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16240473 No.16240473 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't we find a fair ruling system after 12000 years of recorded history
>muh plato philosopherino king
didn't work

>> No.16240476

Use logic and debates. Best debater wins and their ability is judged by a logic

>> No.16240482

>>muh plato philosopherino king
>didn't work
Are you sure about that? That just shows you missed the idealistic reflection of the dialogue on reality, or the current time, or perhaps the nature of man and whatnot.

>> No.16240484
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The family of the rape victim and the family of the rapists would like to have a vote

>> No.16240489
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Here. Now it’s about books

>> No.16240493

shut up woman, the men are talking

>> No.16240500
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Fuck off

>> No.16240503

Aristotle and the males in the victim’s and the rapists families would like to put this assault to a vote.

>> No.16240505

See now. He would not like his property gang raped.

>> No.16240525

Go away, sophist

>> No.16240526

But that would only be true when the society they inhabit solely consists of the victim and the assailants.
In the real world, democracy envelops an entire nation of which the majority would no doubt vote in favour of outlawing non-consensual intercourse if you are living in a civilised society.

>> No.16240553

It assumes truth isn't from man but instead from reality. The literal opposite of sophism. You have a yt understanding of debating. The Swedish Court system uses analytic debating.

>> No.16240569

Most people dont want to be gangraped, therefor gangrape is not the will of the majority.

>> No.16240628

The problem is that humanity is split up into people who are dignified and people who aren‘t. This presents an insurmountable issue in managing them. The people with dignity will feel violated by too much (in their case) unnecessary restrictions and speak up against it. However if the rules get less restrictive, the people with no dignity will start to fuck everything up since you can not execute or lock them up as easily. Both options will result in chaos. There‘s only one solution and it is to divide humans into the dignified class that can be left pretty much on their own and the undignified that should be herded together and kept under tight control. There‘s several options to filter the two classes, none of which undignified people will accept since one of the issues of lack of dignity is not knowing what real dignity looks and feels like, thus everyone thinks he definitely belongs in the dignified class.

>> No.16240644

Forgot to add, there‘s another long term solution. It‘s to stop fucking people‘s dignity up in childhood so we will one day reach a point where all undignified people simply die off from old age and then we can finally take up a society that doesn‘t need rulers since those are only necessary to keep the undignified in check.

>> No.16240681

lol legalistic caste hierarchy is for pussies

>> No.16240685


>> No.16240706

People only want a society that's fair for them.

Winning debates is about confusing, misdirecting, goading, taunting, interrupting and otherwise bullshitting your opponent. It has nothing to do with being right.

>> No.16240716

Not true. All men instinctively want to rape and women be raped. Haven’t you read feminism/MGTOW?

>> No.16240724

You seem to fail to see the distinction between undignified men and women, for which your statement is very true and the dignified minority that you do not belong to. If you would, you knew that this isn‘t the truth for everyone.

>> No.16240735

Most of the value in democracy isn't in fairness, it's in establishing legitimacy.
If you know a majority likes the other guy and most of the rest has committed to honoring a fair election even if they don't like the outcome there's no reason to start fighting. Succession is ridiculously uneventful nowadays. I'll take an election season over a civil war.
Any replacement system would need to perform that function at least as well as democracy does. Otherwise you get bigger problems than unfairness and it'll probably end up overthrown anyway.
Trying to fix democracy might be more fruitful, even if you can never get it to the point where it's satisfyingly fair.

>> No.16240739
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Large democracies aren't possible. Isonomia is the best form of government and existed in Ionia before they got fucked by the Persians and then the Athenians. Too bad is only possible in city-states and towns.

>> No.16240741
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we did it's called capitalism now fuck off commie faggot

>> No.16240775
File: 297 KB, 1439x620, Screenshot_20200829-035039_Opera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit you're brainwashed. The Swedish justice system requires the prosecutor to operate like this. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prosecutor

>> No.16240862

Your liberalism disgusts me
Seriously repent
Things get worse not better.

>> No.16240881

Logic derives from man and is not present anywhere in reality

>> No.16240889

You are completely delusional if you believe this works in practice the way you think it does
>t. Work in law in a country with a similar system
What's next, do you believe we enforce good Samaritan laws?

