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/lit/ - Literature

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16249879 No.16249879 [Reply] [Original]

I have recently bought a LSD tab and I will be taking it in the next weeks/months.
I will be tripping alone and I want to read something on acid (I don't know if I will be able to, but I want to try.
So what are the best books to read while tripping. Not boks about psychadelics, but something I can really reflect on.

>> No.16249886

Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy

>> No.16249889

>reading on acid
You won't, especially on your first trip.
i was barely able to read about Cyrus in Herodotus's accounts, while tripping on 3 tabs of acid. So good luck

>> No.16249915

fuck off junkie

>> No.16249964

you sure you wanna trip on your own if it's your first time?

>> No.16249990

The Unique and Its Property is fun to read on a comedown, helps cut out all the esoteric bullshit that psychs can promote

>> No.16250031

brainlets fails to understand that they value psychedelics only because they value materialism.
And because they now have a view opposite to what they believed before, it means their view is truer. They fail to think outside the box.

So The psychedelic experience is a doorway which leads to a hallway which leads to only what you want to find within yourself.

In other terms, a drug is nothing but a high-yield (fast but not perfect) technique to reach partly what your reason and heart cannot achieve fully in your opinion. If anything, it is a total lack of confidence in your reason and in your abilities to philosophy to be at ease with life.

>> No.16250059

I just like seeing bright colors everywhere

>> No.16250064

You won't be able to focus on written words while you're peaking, and you'll be too distracted by all the novelty before you get there.
Bring Hesse's Siddhartha and read the final two chapters when you're coming down but still buzzing.

>> No.16250155

u serious?

>> No.16250185

You're not leaving it out in the open are you?

>> No.16250201

Just read something fun and light like >>16249886 or The Crying of Lot 49 or maybe some romantic poetry or something. I've always wanted to read Coleridge on it but idk i've never picked a book up. Just cut the nerd shit and watch some cartoons or music videos with your homies and go out to the park like for real

>> No.16250220

agreed, reading is impossible and ass on drugs

>> No.16250226

Don't bother trying to read, in my experience the words move all over the page and nothing makes sense even if you can read a few sentences. Do something creative instead

>> No.16250340

I like to see acid as a little vial of meaning you can pour on what you want. A book is a good choice. It will be hard to focus at first, but you can do it. When things are wonky I like reading poetry like Ashbery, Armantrout, or Apollinaire, or more impressionist prose like Woolf’s The Waves. Hegel on the comedown.

>> No.16250344

I like listening to pendulum

>> No.16250393

I listened to this my first time during the peak and it felt amazing with the droning monastic chants.

>> No.16250483

Also this, similar but something about the way the sound peaks made the trip go absolutely mystical for me
>inb4 phoneposter
Only to post these to temporarily avoid a ban. Don't bother banning me for evasion because I'll just reset my IP.

>> No.16250616

In Watermelon Sugar has the closest thing to LSDlike prose I can think of.

>> No.16250682
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>reading on hallucinogens
I ate 22 grams of psilocybin truffles last friday and tried to read something, but the text was all caleidoscopic crinkles and miniature slinkies. So I put on a sleep mask and listened to the Johns Hopkins playlist instead. Have fun anon.

>> No.16250747

Reading anything fiction on the comedown is very nice. It's really hard to read during the actual trip on anything more than 100ug though, the letters do funny things on the page

>> No.16250787

you're not going to be able to read anything lmao

>> No.16250820

Is this your first time doing acid idiot?
You aren’t going to be able to fucking read. The entire page will be moving. The words will be swirling around. You are going to feel sick just trying to concentrate on a single word. Even if you do manage to read, your mind will wonder and you won’t be able to stay focused on any single task for more then 5 minutes.
Audio books will be your best bet but even then you’ll probably be wondering if your wall is two different shades of off white and why it’s breathing in on you. You’ll close your eyes and the sound of the audio book will correlate with fractal colors appearing in your mind

>> No.16250838

This we think alike

>> No.16250917
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My first suggestion is an old favorite. You'll already have a baseline to ground you, but you may see it in a new way.

