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/lit/ - Literature

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1623479 No.1623479 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.1623485


>> No.1623489

Eh, frankly, the only guys on that list who are worth a damn are the ones who write SF. and even some of them are kind of worthless - Panshin in particular is no good. clute, Aldiss, and Stableford are good though. Also I liked Norman Spinrad's essays on science fiction.

>> No.1623500


What about the ones who edit sci-fi novels, are involved in science fiction film/TV, or teach sci-fi literature and film at the college level?

Surely they're worth a damn. Or at least it's something worth looking into. It's certainly a field much of /lit/ would probably enjoy working in if they had the chance.

>> No.1623510

Oh absolutely. I just don't have a very high opinion of guys like Suvin or Attebery. There's plenty of good people in Academia writing on science fiction, although I do have a beef with the field in general in that it 1) tends to focus overly much imo on film and television at the expense of books and 2) i feel like academic writers on sf&f kind of miss some dynamics that are internal to the fandom/genre, in a way. but no doubt it's an interesting field.

>> No.1623515


>miss some dynamics

the trouble is you get a lot of wannabe sociologists who study sci-fi, so instead of focusing on the scientific aspects of it or the principles of engineering in science fiction most of the writing is about cultural parallels or philosophical subtext. as a result you miss a lot of the original essence of the 'scientific romance.'

>> No.1623521
File: 26 KB, 300x300, david-beckham-spitting-out-gatorade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Science Fiction Studies

There are actually people who study this shit?

There are actually people who do this shit for a living?

I think I lost my faith in humanity.

>> No.1623525

Yeah. That's why I'm generally more interested in the people who study it and also write it, because they generally have an understanding of the field from the inside. The really good ones are the ones who can retain that insight but also rise above and look at the field from the outside.

>> No.1623526
File: 61 KB, 300x281, Tarman-BRAINS-YOU-NEED-THEM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1623534

sorry that serious academics with respectable careers don't agree with your opinions on what is worthwhile, anonymous internet poster. why don't you send them a letter so they can see the error of their ways and acknowledge your clear superiority?

>> No.1623535


>you don't take my silly space books seriously, so you're stupid!

>> No.1623537
File: 80 KB, 360x269, deal with it giovanni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem upset.

>> No.1623539


Yeah, academics who spend their lives studying fantasy books about little green men. Sci Fi is intellectual masturbation. Not literature.

>> No.1623540

u mad cuz academics do take those "silly space books" seriously and render your opinion invalid by doing so.

>> No.1623543

cool, dude, keep bein ignorant. definitely going to listen to your opinion. yep.

>> No.1623545

And they get paid to do so. Large amounts of money. And people respect them for it.

How does this make you feel?

>> No.1623549


People get paid large amounts of money for masturbating in their own shit on camera.

People get paid large amounts of money for carrying balloons full of coke in their rectum across the border.

Doesn't make either job respectable.

>> No.1623553

Man, I respect someone smuggling drugs up his ass. That takes commitment, you know? That takes desire. I respect that.

>> No.1623556

No, but it does buy those people bigger houses and nicer cars than you have. And people respect that level of success. A level you will never reach, no matter how hard you try.

>> No.1623559


So you're the same kind of person that respects some fucked up twitch with posters of Dr. Spock and Darth Vader all over his wall that through some freak accident writes about this shit for a job, making no actual contribution to society. You probably think welfare bums and homeless drunks are respectable too. Just shows how low America has fallen.

>> No.1623564

More respectable than some dopey asshole cop, or some dumbass office worker, or something like that. What's respectable about that?

>> No.1623566

Those people make more than you do and are more famous than any living author of literary fiction.

Deal with it.

>> No.1623569


Office workers and cops actually do hard honest work for a living. They actually earn their keep, and earn their respect.

>> No.1623570

Who gives a shit about earning your keep? Why is doing hard work respectable? Fuck that, they're lazy, dumb, resentful shitheads with stupid lives that they hate. To hell with the fuckers.

>> No.1623571

hahaha science fiction scholars what a joke

and science fiction degrees, lol what fucking idiot thinks paying for a college degree in sci fi is a good idea

>> No.1623572

Unlike literary critics and authors who mistakenly consider themselves to be "artists" because they write shit nobody wants to read.

>> No.1623574

>No wiki articles about them


>> No.1623576

u jelly because you will never make money writing literary fiction.

>> No.1623583


There are only like two or three people on that list that don't have wiki articles about them.
Also, I think one of the famous sci-fi scholars graduated from my university. I want to meet her one day and ask her out for lunch.

>> No.1623592

I want to get a Master's in Lit with a concentration in Sci-Fi so that one day I will be an English teacher that teaches a class in Sci Fi and Fantasy Literature.

Shit would be so cash.

>> No.1623611


two useless degrees in one

yes, i would like fries with that

>> No.1623626

>Sci Fi

You can be a scholar of it, sure, but it's not a living, it's a hobby.

>> No.1623725

What's a good work of sci-fi scholarship that one of you would recommend? The closest I've read into the subject has been "The Philosophy of The Matrix" and "The Nitpicker's Guide to Star Trek: The Next Generation"

>> No.1623883


>significant writers
>3 of them don't have wiki articles

>> No.1623917


Then go on wiki and delete the non-notable names, it's not that hard.