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File: 48 KB, 406x630, How_to_win_friends_and_influence_people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16235769 No.16235769 [Reply] [Original]

What are some of the most useful books?

>> No.16235780 [DELETED] 

useful books for what?

>> No.16235784

This book is absolute horseshit and will turn you into a creep if you take it serious.

>> No.16235792


I think this book is great.
Also try audio book format, might like it more.

>> No.16235806

For any subject.

>> No.16235823

The issue i have with it isn‘t going to change if i listen to it. It is basically a template on how to become less authentic. In theory, that should work, as long as you imitate functional people. In reality, it will leave people wonder what‘s wrong with you without being able to put their finger on it. It‘s also built on the idea of using others and oneself as a means to get ahead. Again, ofc that works and ofc many people do that, but is that really how you want to live your life? There‘s more dignified ways to be successful.

>> No.16235825 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 327x430, 9780199571123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16235912

Sure, I guess everyone takes something different in practice. It could really make you look odd.
Yet, it helped to notice when I myself was too selfish and, in fact, care more about others.

When I read a book I usually miss something (maybe ADHD).
I think audio helps in that it can force a different intonation of a reader and it feels like having a conversation, therefore more memorable.

I found a great narration with a warm voice:
Look up in Audible:

How to Win Friends & Influence People
Narrated by: Andrew MacMillan

There is a sample.
You can get it free at:

>> No.16235954


You're an idiot who probably hasn't even read the book. From beginning to end Carnegie stresses being sincere and authentic yet you took the absolute brainlet take of "its only about manipulating people".

>> No.16236026

>audio book
Does /lit/ legit allow this?

>> No.16236038

What are you talking about?

>> No.16236052

You guys let people read to you?

>> No.16236054

Yeah he tells people to „bee yourself“ and in the next sentence tells you how to act as if you‘re a well adjusted adult without actually being one. I wonder how many people have become schizos thanks to him.

>> No.16236081

Can confirm. I know someone who preaches this book. He is always asking me questions like how my day was how my family is all the time and it was obvious he would not really care, anytime I ask him about his day or anything like that he just quickly diverts and keeps asking me questions. apparently one of the rules is people like talking about themselves but some people go overboard and just ask too much it is unsettling

>> No.16236100

Exactly. It‘s based on the idea that everyone is an easily manipulatable npc that is very full of themselves. If someone did that to me i wouldn‘t want to spend time with them ever again. It completely ignores how real conversations flow.

>> No.16236116
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Basically what these anons said. This book was written in the 20s or something and if you're not some narcissist and actually give a shit about others, it's a waste of time. But I guess everyone thinks this book is fucking amazing bc they're all NPCs with no social skills. Watch some YT vids instead about how to be more social. Much better use of time.

>> No.16236127
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This is /lit/. Self help books do not belong here

>> No.16236139

People like it when you SHOW INTEREST. people like to feel INTERESTING. If you're not a complete Buffon, you'll know that when people meet INTERESTING people, they like the INTERESTING people to know about them, too, so they feel a bit of INTEREST.

All in all the book is shite, rules without getting the point.

>> No.16236177

Hi fellow book lovers!

Recently, I've been speaking to a lot of friends and they all share the same sentiment.
The process of selling or giving away books online is not as simple and straightforward as it should be.
As a result, I created a questionnaire to help us readers and I was wondering if you could spare 2 minutes of your time to fill it.
The purpose of this questionnaire is to evaluate how easy and convenient it is for other book readers to sell/give away books.
The questionnaire is completely anonymous and also covers those not looking to sell books.

Please share and leave feedback if you can.
Thank you in advance.
Lucy, a fellow book lover


>> No.16236184

>smile, try not to complain, don't throw blame at people, be interested in others
>"people will wonder what's wrong with you"

yeah you haven't read the book

>> No.16236206

Personally, the most important book in my life is "The Swiss Family Robinson" any edition. Especially for Americans. It's an example of Christendom that doesn't immediately resort to fear-mongering. Even though as a child I only read the Disney child's edition, it still formed my entire life.
Having read the original later in life, I can safely say it is extremely wholesome, and a comfy read that is overtly religious in a completely unexpected way.

>> No.16236236

The Holy Bible

>> No.16236248

>smile no matter how you actually feel about a situation or a person
>try not to complain, because your discomfort is meaningless and if you want people to do what you want them to or like you, you must not tell them how you really feel about a situation

>don't throw blame at people, even if they genuinely fucked up. Keep quiet, nay, even take the blame on yourself! Maybe you can ask for a favor in return later on! Yay!