Then I recommend Ovid or Hesiod, if you don't mind negative feelings. They are part of life, too. Myth is so rich in symbolism, you can't go wrong immersing yourself in it.

The Peregrine. Call it tryhard, if you like. I think the prose is beautiful.

Everyone is talking about the words moving, that may be an issue, so if you insist on reading, maybe a cool comic book.

Most of all, remember that while you're tripping you don't HAVE to do anything. It may feel like it sometimes, but listen to what you really want and give yourself person to breath and enjoy yourself.

I've only done acid once, but I had an incredible time listening to music and watching Frances Ha.

>> No.16251025

The lack of confidence and inability to be at ease with life is called alienation. You would know if you had read radical thinkers such as the presocratics, Christ, Marx etc...

"To philosophy" is the peak of alienation, you will never be at ease with life if you "philosophy", as only the radicality of Being, the totality of experience, unfragmented, can yield the aforementionned state.

LSD is great, for what it is.

>> No.16251162

Pick something you know : you'll get a deeper, slightly skewed view of it.
Or better yet, write what comes to your mind. Think of it as a message to your sober self.

>> No.16251654

You want music while on psychedelics, not books.
You don't even need anything at all. Just relax and enjoy being in the moment. Watch the clouds, stare at the walls, move your hand in a figure eight, watch some animals, the trees, or just close your eyes and watch your imagination summon up whatever you feel like.

>> No.16251785

Dont read on acid, you will deconstruct the letters as meaningless stains on a piece of paper and spiral into derealization

>> No.16251883
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As a former psychonaut, don't do psychedelics, they're unironically poison especially in our deracinated age. I lost a few friends to disagreements about their mental health, and seen a few try to get through psychosis. Just don't bro, it won't be a mind blowing transcendental experience, and it'll just distract you from having real ones. If my advice won't convince you, just try not to eat shit. Physical health can regenerate, but fucking yourself over mentally has a threshold and sometimes that wall hits people their first time. Be safe anon, and just stick to books.

>> No.16251999

Cucked lil pussy bitch

>> No.16252155

>t. demoralizing kike
ignore this faggot, OP (unless you have a family history of mental illness, of course)

>> No.16253442
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Tao Lin's "Trip" is a useful meld of narrative and exposition, and I hear his forthcoming "Leave Society" will take some of these themes in a different direction

>> No.16253898

I hate the new puritan 4chan

>> No.16253906

Do not read a book. Instead, watch all 3 Lord of the Rings or Star Wars or John Wick movies. Trust me. Sorry, not a /lit/ answer but I've done acid.

>> No.16253945

Watching a screen is a huge waste of LSD

>> No.16253952

>watching hollywood garbage on acid
Unironically kill yourself

>> No.16254572

Fuck that
Post music for an acid trip

>> No.16254884

yeah this would be great to just close your eyes to on psychedelics, especially at about 7 minutes in

>> No.16254889

consuming media on acid is such a waste of time unless you are going full meta on techno culture
that being said, the bible

>> No.16255025

I will store it in the freezer covering it with aluminium paper.

I'm thinking about picking up some poetry of Pessoa, my favorite is Alberto Caeiro, but I don't know if it will fuck me up in a bad way.

>> No.16255099

A friend will probably be around smoking weed, but I may just pick up a book, he is quite a lit guy too.

