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/lit/ - Literature

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16238619 No.16238619[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

and looking better than ever

>> No.16238905

Blessed & based. He should get a shotgun or something tho, the bear thing was a close call.

>> No.16239075

Wish him luck, bump

>> No.16239163

i love this guy. you have to be a special kind of crazy to see fire in the woods and run towards it.

>> No.16239603
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>Bears Read Don Quixote
I love him

>> No.16239627

What’s with the several welsh people in the comments, does /lit/ have a large welsh population? I find it strange he because I lived there until a few months ago too

>> No.16239757

Isn't the whole point of living in the wood is to be alone and disconnected ?

>> No.16239863

hope the fire goes away and the cabin is intact

>> No.16239874

He’s disconnected enough, man. No need to be such a purist

>> No.16239876

it's an experiment, someone has to

>> No.16240046

Perhaps he enjoys the contrast between physical disconnection and social connectedness. Amiable puritans do exist, though rare. I like best extreme contrasts between sense modalities, such as abstract techno formality in sound juxtaposed with wild informality in scenery. Like a Versailles garden of sound imposed where nothing looks intentional. To be very alone with one's thoughts, while cognizant of company physically nearby as the will's slightest move--or as one almost somnambulates through a door the way a cat does to be in another's presence, thence be, with hardly a thought at all, as night falls with a gentleness that cannot come about without considerable foresight.

>> No.16240184

Bear spray actually works better. Not only is it quiet and discreet, it is very effective against bears! Bear spray causes bears to retreat and run away. It’s way easier to hit a bear with spray than with a gun. If you shoot a bear, you better hope you kill him otherwise he will get you. Guns attract attention. Dead bears attract attention. Go with bear spray. Way more effective than a gun.

>> No.16240192


Holy shit you pretentious fuck head shut up. People like you are why people hate communism and intellectualism.

>> No.16240218
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There are dozens of us here, dozens.

>> No.16240245

What ?

>> No.16240287

based and extremely well written

>> No.16240301

>wind blows
>spray goes into your face instead of the bear's
>bear mauls you anyway

>> No.16240318

you'd have to be a dumbass to spray your own face

>> No.16240331

Well I wouldn't say communication through internet is being connected. There are lots of people who live in the city, and are alone and disconnected, even though they hang around internet all day.

>> No.16240383

Can someone explain who this guy is????? He's vaguely familiar.

>> No.16240389

This is incredibly odd; I guess you guys are just more educated and consciously receptive to the traditional, or "classics"?

>> No.16240492

Thats Forest Anon hes a friendly /lit/ hermit who lives in the woods reads books and feeds the critters. He used to post on here before the board disallowed mobile IP posting. He posted his story as a reply to a related thread once and we encouraged him to start updating us on YouTube