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16250622 No.16250622[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

.I mean have you tried bringing up nietzsche or any western philosopher for that matter around your local marxist lgbtqia cattle? In no time you will see their beady stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating: "wasnt he sexist? Arent you being dangerously eurocentric? Why read books by dead white men when you could have been streaming the latest diverse and inclusive workplace comedies at netflix hulu and disneygo? Didnt you know reading books is ableist towards people who are too retarded to read? Have you been taking your SSRIs and HRT? it is very important that you take the medication dr goldstein prescribed otherwise we will have to report you to corporate for mandatory sensitivity training".

>> No.16250647

i too live in a world of incoherent strawmen

>> No.16250656

Hey guys since this is a thread of no value made by a complete fucking retard I might as well ask here: what should I cook this September to celebrate moving into my own place?

>> No.16250662

yeah bro i'm just gonna tell you now that there's three kinds of people in this world: retards, people who complain about retards, and people who profit off of retards. you seem to be in the second group. it's anyone's guess as to how to get into the third group but i can only assume it doesn't involve trying to talk about nietzsche to them

>> No.16250668

Maruchan ramen.

>> No.16250671

Whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.16250688

you should make lasagna, my favorite recipe is: https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/23600/worlds-best-lasagna/ and it says sweet sausage but you can use spicy too if you want

>> No.16250691
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Pumpkin soup for starter, then bœuf bourguignon and mashed potatoes with glazed brussel sprouts. For dessert apple cinnamon pie.

>> No.16250694

These people don't exist. Go outside

>> No.16250698

>baker mckenzie
>#1 the top law firm in the world for multinational M&As

>> No.16250699

Of all the alarmist theories, this is the dumbest. Nobody, and I mean nobody, cares if you read Plato or Nietzsche or even Evola.

>> No.16250702

>buuooeeuööëëf bouurougyineounyouen
what is wrong with french phonology

>> No.16250709

>marxist lgbtqia
IdPol is the opposite of Marxism, dumbfuck.

>> No.16250711

This. Nobody cares about philosophy and literature apart from people who read literature and philosophy

>> No.16250712

>he thinks marxists are actually marxist
oh sweetie

>> No.16250713
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>> No.16250717

>to celebrate moving into my own place?
I'm just about to do the same thing in a few weeks, anon. I'd been hoping to get a worn out apartment in an old, wooden working class building, but I ended up with some 60s concrete flat instead, ruining my plans of watching Withnail & I to celebrate the rat life. Think I'll start making chilis and such now that I'll have a kitchen all to myself.

>> No.16250719

Dilate, libfag.

>> No.16250724
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>> No.16250731

Idk either what went wrong in france but the food is good.

>> No.16250745

I know it's a meme to call leftists cucks, but come on. They've become puppets for corporations, and end up having to vote for people like Biden, who openly use idpol to weaken the left.

>> No.16250753

If anything these people are even more obnoxious and stupid irl than on twitter. Go to college leftist professors actively hate literature actively go out of their way to warn the student cattle off reading those evil white male books instead telling them to go on twitter and watch netflix propaganda.

>> No.16250766
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Tell me if these people are so good then why arent we allowed to criticise them?

>> No.16250779

>Why can't I criticize a strawman that I made up even though that's what I was doing in the OP

>> No.16250783

i'm nothing of the sort, i was simply remarking that political ideologies are only tangentially related to the people who identify with them. most marxists aren't really marxist, most anarchists aren't really anarchist, most libertarians aren't really libertarian. they might identify with certain aspects of them on an emotional level, but in general it's mostly just a social club and the actual details of the ideology itself are glossed over or forgotten. thus, it's typical for people who identify with "marxism" to hold beliefs that have absolutely nothing to do with what might be described as "marxist thought", for "libertarians" to shapeshift without any serious effort or re-evaluation of core beliefs into totalitarian fascists, for "anarchists" to protest in favor of strong centralized government policies, etc. there's no inconsistency there, because they just never really were any of those things to start with - it was just hobby for them, essentially

>> No.16250789

Are you joking? Did you even read the post you responded to? That firm leads the world in global M&A. You literally can't get any more rightwing than that.

>> No.16250796

>You literally can't get any more rightwing than that.
Have you heard of Nazism or Monarchy

>> No.16250801

Self-identification has absolutely zero epistemic value. A horse that thinks he's a dog is still a horse.

>> No.16250812

None of those people are leftists, son.

>> No.16250815

That's what I meant, silly. Idpol leftists support this company due to the token LGBT support, and meanwhile the company goes on screwing over leftist ideals.

>> No.16250819

I'm a college professor.

>> No.16250830

There's no such thing as an "idpol leftist". Those people are 100% filthy liberals.