>> No.16240894

not gonna happen capitalism wouldn't allow it

>> No.16240905

Read Derrida

>> No.16240909

Analytics can't categorise itself as analytics

>> No.16240914

This is why the first stage would need a cast system to remove the indignity from society.

>> No.16240925

Yeech, then that means syntax doesn't matter and it also means reality isn't logical. Yikes

>works the way I think it does
I'm saying what it is is what works. It's better than antagonism but I think it doesn't need a defense attorney. I'm just saying debating style exists.

Now what is this supposed to mean anon? Are you ontologizing Goedel's incompleteness theorem? I'm not particularly sure how that relates. We call math, math but we don't clarify that math can't categorize itself as math. I'm sure you had an interesting point anon.

>> No.16240949

found your problem

>> No.16241115

A 'ruling' system is inherently unfair, and will always involve the suppression of an exploited class by its exploiters. We need the DOTP because only the liquidation of the bourgeoisie through the expropriation of their property can we establish a classless society which will have no 'rulers' nor any need for them. The largest barrier to accomplishing this is the tendency for a bureaucracy to emerge as the nascent form of a new bourgeoisie. The collective political education and participation of the proletariat is therefore necessary to thwart reaction.

>> No.16241126

low quality bait

>> No.16241134

because no one agrees on the definition of "fair"

>> No.16241138

sweden? you mean the country that apologizes to muslim rapists for oppressing them?

>> No.16241163


Gang rape is not the will of the majority as the majority is clearly against it since it is illegal. Democracy does not mean "the will of the majority for any random subset of the population present in one place at a given time". It means that the whole demos gets a vote.

>> No.16241206

Im fine with gang rape as long as it its a two thirds majority decision.

>> No.16241225
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>> No.16241260

As opposed to the Levithan raping whoever he wants.

>> No.16241268

Cause it wasn't about finding a fair ruling system, it was about finding a system that could work for the illuminati to govern happily without worrying if the world would get overwhelmed by the plebs.
So far they haven't found one. And as things stand right now, it's probably looking pretty grim for them since the masses are just too much of a powerful force, you have no idea how dangerous a person who needs to eat and reproduce is for this planet's elite's continuous oppulent existence
reminder that the union of egoists already exists and they are at war with us
the shadow government, the illuminati, the secret society of the myster schoosl, etc. are the union of egoists and they are trying to exterminate us with all their might (and will probably succeed)

>> No.16241277

idc about politics, they're all retarded but this method of debating is grand.

>> No.16241287

shut up

>> No.16241292


How about you post some proof

>> No.16241295

This but unironically

>> No.16241299
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>> No.16241308

>Use logic and debates. Best debater wins and their ability is judged by a logic
this is what secular humanists believe

>> No.16241314

logic dictates that people who are incapable of being uncivilized have no business living among those that do but secular humanist keep flooding europe and usa with niggers and spics???????????

>> No.16241337


So why believe you then?

>> No.16241345

because want me to

>> No.16241351

The protocols of the learned elders of zion and then go down the rabbit hole of bill cooper's content together with yuri (whenever he mentions global communist conspiracy look deeper into it than the economic system or ideology behind it), or alternatively go read a history of central banking and the enslavement of the human race

>> No.16241365

That‘s because they are uncivilized themselves so they see no issue with doing that.

>> No.16241372

Read "Against Democracy", it puts forward a very strong argument for an epistocratic system involving voter licenses

>> No.16241377

none of this shit matters anyway cause Christ is coming back to reign for 1000 years soon.

>> No.16241379

Unironically to act as a subversive agent and distraction.

>> No.16241385


Because man is a flawed and sinful creature and any system he creates is flawed by both his nature and the realities of this world.

But just because man is flawed doesn't mean we shouldn't have an ideal to strive towards even if it's impossible to attain. It's better to live in almost perfection rather than debasement.

>> No.16241388

Any day now.

>> No.16241393

You mean Antichrist, right?

>> No.16241458

Interesting take, on the surface this seems valid. Inspired by Evola?

>> No.16241527

>12000 years of recorded history
Come on, it's like 8000 and I'm being very generous

>> No.16241533
File: 196 KB, 1000x637, SpartanSocietyStructure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was perfected thousands of years ago.

