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File: 1.48 MB, 1000x1500, based hegel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16247504 No.16247504 [Reply] [Original]

what does /lit/ think about existential comics?

>> No.16247541

Jeez, is Hegel really this based? What works of his should I read?

>> No.16247543

I don't

>> No.16247545

Great takes, even the boomer ones

>> No.16247553
File: 29 KB, 257x300, 1592689085187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Hegel. Except MedChads are the Superior ones. The rest of Euros are just Honourary Meds, but they shouldn't push it. Everyone else must be purged.

>> No.16247582

liberals are truly awful people
no wonder they love garbage like existential comics

>> No.16247601

imagine opening the nytimes op-ed pages and thinking "yeah! yeahhh! that's so insightful, man, what a great idea!"

>> No.16247604
File: 528 KB, 1000x1500, PNNphilosophySolved1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be very fair to them

>> No.16247617

Why is he attacking his fanbase?

>> No.16247627

It's hilarious

>> No.16247640

Engels had the best threesomes.

>> No.16247643

I am not completely convinced that the comic is attacking the guy.

>> No.16247652

don't politicize your head it's clearly being very condescending

>> No.16247654

He's a commie retard who doesn't even understand Foucault. Also
>mixing philosophy with entertainment
Fuck you, OP.

>> No.16247660

His fan base are post-Feyerabendian marxists.

Jesus fuck, that's undergraduate shit. Are you even a party member?

>> No.16247662

>Friends and family of Immanuel Kant concerned after he was found outside having fun.
That gave me a good chuckle. The rest of both of these are kind of lame.

>> No.16247670

I was reading this it's stupid lol https://existentialcomics.com/comic/355

>> No.16247676

That guy is actually right about literally everything though.

>> No.16247677

i had an existential crisis when i dated a rich girl and found out her parents were huge obama supporters because i 100% honestly thought that rich people are evil, not midwits, they support astroturf candidates like obama because they know the rubes will vote for them and they know politics has been simplified down to "Black mean mean u fightin' racism, that good and nice"

but then i found out the NYT readers are high on their own supply and have been for years, and i freaked out. it was like i had the lowest possible expectations of what rich well educated people must be like and it turned out it was way worse than that. i had to take a few minutes while my whole worldview shifted and realigned

>> No.16247691

That's funny they're not responsible by being extremely evil just terribly incompetent and there's nothing anyone can do

>> No.16247697

>there's nothing anyone can do
Sure there is, we can take a cue from Kant and go outside and have fun.

>> No.16247709

ok that is pretty funny though

>> No.16247710

Yeah I meant the epiphany

>> No.16247720

"Morality is relative" contradicts "We should do whatever makes everyone most happy".

>> No.16247731
File: 26 KB, 604x452, existentialcomics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that physiognomy is real.

>> No.16247742

hegel sounds based

>> No.16247746

>whines on twitter all day about american politics
uh huh

>> No.16247749

So did I.

>> No.16247753

>Why yes, of course I'm a women respecter, how did you know?

>> No.16247762

Find a flaw in anything he said op, I'll wait

>> No.16247768

You mean in what Hegel said? I can't find any flaw in what Hegel said, he seems based