

Of course, it's important to get to know them better so that you're not solely judging their character based on shallow stuff.

>> No.16252082

>no picture
holy retard. you're a coping faggot pretending to hate pedos online where it is safe and you won't get hurt because when little girls were getting gangraped right by you you pretended not to notice because the rapists were brown you sad spineless little cunt

>> No.16252088

>using the word cunny
Where my illiterate friend?

>> No.16252090

Chicks dig Lolita

>> No.16252095

>no its really stupid to buy off the entire police force as well as the coroner so you can kill with impugnity
Ok bro

>> No.16252099

>I believe in God
Opinion discarded. Get the fuck off my board.

>> No.16252104

what's wrong if it is

>> No.16252106

I dont understand your argument at all. I criticised pedophiles and that offended you, now you are trying to pretend to hate pedophiles and that im the bad one for ignoring them. What do you know about my life or what I do? Why do you assume ill defend whatever fucked up shit my governemnt has done? Why do you not assume I hate child abuse in any form? The reason you assume these things is because you likely only have convictions when they are convienient and dont understand believeing something is wrong no matter what. There is no hypocrisy in my stance whatsoever, all you can do is seethe because you cant reconcile your own defensive ego and self image to the shit you see other people like yourself do in the world. Last reply you get retard

>> No.16252110

Why on earth would you want a "trad man?"

>> No.16252111

My red flag is with men reading Evola. I'm right-wing myself, but Evola fags are awful

>> No.16252121

Avoiding my central point I see, ill never understand why people feel to embarassed to say they said something stupid even when its anonymous. The fact that you heard about it means it was sloppy. You do not murder witnesses blatantly like that unless you are panicking and have fucked up. Yeah, they have the power to get away with it, but coping that this was their preferred outcome is so dishonest its laughable

>> No.16252135

>writing an essay of cope
lmfao didn't read a word

>> No.16252136

epic midwit reddit migrant

>> No.16252139
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>> No.16252150

>hehe i would have definitely gotten away with it far more smoothly he types from his mothers basement with no experience of ever throwing a punch let alone killing a dozen people inside a month
You're coping.

>> No.16252152

literally not what I said though

>> No.16252165

Is that the first time someone used greentext on you to reduce your position to absolute absurdities?

>> No.16252179
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>mentions I'm interested in monasticism
>atheist doesn't know what the word "monasticism" means so he keeps talking to me.

I wanted someone as traditionally Christian as I am. But the so-called "trad men" you find typically just pick and choose what aspects of Christianity they like and discard the rest. Most people are like that, actually.

Yeah, Evolatards are always the worst guys. I haven't actually read any Evola however. I think I read a quote from one of his books about men being naturally polygamous or something. People are just... varying degrees of degenerate at this point.

>> No.16252224

>But the so-called "trad men" you find typically just pick and choose what aspects of Christianity they like and discard the rest
You most likely do the same

>> No.16252226


>> monasticism
Even more stupid. At least do something that doesn't revolve around trying to please some sky God that threatens to burn you for eternity for for listening to him. Why is God such a child?

>> No.16252236

>for for
For not*

>> No.16252273

refuted by Nietzsche

>> No.16252286

Yes, I do, but I'm always trying to learn more from the church fathers. We can never be completely sinless. However, there are many people who blatantly disrespect the teachings of the bible, and for some it is very, very obvious that they're not concerned with becoming closer to God. I wasn't looking for a perfect, sinless man. Just one that I knew was trying as hard as I do.

With each gay ass atheist take I hear, my faith becomes stronger.

>> No.16252311

Shouldn't you be waiting for your parents to pick out a man for you?

>> No.16252317

>gay ass atheist
I'm agnostic.

>my faith becomes stronger.
Imagine being this closeted. Your mind is but a wall you've built yourself since you're too afraid to peer over it and reveal to yourself that your garden is a farce.

Cope more.

>> No.16252339

just say you like pale fire bro

>> No.16252343
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Counter question: would dating a girl who's favorite book is "Madame Bovary" be a red flag?

Asking to know if I just dodged a massive bullet

>> No.16252363

boring taste but thinks she's unique. so maybe?

>> No.16252386

This. The crazy Christian girl has a lot to learn. If her mind is so closed off to knowledge, then how can she reach enlightenment?

>> No.16252418
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Study theosis. This crazy Christian girl will now depart <3

>> No.16252446


>> No.16252537

T. Retard


>> No.16252577

Hi, he may be giving off a pedo vibe, but youre giving off a Greek vibe, which is really hot. We should hang out and touch each other, and you can explain to me in whispers your fantasies about little boys. I'll explore your perversions with hands, tongue and mind.

>> No.16252580

" I concurrently believe in the church and hate pedowood"

get off my board f*male

>> No.16252587

Well, then why is Joe Biden so successful? Or Clinton or Trump or Epstein and oh! Look! A rabbit hole appeared out of thin air.

>> No.16252590

There's only one question any red-blooded male thinks when he finishes Naborov's Lolita. If - if - I was guaranteed to get away with it, if the act was never linked to me, just how low would I go? Me? I'm thinking 11.

>> No.16252608

Evola is better than his shills make him out to be. You may or may not get filtered but he has alot to offer for those discontent with modern society.

I'd say he's best read from an occult perspective, but that's just me.

>> No.16252622


>> No.16252654

what's a good first Evola book for a super Christian girl to read that won't just piss her off?

>> No.16252701

Hmm...Metaphysics of War. It's short and gives you a general idea of what he's about. I personally started with Revolt Against the Modern World but that one can be a doozy for some people. It's the most broad and deep dive you can get for his perspective though.

>> No.16252709

Don't read him, he's degenerate as fuck. He's only popular among eDgElOrDs

>> No.16252726

Thirteen because it has teen in it.

>> No.16252779

The only relevant truth here is that if a girl considers you reading Lolita a red flag, that's a red flag.

Mutually incompatible people.

>> No.16252787

>gay ass atheist
It's dumb to think this, but I'm really turned on by girls who still say "gay" in this sense, rather than being spooked by PCness. But I'm not trad, I'm just one of those faggot white kids who LARPs with Eastern mysticism because I've read too much Hesse and Salinger and shit.

>> No.16252792

12 since thats 7th grade here in the states. I definitely remember being that young and eyeing up the girls in my class.

>> No.16252797 [DELETED] 

Honestly, something high-school. 14, I guess. When I was in middle school I thought most chicks near me had weird bodies because they weren't growing out proportionately or something. Like, they were all fridges with budding tits because no one's hips started to widen properly.

>> No.16252853

>not feeling up

>> No.16252865 [DELETED] 

i started doing that at 7...

>> No.16253512 [DELETED] 

if im breaking the law anyway then age isnt a factor to me, really all that matters is 1) do i want it, 2) does she want it, and 3) do i think it would damage her
that being said ive never found anyone younger than 10 attractive

>> No.16254180

lmao dude women love this book. When i was 15 i knew this girl who went to catholic school her whole life and this was her favorite book. It's not a loli porn folder or some degenerate shit, it's one of the most respected and praised books of all time.