>> No.16241556

its 6000 corresponding with the six days of creation, the next thousand years is the millennial sabbath aka sunday where Christ will return and reign for 1000 years. no i am not a schizo

>> No.16241574

where is this explained?

>> No.16241576

It‘s possible he has similar ideas. I‘ve never read him. Maybe i should if this is how he thinks. It‘s just my own theory, not inspired by anything in particular other than three decades of observing humans.

>> No.16241592

Capitalism is nothing more than the material manifestation of mimetic desire, the problem of human desire and violence will not be eradicated with capitalism (although the destruction of the systematic manifestation embodied by capital is a step in the right direction).

>> No.16241622

>The Swedish Court system uses analytic debating.
The famous court system that excuses rape as "sexual emergencies"? Yeah, seems to work great.

>> No.16241634

Democracy always devolves into mob rule, it only works when it's limited.

>> No.16241641

Democracy literally is mob rule.

>> No.16241653

>Why can't we find a fair ruling system after 12000 years of recorded history
Duh. Such a thing can never exist because of human nature.

It's all about getting as close to that ideal as possible.

The best solution I can come up with, apart from fascism (which is the best solution by far (and that's obvious if you understand what it is)), is a form of democracy where people of a higher intelligence have a more valuable vote.

>> No.16241751

>is a form of democracy where people of a higher intelligence have a more valuable vote.
In our society, this would mean the disenfranchisement of almost every single Republican voter and the total domination of university-educated liberals. Is that what you want?
>Any replacement system would need to perform that function at least as well as democracy does
Why? I don't see why that should be the case.

>> No.16241793

I didn't want to write an essay but I've already thought about that. I'll be as brief as possible here:

You can only vote if you are >24 yo
Your vote is worth:
1 if you're >24
2 if you're >24, have been married 3 years and have two children
3 if you're >24 and pass the intelligence test
4 if you're >24, have been married 3 years, have two children and pass the intelligence test.

Something like that.

The intelligence test will be a simple objective questionnaire about what exactly the specifics are on what you're voting on.

>> No.16241809

Because people's flaw is not an unified problem. Some people are disabled, others being ignorant, some being so biased it changes their view on reality. If every people has the same flaw, the same level of intellegence, by nature there will be a fair system.

>> No.16241812

>I don't see why that should be the case.
I meant it in a normative sense, not a positive sense.
If your system is fair but leads to civil war because it doesn't provide credible legitimacy it's probably a step back.

>> No.16241818

add land

>> No.16241824
File: 14 KB, 296x445, BAF3A057-17CF-4BD8-8D5A-57A28F1ED87D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If not this book than in others by the author

Why are people afraid of majority rules?

>> No.16241833

>If your system is fair but leads to civil war because it doesn't provide credible legitimacy it's probably a step back.
Does monarchical succession necessarily lead to civil war? Also, can you say that the democratic era has seen fewer civil wars than the pre-democratic era? And have the civil wars of our era been more or less brutal than those of prior eras?
>The intelligence test will be a simple objective questionnaire about what exactly the specifics are on what you're voting on.
What will this look like? Why do the specifics matter? Who will actually be informed of the specifics, how, and why? And why not just get rid of democracy altogether if you care so much about whether or not voters are informed?

>> No.16241870

>Why can't we find a fair ruling system

You have food on your table, electricity, a roof over your head, and the stove works. Plumbing runs almost without hickup, you have videogames that span continents, you can fly to the other side of the world for a months worth of work at a gas station. You have people risking their lives patrolling the Streets to keep you safe, a military to defend your borders.

And if youre american im sure most of these still apply. What is your criteria for a working system?

>> No.16241871

Most humans are not rational, debates a re a waste of time

>> No.16241889

Retard listen, I'm not here to think for you. If you can't answer those questions by yourself, there was no point talking to you in the first place.

>The illusion of control

I told you I wasn't in the mood to write an essay. Don't be lazy, it makes you worthless.

>> No.16241901

>democracy where people of a higher intelligence have a more valuable vote.
I'd rather have a system where only net taxpayers can vote

>> No.16241910

What you're proposing is outlandish and requires explanation. I don't see the point of preserving democracy if all you're going to do is flip the side that's in control. The present situation is, after all, the logical conclusion of all the doctrines of popular sovereignty and individual freedom created during the Enlightenment.