>be interested in others, even if they are not interesting at all. Just like you study a subject that makes your feet fall asleep because mom and dad would be disappointed if you didn‘t and just how you read the whole canon despite hating every minute of it! Life is sweet!

>why do people think i‘m a weird creep?
Oh well, i‘ll never find out. Provably because humans are mean and evil and NPS‘s anyways. Better hate them all.

>> No.16236334

>"Smile more"
>"Don't throw blame at people"

Look you obtuse faggot, you know very well the book didn't say what you're pretending to quote it as saying. You're very intentionally and visibly strawmanning, making it look like every piece of advice is some overcooked caricature of what it actually is then calling it silly and impractical. You don't read, you look at covers and think "I'm smart enough to know what's in this" and form an opinion that you argue on the internet only to betray your own ignorance. It's painfully obvious people like you more if you do things like talk about things in terms of their interests and listen to them when they speak, and you'd have to be the most braindead goldfish in the bowl to try to argue otherwise because you can't control your urge to be a contrarian unlikable faggot.

>> No.16236349

It wasn’t the book that made you autistic, anon

>> No.16236423

No the point is that you should never have any reason to think about having to smile. Either you smile because you feel like it or you don‘t. Thinking about smiling when meeting people is creepy behavior even if you only do it in so called „socially acceptable“ amounts and situation.
Same with blame. You should tell people when they have fucked up. The better thing would be to be empathic if people fuck up and tell them in a way that will hurt their dignity the least.

Ofc people will like you more if you talk to them about things that interest them. The question is: Why in the world would i have any need to fake being interested in someone‘s interests? That would lead to him/her falsely thinking we have shared interests, thus building our whole relationship on an artificial base. Either i do share interests with people and sympathy develops naturally or i don‘t and i have no interest in forcing it.
If you want to argue that sometimes one has to gain someone‘s sympathy for career advancement or similar, then one should probably take stock of one‘s priorities since this clearly indicates that one thinks manipulating others for personal gains is morally acceptable. It is not. Acting interested in something you aren‘t interested in is manipulative and thus not something a dignified adult should ever do.

>> No.16236475

The problem with social advice and this book in particular is that it tends to be more about prescribing certain actions and behavior instead of explaining social dynamics which is more useful for not coming off as a sperg. For example one of my friends who swears by the book consistently fucks up in social situations because he'll do stuff like make a lot of physical contact with someone who's been molested because that's what the book tells him to do

>> No.16236476

>I have autism
That’s all I read in your post

>> No.16236489

>It's morally unacceptable to develop social prowess
Okay, Grug. Just let your intuition guide you at all times, and remember that making any conscious decision to behave one way or another instead of "you feel like it or you don't" is an immoral attempt at manipulating people. If someone fucked up, instead of treating them in a way that may make them less prone to fucking up in the future while improving your relationship with them, just tell them they fucked up and they should stop it. Who cares if everyone knows that's not how you prevent fuckups in the future, at least you're being honest right?

Just let your emotions guide you at all times, guys! Don't think about your actions and make choices to achieve desired results! That's mean! Just ignore consequences and treat people how you feel like in the moment! You have a coworker or friend that didn't get enough sleep last night and they're a little short tempered today? Don't try to remain positive and improve the overall mood, that would be emotional manipulation for your own personal gain! Tell him he's being an annoying faggot, that's what you should do. No, it won't fix anything, but who cares about that? Fixing things may benefit yourself, and benefiting yourself by influencing others is evil!

>> No.16236491

>the problem with social advice is that it doesn’t work in this anecdotal cherry picked story so it’s shit

Smile more

>> No.16236493

The book itself is peak autism, if you need to read a book to develop basic social skills you're got some developmental problem

>> No.16236500

Being diplomatic is not manipulating others, grow up you losers

>> No.16236509

>if you need to read a book to develop basic social skills you're got some developmental problem
Clearly you don’t have any empathy for underdeveloped people. Is that because of your autism?

>> No.16236513

>For example one of my friends who swears by the book consistently fucks up in social situations because he'll do stuff like make a lot of physical contact with someone who's been molested
Yeah better not give people free money either because one time my friend gave someone money without knowing her father used to shove dollar bills up her pussy when she was a kid. Also don't compliment people, another friend of mine complimented someone once and they had a bad experience being complimented in the past, better knock that off.

