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/lit/ - Literature

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16239444 No.16239444 [Reply] [Original]

I've read over 1,500 screenplays in the last 5-6 years due to my job working in film/tv development.

Some writers are actual writers, like Yorgos Lanthimos or Charlie Kaufman - the writing feels very much so like prose. Some, like Ari Aster are far more technical and write much more like a playwright insofar they don't bother with any prose-like details in the descriptive text between dialogue but rather use that space to perfectly explain the technical aspects of the frame. Most screen writers however, are simply not good and ultra-liberal to the extent it made me quit.

>pic related the best written screenplay I've ever read.

>> No.16239452 [DELETED] 

Not really unless they are novelized screenplays like The Drop.

>> No.16239455
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Eh, not really, no, sorry

>> No.16239477

I don't care for Kaufman overall but Being John Malkovich is such a good script even Spike Jonze couldn't fuck it up with his boring, functional directing. Pulp Fiction is another one of those, Tarantino should have handed it over to Oliver Stone or Tony Scott. Citizen Kane and Ferris Bueller have really great scripts too.

>> No.16239685

I'd argue that if plays are /lit/, which they are, then screenplays are too. Maybe you just haven't read one.

>> No.16239703

stop posting this thot

>> No.16239758

Sure dude, whatever you like reading. You don't need this board's approval. Unrelated but do you enjoy your job?

>> No.16239773

you quit tho? It was that bad?

>> No.16239857

It was nice worked for various major studios, met a lot of famous people, and read many major works that went to screen. I started my own business to make money on the side/write with my free time.

It was stressful and became way too political after 2018, it was sort of down hill from there since everything felt like propaganda. Pay sucks as well, but it was nice to be involved in major culture moving projects and most of my friends do the same so it's fun to know whats up. Now I'm focusing on about 3-4 projects I wrote that major studios are interested in.

>> No.16239866

You're a king hopefully you make it in. Are they themes that are /lit/ or pre 2018 stuff?

>> No.16239883

Ironically, the one with the most traction is a piece that is basically Bitcoin/Blockchain propaganda. I personally don't think it's my best, but it's a really sexy topic just because it hasn't been done before.

>> No.16239887
File: 80 KB, 413x594, steve and goose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeh bruh. harold pinter, tom stoppard, the list goes on...

>> No.16239889

I love it bro would love to see it

>> No.16239894

that guy on the left is a psychopath. I can spend my whole life avoiding him. All those clothes are new you can tell he's just an actor

>> No.16240006

even normies recognize its propaganda now so not sure what is still inflating the hollywood machine

>> No.16240011

Screenplays are great if you want to learn how to write natural dialogue.

>> No.16240565

Because everyone isn't a subhuman conspiracy theorist like you

>> No.16240608


>> No.16240654

Don't reply to it retard.

>> No.16240936

Will Tenet be good? What is your opinion of Christopher nolan

>> No.16241015

I like it for it's ability to conjure up a dense atmosphere in such a short time and establish characters quick.
Cuts a lot of the fat away that drags down scenes when it isn't done by someone who knows exactly how to use prose.
A lot of the average YA, fantasy, fiction where the authors just string together sentences like "x said, then y said, then he did" would benefit from a reduction.

>> No.16241023


Of all the shit that gets written in a script the only stuff that makes it into the actual film is the dialogue, and even that gets heavily changed by actors and editors.

>> No.16241040

not OP but it already came out in my country
one of Nolan’s worst, on par with Interstellar and the third Batman.

>> No.16241053

lit screenplays started and ended at jarry

>> No.16241082

Why are plays considered literature but not screenplays?

>> No.16241083

How did you end up in that line of work? Did you go to uni / college or just apply for a job straight in?

>> No.16241092

Is there anywhere I can read the screenplays for released films online? Would like to write one but don't have a sense of the technical side, formatting, etc

>> No.16241184

That would be like calling a blueprint a building. No matter how beautifully it is drawn, you are not going to want to live in it, it is still just a blueprint.

>> No.16241448


>> No.16242204

just remember that the director, DP, and editor are above you on the food chain, you're writing for them

>> No.16242217

This. I write dialogue first as if I were writing a comics book in my head and then add the other text

>> No.16242574

Is it harder to sell a book or a screenplay?

>> No.16243626

screenwriting is so cringe. imagine being some fucking basement dwelling khv and not only getting your dick up over how great a writer you are, but writing directly for a movie. how delusional you would have to be.

and even then? tv and movies are always utter trash. only a blowover from /tv/ would enjoy reading such base schlock. even a godforsaken isekai LN has more literary value than a "screenplay". kill yourself.

>> No.16243709

Post your book anon. :^)

>> No.16243863

Sure, but the story still needs to be *purchased* anon. And for it to be purchased, it needs to be good. We're also discrediting, that most director write their own screenplays specifically for this purpose.

So are Shakespeare's plays not /lit/ then?

A lot of internships, as long as you have an above average perception of story telling and can give good notes then executives will notice and take you under their wing.


This is a form of literature at peak efficiency, and even better so that it is written explicitly to come to life for viewers.

>> No.16243886

>This is a form of literature at peak efficiency
>The Lobster
holy fuck /tv/ tourists need to leave this is just plain embarrassing

>> No.16244001

>So are Shakespeare's plays not /lit/ then?
I would not consider them to be, he did not write them to be read but to be performed and a great deal is lost in reading them compared to seeing a performance.

>> No.16244051
File: 407 KB, 750x1088, E31DF663-067E-41F8-B024-EE0AEF41607B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Prometheus screenplay is pure /lit/