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/lit/ - Literature

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16237412 No.16237412 [Reply] [Original]

>Twitter screencaps are now common place OPs on /lit/
>Have another non-veiled politics thread, anon
>Every other thread a shitposter has to mentions juden

>> No.16237420
File: 95 KB, 400x370, 1576082658101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off kike.

>> No.16237421

Oy vey! Cool it with the antisemitism woodya?

>> No.16237435

You are fucking bots, I'm burning 4channel down.

>> No.16237436

is that not a porno?

>> No.16237438
File: 620 KB, 500x302, lucidpeg.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coulda gone with sincerity but noooo

>> No.16237439

Please do

>> No.16237447
File: 2.93 MB, 768x576, 1565014722642.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off double-kike.
its not porn but I'd jerk off to it

>> No.16237472

/lit/ catalog
>meme threads about meme books
>muh bookshelf
>twitter screencaps
>/pol/tards pretending to look for recs
>write what's on your mind (aka the only good thread)
>marx bait thread
>humor thread
why is this board like this? I used to lurk /mu/ a lot and their shit was never so messed up. like you could actually discuss music there, imagine that.

>> No.16237615
File: 2.55 MB, 1693x2000, mary-karr-temptress.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of nanowrimo

>> No.16237646

I make several threads per day only about classic works and they get ok discussion. I also report about 20 threads per day.

Too bad I'm the only quality /lit/ browser

>> No.16237673

Guenon predicted this in the the Reign of Quantity

>> No.16237835
File: 10 KB, 274x274, 0434FE86-A9F9-42B0-87CB-4ED2E859A285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boards will discuss what their users wish to discuss. Fuck the stickied post they can fucking unpost it. Obviously the mods don’t enforce their own rules so you should just cut bait and go to goodreads

>> No.16237866

>guys spam the same pics of the same girls in literally every thread including this one

>> No.16237973 [DELETED] 

the irony

>> No.16238401

politics politics politics on every fucking board. i just want to discuss my interests you fucking cretins. i remember thinking /lit/ couldn't get any worse a few years ago but here we are, and there's nowhere else on the internet to discuss literature either. fuck all of you. FUCK YOU