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16240007 No.16240007 [Reply] [Original]

Other cases where the book was better than the movie?

>> No.16240010

Nigger did you just read my mind? I honestly came here right now to ask if this was worth reading.

>> No.16240016

is there any case of the opposite? But yeah that movie did a terrible number to its reputation as a book. I didn't even know it was a book or could be when I first heard of it and I gathered that same opinion of others as well

>> No.16240018

it goes into chaos theory in math but reads like an action movie. All his books do plus he's right wing in academia if that helps

>> No.16240020

I'll give this a go on your recommendation anon.

>> No.16240021

I'm not OP but I really like Jurassic Park. When I was a kid or tween, it was my favorite book. These days, I mostly read philosophy and classics but Jurassic Park and to a much lesser extent, some of Crichton's other work, will always have a special place in my heart. I even have a first edition copy autographed by Crichton.

>> No.16240025

There are a lot of cases don't be retarded:

No country for old man
Woman in the dunes
The Godfather
Fight club
Dr strangelove
Werckmeister Harmonies
The Silence of the Lambs
Children of Men
The Shining
Under the skin
The diving bell and the butterfly
A Clockwork Orange

And many more

>> No.16240026

Browsing /tv/ I take it? Yes it's worth reading. Just finished it earlier this week.
It's different enough from the movie that there is some unexpected stuff. There's pterodactyls in it

>> No.16240031

Total recall with Schwarzenegger is way better than we can remember it for you whole sale

>> No.16240034

I consider a movie unable to reach a book. If a movie is good it's by virtue of being a movie not by it's literature value.

>> No.16240040

Eaters of the Dead was a good one.

>> No.16240042

>Browsing /tv/ I take it?
I keep my shitposting there so I don't ruin here. It's blue /b/ anyway.

>> No.16240043

the only time I like a movie as much as the book is if I watched the movie first

>> No.16240048

These are some great choices, anon. I love Kubrick and Tarkovsky. Tarr is great too.

>> No.16240050

>A Clockwork Orange
This meme needs to die. The book is both funnier and more interesting than the movie.

>> No.16240080

The Shining movie is greatly superior to the book, which totally falls apart

The Lost Weekend book is much better than the movie (because of the ending).
The Great Gatsby did not translate well to film, any of the times they tried it.
Parade’s End is a much better book than the BBC adaption would cause you to think it is.
Children of The Corn is a much better story than the movie.

>> No.16240085

I read Sphere earlier this year and thought it was okay but just pulp Solaris. Should I give Crichton another chance?

>> No.16240089
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Does /lit/ like Blade Runner better than Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Blade Runner is fuckin' kino but I like Androids slightly more. Whenever I get to the part with the spider I have to read the whole thing straight through to the end. One of my favorite books ever. Still, I love the changes Blade Runner made as well; it's great that they're different enough from each other that it doesn't feel like a re-tread no matter which one you picked first. If you read the book first the movie will still surprise you and vice versa. I love adaptations that do that shit well.

>> No.16240097

The movie was better than that book.
Like The Shining

>> No.16240128

I would, it's not the best literature but it's interesting. It's definitely worth the read.

>> No.16240194

>Like The Shining
And Forrest Gump.

>> No.16240208

The Godfather is NOT better than the movie

>> No.16240212

Are the kids in the book? The kids were the worst part of the movie

>> No.16240217

Are there any other cool sci-fi dinosaur books?
Dinosaurs are fun

>> No.16240223

There's an eleven year old girl who seduces and sleeps with a thirty year old man and it is written as being socially acceptable.

>> No.16240224

I think it really depends on what method of conveyance better suits the story. You can't go in depth into the internal experiences of people in movies, and on the other hand, books have an extremely hard time conveying scenes that rely on instinctual reactions, like horror, action, etc.

>> No.16240226

Dude, Children Of Men the book was phenomenal, but the movie was good too. I don't think the movie was better than the book though. You thought the movie was better than the book??

>> No.16240229

In Jurassic Park?

>> No.16240234

I do not remember this part.

>> No.16240250
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yo any of you read this one?

>> No.16240257

It's how Biosyn originally find out Ingen have viable dinosaur DNA they get a little girl to (repeatedly) sleep with a married board member of Ingen who they have intel on liking young women. He pillow talks enough Biosyn get an in.

>> No.16240263

I need to re-read this book immediately

>> No.16240268

I don't remember this at all

>> No.16240281

Wow, what the fuck? Maybe I was too young to understand what exactly was being said.

>> No.16240283
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>Other cases where the book was better than the movie?
The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings

>> No.16240309

I was beyond disappointed with the Hobbit movies
Peter Jackson took a steaming shit on my favorite childhood novel

>> No.16240439

To give him credit, when you look into the production history of those movies it's hard to say it's *all* Jackson's fault.

>> No.16240470

No country for old men was a better movie than book. I'm a big fan of his Cormac McCarthy as well, and the book is good. But the movie is perfect

>> No.16240481

He didn't say that retard

>> No.16240952

What about Blade runner??

(Do androids dream of electric sheep)

>> No.16240981

Blade Runner is aesthetically pleasing, but lacks in story, really just an action flick. The book is better.

>> No.16241007

How do the Lord of the Ring movies by Jackson compare to the book?

>> No.16241009

Breakfast at Tiffany's. The movie was pretty good, though

>> No.16241018

Why do films have trouble adapting books well? Don't they have the power of music and visuals by their side?

>> No.16241032

it's literally never happened for me if I read the book first

>> No.16241153


>> No.16241164

an hour and a half and someone else's vision vs many hours and your own vision

>> No.16241171

Shining is shit, because King is shit.
Also Fight Club has the twist done better in movie than in the book.