>> No.16255110

Finnegans Wake is amazing if you can break into it

>> No.16255229

You won't be reading anything. If you haven't tripped before, I'd advise against doing it alone.
>brainlets fails to understand that they value psychedelics only because they value materialism.
>And because they now have a view opposite to what they believed before, it means their view is truer. They fail to think outside the box.
Brainlets project shit like this because they fail to understand psychedelics. Psychedelics are not a favorite of materialists. Psychedelics do not provide an "opposite" view, and most of us do not believe the resulting views to be inherently truer for that or any reason. They are not taken because one fails to "think outside of the box." This dichotomy, this binary positioning that you have described is entirely fabricated.
Psychedelics allow us to alter the way we think. As such, anyone who takes a psychedelic will experience thoughts they may not have been inclined to have while unaltered. Some of them are insightful, some of them are incoherent. Some right, some wrong. In effect, it is not all that different from being sober, except for being a different person and being unable to do math properly.
That is the utility, to think as if you are not you. If you were to deny that there are ways in which you are inclined to think and ways in which you are inclined not to, you'd be a liar. Set yourself next to another person, and your minds are disparate. You have differing thoughts and perspectives. Your thinking, no matter how much you'd like to deny it, is somewhat limited by nature. It is the reason that you read, assuming anyone on this board reads at all.
>a drug is nothing but a high-yield (fast but not perfect) technique
This is the only part of your post which was not nonsense, and only if you cut the sentence where I have. It is indeed fast and not perfect, but so is reading a short, shallow book to introduce yourself to a topic. It is not indicative of some sort of inability, or a lack of confidence. It's an effective way to quickly form insight. Once you've gained that, you move onto something deeper until you have a new focus.
>Instead, watch all 3 Lord of the Rings or Star Wars or John Wick movies. Trust me.
Do not trust him. Watch The Holy Mountain or Samsara (2011).

>> No.16255310

I did mushrooms this weekend and read Fichte's Science of Knowledge

>> No.16255313
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>> No.16255323


>> No.16255532

>If you haven't tripped before, I'd advise against doing it alone.
I don't know, I hear this advice a lot and I think it's a bit unnecessary. I tripped alone for my first time and I was completely fine. But I think the key is to go in and treat it respectfully, since almost everyone seriously underestimates how potent LSD is, and they especially underestimate how much more intense the experience will get when they add only 50/100 more micrograms.
As long as you don't act like a fuckwit with mind altering substances and have a good attitude towards psychedelics, I think it's fine to trip alone your first time. But if you're scared, maybe not.

>> No.16255541

also yes, fucking excellent movie recommendation for acid
it's still a waste of acid to stare at a screen, but if you're going to do that, Samsara or something like Baraka would do it.

>> No.16255588

>I will be tripping alone and I want to read something on acid (I don't know if I will be able to, but I want to try.

As others have said you wont be able to during the trip, or even more likely you wont actually want to once you're actually high. But you could read during the comedown when you're feeling cozy and glowing, and for that I recommend something comfy like Celtic mythology or the Arthurian legends. I wouldn't really recommend anything that requires having to hold too much information in your head, so nothing dense.

>you sure you wanna trip on your own if it's your first time?

Who cares? Unless he's taking a stupid amount and/or mixing with other drugs he'll be fine. All I'd recommend is just making sure to minimise anything unexpected like surprise visitors or whatever because that can ruin the high a bit especially if you're alone. I'll say though, it's always when you're tripping that those random things happen. You might have a neighbour that you've never interacted with once you decides to knock on your door for no reason and it's the day you're tripping. Murphy's Law.

>> No.16255634

Here my friend


Its Ernst Jünger- Approaches. In this book he describes his numerous drug experiences. He was one of the first to try LSD and was a good friend of Albert Hofman. He is one of the very few writers that get a drug experience across and its just very interesting in general. That said I can not judge the translation. It might be bad or come across as nonsense because of the way he writes. I hate how everyone only knows him for Storm of Steel. Its just that later Jünger deserves much more attention and praise. Fuck any kind of conservative or right winger who mentions him for their cause tho. Get aids and dont use my Jünger you pathetic subhumans.

>> No.16255647

Fuck reading in acid, fuck watching tv on acid.
Go outside you hermits.
This generation..

>> No.16255881

relax you fucking geezer, he might live in a place where he'll be around too many people outside and wants to avoid paranoia

>> No.16256422
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Unbelievably bad waste of time.
Terrible. You'll poison yourself. That stuff is cancer.
Funnily enough Buddhism is just as bad at its metaphysical base as Stirner and egoism. Its like two sides of the same spectrum, essentially nihilism.
Coldridge would be okay. There is better stuff though.

Okay I'm not going to go through the whole thread.
If you do actually want to read and can the text I would most suggest is Shankara's Atman Shatkam. Only 6 verses. If you want to read something longer go for the Dao De Ching. If you cant read, see if you can listen to a recitation of the Bhagavad Gita. If your feeling really bold the ultimate thing to listen to is the arabic recitation of the Quran with English translations I guess.