>> No.16236518

It's a consistent issue with the book, because it's a script (and an outdated one) instead of a mechanical explanation of social dynamics it's bad advice, using someone's name a lot for example while effective in specific cases comes across as transparent and fake to a lot of people but the book doesn't bother to explain when it is or isn't a good idea to follow it's script

>> No.16236521

>Why the FUCK would I be nice to someone when I don't feel like it? That's unnatural and manipulative.
>No, I don't have autism, the people telling me to be polite do actually.

>> No.16236541

>but the book doesn't bother to explain when it is or isn't a good idea to follow it's script
Yeah because the book assumes you don't have autism and don't need to be told when it's inappropriate to fucking smile. Oh my god you are fucking clueless. It's not a script, if you think "Yes, this is the software update I can just plug in to my brain and become socially adept" only to become disillusioned when confronted with the nuance of social interaction then YOU DO HAVE AUTISM. Like, holy shit, the book says smile more and you're here like "But why doesn't it list literally every instance in which I might need to smile or not smile?".

>> No.16236543

It's was obvious what the issue was with the girl the moment she recoiled from his touch but he kept going because he was too autistic to notice. The actual meat of social skills is picking up on how other people feel and responding accordingly not smiling more or making a lot of physical contact, depending on the situation that can be a good idea but if you can't adjust your behavior to different situations you just come across as autistic

>> No.16236550

God i‘m glad i don‘t have to be around you irl.
Telling someone the truth will enable them to also tell the truth.

Option a:
>why tf is anon acting like such an asshole today
>oh well, i‘ll try my best to be nice to him
>here anon, i brought you some coffee *smiles*
>*smiles back* oh thanks, how thoughtful of you
>proceeds to have shitty mood because coffee and smiles don‘t help in any way

Option b:

>you sure act like an annoying asshole today
>yeah i slept like shit last night, the youngest kept throwing up
>a shit, that sucks. Maybe i can cover for you at 1100 so you can go for lunch break earlier and get some rest.
>that would be nice, i could really need a power nap. Thanks anon.

Why‘s that so hard? Ofc both options are better than reciprocating the shitty mood, but does that really meed to be said?

>> No.16236556

It's pretty common for autists to treat the book as gospel and not deviate from the advice even when appropriate, if you need examples see the thread

>> No.16236580

>your anecdotes bad
>Abraham Lincoln anecdotes good

>> No.16236590

Everyone that shills the book here are failed normie autists, most people don't need to read a book to learn how to make friends

>> No.16236591


You haven't read the book.

>> No.16236602

>The book doesn't tell you to pay attention to social cues, therefor I can blame someone's inability to do so on the book itself.
My car's manual doesn't tell me to look out through the windshield when I'm driving. It's the manual's fault I crashed because I wasn't looking, since it didn't tell me I needed to.

Holy shit the tism, do you read what you post? What the fuck are those examples? How the fuck do you think this works? How do those have anything to do with what we said? You're fucking roleplaying with yourself with a hypothetical situation entirely in your own head, and you're acting like those are actual models of real social interaction that prove or disprove anything.

Like, what part of the advice is proven wrong by your bullshit successful example of "option B"? If you did it while smiling more, or acting more interested, or not assigning blame, how would it be worse in any way? First you say it's immoral and unnatural, but completely dropped that argument when it was proven retarded, and now you're just saying it's not immoral but unnecessary and ineffective which you have also managed to fail in proving. You are all over the goddamn place and making no sense, which is why I know you haven't actually read the book.

>> No.16236603

>improving your communication skills is bad because I have this friend who doesn’t like it when you talk to them

>> No.16236612

I'd have a better opinion of the book if I knew anyone personally who shilled the book that wasn't a massive autist

>> No.16236617

>and it was obvious he would not really care,

Then he simply hasn't read it well, since the book clearly tells you to show GENUINE interest in other people. Not just ask them about themselves, but also to actually care about what they tell you. The book is very clear that you shouldn't be faking it.

All you of you are attacking the book based on what you assume it is about, rather than what it is actually about.

>> No.16236619

Sperging out about this isn't a good sign of your social skills anon

>> No.16236625

>I'd have a better opinion of the book I haven't read if the people I knew who read it were different in some way.
What a retarded thing to say.