>> No.16241921

Right lets give bankers the vote and take it from over worked nurses. Been reading Ayn Rand recently?

>> No.16241924
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Just have an absolute hereditary monarchy, it's actually rather simple.

>> No.16241929

>Nothing has worked before
>Let's try something new
>...But we have never done that before!

>I don't see the point of preserving democracy if all you'r....
This is my last response, you need to think a little more before you post.
>if all you're going to do is flip the side that's in control.
You've missed the entire point. It's still democracy.

>> No.16241937

It's simply a better form of democracy.

>I'm sick, it's partly why I'm being curt with you.

>> No.16241946

Last time it happened bankers gave votes to nurses.

>> No.16241981

Interesting, but why would God care so much about things like that - each thousand year being like one day of the week? Seems like some sort of Kabbalah or Byzantine mysticism to me.

>> No.16241987

The only system that is fair and efficient is monarchy. However it has one big problem, that is, what to do with incompetent kings? If only there was an easy solution for that.

>> No.16241993
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it's not THAT bad, guys, c'mon haha

>> No.16242000

But why is it better? For instance, what knowledge is necessary to make the numerous value judgments that politics consists of? What questions would you put on a test to determine the value of votes in presidential elections? How about congressional or mayoral elections? What questions would you require voters to answer before casting their votes for or against the legality of abortion? What about issues like no-fault divorce? What role does knowledge play in the formation of values?

>> No.16242001

Anyone here wants to rape Butterfly with me? Let's have a vote over it.

>> No.16242003

Maybe the King could be voted out, what if we held elections say every 4 years to decide wether to keep the King or not.

And you could choose a new King, Maybe the King could be a repressentative instead

>> No.16242035

worse in many ways
>voting is retarded in the first place
>incentivizes massive campaigns of public brainwashing
>creates perpetual hostility between artificial 'teams' created out of the public
>tyranny of the majority
>removes all incentives for representatives to care about long term health of country, actually creates incentives for him to plunder the country so that his successor, who is often on an opposing team, can't do so
>attracts power hungry psychopaths to important positions in government that would be decided hereditarily otherwise
>always creates a shadow bureaucracy that actually runs things, which is unaccountable, irresponsible, and inefficient

>> No.16242043

How many in your family?
They’re voting on the topic too, or it isn’t democracy.

>> No.16242053

If king could be voted out, then barrier must be very high, to give king freedom to make unpopular, but necessary decisions. And it shouldn't be every for years, king should be free to rule forever without interruption if he is doing a good job. So let's something like 500k initial signatures to have a non-confidence vote and in order to be outed, king must lose 75% of votes and 75% of provinces.

>> No.16242060

>fair ruling system
Only married White men that own land and have at least one child can vote. There you go.

>> No.16242061

The real problem is that electoral politics are inherently anti-monarchical. The point of monarchy is that all sovereignty exists in the body of the monarch, some external representative of heavenly authority, e.g. the Pope, or in the throne itself as is the case in Japan. The monarch cannot commit an act of treason against any human authority, because he is the final authority in all matters pertaining to politics. The moment you introduce electoral politics, you subvert this logic and introduce the same logic that underlies liberal democracy, i.e. the logic of popular sovereignty. Once a monarch has accepted that logic, it is only a matter of time before he and his clique are doomed.

>> No.16242154


>> No.16242256

Define "dignified". Would you call a monogamous homosexual marriage undignified?

>> No.16242283

leave tranny

>> No.16242331

What do you mean by fair? Also read Pareto, Mosca, Machiavelli, Michels, Schmidt

>> No.16242355
File: 43 KB, 850x400, 1_Xv8UzNzglo88dxtql19sQg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't work
was unironically never implemented unlike gobbunism

>> No.16242363

t. Gigs of tranny porn on his HD
Leave, me alone.

>> No.16242369

a fair ruling system would require perfect humans, but if humans were perfect you wouldn't need a ruling system

>> No.16242385

You’d need a defused ruling system to turn out a more “perfect” human.
And you could have it.

>> No.16242392

Because the only thing worse than an individual human is humans in aggregate.