>> No.16250849

cook curries with lentils or chickpeas, tomatoes and spinach. Easy, tastes great and pretty healthy.

>> No.16250863

Chicken with cooked with carrot.

>> No.16250899

Its globohomo. Not only do they sack our countries but they also push degeneracy on our children. Ie. In mexico. Lgbt left are all white middle class people neonazi skinheads are autochtonous and working class.

>> No.16250936
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Jap curry with katsu cutlets and sticky rice fren

>> No.16250964

This isn’t actually what happens unless you mention someone extremely controversial in mainstream circles, people don’t even blink if you mention Kaczynski because they don’t know who most people are, I’ve not met one yet who knew who Spinoza was, they only know about Hegel because of memes.
t. Someone who actually goes outside and talks to people

What actually happens is that they completely misunderstand what a philosopher was interested or thought because they have an extremely surface level understanding of that philosopher, Nietzsche is the best example of this, people never understand what the death of God actually means. They haven’t read anything and exist entirely on superficial relationship with great works, they get their information on philosophers primarily through hearsay and YouTube videos. Most “Marxists” don’t even read Marx, maybe I’d they did they’d realise how much nonsense he talked.
This is a shit thread btw, kys OP.
I concur with >>16250691 this anon

>> No.16250998

Un poulet à la Kiev avec asperges, pommes de terre gratinées et vin rouge. De rien anon

>> No.16251040
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Not even that anon but that's a brilliant idea. I will make that next week.

>> No.16251084

I got you anon.

Pomme de terre à l'Anglaise:
Scoop raw potatoes to the form of a large garlic clove. Cook in salted water or steam.
Oeuf au Bacon à l'Anglaise:
On the stove, brown bacon slices in butter. Remove and place in plate with a portion of the fat. Cook eggs in the remaining fat.
>Repas de Midi
Sandwich du Bookmaker:
Grill a thick beefsteak seasoned with salt and pepper. When cooked to your liking, let rest and cool. Cover it with grated horseradish and powdered mustard.
Take a pain de mie anglais, square, carefully detach the crust at its extremities, taking with them an inch or so of bread. Cover the inner side of these slices with butter. Place the beefsteak between the pieces of bread, and tie the sandwich as you would a galantine. Wrap it afterwards in a couple of blotting paper. Place the package under a book press, gradually tightening the screws. Leave it under the press for half an hour, after which you can remove and unwrap it. The beef will saturate the bread with its juices, which the crust will stop from escaping.
Charlotte Opéra:
Line a mold with vanilla sugar wafers à la Palmer's, garnish with a composition of 4 parts Moscovite à la Vanille, 1 of fine iced chestnut purée, and a few maraschino candied fruits.

>> No.16251110
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Enjoy yourself you magnificent son of a bitch

>> No.16251151

I'll have to be more concise for the rest.
Artichauts à la Grecque
Salade des Moines
Rôti de filet de boeuf
Champignons aux fines herbes
Carottes à la Vichy
Beurre de Moutarde
Sauce Diable
Pêche à l'Impératrice

>> No.16251254

I've been treated this why by people who haven't read Nietzsche before. I calmly deflect and say that I think the closest man who has lived to the Nietzschean Superman was a LGBTQWERTYIOUP POC. I then talk to them about Mishima, saying that he lived up to his ideals and took his life in protest of a society that left him behind. I have done this three times that I remember, and only once have I been called out on Mishima's reactionary politics.

>> No.16251289

Really, no one should care about what Nietzsche said

>> No.16251314

According to the status quo, a man that thinks he's a women is truly a women

>> No.16251362

The 'status quo' worldview among humans has always been riddled with irrationality and magical thinking.

>> No.16251389

Not Voltaire.

>> No.16251442

that's not a voltaire quote it's from a pedo white supremacist

>> No.16251488

You could do something simple, like pasta with some sauce. Then you could increase complexity everyday and give you a sense of accomplishment. Eventually you will come full circle and go back to the simple. It will be the same, but better.

>> No.16251516

Shotgun lead extra hot and fresh from the barrel

>> No.16251707

instant noodles, beef-flavoured

>> No.16252083

There are no leftist ideals beyond hating whitey, consuming product and proudly getting fucked in the ass.

>> No.16252098

So you’ve fallen for the liberal propaganda. They’re rubbing their hands together with glee. Congrats, tool-boy.

>> No.16252108

Nashville hot chicken

>> No.16252119

Who does this revisionism actually work on? Everyone well read knows the links between leftism and identity politics.

>> No.16252143


>> No.16252167

The left are not liberals. The liberals have a left and right. It’s not revisionism it’s liberal propaganda controlling the narrative, and COMPLETELY fooling the right liberals like yourself.

IDpol is LIBERAL, not leftist. There’s a class war going on, not a race war.