>> No.16236627

>All you of you are attacking the book based on what you assume it is about, rather than what it is actually about.
welcome to /lit/. and this is one of the easiest and shortest books imaginable

>> No.16236630

Not an argument

>> No.16236633


>don't do things just in case the other person has some rare personal trauma

Its not your friend's fault the other person got molested..

>> No.16236646

I've read the book though, everything it says is either obvious or only relevant to fairly specific social situations, the main thing about the book is that it attracts massive autists for whatever reason and it's not particularly good at teaching them anything. I don't see the point of a book that is either obvious or useless depending on it's audience

>> No.16236649

>smile more
wow, you've got brain problems

>> No.16236652

You should be able to tell if someone isn't comfortable with your behavior and then change it assuming that you're concerned about how you come across to them

>> No.16236653

>everything that I didn't already know is only relevant in the situations where that information is applicable
Woah, blowing my mind there. Yeah, fuck books, they're only useful when they're useful, and when does that ever happen.

>> No.16236655

So is it just one guy who's assblasted that he's been called out as autistic making these posts?

>> No.16236670

If something is only applicable in fairly limited situations it's not very useful, there are some finer points in the book about specific social interactions that are interesting but they don't come up often enough that reading the book will make you actually good at social interaction as seen by your sperging out

>> No.16236671


Imagine going on 4chan to tell people how socially well-adjusted you are.

>> No.16236682
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I know the word autistic gets thrown a lot around 4chan but i genuinely think that you may have autism and you should get checked out. Im not trying to insult you either, you just seem to not be able to understand social conventions and that the book is a general guide on what people like.

Also, pic rel is an ultra useful book for young adults and for people who dont know how economics (in the broader sense) work

>> No.16236686
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>> No.16236687

>reading the book will make you actually good at social interaction

The book doesn't claim that it will though. I highly doubt you've read it.

>> No.16236696
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>> No.16236705


>> No.16236712

>ayn rand blurb

>> No.16236713

I didn't say the book claimed that it would make you good at social interaction, you consistently haven't been reading my posts because you're too mad that someone's been saying mean things about a book you like

>> No.16236719

He explained the genuine interest part too. The thing is not many people are capable of showing genuine interest for things they don’t know or care about. And of those many are acting and trying to manipulate. I just get very off out when I realize people are asking question just to waste my time or trying to «influence» me.

>> No.16236728

>If something is only applicable in fairly limited situations it's not very useful
Unless you're someone who gets into those situations. A manual on how to repair a specific model of car is significantly more useful to someone with that car than without, obviously. What you're saying here is that a manual on how to repair a ford is 'not very useful' because it's not telling you how to build a honda from scratch. The book is for improving your ability to navigate certain situations, and it's quite competent at that. Saying "well, I can't imagine myself landing in those situations often enough to justify the book" or "I wish it was about this other thing entirely and expanded on it a lot more" aren't fair criticisms.

>> No.16236729

Top kek. I fired some intern that tried to use this claptrap on me. Remember kids, parlor tricks don't work on the initiated and you come across as manipulative and embarrassing.

>> No.16236731


>> No.16236732

I don't remember if it was in this book or a similar book, but the obvious advice like "talk to people about their interests" is a bit more subtle, and was certainly new to me. I thought I was doing that but my conversations never went anywhere, but I was shown that I was asking the wrong questions.

I would ask things like
>What book are you reading?
>What's it about?
>Do you like it?

which usually elicit responses that are conversational dead ends. The advice is to ask something along the lines of
> How did you hear about that book?
> What's interesting about it to you?

Questions like those are usually more interesting for both sides, and I don't think it makes me any less genuine. I genuinely wanted to talk to this person, and I genuinely wanted to know more about the book. These questions just naturally allow a conversation to start flowing.

t. Mild autist

>> No.16236745

>Top kek
>calls others embarrassing

>> No.16236757

Peak autism

>> No.16236759

You shouldn’t do that anon, don’t you know that some people have traumatic experiences with books? You can’t talk about books because you can offend someone!

>> No.16236761

extremely based

>> No.16236768

>This book about befriending people is actually only useful in these specific circumstances
>What a great book!

>> No.16236771
File: 344 KB, 600x510, 9CFE75F5-2F7C-48F8-8970-BA62B9B6C7B6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please explain green text would be nice

>> No.16236778

Imagine being so mad that you continue to post about it down thread long after that part of the conversation has ended

>> No.16236783

Why are you so assblasted about a book you’ve never read? Does it bother you that some people find value in it?