If you get worried remember: "this too shall pass", if you get bored think: "what am I? From whence did these thoughts arise?"

Happy travels.

>> No.16256445

Dont read Pessoa OP.
Another one would be the song of songs from the bible. Another awesome thing would be the Gospels imo, that always makes me feel amazing and in awe when I'm completely sober.
>>16256422 also me.

>> No.16256520

These guys have never done acid OP dosregard them

>> No.16257111

I've done acid and just got way more out of going outside or looking at the clouds, or closing my eyes, listening to music or just watching the walls.
I just don't enjoy watching movies that much. I can do that without LSD.

>> No.16257935

Dear anons who has taking LSD changed your life (in a positive way)?
Genuinly curious, because my impressions from the ones I know are rather negative and not very impressive. Not that they ended in a psychiatry but I wonder what would make it worthwhile.

>> No.16257949


>22 grams

Holy fucking shit

>> No.16257967

Yeah I've done all that shit on LSD too
I've just also watched movies, and it's a great experience
I hardly watch movies when not on drugs

>> No.16258036

I’ve dropped twice.
>1 tab, first time
Underwhelming but in the nice way. Watched movies, listened to music, walked in the park. Everything was so sensitive. I started writing poetry and felt like I got over a formal hitch that I had been thinking about. Nothing I achieved or felt on lsd I couldn’t accomplish without, but it’s a short cut to arriving at that state vs hours of meditation
>3 tabs
long (~2hrs?) walk through the park w/ my friend. Very pleasant 1st half, more poetry. 2nd half my friend starting wiggin out and got super dehydrated. Hallucinations were bad and that altered my mood to being really stressed and having to walk him back home, keeping him away from people. Afterwards I listened to music by myself and orgasmed like 3 times. 6/10 night

>> No.16258142

Reading on a full dose of LSD isn't particularly enjoyable. I'd agree with the other anons who suggest you go outside into nature and listen to music instead. But if you must, I'd at least suggest poetry over prose, and strongly advice that you stay away from dark, depressing and edgelord stuff. I once read Notes from Underground on an acid trip when I was a dumbass edgelord teenager, who thought I was the lord of the darkness, and it just sucked major ass. It didn't turn me crazy, it didn't break my mind, it just sucked ass. Come to think of it, it may have been instrumental in me shedding the character trait of being and edgelord, so some good may have come of it.

Stay away from Pessoa on acid.

Yes, lessened my autism and neuroticism, made me more outgoing, easygoing and adventurous. I used to be the kind of person who could stay holed up in my room for 14 days straight playing oblivion, shitposting on 4chinz and never showering, psychedelics were instrumental to showing me a different and better way to live life. Also was instrumental in making me me realize I should quit smoking, quit eating junk food, quit drinking soda, and exercise more.

In short, they gave me a profound sense of self-respect, and the impetus to live my life according to this insight.

>> No.16258284
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Most books don't work on lsd but this one does.

>> No.16258504

Complete opposite for me desu
It was nice to watch pictures on the screen if they were fractal patterns or something but otherwise felt almost no interest in the screen compared to everything else around me

>> No.16258508

That's truffles (sclerotia), not mushrooms. Truffles are less strong per gram. They're most commonly sold in 15 gram portions.

>> No.16258516

Something with great paper quality and probably deckled edges. Only time in my life I've ever recommended deckled edges tbph.

>> No.16258544

kafka on the shore

>> No.16259282

based and maharajpilled

>> No.16260048

Try mine.

Wrote it after tripping on some experiences that were very enlightening.


>> No.16260215

Yeah, basically keep something simple like Alice in wonderland close by and try an read it, but you probably won't be able too till you are coming down, even then it will be a pain. Also, you should have a trip sitter that you trust

>> No.16260226

Unurionically fear and loathing and las vegas

>> No.16260230

Wtf based

>> No.16261089

Go outside into nature and reflect on your own thoughts.

>> No.16262182
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Read Coleridge in the forest.

>> No.16262204
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i was reading that the other day after doing DMT at the peak of an LSD trip. i totally jived with it but started getting kinda weirded out when he starting talking about making love to his old indian man guru. anyway heres my suggestion

>> No.16262224

tpbp, get bent retards.