>> No.16252221

Identity politics is only against leftist if they break into their own interest groups. Doesn't mean leftists don't want to help out groups that are exploited

>> No.16252287
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Leftists are obviously pro equality, of course, but many of them are just as distracted by the liberals smoke and end up operating in the liberal agendas best interests.
There’s a livestream right now of a bunch of progressives trying to found a People’s Party. As if they’ll be allowed to play that game.

>> No.16252330

Lgtpocwocs dont want equality, they want cultural marxism. All the lofty universal values i used to think were best exemplified by leftism are actually just white heterosexual christian values, as leftists themselves have reminded me repeatedly. No coexistence is possible with people who want to destroy you.

>> No.16252336

The fuck is cultural marxism? Wikipedia says its a conspiracy theory

>> No.16252349

He’s a troll, he’s come to destroy the board.

>> No.16252356
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This is the future leftists want for our children.

The Sexual Revolution and Children
How the Left Took Things Too Far
Germany's left has its own tales of abuse. One of the goals of the German 1968 movement was the sexual liberation of children. For some, this meant overcoming all sexual inhibitions, creating a climate in which even pedophilia was considered progressive.


>> No.16252369

Marxism as a culture simple as that. I don't know why this makes the leftards seeth so much.

>> No.16252382

No true scotsman. The mainline of leftism is pro-"idpol", you class purists are nothing more than a despised fringe. Many practitioners and theorists of feminism, black and queer liberation were full throated Marxists or at least anti-capitalist.

>> No.16252393

Marxism is economics

>posts s&m furries.
Looks like capitalism to me.

>> No.16252394

I like the term ' cultural marxism' because it pisses all the right people off.

>> No.16252423

awww did OP hurt your feelings? he’s talking about nothing after all right? right guys?

>> No.16252429
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N O.

The left/right dichotomy is a far too simple shorthand. I’ve already told you there’s a left and right to capitalism, but what WE MEAN BY LEFTWING IS ANTI-CAPITALIST SOCIALISM.
IDpol is supported most fervently by the liberals. BOTH left and right. Socialists want some equality, sure, but the main problem with this world is *economics*
And Marx is ECONOMICS. What you mean by this blanket term is “Marxist-Leninism” which is state-socialism.

>> No.16252440

is a basic japanese recipe really brilliant? if you think so start searching for recipes on youtube and your mind will be blown

>> No.16252476

I feel bad for you, because I think you sincerely believe in leftist ideologies like Marxism, and you don't want to see that it's over. Corporate-basked liberals are the leftists now.

>> No.16252481

Sorry, but socialists tend to be wholehearted identity politicians these days and there's little you can do about it but fruitlessly accuse them of being fake. Liberals and nationalists were left wing originally, the political landscape has shifted and left you behind.

>> No.16252508

kill yourself

>> No.16252524

you say that but you too are a liberal, and all marxists in America or under America's sphere of influence are liberals, the same way all russian marxists were really authocratic tsarists and all chinese marxists are imperial bureaucrats. No ammount of ideology can take away a people's blood-spirit, you WILL be liberal if you are american, right wing, left wing it does not matter. Even american national-socialists are liberalized, once the blood-spirit comes from the realm of the unmanifest and connects all the living beings in a certain land and assembles them into ethnicity, it is impossible to escape its grasp.

>> No.16252555

I’m more of a Bakuninist. Liberals and nationalists were opposed to monarchy. Big deal. Why are you still a liberal?

You and they follow select blogs and vlogs

For having to work for a living and spend their money, I’m a liberal? Not how that works.
Dumb cope

>> No.16252592

How is it marxist if it exists under capitalist culture

>> No.16252605

Woke capital is an IRL dialectical sublation.

>> No.16252611

Bakunin was a virulent antisemite who accused Marx of being a Rothschild agent.

>> No.16252818
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For standing up for a transition state which was taken way out of context by Lenin and set us back a hundred years. I like Jefferson some too, you going to remind me he owned slaves?

>> No.16253119

To the Marxoids in here I want you to read this description of Del Noce's "decomposed Marxism" which seems a lot like what people are talking about when they talk about cultural Marxism:

>it is a society that accepts all of Marxism's negations against contemplative thought, religion, and metaphysics; that accepts, therefore, the Marxist reduction of ideas to instruments of production; that, on the other hand, rejects the revolutionary-messianic aspects of Marxism, and thus what is still religious in the revolutionary idea

He seems to say that late capitalist/liberal society accepts dialectical materialism but in the end uses it as a tool to critique Marxism itself. So in a way we live in a society that has embraced Marxist epistemology but totally rejected Marxist economics and politics. So there is a certain "spirit" of Marxism, in an aesthetic-cultural sense, alive in the West, but it is used entirely by liberals as a weapon to inject skepticism into reactionary and communistic political aspirations