>> No.16236791

I’m not mad, I’m amused with how completely stupid the argument was. Smile more

>> No.16236799


Agreed, you never know if someone was raped by a librarian.

>> No.16236821
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>> No.16236829

T.guy who kept touching the molested girl

>> No.16236865
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>> No.16236876

Should of read Ride the Tiger

>> No.16236955

Careful, he'll have another autistic meltdown

>> No.16237185

>How to be an American used car seller from the 30s

>> No.16238270
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>> No.16238311
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t.retard who actually follows this book

>> No.16238405

Fiction serves as inspiration from an evolutionary psychological perspective

>> No.16238949
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>> No.16239612

My grandmother recommended I read this, but shes been acting like a leftist a lot lately due to her new husband, so I am not taking that advice.

>> No.16239617


>> No.16239680

It's boomer etiquette 101. And I don't mean it in a bad way. For example, if your boss is a boomer, this book teaches you how to behave in a way that he or she likes

>> No.16239982

Pro-tip, none of these books work if you have no critical thinking skills like most anons do.

>> No.16240110

Good suggestion. Lots and lots of wisdom here, even if you're a nonbeliever like me.
Aesop's fables.

>> No.16241428

This greentext gets me every time

>> No.16242083
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1588156522129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this book basically says to be interested in people in a genuine way, but it did the opposite for me and now I don't care about anyone. I actively avoid people now and made sure my job is remote. Fuck people - they NEVER reciprocate when you show an interest whatsoever.

>> No.16242102

I left a troll response.

>> No.16242116
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Based. Retards on this thread don't understand the whole purpose of this book was to "get ahead" in the business world and nothing else.

Fuck all of you lit critic larpers changing the meaning.

And yes I read both the book and listened to the audiobook.

>> No.16242126
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>it's not manipulating if I'm not doing it for free pussy
k faggot

>> No.16242150
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STORY TIME!!!!!!!!!

>> No.16242618

Bump for real suggestions

>> No.16242627
File: 2.69 MB, 4000x2667, interbellummockup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Interbellum' by Jim Bonner

>> No.16242684

>There‘s more dignified ways to be successful.
there isn't

>> No.16242714

Fuck off Jim, nobody's gonna read your shit.

>> No.16242718

shelters shacks and shanties

>> No.16243754

Agree with the line on audio books. I haven't listened to any, but while working I have vides of a guy talking about depression and anxiety on in the background because it helps me concentrate. I won't actively be focusing on it, but afterwards I find I can recall a lot of what he said

>> No.16244043

because it's reading, anon.

>> No.16244137

I’m loling at this

>> No.16244582
File: 526 KB, 1592x1960, 2049BCB7-9381-4366-8ACB-4B47A64F0F58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redpill coming through

>> No.16244669

Books about socializing inevitably open your eyes to how fake and "unnatural" most of it actually is. It's a good skill to learn for the sake of survival, but it can definitely make you cynical.

>> No.16244881

Is /lit/ actually this autistic or am I bad at recognizing sarcasm?

>> No.16244908

>be socially retarded with narcissistic qualities
>attempt to copy+paste principles from a book founded on authentic interest
>the book literally tells you it will not work without genuine interest, that people have highly developed mechanisms for sniffing out disingenuous fucks
>ignore this advice completely
>blame the book

>> No.16244929

>Yeah because the book assumes you don't have autism and don't need to be told when it's inappropriate to fucking smile. Oh my god you are fucking clueless
completely spot-on, jesus tap dancing christ what the hell is wrong with this board
if someone has legitimate autism they need professional help. this is a book for shy people or introverts, not fucking basket cases

>> No.16245391

A useful book for a drug addict

t. Someone who has to order a book for a drug addict in jail for the nth time

>> No.16245402

*What's a good book for a drug addict?

>> No.16246637

I love this image so much.
After a presentation, I got very harshly criticized by three teachers. The memory of this image was all I could hold my attention on

>> No.16247818

The only good advice in this book it to remember peoples names.

>> No.16247899

Doing the lord's work, anon

>> No.16248218
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Pic related is the only self-help book you need in today's day and age, other books by the same author are also very good.

>> No.16248388

I already act like this without ever reading the book. Is there something wrong with me?

>> No.16248482

I hated this book.