>> No.16242402

they cant be perfect in the long run, but hey existed. If it's liberal, corporations/trusts take the power and end the freedom. If it relies on authority, they tend to degenerate over tim although the process sometimes takes centuries

>> No.16242409

>Your liberalism disgusts me

>> No.16242412


>> No.16242419

>saving to HD
so this is the power of room temperature IQ

>> No.16242436

>everyone uses the cloud now, bitch!

>> No.16242447

>saving to cloud
I overestimated that room temp iq, apologies

>> No.16242458

What are you even saying anymore?

>> No.16242532

You are sliding down into the single digit iq crowd

>> No.16242542

As long as it's oriented upward

>> No.16242552

They aren't part of the /lit/, are they? Why would you deny community right to decide it's fate without outsider influence? Not very democratic from you.

>> No.16242556

This clearly isn’t a community

>> No.16242558


>> No.16242564

It’s online for one thing.

But lets say you lot went and founded a town of would be rapists. Who would stray into such a town? (Besides trans)

>> No.16242644

Can't you go back to using a tripcode? You were easier to filter then.

>> No.16243111

Well, apparently you, you masochistic moth.

>> No.16243396

representative democracy doesn't work like that

>> No.16243418

So monarchy is good and uncorrupt because there is no standard or separate will too perceive corruption?

Literally there is no corruption because corruption is ultimate

>> No.16243834
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>The Swedish Court system uses analytic debating.

>> No.16244224

Dignified can be defined as non degeneracy, as degeneracy is defined as "something that if all society did, would result in a negative effect" so in terms of monogamous homosexual marriage the answer is that it is dignified, where as in hypergamy heterosexual or homosexual, there is no dignity

>> No.16244579


>> No.16245038

>people organizing into groups where the majority conveniently reflects only their personal interests
>not a problem with democracy

>> No.16245139

I already cited it, >>16240775

>> No.16245162

we did, and then the industrial revolution and its consequences (a disaster for the human race) came along.

>> No.16245225

>human race
But we are a species.

>> No.16245254

Because nature is inherently unfair in but in death

>> No.16245342

You cannot blame the industrial revolution for the french revolution. The french revolution ruined everything, we have gone in a downwards spiral ever since.

>> No.16245382
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Because rule isn't fair, ya dingus.

>> No.16245416

Extremely based

>> No.16245606

>The french revolution ruined everything, we have gone in a downwards spiral ever since
Why do you think this?

>> No.16245621

Have you heard about reverse dominance hierarchy?

>> No.16245652

>Why are people afraid of majority rules?
Because they prefer pedo-satanic rulers as long as it satisfy their desire for material possessions.

>> No.16245686

Maybe because what happened 12000 years ago was a mistake. We should never have made such an alliance.

>> No.16245752

retard take

>> No.16245880

We are all one life form, the carbon lifeform

>> No.16245909

inexpressibly based

>> No.16245978

Holy based

>> No.16246608

>Because they prefer pedo-satanic rulers as long as it satisfy their desire for material possessions.
Yeah just like what is happening in america!! wait...

>> No.16246659
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The man who solved civilization is in jail.

>> No.16246699

because the world isn't fair

>> No.16246806

This is the answer. So much of revolutionary philosophy is predicated on the idea that by changing the system you can "fix" humanity. The truth is that man and the world he inhabits are fallen.

>> No.16246844 [DELETED] 
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¿if nature is unjust change nature?

>> No.16246884

This is my point. This isn’t a town full of rapists. This is online. The worst you could do is poll each other.
Implying your family wouldn’t shudder with disgust to hear you want them to vote on you and guys sexually assaulting someone

E x t r e m l y stupid.

Daddy issues, anon. Why you want Trump’s pole

>> No.16246935

>workplace dictatorship where you have no power and spend most of your life
yes goy, let your boss fuck your wife too

>> No.16246951

>evola and guenon shit
kill yourself larper

>> No.16248172


>> No.16248221

Democracy is an outdated system that was not prepared for mass social media and generaly internet.
Few individuals now have power to shape public opinion, because they produce majority of content (10% of US adults produce 70% of political tweets).
Also recommendation system reinforces biases.

>> No.16248236

>12000 years of recorded history
it's half that