>> No.16262791
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One of my favorite things to do while tripping is to grab a book and turn to a blank page that's followed by a page full of print (so that I can see the next page of text very faintly through the blank page) and stare at it. Because the acid switches pattern-recognition parts of the brain into overdrive, this "ghost text" starts to arrange itself into beautiful, ever-changing patterns. It's like unlocking hidden, accidental works of art in every book.

Properly reading will probably be a challenge for the first 4 hours of the trip or so, but after that you should be good (tho the letters will still be squiggling). Stanislaw Lem's Futurological Congress is the trippiest book I've ever read, but I've never actually read it while tripping. Could be interesting to try...

Also pic related absolutely comes alive on acid, no matter how hard you're tripping. I highly recommended you pick up a copy if you don't have one already. Any edition.

>> No.16262815


>> No.16262920
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Ram Dass gives me major pedo vibes
pic related

>> No.16263640

That composer is fantastic.

>> No.16263658

don't read, just go in the woods or whatever natural setting you can get to

>> No.16263712

I always read on acid if I am indoors. There probably isn’t a single type of book that everyone would enjoy on this specific drug, but I always enjoy books with a bizarre and unfamiliar setting. Sci-fi is usually good.

>> No.16263744

Here are a few recs:
>A Fire Upon the Deep
>Anything having to do with greek mythology
>Moby Dick

>> No.16264276

this is true if you have someone in your family with mental disease, father or grandfather usually the biggest offenders. I too have lost some good friends due to this shit and them losing their minds, it's not as simple as some of you consider it. Not to discourage, but understand it brings its own perils with it.

>> No.16265657

>drank a bunch of DXM
>start tripping balls and thinking about Pale Fire, which I was reading at the time
>decide to finish the book while i'm peaking
>I sit out on the patio in my apartment complex at 1AM smoking cigs
>at the climax of the novel, i'm completely sucked in and on the edge of my seat
>"Hi, what are you reading?"
some girl walking her dog wanders up, I tell her it's called Pale Fire
>Pale Fire
>"Pain Fire?"
>No, no Pale Fire
>"Oh, is that non-fiction of fiction?"
>it's fiction
>"Oh okay.. is that.. fake?"
I'm just trying not to slur my words here
>girl: "Oh yeah. wait.. so fiction-- i mean non-fiction is the fake one then"
>No, no. Fiction is the fake one
Her dog starts pissing on a pile of charcoal next to the grills.
>She asks what it's about

Don't feel like greentexting the whole convo. I start attempting to explain the plot of Pale Fire. I'm kicking myself a little bit at this point because it felt like she might be flirting with me, but at the same time I'm on the last like 5 pages of the book and i just wanna finish it not answer dumb questions while i'm fucked up on drugs and her dog's running around yapping and pissing all over everything. she continued getting fiction and non-fiction confused to to point where I was starting to question whether or not I knew the difference. all of this while i was trying to figure out which events were real of fake in the novel. eventually she went back inside and i finished it and the whole situation was the funniest shit to me for some reason.

A week later the same fucking girl had some sort of psychotic break and thought there were people after her and she even accused me of being involved somehow. Her getting fact and fiction confused had some sort of fucked up irony to it now and it seemed apropos to the book as well.

>> No.16266649

that sounds so bittersweet anon. i get super incapable of communication when on high doses of dxm and basically just end up stuttering something about being too high to talk, i would probably kms if a cute girl tried to talk to me while im on dxm desu

>> No.16266701

Kek. The uncanniness of talking with sober people while tripping is enough to send me over the edge too.

>> No.16266753

yeah it got pretty depressing the following weeks/months. I kinda had a half-crush that you get for someone you barely know, but she started spiraling the next few weeks. She'd ask me for a cig whenever she'd see me and start talking about her computer being hacked or her identity being stolen. She showed me her fucking driver's license and asked me if it was her. Idk what to do to help in that situation which really sucks. maybe it was stupid but it did hurt when she started thinking I was in on it, too. She said that she hoped that "they" were paying me a lot.

>> No.16266811

she sounds perfect tfw no schizo gf