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/lit/ - Literature

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1625004 No.1625004 [Reply] [Original]

If Socrates saw what constitutes philosophy with its abstruse jargon and murky thinking he would reject it just like he rejected everything similar for the bullshit it is.

If you like "philosophy" as it is today and think Socrates would be your bro were he alive today, you've got another thing coming.

>> No.1625017
File: 30 KB, 300x300, 61OhSa7Cp2L._SL500_AA300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Judas Priest too OP!

>> No.1625019

Lots of pretentious homos with a lot of -ism words in here, I agree OP.

Worse than betas, metafags.

>> No.1625023

I'm glad you know exactly what Socrates would think.

>> No.1625025


>> No.1625032

Socrates checking in here. I just flew in from the past, and boy is my beard tired.

>> No.1625101

Thanks, bro.

>> No.1625115

>implying socrates wasn't a delusional fuckhead who asked more questions than he gave answers

>> No.1625154


The last real thinker was Heidegger, and before him, Nietzsche. Socrates would be disgusted by pop psychology, mass media culture, and liberal democracy. He would hate that philosophy is dead (and don't fool yourselves, it is, for the present at least).

The university, that old bastion of thought, has fallen to the fickle mind of the majority. Professors no longer value the study of philosophy or the study of the classics, the foundations for our civilization and our ways of thinking.

When Nietzsche said "God is dead," he wasn't making some vulgar statement in favor of atheism. He was saying that metaphysics was dying in his day, and indeed, it is dead in ours.

>> No.1625182


That was a statement against christian morals and traditional metaphysics.

>> No.1625193


Sure is full of shit in here.

>> No.1625203


possibly. I'm an English major though, and I definitely agree with this guy that the classics aren't given their due any longer...

I never formally studied Homer in undergrad, for example. and he's fucking HOMER

>> No.1625205


You're an english major, not a classics major.

>> No.1625206


Confront one of your teacher about Molière being better than Shakespeare.

Delicious tears my friend.

>> No.1625211


>classics major

You mean there's a major more useless than English?

Yes, I'd like a small soy latte, please.

>> No.1625212

Yeah, I think the cinics and then some of the stoics, like Crisipus are those who followed Socrates more to the letter.
You see Socrates mention how useless it is to ponder on the nature of the universe and being cynical about the whole thing in Xenophon's dialogues, which aren't tainted with his own ideas like those of Plato's.

Socrates kind of disregarded everything that wasn't ethics.

>> No.1625215


Yes, there is. Are you 16?

>> No.1625217


Disregard metaphysics, I suck (children's) cocks - Socrates of Athens.

It all makes sense now!

>> No.1625222

uh oh.

do I sense another english major vs music major shitstorm a'brewin'?

>> No.1625236


Remember when universities were something more than glorified trade schools?

>> No.1625246


Yeah, like in the middle ages when universities were meant for priests, nobility and the independently wealthy.

>> No.1625254


Well if you're like most people chances are you have to actually work and make money. Which means you need to have credentials in a subject that will actually get you a damn job.
And that sure as hell isn't knowing how to talk Greek.

>> No.1625264


>English major vs. Music major

There's a difference?

Both are completely unemployable.

>> No.1625268
File: 163 KB, 533x400, p7248272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only useful college degree.

>> No.1625269
File: 549 KB, 600x800, Schopenhauer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Music > Literature

i bet that makes most here mad tho

>> No.1625275

lol @ these amateurs. Sorry that you don't understand philosophy, but just because there's jargon there doesn't mean it doesn't make sense. Read an introduction to philosophy and you'll see the sorts of logic that are involved and realise that they are well reasoned. It is similarly well reasoned at the top end of philosophy, but with the jargon - which is, of course, essential.

>> No.1625292

yet another potent demonstration of piggy westerners who can't see past their own backyard

>> No.1625296
File: 19 KB, 300x420, Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Music > Literature
yeah, but don't forget to add:
Literature major > Music major

>> No.1625300

>still thinks Socrates existed.

>> No.1625312

>End of History
I'm afraid soon there won't be anything past our own backyard. See what's happening in the Middle East...
Globalization is getting global.

>> No.1625318
File: 104 KB, 400x300, iwt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crazy atheists...

>> No.1625325

fair enough point

>> No.1625356

Aristophanes says he existed.

>> No.1625361


Lol. Saïd business school is worthless.
Enjoy your shitty MBA.

Next time don't name it after a Muslim.

>> No.1625424


>Oxford Business School


>> No.1625430


It is. It's not even a top 20 B-School.

>> No.1625459

cry some moar

>> No.1625463

Why would he cry, he's right. Oxford is shit for business.

>> No.1625466

increase your tears

>> No.1625473


Still not crying.
And you shouldn't either. You can still do a MSc at LSE.

>> No.1625496


>> No.1625518

Yeah well, philosophy is still the only liberal art that deals with anything that matters outside of sounding or looking pretty.

>> No.1625571


>implying philosophy matters

>> No.1625595


What can you do with a philosophy degree?

Oh, yeah, teach philosophy and write essays. Two things so easy my dog could do them.

>> No.1625621

>implying the only thing about university that matters is the job you get to do hurray lets work and be consumer whores

>> No.1625632
File: 163 KB, 1152x864, Animals_Dogs_Wearing_glasses_Dog_005508_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to meet your dog...

>> No.1626298

you're right bro, people should be at least basically educated on what "true" philosophy is and how the
man's though evolved during centuries of debatement and the flateness of today pop culture which I think is the greatest shit the world shat!

>> No.1626303

somewhat agree, but it's just one particular mood. there are serious philosophical problems worth of close analysis in the analytic style. it is incredibly difficult though

>> No.1626309


Classics major here, you can be a latin or greek teacher at a high school or community college. That's not a bad gig at all, and they're in great demand believe it or not, at least great demand compared to the supply.

Plus it's a fun fucking major and everyone in it is really dedicated.

>> No.1626318

it depends on what method you use, if you use the idealistic rational analisys then go to pic >>1625296
if you use the word "analythical" as analogue to "scientific" then you can have a Marxian concept of the world complex
(plz don't hate me i'm only drunk)

>> No.1626320

I think you were trying to say "Postmodernism is bullshit". I agree.

>> No.1626321

have you ever heard of analytic philosophy

>> No.1626326

that kantian bullshit? XD dunno until now i studied only until 19th c,ry philosophy, next week we will go on with Karl Marx

>> No.1626333

if you say the 20th c.ry phylosophical movement then i donnow if I will ever study it

>> No.1626342
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it's okay i am a bit drunk too lol

>> No.1626373

analytic philosophy is not exactly the same as logical positivism

>> No.1626495


Most community colleges don't have the budget to hire teachers for languages other than Spanish